Fact Check: Patriots' Coach Bill Belichick Fired an Anthem Kneeler: 'Not On My Field'?
"Belichick's justification was clear and succinct: 'No anthem kneeling on my field,'" according to SpaceXMania.com.
#DefundthePolice #AutodefenseProletarienne #Marche23septembre
Union Communiste Libertaire 37 likes this.
For the past days I worked on optimizing the Synapse (Matrix) database. Pain in the rear-end. I managed to reduce it from some 300 GB to around 100 GB. Still insane how huge the database is. idk if I can do more...
Now I will try to optimize the Friendica database and start the move to the new servers, little by little. A lot of work ahead.....
like this
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I've spent few weeks in Faroe Islands volunteering and learning about the Grindadrap tradition.
Which is obsolete in modern society and should be banned and forgotten. But it's not happening.
What can we do and if there is a chance to change it?I am very grateful for organizations which are there on a ground trying to protect pilot whales and Atlantic white sided dolphins. Bunch of brave people acting when politicians and governments keeping quiet.
To support, donate, volunteer and find more information : paulwatsonfoundation.uk
@captainpaulwatsonfoundationukMy music video with the sounds of pilot whales : youtu.be/_fz9jwHPanU?si=jSoCIV…
00:00 Intro
01:10 What is Grindadrap?
01:51 Life as a volunteer
03:47 Pilot whales hunt
05:15 What happens after
06:18 How this is even possible?
07:34 What can you do?
08:56 Bottlenose Whales#grind #dolphins #visitfaroeislands
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Use TROMjaro we even have an ads and tracker blocker system wide, thanks to @TBlock so even when Linux distros will start to insert ads, because some will in the future I am sure, then you'll be protected against this bullshit.
The trade-free app of the day:HOME
A Trade-Free operating system based on Manjaro Linux Designed for your brain, but you can install it on a computer.No more ads and trackers consuming you, no ‘free’ trials, noContinue readingHOME
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The ZDay experience --- tiotrom.com/2023/09/the-zday-e…
NEW BLOG POST:The ZDay experience
Read it on my website (recommended):
Or read it here:
ZDay, also known as The Zeitgeist Day, is an annual event organized by The Zeitgeist Movement (TZM) for the past many years. For those unfamiliar, TZM started as the activism arm of The Venus Project back in 2008 I think.
Anyway, they were making these annual events where they would invite all sorts of people to give talks, mostly those active within the movement. Some talks were very interesting, some boring, a few very weird 🙂 . But overall I was always interested in this ZDay and I would watch it either live or the recordings. At least some of the interesting ones (in my view).
For the past few years I tried to get myself into these ZDay evens to present TROM. I was close to get to the Frankfurt one a few years back, but they had no more available spaces for my presentation. A few months ago I’ve red that there is a new ZDay coming in Prague, and it would be the last one because TZM wants to decentralize the movement. So, being the last one, combined with the fact that one of my best TROM friends lives in Prague,
I said that now is the time for me to invite myself to ZDay :). And make sure I go there!
I sent some 2-3 emails but got no reply. After a few weeks someone got back to me and told me that they are aware of TROM and they would like to have me there.
You see I always kept myself active with TROM, but I was never invited anywhere to present it. Maybe it is because before 2018 I was not willing to do these sort of things at all, and I would not put myself out there. But also because I am not on Facebook, Whatsapp, Telegram, Discord and all of these trade-based platforms where most activists hang out, so I did not make friends/contacts with any of them really. And I get the feeling that this is how you get into these events.
Anyway, excited to go. I had a month to prepare but I worked more than half of the month on a new big release of TROMjaro. So I had around 2 weeks left to come up with a presentation. We do so much at TROM that it is insane to try and present it all in 30-40 minutes, the time they would give me for my talk. So I had to come up with a more unique way of presenting it.
It was my first time using LibreOffice Presentation so it took a few days to get used to it, but then I LOVED it! You can easily animate stuff, create shapes, paste images, do it all!
My talk would be called: How to Grow a Saner Society. A Lifetime Adventure!
I wanted to keep it more positive and focused on our trade-free approach. I figured that the people who were familiar with TZM are already over-saturated with the “how bad this society is” and want to hear something new. Like what we can do about it.
I bought a wireless presentation remote controller and I practiced the presentation. I was quite happy with it. Sasha and Georgi were my test subjects and they seemed to love it. That was encouraging.
I bought the tickets to Prague – expensive as fuck – and put everything I needed into one small backpack. Let me say that I LOVE the fact that now I have a proper laptop, thanks to Roma and Gui mostly who donated enough money for the campaign to buy me a new laptop. It helps a fuck ton because I do a lot on the laptop and to be able to carry it with me was a must. It is thin, metal, powerful, lots of storage, but big enough so I do not even need an external screen to do my work most of the time.
See how happy I am because of this laptop? 🙂
All I need is my 18-buttons mouse and I am all set:
Now I can go. I have control over all of the TROM projects thanks to the laptop and my mouse 😉
The TROM Crew!
Roma was about to host me for the entire stay, and I decided to stay for 13 days or so. Aaron, who lives in Dresden (2h away from Prague with the bus/train) would join too. But also Vicky and Rafa from Spain who came to support me, us, everyone :). I was so happy that we had a part of the TROM Crew for the ZDay!
These people are so nice, and calm, and friendly. They are family! I don’t say it lightly.
We spent the next day together and it was relaxing. That’s the OK sign for when you dive! So you know 😉
Roma hosted me like I was a king or something. Everything was so neat at his place, and clean, and organized.
He even gave me his own big room and he slept on a mattress in the livingroom. You know I am not the best when it comes to go visit people and places. I would say I may be the worst. Even when I was a kid I never “slept over” to any of my friends’ places, because I feel uncomfortable. I get very easily bothered if I do not have my own kind of comfort. I struggle with the sleep (light burns me alive and I go to sleep early in the morning so if the room is not very dark the vampire in me will suffer a lot); I also struggle with eating….You know actually there are 3 essential things that put a huge toll on my life: eat, sleep, and shit. 🙂
I have a lot of digestive issues so I can only eat a few kinds of foods. Therefore I am always stressed about what I am going to eat. I need those specific foods! And because of that, the other side of the coin colon has to struggle to deliver. Ok. I’ll stop here, but these normal things are very abnormal for me and are stressful. Combine that with the fact that I struggle to fall asleep and keep myself asleep….and you get a clusterfuck of daily issues.
