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This man is asking to be killed (assisted suicide) because he will be kicked out of his home and he does not want to end up being homeless and sick -

Just a news from planet Earth where the "only" intelligent species in the Universe lives. Where they, humans, have so much shit (cars and toys, electronics and houses, food and clothes) that they create mountains of waste out of them. And yet, many people suffer on a daily basis because these "intelligent" humans do not realize that they are merely a more advanced species of ants who work all day, but never wonder for what. They trade trade trade....and that's all they do. They are blinded by the fantasy of their system that they themselves created and it is now obsolete.

We can provide for everyone with a decent life, trade-free. Now. Today. Not tomorrow.

#TradeRuinsEverything #assistedsuicide #capitalism #money #trade #slavery #poverty #homelesness

in reply to TROM

Yes, they are blinded by the fantasy but we will keep taking veils, opening minds, lending hands and giving hugs when possible :)
in reply to TROM

There is no Sign of Intelligent Life on Earth 😔
edit: mainly I'm talking about The System we have built.
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

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TROM II: All we do is trade. Primitive. Obsolete. -

Watch the entire documentary here -

Our society is based on trade, and that's all it is really. A primitive practice that creates a lot of misery for all of us.

#trade #capitalism #work #jobs #slave #slavery #1may

TROM II: All we do is trade. Primitive. Obsolete.

Watch the entire documentary here -

Our society is based on trade, and that's all it is really. A primitive practice that creates a lot of misery for all of us.

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