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TROM II: Money made us crazy…

#capitalism #money #trade #TradeRuinsEverything #rich

TROM II: Money made us crazy

Watch the entire documentary here -…

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I for one started to care more when my videos started to be banned on those platforms, alongside some of my posts. Videos and posts that were educational and I never made any money off of them. So I, being hurt, started to care more about using other platforms. Thus, pain. That combined with my understanding about how these platforms like ytb, twitter, fb and the like operate, that they are in fact businesses/markets and not "networks".

So I think that's one way for people to start to care about changing some of their digital habits: to be extremely pissed off at those platforms, while at the same time have some curiosity to try something different.

It is very difficult, but from my experience what works is to be an example. I moved and gave no fucks about the other platforms so if anyone wanted to follow our TROM project or me, they had no choice but to move too. I made a bunch of people switch to these other alternatives.

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The plastic industry knowingly pushed recycling myth for decades, new report finds…

Of must be very skeptical when the companies producing plastic are so keen about "recycling". Of course they like these programs even if they do not work (which is the case today) since it allows them to produce more plastic and make more profits.

Recycling is only relevant when there is not a huge incentive to produce waste in the first place.

#TradeRuinsEverything #capitalism #recycle #recycling #greenwashing

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