Is it clear now that I need my own comfort and control over my daily life?!
Ok. So basically Roma hosted me in a way that I felt at home. And this is quite an achievement I would say. His apartment was so nice I wouldn’t mind to sleep in the living-room on his NEW mattress that is better than my bed at home! But he insisted to give me his room.
I was happy and relaxed:
Thank you Roma, you are the best human I swear! 🙂
Ok. Time for ZDay!
We went to the venue and I thought we would see a bunch of people outside waiting. But it was no one. I was told that some 40 people reserved a seat weeks ago and that they were reserving more. That there are some 100 seats available and I think I’ve heard that they were all booked before the event.
Anyway, I was expecting to see some people outside. One guy came to us and recognized that we were from TROM. That was nice. Likely our TROM “handprint” tshirts were a clue :).
We went inside and we saw a few people. The venue was very nice. I recognized some of the people. They were all very nice! We were in!
The venue was a lot smaller than I thought:
But very neat and well organized. They even had super tasty foods there:
I wish I could fucking eat some!
Mind you everything was free there, no one paid anything. These guys organized it all from their own money and donations. So kudos to them it was a super nice place.
They even had live translations with live-human-flesh-and-meat translators. They gave us individual headphones:
Am telling you they were very well organized. Well, almost.
The first hurdle was that they had a Widows laptop that was the main machine streaming the presentations to the projector, and my presentation was made in LibreOffice (LO). So it was not working…we had to install LO, then a font, then test a bit to make it work. I told them I will use LO weeks before the event, and I was told that “This should not be a problem. All of the computers will be running Linux to my knowledge.” – Well it was fine eventually. But I was a bit surprised.
I was also surprised that they did not have a remote controller for the presentation. Luckily I brought mine and everyone would eventually use it. Without one how are you going to present? Using the laptop arrow keys?…
But don’t get me wrong, these are small details. Everything else was great there. Super duper nice and organized.
At one point this guy approached me and he told me that he translated the TROM II documentary into Polish. He was “Jaro”, or “Jaromatrix”? That’s how I know him from the TROM Chats.
It was so cool to see someone in person who was part of our chats for some months now, if not longer. Such a nice guy! He wanted for us to talk more, but it was a bit too chaotic and busy for me, so we didn’t get to spend too much time together. Thank you man for coming and I hope to meet you again!
We had some interesting discussions before the event started:
I was very surprised to see Zach and Arjang. I was aware of their youtube channels because I added them to our TROM Curated Videos a few months ago. Zach is part of this Moneyless Society project, and Arjang has his own Beyond Capitalism channel. They did not present at ZDay because there was no more space, but we got to talk a bit. Interesting people!
Ok, and so it started!
There were not many people, but it was still exciting.
The issue with languages!
The entire presentation and the talks were in Czech. Only I did the talk in English. Most people in the audience did not understand Czech. So for the first 3 talks that were in Czech, we had to wear these headphones and listen to the live english translations:
And it was….well….not fun! It was really difficult to focus on the presentation and listen to them. It is difficult to do live translations let’s be honest. Plus the speakers had a few slides mostly with text, in Czech, so it was basically impossible for me or anyone I talked to, to understand the talks…. It is unfortunate that we do not speak a common language and have to struggle so much.
I appreciate very much the effort, honestly, however for us it was impossible to make sense of the presentations. I think one presentation was about a sort of credit-trade-system, and one about permaculture, but as I said it was impossible to get much out of them.
The problem with the recording.
30 people seeing my talk is very good, but it would be a shame not to record and share it with hundreds or thousands of people online. So having the recording of my talk was paramount for me.
We decided on the spot that perhaps it is a good idea for us to film too. Roma had a camera and a tripod and I am so happy that we took that decision!
You see, I asked beforehand the organizers if they would film and make the recordings available for us too. They said that of course they will. However when we were there they would stream with an ipad that was either in one corner or moving around, and Zach was also filming at times. But it didn’t look to me like they had that very organized. I later was told that the streaming was in Czech, even mine…so for those who wanted to watch the livestream (probably the vast majority of people) it was not watchable.
Look, I understand that the event was held in the Czech Republic, and some Czech people do not understand English, but I think it would have been good to stream it in English honestly. But anyway, the streaming quality was not great for later use anyway.
Zach also filmed but for one he did so more dynamically, and he would move around quite a bit. And so he will not capture my slides many times. Tthe way that I made my presentation was to rely on the slides, make it fun, animated, interesting, funny at times. Without the slides it does not make sense. Zach also filmed with a camera in RAW format, a format that I think it is proprietary (.braw). Some 150GB in size for less than an hour of footage. Plus because it is RAW you get a washed out video that needs color grading/editing. This made it nearly impossible for us to share these files and edit them. I can’t even play these files in Linux without their proprietary/licensed codec. To edit I had to install the trade-based Davinci Resolve video editor, the editor made by the same company that made the camera that Zach was using. And the recording from Zach was missing a few bits here and there.
Look, call me crazy but I think it is insane to make the digital media so enormous. 4k, 8k, raw and whatever K, in my mind they make no sense, unless you are BBC filming a nature documentary all around the world and presenting it on large screens in cinemas… I am not trying to be mean, and Zach if you read this post please be open minded and do not take it personally. We need to be mindful about the fact that the digital too has a real impact on resources: pollution, waste. You know you have to store large files on physical hardware, and transport, and download, and backup. Energy consumption, manufacturing, waste. Multiply with billions of times and you get a massive impact. Plus it is impractical, especially when these formats are locked-down.
Anyway. Zach was very patient and shared with us the files.
He also recorded the audio from a stage mic, separate form the one we were holding for the presentations. Because of that it recorded with a lot of echo. The audio was attached to the videos so it was again difficult to deal with them because you had to, well, extract the audio from those super massive-in-size videos.
Therefore we were left with Roma’s recording, with the mic from the camera itself. As you may imagine, a lot of echo and background noise. I really wanted to take my lavmic with me, but I was SURE they will record directly from the presentation mic itself….
I wanted to give you all of these details because the presentation that you will see has a bad audio…and we really tried to improve it but it is kinda impossible to make it sound well. I worked for the past weeks on this ZDay presentation and that’s only because I had to deal with the above issues. Else I would have made this article a lot sooner.
Basically we ended up with two presentations. One from Roma’s camera: video and audio. And one a mix between Roma’s and Zach’s footage and recordings. Whatever you like best….
