Fact Check: 'Harbor Freight Tools' Scam Email Promises Free Tool Set, Drill or Other Products
Email messages falsely claiming to be from Harbor Freight Tools pointed users to fake surveys and costly hidden subscription scams.
Fact Check: Video Shows a Scared Puppy Shaking After an Israeli Airstrike in Gaza?
A video of a puppy apparently shaking with fear in front of a plate of food was liked well over 160,000 times on X.
We Do Not Know if Israeli Babies Were Beheaded by Hamas Militants in Kfar Aza
What we know about the viral rumor spread by media, the U.S president, Israeli officials and more, in October 2023.
Fact Check: Greta Thunberg Called for "Sustainable" War Tanks and Weaponry?
Among suggestions was the use of "vegan grenades," according to the in-question video.
Fact Check: Republican Lawmaker Accidentally Shot His Wife While Taking Christmas Pic With AR-15s?
According to the rumor, the politician shot his wife in the foot while posing with guns for their annual family Christmas card photo.
Fact Check: TikToker Sued Parents for Being Born — and Won?
"Essentially, they're responsible for my life for the rest of my life because they didn't ask for my permission before they had me," they said.
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Fact Check: Pics Show 152 Black Cats in Line for Movie Role Audition?
More than 150 felines – and their owners – were said to have been vying for their chance at stardom when this photo was taken.
Fact Check: Is This Graph Comparing Average Male Height by Country Accurate?
"What a beautiful example for a data science literacy course," one X user commented about the viral image.
à #Boston nos camarades de #BlackRoseRosaNegra organisent une série de discussions autour de leur programme politique #TurningTheTide.
Join our Boston, MA Local for a semi-open study group on our recently released political program. It starts later this month!
Sign up here: blackrosefed.org/bosprog
#BRRN #Anarchism #AnarcoCommunism #AntiAuthoritarianism #LibertarianSocialism #LeftLibertarianism #blackflag #BlackAndRedFlag #Kropotkin #Bakunin
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Restons derrière nos écrans de fumée
Que penser de Derrière nos écrans de fumée ?
TROM II - 2. SOCIEDAD (con subtítulos en español)
A pesar de lo que la mayoría de la gente pueda creer, la sociedad humana, desde China hasta Estados Unidos, desde Europa hasta África, y en todas partes, se basa principalmente, si no totalmente, en una práctica que se remonta a miles de años atrás. Esa práctica dicta cómo los humanos tratan a los demás y al entorno que les rodea. Qué películas hacen, qué libros escriben, qué productos crean, quién y qué les importa y a qué dan prioridad.
Desde la ciencia al entretenimiento, en el día a día, esta vieja práctica es una fuerza de la que todos los humanos son esclavos.
Ya disponible con subtítulos en: tromsite.com/documentaries/tro…
Haz una donación para apoyar el proyecto aquí: tromsite.com/donate/
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Anmol Sharma
in reply to Tio • • •Tio
in reply to Anmol Sharma • •Well first of all I am using a daemon and not cron jobs via this tutorial nequalsonelifestyle.com/2022/0…
Then In /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf and add Under [mariadb]:
You can also add to the same file under mariadb and mysql:
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Anmol Sharma
in reply to Tio • • •Tio likes this.