These days I will start to post snippets from TROM II on our Peertube and auto-reshare on our TROM Friendica page. There are around 50 such snippets and are all relevant.
I was planing to do this for some time.
Let's see if anyone wants to help out to share them on ytb and fb too, just in case... But I will not touch those platforms. We still have some legacy TROM accounts there that are not quite managed/updated but let's see...
I will do as much as I can by myself, however I need help to do more than I currently do. I do not have several heads with brains, and multiple arms....
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If you use our Friendica instance you will see older posts popping up in your newsfeed - it is because the 300.000 or so unfinished "jobs" in the queue are finally dealt with by our system after the latest Friendica update. In a sense that's great since I was wondering what can we do about those, why can't our system "finish" those jobs. And by jobs I mean things like getting the posts from that friend, getting the updates from the other, etc..
Soon (perhaps today or tomorrow) all should go back to normal and our Friendica should work better in that regards.
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I am working on the new themes for our Friendica. From scratch and this time with the least amount of changes so that they will be compatible with future changes to the core friendica theme. And I will share these ones with the Friendica devs maybe they wanna include them in the official Friendica release or get inspired idk.
I think I will be done with them in a day or two.
So for now the friendica update went well. All seems to work. Except that I see a ton of processes in the queue...
The old issues....will have to check these days in more detail. I hope Friendica won't collapse because of that 😄
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I see that now the Friendica YNH package has finally added the Daemon feature I was waiting for for so long -… - thanks to OniriCorpe for the amazing work! These days I will give it a shot and see how it goes. I will have to redo our Friendica themes customizations and such, but that was a must needed work since the themes I created were a mess in terms of the CSS code, and Friendica seems to have improved their default themes a lot.
Anyway, these days is about some WebApe work, TROMjaro new ISO release today, Friendica update. Continuing my work.
GitHub - YunoHost-Apps/friendica_ynh: Friendica package for YunoHost
Friendica package for YunoHost. Contribute to YunoHost-Apps/friendica_ynh development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
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TROMnews News is a bit overwhelming now, and I am going to try and fix it these days. I will try to add the news into categories such as health, tech, science, environment, so it is easier for people to follow the news. Now we get tens of news a day....overwhelming.
Monday I have the written driving exam, so today and tomorrow I am preparing more. I fuck hope I'll pass it. I learned a lot and out of the online tests they gave me I have passed more than 90% of them. Thousands and thousands of let's see. Considering the deplorable state of the english translation for these tests, I may fail it....
I want to start a video series but first I need to see how's with the riving exam on Monday....
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Telemarketers - really good documentary.… - and such a crazy ride. Another example of how this trade-system makes us all scumbags.
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Rokosun reshared this.
This is just inhumane..... There is no other way to describe it and I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Often times when people bring up issues regarding racism and such I've never seen many of them mention this one, maybe there needs to be more awareness about this issue 'cause it's an important one.
cc: @aral
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TROMjaro 2024.01.07 (and a longish article)… - improvements to our Layout Switcher thanks to @Rokosun and new default apps ;)
#tromstuff #linux #foss #opensource #arch
TROMjaro 2024.01.07 (and a longish article :) )
TROMjaro Layout Switcher revamp In this release we are bringing the new TROMjaro Layout Switcher. @rokosun rewrote the entire application in the Nim programming language with use of owlkettle library for GTK.TROMjaro Forum
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sudo pamac upgrade
gave me the updated Layout Switcher, but nothing else covered in your article.
This is a rolling release so no need to upgrade to any new version, you'll get the right updates directly to your system. The other changes are not that important I'd say and can be easily done by anyone who reads the release notes. Like in this release we replaced some default apps and I linked to the ones that we replaced so you can simply install them. But that's all.
So I replaced SMplayer with Celluloid, Gnome Usage with Resources, GUV with Cameractrls, and qTox with Jami. It is very very rare that we replace our default apps. So no, you do not have to do anything other than keeping your system updated and install whatever apps you want form the ones we replaced.
Alexio likes this.
Here's a GPT AI that is trade-free and runs on your local machine - could be useful ;) #tromstuff
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aaron reshared this.
(found you sent it to me in Element when was about to send you a voice message)
but it doesnt seem to work so good..
couldnt submit because of some error.
Tio likes this.
Tomorrow at 21:00 Madrid time I will do a TROMcast live. A few hours of streaming, about what we did this year, some personal updates, plus what are my/our plans for the next year. ;) - I will share the live Peertube link tomorrow.
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I think on the 30st this month I will do a long livestream for TROM to explain some stuff about the future of this project, my plans, etc.. And to try and get more people to join our 200 for TROM if possible -
I will announce the exact hour these days. ;)
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Here's a very cool documentary… - a massive research center on the ice. 10 years of preparations, scientists from all around the world. No competition, no bullshit. Pure science. Explorers. Thinkers.
That's how we all should be. To go explore, discover, solve problems.
Unfortunately they were there to research the impact that humans have on the this is not about exploring as much as it is about figuring out how fucked we are when it comes to the changes in climate.
Anyway, this is a great documentary to also showcase the potential that humans have to organize themselves and do a lot of important work, regardless of the tribe they were born into.
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@PeerTube we have released our documentary exclusively on Peertube and only there, in June. It is 5 hours long, 4 parts, and we worked 3 years to make it. Here it is…
Please consider adding it to your… website as a showcase of original Peertube releases if you think it is worth it. We have it subtitled in a few languages already and it is basically about why the bad things that happen in the world (where do they originate from), but also about how we could maybe change that. It is about open source, volunteers, and overall treating people as humans and helping them. To help each other.
Please consider it and maybe our instance too - - dedicated to science/technology/activism.
TROM II: A Message to the Aliens (documentary)
We live in a world where everyone is busy, everyone is consumed, everyone seems confused. Money, social credits, ads, data collection, prices and
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Adam ruins the social networks conversation
Why We’re Still Trapped on Twitter
It's no secret that Elon Musk has absolutely tanked Twitter, so why haven't we all left? Despite the site becoming an apocalyptic hellscape, there's a surpri...YouTube
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in reply to Tio • •