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A day in EU parliament

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in reply to Dima

Interesting to read about your experience there. And I am not surprised. Politicians talk so much and many times say nothing. But it is good to try these waters and see how it is. Maybe at least you can find others who participate there, who are from some orgs and who do stuff.

So how are they helping you at the end of the day? Do they give you access to something? Projects? Funds? A platform?

in reply to Tio

in reply to Dima

I think that small changes are very good ofc, and are the ones that are still possible, but for sure we need much bigger changes and I am quite skeptical that they will come from these normal institutions. But maybe others can get in and influence some of their views. Maybe...

So I am curious how youll continue there. It is for sure worth a try at least.

Whats your next project?

in reply to Tio

yes, i was discouraged by this politics. Only small things are possible without changing the whole system. Patchworks. But since no clue how to change the system, patchworks is something is worth doing anyway, rather dreaming. So I don't have much aspiration to follow political career right now, maybe when I am 65 then I can sit and talk, that's probably would be the right time :)
But sure, I will experiment more...

Right now I am about to finish a video about Seals, which I've filmed in Belgium too, right after that conference. Will release it in a few days.
And currently looking for something to do in April, looks like I would go for some rewilding and national parks in balcans, but not certain 100% yet. Still looking for options for the April.

in reply to Dima

thank you for giving us a little peek into what happens inside these institutions, that was very insightful.

We provide Mastodon/Peertube/Nextcloud/Friendica and more, as a service. For a cost. Just order and have your own instance, no headaches.

I always do trade-free stuff, but since I am trapped in this trade-system and I do not get enough financial support via the projects that I do, I have to also trade a bit.

WebApe is what I do to trade. Basically we create websites, install Mastodon/Friendica instances, Peertube, Nextcloud, etc.. We setup, manage, update, customize.

We try to do something decent and make some money with that, to then support our free projects.

So if you want a Mastodon instance for example, or any other website/service, please see I have lowered the prices now, so a Mastodon instance starts at 30 Euros per month.

We will take a limited amount of websites so to not overwhelm ourselves.

Please share if you think others might be interested. In a way, we can make the fediverse more known and accessible via the WebServices that we provide.

#foss #opensource #fedi #fediverse #mastodon

in reply to Tio

Omfg.. this is nonsense 😑 Took me half of a year to renew my papers as well but more than that is just a fuckin joke 😡 I share your frustration about this fuckery. Hope it will happen soon for Sasha 🙏 Entire system is bloated and ineffective af..
in reply to Roma

Yeah we are all trapped in nonsense....and for what!? Fuck nothing. But I will survive. We will survive :). I know how much shit you also had to go through. Insane.

Since there are still some people who donate regularly via Patreon or Liberapay for our project, we have added that amount of money to our 200 for TROM campaign, as "people" supporting us. In a way that would be around 76 people out of 200 that we need.

Not bad. Almost 40% of the support that we need.

If we'll reach 100% then TROM will be sustainable indefinitely.


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in reply to TROM

Does people on Patreon or Librapay donate 5 Euros too?
in reply to Rokosun

No. Some less, some more. On Patreon 8 on average and Liberapay 6...

Thank you Wilf for becoming the 77th supporter for TROM! - little by little we may be able to achieve the goal. #tromlive

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El mito del reciclaje

TROM en Español reshared this.

La Historia del Universo y de la Humanidad a Escala

Los amigos que reprodujeron el sistema solar a escala, lo han vuelto a hacer.
Esta vez, la historia del universo y la nuestra, a escala visual.
En el lecho de un lago seco del Mojave, un grupo de amigos construye una práctica maqueta del tiempo: 13.800 millones de años de evolución cósmica y nuestro lugar en ella.

Cuadro completo de escalas y distancias de la maqueta:

Escuelas indias educan en aplicaciones de código abierto

"Los alumnos de las escuelas indias reciben libros que les enseñan aplicaciones de código abierto como Krita. Así es como todos los gobiernos deberían gastar impuestos y no en material privativo."

Students at Indian schools get books that teach them about open source applications like Krita. This is how all government should spend tax payers money and not on proprietary stuff. #linux #opensource credit…

Próximamente alternativa a TikTok más sana

✨Introducing Loops, a fediverse TikTok platform.

Explore and share short videos on the fediverse using your Pixelfed or Mastodon account.

Available Soon.

Follow @loops for early access to the beta and updates.

#loops #pixelfed #pixelfedLoops

The plastic industry knowingly pushed recycling myth for decades, new report finds…

Of must be very skeptical when the companies producing plastic are so keen about "recycling". Of course they like these programs even if they do not work (which is the case today) since it allows them to produce more plastic and make more profits.

Recycling is only relevant when there is not a huge incentive to produce waste in the first place.

#TradeRuinsEverything #capitalism #recycle #recycling #greenwashing

Many many thank-yous!

Massive THANK YOU to the anonymous donation that covers all of our backups for another year! Massive thank you!

This for sure boosts the confidence around TROM, that there are some people out there who can help out when TROM is in need. Hopefully more updates to come the following weeks about the new video series!

Many thanks!


Massive THANK YOU to the anonymous donation that covers all of our backups for another year! Massive thank you!

This for sure boosts the confidence around TROM, that there are some people out there who can help out when TROM is in need. Hopefully more updates to come the following weeks about the new video series!

Many thanks!


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Georgimus Prime reshared this.