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Fact Check: TikToker Sued Parents for Being Born — and Won?

"Essentially, they're responsible for my life for the rest of my life because they didn't ask for my permission before they had me," they said.…

Nafoet reshared this.

Since the latest changes and optimizations I did some 2-3 weeks ago for Friendica, our instance became so fast it is unbelievable. Go from one page to another in less than 1-2 seconds, at times it feels instant. Amazing! #tromstuff

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Anmol Sharma

Well first of all I am using a daemon and not cron jobs via this tutorial…

Then In /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf and add Under [mariadb]:

\#enable the old query optimizer setting
optimizer_use_condition_selectivity = 1
optimizer_switch = 'rowid_filter=off'

You can also add to the same file under mariadb and mysql:
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 20G
innodb_log_buffer_size = 256M
innodb_log_file_size = 1G
innodb_write_io_threads = 16
in reply to Tio

Amazing, thank you for the valuable information.

Restons derrière nos écrans de fumée

Cet éclairage autour du documentaire Derrière nos écrans de fumée jette un regard #critique sur la manière dont les #reseauxsociaux affectent notre vie quotidienne. Il exprime le ras-le-bol de voir de plus en plus d' #adolescents obsédés par leur #smartphone et la #technologie, à tel point qu'ils ne prêtent plus attention à leur #environnement. Ils sont constamment connectés, discutant en ligne de leurs « likes » ou de dilemmes vestimentaires plutôt que de s'engager dans le monde réel.…

Que penser de Derrière nos écrans de fumée ?

Un regard critique sur les #reseauxsociaux est essentiel pour prendre du recul par rapport à notre utilisation quotidienne de la #technologie. Il est devenu courant de voir des adolescents marcher ou prendre le bus en étant constamment absorbés par leur #smartphone, sans même lever les yeux pour observer le monde qui les entoure. La #communication se fait souvent à travers des écouteurs, discutant de mentions "likes" sur leurs publications ou de choix vestimentaires.…

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TROM II - 2. SOCIEDAD (con subtítulos en español)

A pesar de lo que la mayoría de la gente pueda creer, la sociedad humana, desde China hasta Estados Unidos, desde Europa hasta África, y en todas partes, se basa principalmente, si no totalmente, en una práctica que se remonta a miles de años atrás. Esa práctica dicta cómo los humanos tratan a los demás y al entorno que les rodea. Qué películas hacen, qué libros escriben, qué productos crean, quién y qué les importa y a qué dan prioridad.

Desde la ciencia al entretenimiento, en el día a día, esta vieja práctica es una fuerza de la que todos los humanos son esclavos.

Ya disponible con subtítulos en:…

Haz una donación para apoyar el proyecto aquí:

Divorcing myself from this retarded society

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in reply to Tio

Very good point Tio, and great artworks! Yeah, that's exactly my thoughts, like wtf, they bomb civilians in Gaza like crazy, and it's ok for EU and US, they even help doing this. And people opinions are divided, some are for Palestine others for Israel when in fact all of them committing brutal crimes and one side is no better than the other. Of course Gaza it is like an open prison for many many years already, which is also very cruel and inhumane. I was also quite sadden to see the reaction of EU... But that's politics. Good point, not to trust or even take seriously any politician, it's all corrupted and fake. They twist everything as its more beneficial for them.

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio

You just pretty much summed it up in this blog post, politics is full of lies and propaganda man..... Every now and then I see these images of the atrocities caused by wars, on the internet, newspaper, etc..... be it in Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, etc.... Does it really matter which place is getting hit? Innocent people are getting hurt, and many die because of these wars..... This is very sad and awful...... 😔