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Thank you Juan for becoming our new supporter for 200 for TROM campaign! - If this campaign reaches its goal then TROM will be sustainable, kinda forever. It will allow us to run the so many projects/services for a while, without stressing over the money situation.

Help if you can. Spread if you can. Thanks!

Everything we do is trade-free. So the only way to support TROM is through volunteer donations.

#trom #trade-free #tromsite #foss

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Huge thanks to Raffael for the 120 Euros donation to TROM! Much much appreciated! We still accept one time donations despite our 200 for TROM campaign where we basically only accept 5 Euros a month donations. The one time donations are still available at the bottom of the campaign page and will always be made public.

#support #help #trom #tromsite #foss

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TROM II: How I started TROM

#trom #capitalism #trade #documentary

TROM II: How I started TROM

Watch the entire documentary here -

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Big thanks to those who support our 200 for TROM donation campaign - there are 44 people donating 5 Euros a month and we need 200 in total. We provide a lot of materials and tools - see the donation page. Your support allows us to keep these alive and relevant, and if enough support to continue to produce more.

Remember, among many things, we provide a video platform with unlimited uploads for anyone, a file hosting platform with 10GB of storage for any user that registers, a social network and a chat platform. Also a Linux Operating System. A lot, and for everyone. So please, consider donating 5 Euros a month if you can. It is the only amount we accept.

Thank you!


#opensource #foss #fediverse #help #donation #campaign #free #trade-free #tradefree #tromlive

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Support Small Technology Foundation , @Framasoft , @trom the true builders and alternative providers for ethical privacy tech/software.

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