Here I am on the stage:
I was not nervous really. People were asking me about that. It is because I know what I want to say and the things I was presenting are important and real. For me this is not a presentation, it is me talking to people about some really fucking important things! Why would I be nervous?
Ok here’s the Roma-based presentation:
And this is the Roma-Zach-based presentation:
I think the analogy with evolution works wonders. And it gives people a great visual of all that we are trying to say and achieve. It worked out a lot better than I expected. I thought about this analogy while we were recording for TROM II, but I didn’t include it in the documentary because it was a spontaneous thing and not so well thought as this presentation. In a way I think this presentation is a very well explanation of what we do at TROM. Maybe the best and shortest presentation about TROM.
It seems that many people really liked it. So that was super fantastic.
After my presentation there were a few video remote presentations. Basically pre-recorded videos that we would watch. I want to briefly mention this one about Humania. I’ve heard about this project a month before ZDay. Now, I cannot show you the presentation because where can I find it? But I was aware of them presenting this project before I went to Prague. Someone even sent me their slides. I looked over the project and I want to say a few things. For one I am quite sure that the people behind it are good people. One of them, Ziad, is someone I worked with on TROM for several years. I was so surprised to see him involved in this. Ziad helped me rebuild TROMsite and VideoNeat several times. We spent many nights working online on these projects. He was always so kind and very computer-smart. Anyway, I am happy to see him active because he kinda disappeared a few years ago. We haven’t talked since then.
Now, Humania….it is a project that wants to build a community, kinda like TVP. This is their “3D planning”:
They even had to start the presentation by saying that “No, it’s not The Venus Project…” 🙂 – well if you see their presentation then this is kinda the Venus Project…but should not matter. What matters is that I’ve heard about these projects hundreds of times for the past decade. And none survived. None went beyond some Google Docs and some 3D models. And I am not saying this in a mean way, I wish these people had the resources to do something, but I am FRUSTRATED at this approach overall.
TVP made people dream about new worlds, built almost like in parallel with this one. Dome houses, maglev transport, circle-shaped cities, automation, etc.. I am quite sure Fresco was not that naive to think that this is the future, and he said it a bunch of times actually. But people started to focus more and more on these technologies. And forgot the message: this monetary system (trade system more exactly) is the source of most problems. This is a long conversation to have and we made several TROMcasts about it, but in essence I now realize that people got the wrong message and they fantasize about building a new city to prove how a new society looks like. TVP itself jumped on this train for the past many years, to the point of sounding like a cult.
My frustration is with the fact that people focus too much on these fantasy lands that are at best some simplistic 3D models, while ignoring the real things and progress that we can do today. The volunteering, the open source, the organizations helping others, and so forth. We NEED to work with these in order to change something! TVP made people ignore these real and realistic approaches because they think that these approaches are patchworks.
Anyway watch our TROM II documentary to see what I’m talking about in terms of a realistic approach to maybe change this society.
So I was a bit concerned that after my presentation which was about real things, the Humania presentation will make people fantasize again about things that do not exist, nor will they ever exist in that manner.
We had a Q&A where people would kind of push this sort of mentality a bit and I answered a few questions. I would love to show you that, but only Zach recorded it and I do not have the mental resources to extract all of that from the .BRAW files….maybe I’ll do it one day, but I tried to explain these things in the Q&A. There weren’t many questions tho, and not a lot of engagement.
But after the Humania presentation I quite enjoyed the TZM Italy video presentation that was very down to earth, about sharing and communities that were real:
How they organize sharing events and stuff like that. They were a lot more in tune with TROM I would say than any other at the event.
Overall I really enjoyed it and except for the recording part, everything was really well put together.
After the event.
After the event was over we spent an hour or so at the same place and many people came to talk to me. They told me they knew about TROM and were impressed by how active we still are. It was a great feeling to meet such people. All of them were very nice, very chill, it was so cool to have important discussions with so many people. You see, I said that I was surprised to see so few people attending, but after the event was over I was so happy there weren’t more than 30 or so, because it would have been chaotic after the event. I enjoyed the after-event a lot more than the event itself, because I got to talk to these people. I talked so much that I could not even go pee haha. I was glued there.
Man….I don’t know how to put it in words, but I felt like I was part of something. Physically. These were people that I didn’t know, and yet they were very much aware of the things I was talking about for years now. We could click immediately.
This is Lenka:
She came because she got our TROM Newsletter about the event. She is from the Czech Republic and was living in Prague. She recently watched the TROM II documentary and got to know about TROM from one of her friends, Benji. Benji follows TROM from almost the beginning of it all, but he could not come unfortunately. We clicked with Lenka within minutes, as if she was our friend for years now. From discussions to jokes, from how kind she is to how down to earth she is.
We also met Ante, from Croatia.
His tshirt was saying “f*ck capitalism” and that made him a welcome friend in our group. haha. He was so nice, friendly, and I really enjoyed the conversations we had.
Cihan, Cliff, Kristina, and a bunch of others were such great people.
We went out to eat something after the event, and spent a few hours passionately talking to each other. I got to talk a lot with Cihan and Cliff (one of the main organizers of the event). We talked about this approach of building communities, or not building them. About TZM, activism, TROM, and more. Unfortunately there were a few people with who I did not talk much, and I thought we will the next day when we should have met again. But not all came for the next day meeting. It is unfortunate because I really wanted to talk to all of them.
I was so tired by midnight. So we headed home.
Next day, fun day.
We went to meet for one last time with everyone else. Zach also wanted to interview me for a film/documentary he is working on. He is traveling to many places and interviews “activists” or people who have something important to say I suppose. He understands, like we do, that this is a fucked up society, and why it is fucked up; and the guy is very active trying to make people aware of this, but he’s also aware of how many good people are in the world and how we could think about change. And he wants to put these people in the spotlight.
I had some more discussions with him and Arjang (the guy at the piano – he is good at that), but we had to say goodby. Both of these guys do their own thing and I am very happy to see that. Maybe we can collaborate in the future. Videos, projects, podcasts, discussions.
We met with the few rest again and went to eat something. Unfortunately only a few were present this second day, because the rest had to leave. But overall lengthy, funny, interesting discussions that lasted for hours at this Indian restaurant that could have killed me if I were to touch any of their foods, even if only with my bare hands.
The less hectic and more calm parts of my journey were here. Aaron had to go home unfortunately, and I, Rafa, Vicky, Roma and Ante, went to Roma’s place for some chill time. We ordered some pizza and had lenghty and really interesting discussions.
