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Managed to capture the Milky Way "core" last night, for the first time :)

Made an 8 hours timelapse as well :). Will be part of a future video for our TROMhome channel -…

All with a Pixel 4a with CalyxOS, gave to me for free by @aaron :)

#astrophotography #nightsky #sky #milkyway #galaxy #nature #calyxos #pixel

in reply to aaron

Thanks @aaron - I am trying to value the phone you gave me as much as possible. Thanks for that! :)

We took some cool photos tonight :)

We will make a video about this for our TROMhome channel - . You can subscribe to get updates :)

Do you see Jupiter? :)

#astrophotography #nightsky #stars #astro #jupiter

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Moon and Mars. A few hours ago :)

With a Pixel 4a and a Celestron SLT 130 telescope. Nothing fancy.

#astrophotography #nightsky #mars #moon #sky #astro

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Went to a darkish place in Romania, took a few photos :)

Many bad things to say about Romania, but the nature here is likely amazing. Fucked up society, wonderful world :)

#nightsky #astrophotography #telescope #nature

Am I Alone ?…

More timelapses I did with my Pixel 4a. I wonder, at times, am I alone?

#astrophography #nightsky #sky #timelapse #nature #telescope

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The Moon an hour ago:

Celestron SLT 130 + Pixel 4a

#moon #astrophography #nightsky #fullmoon

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The Moon and Jupiter tonight:

The image is a composite - I took separate photos for each with the telescope and the phone. The original photo looks something like this through the binoculars:

But you can zoom into the first photo and you can even see Jupiter's moons :)

#astrophotography #nature #moon #jupiter #nightsky #photography #pixel4a

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This photo looks fake, but it is not, and it is taken with a mobile phone. Plus I did no editing:

These are the islands where I live, and the wonderful night sky. You can see the Pleiades in the left top side, and that bright one top center is Jupiter:

4 minutes exposure with Pixel 4A.

#nightsky #astrophotography #nature #islands #photos

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