The Smartphone World and how I cope with it -…
This is my 20 years journey into the world of the phone. I was here when it started, I was amazed by it, then angry at it. And now I found a way to tame it. To transform my phone into my friend, and protect myself from the pile of shit that the phones are streaming on a daily basis into people’s brains.
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Fact Check: Mike Tomlin Said Anthem Kneelers 'Hate America'?
Coach Tomlin has been a frequent target of claims about athletes kneeling during the national anthem.
Thank you so much to everyone who is supporting TROM financially every single month!
We provide a lot of trade-free content and services, and we will provide more. Right now we are still far behind what we need to run this project in a sustainable way, but via our 200 for TROM campaign (see we hope that in time, with little steps, we will achieve that.
Thank you to all of you! #tromlive
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Fact Check: Video Shows a Vampire Squid Skimming Over the Ocean floor?
In this viral video, a deep-sea animal adorned with a blue-hued cloak seems to dance along the ocean bottom.
Fact Check: Video Captures Palestinian Mother Dragged from Son’s Grave by Israeli Police in Jerusalem?
According to news reports, Israeli authorities planned to build a theme park in the area.
Fact Check: Video Shows Turkey Moving a Warship Toward Gaza To Defend Palestinians?
Turkey and Israel have had a rocky relationship for years, mainly over Israel’s policies toward Gaza.
Photo Shows 'Wonder Woman' Actor Gal Gadot Turning Up to Serve in the Israel Defense Forces?
The picture in question appeared to show a young Gadot saluting the camera while wearing a large backpack.
Fact Check: Did Yemen Declare War on Israel Amid Israel-Hamas Conflict in October 2023?
Yemen's Houthi militia claimed responsibility for attempted missile attacks on Israel.
Fact Check: Whoopi Goldberg Said She's Ready to Leave the US If Trump is Reelected?
The rumor about "The View" co-host surfaced about a year before voters decide on the next president.
Le #9novembre à 13h30 au TGI de #Tours, un procès vise un·e militant·e suite à l'action #MontlouisSurLoire contre la venue de #Zemmour : une initiative unitaire en soutien est en construction, DM si vous n'avez pas eu l'invit' !
#Antifascisme #AntiRepression #DefenseCollective
calou likes this.
Chouette mise en page de l'itw du groupe anarchiste #Fauda basé principalement en #Cisjordanie en attendant une traduction en français de cette masterclass de nos camarades US de #BlackRoseRosaNegra.
#NoWarButClassWar #Israel #Palestine #IsraelPalestineWar #2023israelhamaswar
Comment gérer le déclenchement de facturation ?…
I installed /e/ OS on my old Galaxy S7 from 2016:
Really surprised to see that they support this model. Basically I made it functional again. I will try to replace its camera from another S7 that is bricked. I will document everything and it will all merge into a big article about mobile phones ;).
I really like my Pixel 4a with CalyxOS. Control control control. Am excited to start my astrophotography adventure with it :).
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Nice! I mainly use a Samsung S7 Active which is just moderately deGoogled / cleaned out with ADB. Though I do also have a standard S7 which I've much more aggressively stripped down to a bare minimum of packages and it boots up so super fast now in just a few seconds 🤓
I have considered trying /e/OS before, but didn't want to lose access to the default camera app.
Tio likes this.
Our TROMjaro Theme Switcher has been fully re-written by @Rokosun in Nim and the owlkettle library. Our theme switcher is now made in a more sane way.
When you select a theme it will remain highlighted using the accent color of the selected theme. The notifications are also improved and you can see the theme icon in the notification preview.
Roko had to learn all of these from scratch, in order to make it. He is always improving our custom TROMjaro scripts and on top of that he is a proper human being: calm, nice, smart, down to Earth, and so friendly. How awesome that he is helping TROM so much without asking anything in return. That0s becuase he does not "work for TROM", we all work together to build something important and useful!
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> I think, I'll rewrite a welcome app in #Nim too someday.
You don't have to, I'm working on it as we speak, haha 😆 @tio asked me if I could also rewrite our Layout Switcher in Nim, so maybe I'll do that too let's see. Overall I'm really glad to have found this owlkettle library, I'm forever grateful to the developers of that library because it is what made it possible for me to write GUI apps, the developer even made some tutorials on YouTube which were extremely helpful.
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Oh man you are so kind, I honestly couldn't have done it without you. I was reading this article the other day about how people often overlook non-code contributions in the FOSS community -…
It made me think of you and how most of the work in TROMjaro is not related to code at all. Anyway, here's the funny thing - at one point I remember watching some YouTube tutorials to learn how Inkscape works, and man it was not easy at all 😅 So for me it's very impressive how you can quickly design these little icons and such, Theme Switcher wouldn't have been possible without those nice button icons you made - the UI is the only part visible to the end users so it's important to make it look nice and intuitive. It's amazing how we can work together to make this thing that none of us could've made alone 🙃
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Best Android (nonroot) system wide adblocker?
For the love of the internet gods, I cannot find a good one. Adaway, personalDNS Filter, PIA VPN, and more, are not doing a good job at blocking the ads inside apps or websites.
So, anyone knows a better alternative?
So much easier on desktop (Linux).
EDIT: Seems like Blokada, the "free" version, is still the best so far. Tho it advertises their "pro-bro" version.
in reply to Tio • • •Roma likes this.
in reply to Rokosun • •Tio
in reply to Roma • •like this
Roma likes this.
in reply to Tio • • •@esh
I've been telling Tio for a long time now, but @aaron is definitely the smart one here - bribing Tio with a pixel phone 😆
Roma likes this.
in reply to Rokosun • •Anmol Sharma
in reply to Tio • • •I can relate to that so much.
Your solutions and alternatives are jewels.
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Tio and Roma like this.
Syber Shock
in reply to Tio • • •At the risk of seeming persnickety, I must remark that the pile of poop streaming into people's brains first streamed *out* of someone else's brains. Cheap and easy electronic communications have allowed those with shit for brains to influence and taint the rest.
The big tech mafia and the government mafia start out promoting delusive nonsense to get people supporting their agendas. After time, they start believing their own delusions, and so the gaslighting and insanity grows worse. In time a culture grew in which most people had their beliefs formed from popular opinion, rather than personal inquiry. Almost everything commonly accepted as true today is half-truth or outright nonsense.