I hope to meet Ante again because I really liked the guy. We exchanged contacts and I will for sure contact Ante at some point.
Vicky and Rafa had to leave the next day. These guys were the glue for all of us because they are kind and hug everyone.
Vicky is so funny with her “custom” English, she makes us all laugh so hard. She says “Fucking shit!” so many times, and with her Spanish accent it is hilarious.
One time we were talking about Rafa’s parents and I ask her “How do you get along with Rafa’s father?” and she said, in a cute and spanglish-voice “Oh I love your father!”. hahahah. She always mistakes the mine, yours, their, he, she. And that’s so funny. One time she showed us a butterfly, because she is studying about insects, and she said “This boterfly es dangeros.”. And I was like “Hmm….doesn’t look like it.”. “No, she is dangeros!” – she said, and she quickly pulls up the translation app on her phone to make sure she said it right, and while typing I see the translation “This butterfly is in danger of extinction.”. hahahah
She is so funny. And Rafa too. And so homie. Chill. Nice. Always lovely to meet them!
The next fun and awesome days.
I already feel nostalgia while writing about this, and that’s a good sign that I enjoyed it so much. The next days we met with Lenka, and we had such a nice time together.
We went to the Illusions museum.
And it was very confusing and fun.
I want to emphasize on how well we got along with Lenka because it was so surprising to feel so comfortable with someone that you just met. And the wonderful message I got from her friend Benji. It would be a great shame if we were not to meet again, Lenka, and I cannot accept not meeting you Benji. We have to!
Lenka took us to some nice places outside the city center, because she also hates these crowded places and she likes the nature more. I think the saner you are, the more you gravitate towards this, because crows usually means tourists and consumption. Also pollution, waste, concrete jungles.
We talked a lot lot, and we laughed a bunch 🙂
I spent my days relaxing and working on my laptop from the great comfort of Roma’s apartment. Unfortunately Roma had to work every day. That made me quite angry because this guy should not be forced to work on things that he does not want to work on. No one should! I fantasize about him being able to take his skills and come join TROM fully….and who knows maybe it can happen. This guy works so hard to take care of his parents, it is quite inspiring. And he had to come alone to Europe from Russia, and create a life for himself and manage a lot of things. He got his shit together believe me! Down to earth, organized, calm and sticking to his plans!
My friendship with Roma got really strong and real. We are not friends anymore, we are brothers. We have so many things in common. On top of our TROM-Discussions I can talk for hours with Roma about tech, because we are equally fascinated by it.
Let’s visit Aaron!
Believe it or not but I’ve never traveled with a train. And Aaron was 2h away with the train….2 plus 2 equals Dresden. Let’s take the train to Aaron!
I honestly very much enjoyed the train ride. It was quite nice inside and the ride is so smooth I never felt like I was going somewhere. In the car or the bus you can get sick pretty easily (at least I do) if you stay on your laptop, or talk to people and not pay attention to the road. Because it is too snakey….But with the train it’s so much nicer!
We stayed at Aaron’s nice place, in the attic basically. And I’ve said it so many times but Aaron is one of the most chill and nice dudes I know.
We would spend only 2 days in Dresden but it felt like 4 to me. Aaron took us around to visit the place. We went to a nice park and we played table tennis:
And saw some weird places…
I was surprised to see how in Germany people are very keen to share, to do open source projects, and so on. Look at this place:
Places like these should be everywhere. You would also see cardboard boxes with stuff all around the city, where people would put stuff for others to grab. I love this mentality. And the icing on the cake was when Aaron took us to this Hackerspace. These spaces are basically, from what I understand, meant to allow anyone to come there for free and work on their projects. Take a sit, connect to the internet, grab a drink, even cook some fucking food….all for free. They even had lots of tools to repair your devices:
I talked to one of the guys “in charge” of the place and he was so nice and down to earth. They were working on some software to help the refugees/ukrainians find a place to stay in Germany, and on other projects too. The guy never had a job and he was saying “If you take care of your mother, is that a job?”. I immediately loved it. They get it. We should not have “jobs” but focus on the things that we consider as important and not expect anything in return for that. Enjoy the things that we do. As simple as that! I talked to them about TROM too.
It was such a cozy place. I am grateful to Aaron for taking us there. I loved it. And there are hundreds, if not thousands of such spaces in the world. Here’s a map:
We even worked a bit to fix Aaron’s laptop. Glue, tools, space. No one asks you anything. Go do it!
You know there are so many people around the world that understand we should take care of each other and be good humans, and fuck this consumerism! That gives me some hope. We need to find them, tell them about TROM too, share the views, discuss, promote, and scream louder together.
The next day Aaron took us around some nice, more nature-oriented places. We had something good to eat, then we headed back to Prague.
I spent 2 more days with the awesome Roma and I really felt relaxed and unusually for me, at home.
I really enjoyed it. The ZDay was well organized and I met new wonderful people, my best friends came with me for the event and I made new friends there. I was treated so well by Roma that I cannot thank him enough. And we visited some very cool places too.
I hope that at least some people got curious about what we do at TROM, and who knows maybe join us, even invite me to other events to present it. If I have the money and means I will go. I am fearless 🙂 I go anywhere now haha.
I am however extremely happy to be back home. I was missing Sasha and she is still my wonderful-one. It is such a shame she could not come. Work, papers…bullshit. I hope if there is a next time we will go together. I hope Georgi can also come, and other TROM friends!
You know, I am happy to live in a very small town….
I went at the beach the next day, and I was reflecting back at how big cities are not meant for humans. Both Prague and Dresden are too big….You want go meet your friends? 30-40 minutes with the public transport. Wanna go to a park/forest? You have to cross many streets and walk for quite a bit, or take again the public transport for half an hour. Cars, trams, buses, subways….many people, all busy. A huge rush. A lot of buildings, a lot of concrete. I was missing the quietness, the nature, the calmness, the fucking trees, the fucking sea. HELLO fucking NATURE!
And it is so expensive in big cities. I spent so much money. Here I never spend money when I go out. Here, when I go out, I go directly into he “out” where I want to go. The beach is 5 minutes away, the mountain is 10. Forest is 20. And that’s barely crossing any streets. And it is so empty and quiet when it is off season. I was missing that a lot. I got so tired in Prague because of so many people, all almost running somewhere. I do not think humans should live like this. Luckily Roma stays outside of Prague a bit. And it is calm there. Thank fuck! I am happy for him!
