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in reply to Roma

Also I just saw this news on TROMnews "UK gives £600m backing to Jim Ratcliffe’s ‘carbon bomb’ petrochemical plant "…

"Campaigners say Ineos project in Antwerp will turbocharge plastic production on a scale not seen before in Europe"

So yeah...what a timing....what can you say...

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio

What fuckers.. geez. And all of that together with an effort of EU to reduce usage of single-used plastics. Yeah, when big buck is in the game, an urge for profits is unstoppable..

Alexio reshared this.

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in reply to Roma

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in reply to Tio

Basically, as long as the current model holds, I’ll use the platform it allowed me to access, to raise awareness about Linux and free software. Once it crumbles, or as it crumbles, I’ll try to adapt!

If I can’t keep doing it as a job, so be it!

Rokosun reshared this.

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
Unknown parent

I think, this is nothing wrong if people willingly prefer to pull themselves out of social interactions, to stay alone with themselves if they do not feel any need or desire to participate in those or they are simply tired (if we are not talking about social anxiety disorders and repressed feelings). The problem appears when people are open to participate and seeking for healthy relationships, but cannot find any way to do this within our rapidly changing, trade-based society, which does not care about a sanity of the environment these people have to navigate in, but about them to be healthy and operational enough to continue participate in the cycle of constant consumption and trading.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Roma

@tchambers I’m reading this, and I can’t stop thinking that building car centric cities probably plays a major role in this awful outcome

If you walk and randomly encounter somebody you know, you can easily have a chat and even a coffee or something

While you’re driving? At best you wave hands.

Walkable cities are instrumental to provide easy, cost effective human connections

This entry was edited (1 year ago)

Tim Chambers reshared this.

Rokosun reshared this.

Amazing to see what even small amount of Humans are capable of.. Yes, this is just a tiny drop in the big ocean of problems Humanity keep accumulating because of the power of trade, but on the other hand it is a GREAT "small" example of the Power of Collaboration, those you may find everywhere even in the today's world.

We could relatively easy restore the natural environment and biodiversity of our beautiful Planet, rewind back at least some of the impact of the anthropogenic intervention, if there would be more people free of the constant trading for their lifes out there. Instead of spending their precious time wasted on figuring out dull and manipulative ways to sell the shit or themselves, more and more of these people might choose to participate and would come up with ingenious ways to ACTUALLY make a difference, fullfil the Human unique potentials at its max..

#InstitutoTerra #environment #reforestation #SebastiaoSaldago #trade-free…

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in reply to Roma Rokosun reshared this.

More about the Instituto Terra non-profit organization:

Rokosun reshared this.

This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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in reply to Lorraine Lee

First time I hear that word. I cannot find any wiki article about it and to be sure I don't read some random website that has a weird interpretation of it, where can I find more about it?
in reply to Roma

in reply to Dima

The young think they can beat the #LongTail distribution, in which the median income for creatives is definitely 0, bless their sweet innocent souls. I for one choose denying myself entertainment (and in the process, I suppose, denying someone an audience) over spending discretionary $ I don't have. Rightly or wrongly, I treat it as a lesser evil than #piracy, but there are no good answers. "Intellectual" "property" is a hostage situation. Like food aid to a famine region, the local warlords have to be paid off. Or like in the ancient TV show “LA Law,” some young associate got into law because of its potential to help people, but are alarmed about the amount of billable business they have to drum up to be afforded the privilege of a little pro bono work. Whatever pro-social things are instituted are set up as negative sum games; the house always wins.
in reply to Lorraine Lee

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in reply to Dima

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