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This Lake Looked Perfect... Then I Went Underwater...…

@Dima continues to be brave to act. Maybe he will inspire some of you! Great job Dima! And yes, shocking to see how much garbage is hidden beneath the water...

#environment #pollution #diving #plastic #waste

Roma reshared this.

TROM II: The insane amount of e-waste -…

If you imagine a pile of ewaste the size of a cruise ship, how many of these do you think we throw away every single year, globally?

#waste #ewaste #pollution #capitalism #trade #TradeRuinsEverything

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in reply to TROM

Can you provide the sources of the statistics please?
in reply to Cyberman

For sure. All sources are at… but here is the exact one you may be looking for… - scroll down to sources.
in reply to Tio

@tio @whattimeislove
Then presumably

IPCC says we are fucked

in reply to TROM…

>Outgoing special rapporteur David Boyd says ‘there’s something wrong with our brains that we can’t understand how grave this is’

Alexio reshared this.

TROM II: The Climate Report…

#climatechange #climate #capitalism #trade #pollution #co2 #un

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Roma reshared this.

TROM II: Mountains of Waste…

#waste #pollution #climatechange #ewaste #capitalism #trade #TradeRuinsEverything

TROM II: Mountains of Waste

Watch the entire documentary here -…

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