Maybe it’s just me but I could never live in a big city.
This was the first time I went somewhere to present TROM and I will not forget this experience for a long long time. But trust me when I say this, 70% of the success of this experience (for me) is because of how well Roma treated me. If I were to feel uncomfortable, and it doesn’t take much to make me very uncomfortable, then everything else would have been a painful experience. Thank you man!
This event inspired me to think about creating our own yearly event, like the Trade-Free Yearly Event where we invite many organizations and people from around the world to give speeches/lectures, even have some workshops to for example showcase TROMjaro and so on. Wild ideas for now….but making a 14 hours documentary in 2011 was also a wild idea. Even doing the TROM Meeting, or TROMjaro…. So maybe, maybe we will do this….
Stay tuned! Follow our work at tromsite.com/ because we are hellishly active!
Thank you again to everyone who organized this ZDay, overall I loved it! Any sort of criticism I said in this article is in fact not that important, and at the end of the day the overall experience matters and that was fantastic!
Thank you!
The Venus Project
The Venus Project proposes an alternative vision of the future,if we apply what we already know in order to achieve a sustainable new socio-economic systemThe Venus Project
Finally finished reading this 😄 Wow that was a wonderful experience, all of the people you met at zday and the new friendships that formed there - all great! 😀 I also really liked the illusion museum, I can tell from the photos that you really enjoyed your time there. And man those "sharing places" @aaron showed you were amazing, now I have a newfound appreciation for Germany 'cause of all these great things they do 😁 I hope more and more people around the world start doing these.
I was kinda surprised to learn that you've never been in a train before, but makes sense if you've never had to travel very far. Hope you enjoyed your ride, it is one of the better ways to travel IMO. And man I could totally relate to your feeling of wanting your own comfort place and familiar food, lol 😄 Thanks a lot to @esh who did a great job hosting you there 🙏
And like you I also prefer going to less crowded places, especially in nature where there is quiet and peaceful 😌
I wanted to ask why @bigworldsmallsasha didn't come with you but thought it might be related to the job or the residency situation in Spain, guess I was not entirely wrong. Hopefully everyone can come next time when you go for an event like this, or who knows maybe we'd have our own TROM event one day 🤞
Hello people,
I (Tio) had a great time in Prague at the ZDay event, and I made a blog post all about it, here - tiotrom.com/2023/09/the-zday-e… - it is a big blog post, because it was a big and wonderful experience.
Fake Video of 'Glory to Urine' New York Billboard Fools Internet
"Zelensky was greeted with this 'Glory to Urine' banner in New York in apparent typo," NotTheBee.com reported in a since-deleted article.
Fact Check: Tom Hanks Reveals Oprah's 'True Plan' Behind the Maui Wildfires?
"Tom Hanks has stepped forward to shed light on Oprah's genuine motivations and the undisclosed agenda behind the Maui fires," Binge Pop reported.
Fact Check: Is This a Video of Trump Dancing on 'Soul Train' In the '80s?
One TikTok video said, "He gonna bring the heart and soul back to America."
Fact Check: New Scientific Study Finds That Vaping Can ‘Shrink Male Testicles'?
Social media posts also speculated that e-cigarettes can “cause sperm counts to plummet.”
The second largest kingdom, after the animal, is represented by plants. The distinctive feature of plants is obtaining energy from sunlight, through the process called photosynthesis. Most plants have wide flat surfaces - the leaves, at the level of which this process is carried out. Just as there are many groups of animals, from simple worms to complicated mammals, so the groups of plants are also numerous and varied.
Mainly plants are divided into two broad categories – simple plants without flowers, and flowering plants.
Plants never seem to be active. But inside the millions of microscopic cells that form the body of a plant, thousands of chemical transformations take place, forming part of the body's vital processes. Like the body of an animal, the body of a plant has specialized areas to perform certain functions. Roots take from the soil water, mineral salts and other substances necessary for life. The rigid stem supports parts of the plant on the surface of the soil, away from animals on the ground that might eat them, and above other plants so that the leaves capture more light.
The leaves of plants are a kind of small factories that produce food with the help of light. They have a wide surface, to capture as much light as possible, and contain inside a green substance called chlorophyll, which absorbs the energy provided by sunlight. Chlorophyll uses energy to achieve a chemical reaction. Water, absorbed from the soil, and carbon dioxide, received from the air, unite and form glucose, which contains a large amount of energy stored in chemical form. Glucose is then used as a" fuel " for the plant's vital processes. The whole phenomenon is called photosynthesis-a word that means"to produce with the help of light".
The carbon dioxide needed for photosynthesis is taken from the air. It penetrates the leaf through small holes located on its lower face, called the stomata. In addition to organic substances, photosynthesis also results in oxygen, which is eliminated in the air.
Living beings need oxygen to live. Plants contribute to maintaining a sufficient amount of oxygen in the air.
We were only able to offer you a small space and positioned on the north-west side of the building, even if it was against our wishes. However, we lived together for a shorter or longer period of time. Thank you for this and for all you have offered. We hope that many wounds can be healed with these words: Forgive us!
Life is eternal, and love is immortal, and death is but a horizon; and a horizon is nothing but the limit of our sight. - Rossiter W. Raymond
Jacob Urlich 🌍 likes this.
Are plants not the stars of the Earth?
Tuberoses are flowers with impressive beauty and fragrance. Regular consumption of tuberose can bring numerous benefits to our health.
Gene expression is the process in which a plant's DNA code is translated into instructions for biological processes such as growth. Our plants, including tuberoses kept in an environment without sunlight, responded to sound waves. At 125Hz and 250Hz sounds rbcS and Ald genes are created, which are known for responding to light, while more active sound waves at 50Hz made these genes less active.
So wherever we are our flowers are a friend that we can visit at any time. Thank you we are grateful/grateful and we apologize! Even the smallest and smallest plants can have some of the strongest roots.
Jacob Urlich 🌍 likes this.
Révoltes urbaines : Les quartiers populaires sur le devant de la scène
La révolte de la jeunesse populaire fin juin oblige à penser les vécus de dominations dans les quartiers populaires comme une question globale. Une campagne exigeante et ambitieuse doit être menée pour exiger justice pour les quartiers populaires et ne pas laisser les jeunes isolé·es.
