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GPT-4V(ision) Unsuitable for Clinical Care and Education: A Clinician-Evaluated Assessment

Another evidence that LLMs and generative "AI" in general were just overhyped and overinflated by Microsoft and others. What was sounding horrifying and threatening for the people's jobs and work positions on the one hand and on the other as a new "neverseen breakthrough" for humanity, ended up as just a product of agressive PR, the same as crypto and web 3.0 a few years back, the same as any further potential bloated promises to raise the profits and sell more exaggerated innovations.


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in reply to Roma

Not surprised. The PDF can be found here btw - I am sure the use of "AI" in science could be useful. There are some examples that if you train it on relevant data and gear towards specific goals can have good results…

But yah, the fucking hype around it is astonishing.

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio

100%, a technology is very useful, no doubts. But technicians should carefully position it as a tool that you may tune and use for your advances in specific areas and under certain circumstances, rather than overhype it to create a demand on false statements and exaggerations, to sell more copies of their "product", including medical research organizations. Take it calm, you know, like scientists do when a new theory about universe emerges, they test it first, critique, find pros and cons and etc. There's always a temptation to be overhyped, but at least in scientific community they manage somehow. And I'm not even starting my rant about how trade poisons the science.. 😆

Rokosun reshared this.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

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in reply to Roma

Also I just saw this news on TROMnews "UK gives £600m backing to Jim Ratcliffe’s ‘carbon bomb’ petrochemical plant "…

"Campaigners say Ineos project in Antwerp will turbocharge plastic production on a scale not seen before in Europe"

So yeah...what a timing....what can you say...

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio

What fuckers.. geez. And all of that together with an effort of EU to reduce usage of single-used plastics. Yeah, when big buck is in the game, an urge for profits is unstoppable..

Rokosun reshared this.

Offshoring emissions through used vehicle exports

This is why it is almost impossible to solve climate problems without entire humanity effort. There are always the poor countries to sweep those issues under their carpet, which, of course, are happy to buy a cheap shit, since nobody there can afford anything else. It is the same with the garbage and waste, by the way. But this harmful practice is completely "normal" in our society, because it is just the trade, a pillar of the economies..

We need more trade-free resources and services, which can be naturally focused on making our environment better and not making business profitable and also can be adopted by the less developed countries since it is absolutely free to use.…


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in reply to Roma

wait, are they saying they become cleaner as a nation if they (whoever tribe it is) are sending their old polluting cars to poorer countries?

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio Rokosun reshared this.

I think, the article basically says that there are tons of ways to manipulate the "reduction of the CO2 emissions" for a particular country (GB is a researched country, but there are entire regions like US, EU, Japan) by selling polluting used cars to other countries that have no proper climate change regulation standards. Which is why you cannot solve the problem by just agreeing with the "most rich countries" about some standards and thus solve the climate change. Trade opportunities will always find a way..
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to Roma

facepalm. also, not surprised. welcome to Earth folks. the trade drug made everyone addicted and insane.

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio Rokosun reshared this.

Yes, and after that some countries will report that they fixed the issue, look at our numbers 🤦‍♂️
We have one Planet ffs, we cannot keep throwing shits to the others' fans and expect the pieces of it will never return back.
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to Roma

yeah like Norway or Denmark they are so clean....unless you account for the fact that most of the shit they consume, from food to clothes, materials to their solar panels, is made in "very polluting tribes". it is like hiring criminals to kill people and then claiming that you are not killing people because you personally did not kill anyone....

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Roma

...and you're assuming that here in the EU everything is fine. I'm an #ebike rider in Portugal, where out in the countryside, there's still thousands of vehicles with defective, stolen or removed emission control mechanisms, or still legal but just pre-dating effective controls. Practically all the old farmers have them.

These drivers often have to demonstrate their frustration at having their pace on tiny roads set 5km/hr slower by a bike, meaning they /have to/ struggle past, foot to the floor benching thick black toxic-smelling smoke for kilometres. Often I have to stop, wait for the fumes to clear before proceeding.

Rokosun reshared this.

How i(mo)ronic.. 🙄


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in reply to Roma

ahahahahahahahahaha this society cannot get more retarded i swear
in reply to Tio

Yeah 😆 Unbelievably stupid

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in reply to Roma

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in reply to Tio

Basically, as long as the current model holds, I’ll use the platform it allowed me to access, to raise awareness about Linux and free software. Once it crumbles, or as it crumbles, I’ll try to adapt!

If I can’t keep doing it as a job, so be it!

Rokosun reshared this.

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
Unknown parent

I think, this is nothing wrong if people willingly prefer to pull themselves out of social interactions, to stay alone with themselves if they do not feel any need or desire to participate in those or they are simply tired (if we are not talking about social anxiety disorders and repressed feelings). The problem appears when people are open to participate and seeking for healthy relationships, but cannot find any way to do this within our rapidly changing, trade-based society, which does not care about a sanity of the environment these people have to navigate in, but about them to be healthy and operational enough to continue participate in the cycle of constant consumption and trading.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Roma

@tchambers I’m reading this, and I can’t stop thinking that building car centric cities probably plays a major role in this awful outcome

If you walk and randomly encounter somebody you know, you can easily have a chat and even a coffee or something

While you’re driving? At best you wave hands.

Walkable cities are instrumental to provide easy, cost effective human connections

This entry was edited (1 year ago)

Tim Chambers reshared this.