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Motorhome is DONE part 1: Security Systems -…

We finished renovating our motorhome and we want to present it in detail. In this first part we are showcasing what security measures we have taken to protect thieves from stealing our motorhome, or even breaking in.

We added a device to disconnect the car battery, a steering wheel lock, even some straps to lock the doors together.

#motorhome #vanlife #camper #spain #securitysystems

Motorhome is DONE part 1: Security Systems

We finished renovating our motorhome and we want to present it in detail. In this first part we are showcasing what security measures we have taken to protect thieves from stealing our motorhome, or even breaking in.

We added a device to disconnect the car battery, a steering wheel lock, even some straps to lock the doors together.

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Relaxing at the river and getting a new carpet -…

Just a relaxing day at the river. Nice, cozy, calm. Nature 😃. We've also bought a big carpet to put in the motorhome to make it cozy and keep it clean.

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#motorhome #travel #camper #vanlife #tromhome

Relaxing at the river and getting a new carpet

Just a relaxing day at the river. Nice, cozy, calm. Nature :). We've also bought a big carpet to put in the motorhome to make it cozy and keep it clean.

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We made a huge hole in the motorhome to put a fan in the bathroom. -…

Well, it went exactly as wrong as we were fearing. Very bad! But we managed to fix it. And we broke our second electric tool while doing this.

Putting an extraction fan in the bathroom is really a must!

#tromhome #motorhome #vanlife #spain #camper #peertube

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I think if I'd live 678 years I would never get bored and I would have new projects to do all the time. I feel like I want to do a lot. And I do a lot every day, but the days are too short for my motivation and drive. The weeks, the months, are flying by so fast. The years, still more ahead than behind, but soon they will balance, and then you'll ride the ones ahead. But it's all about making the best of this ride, even tho too short.

This year we have a motorhome, very little money, and a lot of plans.

Make sure you follow us on Peertube… - we will go chase the darkest skies in Spain, meet with some wonderful friends from the project, volunteer, and do a lot.

#trom #tromsite #motorhome #spain #vanlife #exploring #nature #tromhome

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We replaced all of the windows' blinds with new ones -…

We decided that replacing all of the windows' blinds is quite a must from a privacy and security perspective. And it was not too difficult to put the new ones. This may be a useful video for those who want to do this for their own motorhome.

#motorhome #vanlife #spain #camper #travel #peertube

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We had to replace our shower too. And we found more water damage....…

Another bad surprise but in the end we managed to put a much better shower and hopefully stop the water infiltration. See the ROBO PENIS we made! 😃

#tromhome #motorhome #spain #vanlife

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We took out the cassette toilet and found rotten wood :/…

We will explain why we decide to go for a "dry" toilet instead of a cassette one in another video, but taking this toilet out revealed the nightmare for motorhomers: rotten wood. Water infiltration. But we fixed it! 😃

#motorhome #spain #van #vanlife #toilet :)

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Finally! This is our new home....the TROMhome :) - a 5.5 meters long motorhome -…

#camper #motorhome #van #vanlife #spain

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in reply to Tio

Looks very nice and in good condition !
Congrats, and have a wonderful adventures !


This is our new, and kinda personal, project

Although it is also about TROM.

This will be our home and it will take us to many new places, meeting many new people and projects. We will talk to people about TROM, try to organize talks and meetings, volunteer for all sorts of trade-free projects, and make videos about all of our adventures.

That’s the plan at least 😀 !

We have released a fundraiser to help us a bit if possible. See…

#motorhome #vanlife #fundraiser #trom #tromsite #volunteer #volunteering

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We are already seeing some motorhomes :D - they are very expensive for our budget, but we will buy one, one way or another. Move there, call it TROMhome, travel, make videos, continue the work on TROM, meet more people, go to events, spread the word.

I will also do a donation campaign for the motorhome in case anyone wants to help out :D. Mind you we do a lot of free stuff so any help to buy a motorhome, is a help to allow us to maintain these projects and do more of them.

Campaign: end of the next month.
Motorhome: maybe end of this year or sooner. I hope.
TROMhome Peertube Exclusive video series :D : maybe starting next month. I would like to take you on our adventure even before we buy the motorhome. Could be interesting.
New TROM stuff? I hope in parallel to start to publish some new books/articles starting next month- I hope!

#motorhome #trom #vanlife

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