La mort de Nahel Merzouk le 27 juin dernier, tué à bout portant par un policier, a provoqué une semaine de révoltes dans les quartiers populaires qui s’est étendue à tout le pays dès le deuxième soir. Le jeudi 29 juin, la marche blanche organisé à Nanterre par la mère et les proches de Nahel a été réprimée violemment et la nuit du jeudi au vendredi sera la plus forte de la révolte.
Les semaines suivantes, la marche annuelle pour Adama Traoré à Beaumont-sur-Oise sera interdite ainsi que les rassemblements sur Paris. Alors que le ras-le-bol des jeunes a explosé spontanément et qu’on leur fait le reproche de commettre des actes violents, présumés non politiques, dans le même temps on interdit les expressions et mobilisations pacifiques des comités Vérité et Justice… bel exemple d’hypocrisie d’État ! Les réponses politiques et policières seront elle autorisées en un florilège de propos racistes et de dépolitisation de la révolte. Alors que l’exigence d’abolition du permis de tuer voté par Cazeneuve en 2017 s’imposait comme réponse, le gouvernement fera tout pour qu’on éloigne la question du meurtre de Nahel et qu’on se centre sur les pillages qui « n’auraient plus rien à voir avec sa mort » : il ne faudrait pas qu’on fasse le lien entre pillage et inflation par exemple, alors que beaucoup de commerces de première nécessité ont été pillés.
Le système du ghetto
Mais ici, violences policières et inflation vont de pair. La révolte oblige à remettre les quartiers populaires sur le devant de la scène comme une réalité ayant son unité d’oppressions articulées. Ces oppressions sont trop souvent approchées dans leurs fragmentations : question sociale / capitaliste d’un coté, question raciale / coloniale de l’autre, distinguant exploitation, chômage, logement souvent traités séparément, et non reliés aux discriminations racistes et sexistes. En réalité, les maux sociaux des quartiers populaires et les différentes dominations ne peuvent pas être séparées, et dès lors, les revendications non plus.
La situation de nos quartiers n’est ni exceptionnelle ni accidentelle : partout dans le monde les classes dominantes font la guerre aux prolétariats urbain discriminés et leur réservent un régime de gestion coloniale et d’abandon contrôlé. Au menu : chômage, discriminations et paupérisation. Ces populations sont assignées aux travaux précaires, créant les conditions des maux de la pauvreté (survie et débrouille illégale, etc.) pour ensuite le leur reprocher, les réprimer et les incarcérer… pour le plus grand profit des exploiteurs capitalistes (voir par exemple l’économie des prisons privées aux USA [1].
C’est le système du ghetto. En France cela se traduit par des quartiers où les non-propriétaires se retrouvent : des populations d’origines ouvrières, souvent immigrées ou issue de la colonisation, de nombreuses mères célibataires, subissant humiliations quotidiennes, discriminations au travail, à l’éducation, au logement, à la santé... Ce processus de paupérisation / précarisation / discriminations fait système et profite à la bourgeoisie : reproduction de classe, population étranglée soumise à de mauvaises condition de travail et de bas salaires (contrats précaires, intérim, sous-traitance). Les banlieues sont les laboratoires néolibéraux avant généralisation : hier les zones franches, les emplois jeunes et contrats aidés (le CPE avait été une humiliante réponse aux révoltes de 2005), aujourd’hui l’uberisation dont Macron s’est fait le chantre, et qu’il a vendu comme une solution contre le chômage. La bourgeoisie par son séparatisme de classe a ghettoïsé les banlieues, pour mieux les « reconquérir » ensuite par la gentrification et le « nettoyage policier » [2].
Nous n’avons pas à faire ici à des accidents et à des abandons involontaires, mais à un système causé par un régime étatique et économique raciste qui ne tiendrait pas sans l’accompagnement idéologique qui justifie le traitement inégalitaire et policier (islamophobie, récemment la stigmatisation « des profiteurs d’aides sociales qu’ils enverraient au bled »…)
De 2005 à aujourd’hui, des évolutions
Mais cette particularité des quartiers doit être reliée à la contestation sociale générale, comme le mouvement des retraites où de nombreux travailleurs et travailleuses des quartiers populaires se sont mobilisé·es. Ce moment de forte mobilisation de plusieurs couches de la société a lui aussi été un moment d’explosion face aux détresses sociales du moment, tout comme les gilets jaunes en 2018, dont la répression a obligé à regarder en face les violences policières.
Au printemps avec la répression des manifs retraites et de Sainte Soline, cette question s’est réimposée, avec l’exigence de dissolution des BRAVM. La Macronie, qui a essuyé un nombre important de mouvements sociaux depuis 2017 de plusieurs couches différentes de la société, a la hantise que toutes puissent converger. Elle réprime donc à tour de bras. Les choses ont changé depuis les révoltes de 2005, qui ont vu après cette date les mobilisations dans les quartiers populaires se renouveler et se diversifier. Les comités Vérité et Justice nombreux et organisés ont percé le mur du silence à travers les mobilisations de différents collectifs (Lamine Dieng, UNPA, comité Adama, etc). Ils ont interpellé une gauche et des organisations de luttes qui ont elles-mêmes connu un renouvellement générationnel (la génération CPE fut contemporaine des révoltes de 2005, 20 ans plus tard elle est aujourd’hui animatrice de lutte et sensible à ces questions). De ce fait la révolte ne fut pas isolée comme en 2005 : citons par exemple la venue de Sophie Binet à Nanterre le lendemain de la mort de Nahel.
Tout ceci constitue une victoire dont le gouvernement a peur. Si la Loi Séparatisme avait quelque peu affaiblit le mouvement antiraciste ces dernières années, la révolte a provoqué un sursaut auquel a répondu le mouvement social. Un appel signé par différents syndicats, associations et organisations politiques fut rendu public très rapidement « Notre pays est en deuil » [3] qui appellera aux manifestations des jours suivants. Une date pour une marche unitaire est déjà prévue pour la rentrée, le 23 septembre [4]. Il s’agit de pérenniser ce sursaut dès la rentrée, de l’inscrire dans le temps et qu’il soit vecteur de luttes de masse contres les injustices dans ces quartiers. Les luttes dans les quartiers populaires ont par ailleurs toujours existé, les marches pour l’égalité des années 1980 (dont on fêtera les 40 ans à l’automne, et qui sera un rendez vous important) ou les initiatives du MIB (Mouvement de l’immigration et des banlieues) [5] qui avait lancé la campagne « Justice en banlieue ». Nous devons désormais construire une nouvelle mobilisation de masse.
