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We have updated our Peertube to version 7! Lots of cool stuff - read more here.

But the most important for us is the visual aspect. Now we are using the main and default and much improved Peertube themes (Dark/Light) with very very minimal changes (maybe 5 lines of CSS).

No more broken UI, no more being unable to have a proper dark theme, no headaches with every Peertube updated. They have made an awesome theme and we will go with that.

We need to promote this platform more often and I ask people to try and be a bit more brave ;) and prioritize Peertube. Post there like we do. Sure you may get less views, but you are growing a trade-free (saner) platform, and thus saner minds that do not have to be exposed to the tsunami of ads that Youtube infects every viewer with.

Congrats @PeerTube for doing an amazing job!

#peertube #youtube #videos #video #trom #tromsite #tromtf #trade-free

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in reply to Tio

@Tio not sure; but I tried also to set the browser's user agent to imitate firefox and it still didn't work, so it may just require more up-to-date web tech.
in reply to hosh

hm ok....I see what you mean

Maybe the people from @PeerTube have an answer.

TROM Send is back! This time we are using Jirafeau instead of Lufi. It is simpler and easier to use. Encrypted and up to 10GB of file sharing. Enjoy! :)

#filesharing #share #trom #tromtf

reshared this server updated to the latest Yunohost and Debian. However our Matrix server is currently not working, probably lots of database migrations are still on the way. Hopefully in a few hours it should work, if not there is some work to do to fix it.

TROM Send is not working - will see what can be done about that. For now it has been removed.

And we have removed our Pixelfed instance. It was setup for testing purposes and I, Tio do not have time to manage it. Plus the YNH package is not very up to date. Lastly, we are running very low on diskspace for so we need to only keep relevant and useful services.

If in the future someone from TROM wants to manage a Pixelfed instance we can fire one up ;).

There is a lot of work for TROM behind the scenes, so you know!

#trom #tromsite #tromtf #trade-free

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in reply to TROM

Troubleshooting, troubleshooting, troubleshooting..... It is always more work than you think, programming is hard and all but testing and troubleshooting is what actually takes up a lot of time, it drives me mad sometimes. So yeah, I imagine the "behind the scenes" work on managing TROM is harder than people think.

Customized our TROM RSS theme and fixed our TROM Social login-theme for mobile ;)

One day we will make a short video presentation for each of our services. Until then, feel free to use them all - trade-free!

#trade-free #tromtf #tromsite

reshared this

After many months we are bringing back our Search! thanks to Danny!

But with a twist. Instead of hosting a SearX instance we are using a script that checks the best and most reliable instances and uses them randomly for every search. It is a meta-search engine. This way we make sure it is reliable and our IP will never get blocked by google and the rest.

For those who do not know, SearX is itself a sort of meta-search engine, pulling results from google, DDG, yahoo and more, removing the ads and trackers, and basically allowing you to search without those viruses.

So, we are finally back!

To add it to Firefox simply right click the URL after the page loads, and then add the TROM Search as a search engine. From Firefox's settings make sure you select it to be as default for your browser.

#searx #searxng #search #foss #opensource #tromtf #trom

in reply to gnate

We have tested it on mobile/desktop with Firefox and other browsers based on it, and browsers based on chromium such as Cromite. All works fine.
in reply to Tio

Works very well, after allowing cross-domain XMLHttpRequests.

