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in reply to heyokyay

Hey did you do this? Seems the positive kind of message - I'd be interested in more of this kind of message / subtle practical humour if you have...?

Go go go!!…

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Our pop-up channel for the FediVision 2024 voting period is live.

It's an alternative way you can hear the entrants if a linear format. It's on our main site below our regular channels.

Keep an eye on @announce and #Fedivision2024 for info, fun and light hearted lobbying.

To kickoff the voting period we'll have chat on for a bit as we are simulcasting our pop-up to the video/chat channel. The community will announce more hangouts fo the week.

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Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Hey everyone! I recently posted about my latest project, a universal fediverse sharing button:…

Is this something that you'd find useful for your website or blog?

#WebDevelopment #WebDesign #UXUI #fediverse #SocialMedia

EDIT: Thanks everyone for sharing and trying this out! I fixed an issue on iOS some of you might have run into, just FYI.

  • Yes, already using it! (1%, 2 votes)
  • I'll give this a try (49%, 55 votes)
  • Tried it, didn't work (3%, 4 votes)
  • I don't like the design (0%, 0 votes)
  • Too hard to use (4%, 5 votes)
  • Not useful (7%, 8 votes)
  • I don't have a website (28%, 32 votes)
  • Something else? (4%, 5 votes)
111 voters. Poll end: 3 months ago

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

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in reply to Stefan Bohacek

Cool! I think usability could be better. There's a field for the ActivityPub server, but I don't think people will know what to type in there. I'd probably rather a "Share to Fediverse" one-click button that THEN loads a page or overlay with clear instructions: "Type your Fediverse domain URL here then press Share to publish the following post on your server." Having just a server field is less likely to be understood.
in reply to Adam Lein

@Adam Thank you, and thank you for the feedback, really appreciate it!

Adding an overlay with instructions, which would then open the sharing modal might be a bit too many steps? I do like the simplicity of the current approach.

I wonder if I could maybe change the text to something like "type your server name to share with the fediverse"?

That's a bit long, so not ideal either.

in reply to Stefan Bohacek

Also, a technical side note, the reason the text is not a real label is that I'm avoiding using an ID for any of the form elements, in case someone wants to use this on a blog that uses an infinite scroll, in which case you'd end up with non-unique IDs on the same page.

Wrapping the input in a label doesn't work too well either with this layout.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Stefan Bohacek

Ah, another issue is that on mine, the placeholder doesn't appear (and neither does my typed text as it's white on white). I see in your code that there is a placeholder, so if that was visible it would probably be more obvious. Also, your aria-label attribute is set to "Amount (to the nearest dollar)" for that field. Minor minor bugs.
in reply to Adam Lein

@Adam Ah, yes, that was already fixed in the code snippet and on the demo page, but on my personal site I had the old code, thank you for catching that!

And I fixed the colors when dark mode is applied, that's what was causing the colors not work right. Thank you so much!

in reply to Stefan Bohacek

Yeah, that wording sounds a lot better. Plus the darkmode fix probably will make it much more obvious. Nice!
in reply to Stefan Bohacek

Thanks everyone for voting and sharing!

If you do add this to your site, please reach out!

I'd love to hear about your experience, what worked well, and what can be improved.

Either here, or

Thank you!

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.


Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Craving for rocks with peculiar shapes? Mars will not disappoint.

Shot yesterday by the Curiosity rover

May 17, 2024 - Sol 4187
Credit images: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/fredk

#Curiosity #Mars #Sol4187 #rover #CuriosityRover #space #Martian #rock #rocks #photography #science #STEM #Astrodon

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Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Hey everyone! I don't typically ask for donations for my work, but if you do enjoy any of it, I would appreciate you starring this GitHub repo.…

Thank you!

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Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Derelict satellites pass within 1,000 kilometers of each other 1,000 times a year, and any collision would instantly double the amount of space debris. A space rush is filling up orbit with unregulated satellites, mostly from private companies, and we need better protections…

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Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

I'm prototyping a fediverse sharing button. Anyone interested in giving it a try?

Feature highlights:

- shows a logo of supported fediverse software
- lets you share selected text
- remembers the last fediverse domain used

Demo: fediverse-share-button.stefanb…

#fediverse #FediverseSharingButton

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

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in reply to Stefan Bohacek

I got server can’t be found. You put the URL in the 2nd little box, right?
in reply to MoiraEve

@MoiraEve Yep, that's correct. Are you just putting in The https is not needed.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Another record warm month - April 2024

🟥 warmer than average
🟦 colder than average

Overall, the average April global air temperature was +1.32°C above 1951-1980 climate baseline (+1.60°C above the 1880-1920 baseline). Data code:…

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

in reply to Zack Labe

Wow. Look at Austria and the surrounding areas! Very bad!

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Still rising...

Graphic from…

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Unknown parent

Zack Labe
@Nigel_Purchase This dataset is not available before 1940, and therefore it is uncertain to approximate the pre-industrial baseline here.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

An Eastern Bluebird came by today. I couldn’t get a very good picture of him, but he was so bright!

Eastern bluebirds are social, and will sometimes gather in flocks of over a hundred.

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

Forcing people to use Facebook (or other proprietary monopolistic corporations) to get updates on essential services should be illegal.
Luckily I'm offgrid and so I'm just looking as a tourist but the point stands. Grrrrrrrrrr.

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in reply to Niall in Raglan :laserkiwi:

> Forcing people to use Facebook (or other proprietary monopolistic corporations) to get updates on essential services should be illegal

100%. See my recent quote from a post on public service use of the fediverse;…

"So here is a call from the NZOSS to the New Zealand Government to set up a Government centric Mastodon instance to provide a conduit for Agencies, Departments, Entities, Schools, Councils, DHB's and any other central or local government organisation to disseminate pertinent information in real time."

#CarlKlitscher, May 2022

#Aotearoa #NZ #GovernmentIT

in reply to Niall in Raglan :laserkiwi:

> Have you had any engagement?

Not as far as I know.

As an aside, I'm part of a new co-op working on a fediverse hosting service. Part of our goal is giving public service entities (governmental or otherwise) a way to create their own fediverse presence, at a predictable cost, with no new work for existing staff.…

in reply to Strypey

I'm part of a new co-op working on a fediverse hosting service. Part of our goal is giving public service entities (governmental or otherwise) a way to create their own fediverse presence, at a predictable cost, with no new work for existing staff.…

#BridgeSeat #fediverse #PublicService