Nous exigeons justice en banlieue
Le mouvement libertaire doit prendre toute sa place dans les mobilisations à venir où la diversité des tactiques doit être un atout. Nous devrons favoriser convergences et auto-organisation, et prévenir des écueils militants à même de créer de nouvelles divisions, rancœurs et désillusions : ni se substituer, ni abandonner. Nous devons également comme libertaires porter nos propres revendications et analyses. Après 2005, certaines revendications s’imposaient à nous [6], toujours d’actualité, nos exigences démocratiques et autogestionnaires doivent prendre une épaisseur politique plus importante pour contrer l’hégémonie de la théorie fascisante du grand-remplacement : remettre en cause offensivement l’État-nation, sa république assimilationniste et sa laïcité autoritaire et identitaire, par l’affirmation, la reconnaissance et la dignité du peuple des banlieues tel qu’il est : populaire, multiculturel, créolisé, en mouvement, aux histoires diverses (ouvrières, migratoires, coloniales, de luttes) affirmer son droit a la liberté d’expression et à l’hybridité culturelle !
Nous devons affirmer le droit a la reprise en main totale des habitant·es des quartiers populaires sur toutes les décisions qui concernent leur vie : le droit à la santé et à de bonnes conditions de vie loin des pollutions, à la souveraineté alimentaire, le droit a des services publiques sous contrôle des habitant·es et autogérés par elles et eux ! Une oppression radicale exige des réponses radicales.
Nicolas Pasadena (UCL Montreuil)
[1] Angela Davis, Une lutte sans trêve, éditions La Fabrique, 2016.
[2] Les répressions accrues accompagnent souvent les plans de rénovation / gentrification, cf Mathieu Rigouste, La domination policière, une violence industrielle, La Fabrique, Paris, 2012, 257 pages.
[3] « Notre pays est en deuil et en colère », sur le site de Solidaires, solidaires.org.
[4] 1er août 2023, « Appel à la marche unitaire du 23 septembre « Pour la fin du racisme systémique, des violences policières, pour la justice sociale et les libertés publiques » », sur le site de Solidaires, solidaires.org.
[5] MIB, Mouvement de l’immigration et des banlieues, actif dans les années 1990-2000
[6] « Quartiers populaires : cinq ans après les révoltes, qu’est ce qui a changé ? », Alternative libertaire, n° 201, décembre 2010.
Union Communiste Libertaire 37 likes this.
To change Healthcare and Transportation
In Germany they came up with a plan: pay a monthly fee of about 50 Euros and have access to all of the public transport across Germany. Lately they proposed that if you are to "surrender" your driving license, you can get access to all of that for free. (source).
Now this, if properly managed and made even more accessible for everyone in Germany, can severely cut down the use of cars. Why would anyone want to buy a car, maintain, take care of, repair and so forth, if they have access to an affordable and good transportation system that is efficient? If people are to use a lot less cars, then we need a lot less roads. Thus you can transform the roads and parking spaces into green public spaces. Add bikes to the mix and you can create much better places for people to live.
Think about how much space cars take:
And the fact that the more lanes we make, the more traffic there is:
And the fact that most cars transport only 1-2 people. A massive waste of space...
And of course, how polluting they are:
Did you know that most of the microplastics in the air is due to car tires? It is true.
So of course it makes total sense to ditch this outdated practice. Paris, Barcelona and other places are trying do to similar schemes. Some cities are restricting the access to cars in some areas.
This is one of those massive problems that we can easily fix even within this bullshit trade system. And the solution is simple: make the public transport very cheap (or free), and efficient. Plus restrict car access to many areas. The goal should be to make it trade-free, so that it will become a lot more efficient. No more tickets, no more ads in the buses or any of that crap. Because what many seem to not realize is that advertising is a massive drive of consumerism (of course, that's its only purpose), and that in turn creates the destruction, waste, pollution and all of the crap we see.
Therefore the way forward is to aim for a trade-free transport system in different parts of the world. No currency, no data trading, no ads, no bullshit. And this will create a much better environment for people and nature.
Restoring nature... and a good life....
Doable now. Happening (little by little) now.
In USA the healthcare is private and thus trade-based for its citizens. Therefore USA has the most expensive healthcare systems in the world with a life expectancy of just 76. (source 1, 2) - In short the people in that tribe pay more because companies decide what's the price of this drug, that surgery, and so forth. And their incentive is of course to charge more and more.
In other tribes like Spain where the tribe members do not have to pay anything, the government is the one negotiating the prices with companies, and thus they are able to get a less expensive deal. And overall a much better organized healthcare system. The life expectancy is around 83-84 years, almost 10 years more than in the USA. (source 1, 2).
It is obvious that if you create a healthcare system that's free (or trade-free if you can) then people live longer, healthier, and you spend a lot less resources on that.
In both cases, the evidence is clear: if we make these services free (and aim to make them trade-free eventually) then we see a lot of positive outcomes. And as you can see it is not only doable, but happening. However we need to push for more of these, in more parts of the world, and inform people about trade as the origin of most problems.
Let's stop dreaming about hyperloops, round cities, futuristic 3D nonsense. These are fantasies. We need to focus on realistic solutions that can have an enormous impact, while keeping an aim in sight: that of making this trade based society obsolete.
ZDay: How to Grow a Saner Society. A Lifetime Adventure - videos.trom.tf/w/6R92qduTeGHma…
We have improved the audio for the ZDay presentation as much as we could. Plus we added the recordings from a secondary camera to make it more interesting.
The video is translated into Spanish, Catalan, Polish, Romanian, Czech and Portuguese. And it is perhaps the shortest and most to-the-point video about what we are trying to do at TROM.
ZDay: How to Grow a Saner Society. A Lifetime Adventure (improved)
On 26th of August, 2023, we presented TROM at the annual ZDay event in Prague. This was the last ZDay after a decade long of making them every year.Our presentation was focused on showcasing in a unique way how our society works and how trade is at the core of most of our issues. In the second half we focused on the positive side: how we and others create trade-free good and services and why this can become a tsunami movement if more of us engage into it, in a decentralized way.
We put a lot of effort into creating a simple narrative and interesting slides with animations, to make it all more fun and easy to understand.
This was the first presentation for Tio and we hope more to follow.
--- First few seconds still have a bad audio ----
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These people who keep on reporting @Topless Topics videos from our Peertube instance, because of a naked body, are really in need of more relaxed and fun life. And educated. Imagine feeling offended by seeing a human's body. I mean don't look at it if you don't want to, but to report the video....haha. It is hilarious and sad.
So no. Of course, we will never delete videos from our Peertube just because of the naked human body.
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Anmol Sharma, Roma, hypnobeard and Paul. like this.
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Reinder Dijkhuis Does Art, Rokosun and cos reshared this.
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Tio, Roma and hypnobeard like this.
Mike Macgirvin likes this.
Rokosun reshared this.
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Roma likes this.
On 26th of August, 2023, we presented TROM at the annual ZDay event in Prague. This was the last ZDay after a decade long of making them every year.
Our presentation was focused on showcasing in a unique way how our society works and how trade is at the core of most of our issues. In the second half we focused on the positive side: how we and others create trade-free good and services and why this can become a tsunami movement if more of us engage into it, in a decentralized way.
We put a lot of effort into creating a simple narrative and interesting slides with animations, to make it all more fun and easy to understand.
This was the first presentation for Tio and we hope more to follow.
--- First few seconds still have a bad audio ----
ZDay: How to Grow a Saner Society. A Lifetime Adventure (improved)
On 26th of August, 2023, we presented TROM at the annual ZDay event in Prague. This was the last ZDay after a decade long of making them every year.Our presentation was focused on showcasing in a unique way how our society works and how trade is at the core of most of our issues. In the second half we focused on the positive side: how we and others create trade-free good and services and why this can become a tsunami movement if more of us engage into it, in a decentralized way.
We put a lot of effort into creating a simple narrative and interesting slides with animations, to make it all more fun and easy to understand.
This was the first presentation for Tio and we hope more to follow.
--- First few seconds still have a bad audio ----
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Anmol Sharma and Roma like this.
Motion d'actualité adoptée à la Coordination fédérale UCL de #Grenoble des 16/17 septembre
Pour une rentrée de luttes sociales et écologiques
De Sainte-Soline à Nanterre, des piquets de grève aux Soulèvements de la Terre, notre camp social se bat sur tous les fronts. Après un mouvement pour les retraites d’ampleur historique, le pays a connu une série de mobilisations qui l’ont secoué, tant sur le plan écologique, que social et antiraciste.
40 ans après la marche pour l’égalité, il ne fait toujours pas bon être une femme racisée en France. En effet, cette rentrée 2023 est placée sous le signe de l’islamophobie et les jeunes en pâtissent particulièrement suite à l’interdiction du port de l’abaya dans les établissements scolaires. Cette offensive misogyne et islamophobe s’inscrit dans la continuité des politiques de contrôle et d’exclusion des personnes musulmanes ou perçues comme telles et plus particulièrement des femmes. En résultat de ces politiques, des lycéennes racisées voient leurs corps devenir un objet de débat public et se voient refuser l’accès à l’éducation sous couvert d’une conception dévoyée de la laïcité. Cette mesure est une nouvelle étape dans l’extrême droitisation de la société. Au niveau du gouvernement, le projet de loi Darmanin renforce l’exploitation des sans-papiers et le racisme d’État. La police, y compris ses syndicats, est désormais en roue libre. Tout comme l’extrême droite, dont les violences de rue accrues jouissent d’une impunité presque totale.
Le racisme systémique s’est aussi illustré à travers le meurtre de Nahel, 17 ans, en juin dernier ainsi que par les peines et sanctions cruellement abusives des émeutiers, comme en témoigne une condamnation à 10 mois de prison ferme pour le vol d’une cannette. Nous exigeons l’amnistie des condamné⋅e⋅s. Les habitantes et habitants de quartiers populaires, délaissé⋅e⋅s par les gouvernements successifs, ont exprimé leur juste colère à la suite d’un énième meurtre policier raciste. Malgré le manque d’implantation général de la gauche dans les quartiers populaires depuis des décennies, la rapide mobilisation de la gauche sociale et politique a permis de construire les manifestations du 6 juillet et la marche pour la justice sociale, contre le racisme et contre les violences policières du 23 septembre prochain. Celle-ci sera donc décisive pour dessiner la stratégie future de la gauche dans ce mouvement.
Sur le front écologiste, l’année a été marquée par des luttes locales : terres, eaux, forêts, nucléaire, Lyon-Turin… Ces luttes ont été violemment réprimées par le gouvernement et sa police, même si les menaces de dissolution des Soulèvements de la Terre n’ont finalement pas abouti. Cette amplification des luttes écologistes témoigne d’une prise de conscience générale de la nécessité de s’attaquer aux racines de la crise écologique et climatique : le contrôle et l’exploitation des ressources planétaires par la bourgeoisie. Ces luttes vont se poursuivre dans les prochaines semaines notamment avec la coalition nationale « La Déroute des Routes » contre les projets routiers inutiles.
La destruction des terres s’accompagne de la destruction des droits et des conditions de vie des travailleuses et des travailleurs. Lors du mouvement des retraites, le gouvernement a montré sa détermination à continuer la casse de nos droits en utilisant tous les moyens à sa disposition qu’ils soient institutionnels ou répressifs comme l’illustre le cas de Sébastien Menesplier, syndicaliste CGT, visé par une convocation judiciaire à caractère politique. Dans un contexte où l’inflation explose, des luttes voient le jour sur la question des salaires. Par exemple, à Emmaüs dans le Nord où les travailleuses et travailleurs sans-papiers se battent pour la régularisation et une augmentation de salaire. Dans ce sens, le 13 octobre, journée européenne contre l’austérité, pour l’augmentation des salaires et l’égalité salariale, s’annonce comme une date clé des prochaines semaines.
Ces mobilisations ont un point commun : la violente répression comme seule réponse à des aspirations légitimes. Cet État impopulaire, hué tant dans la rue que dans les stades, dénoncé à de multiples reprises par des organisations internationales, persévère pourtant dans ses politiques autoritaires. Plus que jamais l’heure est à l’unité et à l’organisation de notre camp social. Trois dates vont marquer cette rentrée sociale et politique : le 23 septembre contre le racisme systémique et les violences policières, le 28 septembre, journée internationale du droit à l’avortement et le 13 octobre pour nos salaires.
Joseph Hanson
in reply to Tio • • •Tio
in reply to Joseph Hanson • •Joseph Hanson
in reply to Tio • • •Tio
in reply to Joseph Hanson • •