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WEF Founder Klaus Schwab's Father Was a Nazi?

While there is no evidence to support claims that Schwab's father was a Nazi officer, he did work for a company that supplied munitions to the regime.…

TROM II: The Climate Report…

#climatechange #climate #capitalism #trade #pollution #co2 #un

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Les méthodes de reconnaissance du chiffre d'affaires

En contrôle de gestion, les prestations de services ne se traduisent pas immédiatement en une production mesurable, d'où la disparité entre production et facturation. Le choix de la méthode de reconnaissance du chiffre d'affaires (comptabilisation à l'achèvement, à l'avancement, au prorata) est décisif.…

Finally a new ISO release with the latest updates from Manjaro and a few notes. Some Python issues. You will need to rebuild any AUR Python packages that install files to site-packages or link to

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Euronews Joins Me for a Cleanup Mission… by @Dima

#cleanup #eco #green #activism #conservation

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Secretos de los neandertales (Documental 2024)

Este documental se adentra en los misterios que giran en torno a los neandertales, y lo que nos cuentan los registros de fósiles en cuanto a su vida y su desaparición.

Los neandertales fueron probablemente la subespecie humana más parecida a la nuestra y con la que más llegamos a convivir, hasta el punto que, de media, cada uno de nosotros tiene entre un 1% y un 5% de su genética en su ADN. En 2013 se consiguió secuenciar el genoma completo por el grupo dirigido por Svante Paabo y su genoma coincide en un 99.7% con el nuestro.

Recomendado para ser incluido en #videoneat…

Un intestino feliz ❘Dra. de la Puerta

Nouvelle version du website de nos camarades de #BlackRoseRosaNegra en lien avec son envol militant :
- site billingue et structure revue
- programme traduit en espagnol

► Pages toggle between English & Spanish
► A full Spanish translation of our Program
► Updated introductory, history, and organizing pages

#Anarchism #Communism #AnarCommie #AnarchoCommunism #CommunistLibertarian #ClassUnity #ClassPride #ClassWar

Proletarian Rage reshared this.

La Cueva de los Huesos (Documental 2023)

Comment faire une road map projet ?

Une #roadmap projet, comment faire ? Une road map #projet est une planification stratégique qui permet de définir les grandes étapes et les #jalons clés d'un projet IT sur une période donnée. Elle est généralement représentée sous la forme d'un diagramme chronologique qui indique les principales activités du projet, les délais associés, les ressources nécessaires et les résultats attendus.…

En attendant la rencontre de #Lyon 25/26 mai, une réunion préparatoire importante samedi prochain à #Grenoble avec les #ComitesSyndicalistesRevolutionnaires qui font partie des orgas invitées à Lyon. DM pour discuter #LutteDesClasses, auto-organisation des luttes et #SyndicalismeRevolutionnaire.

Crazy sunspots....took this picture 10 minutes ago:

Tweaked a bit the colors and sharpness. Taken with Pixel 4a and my telescope.

The sun is nuts!

#sun #sunspot #nature #astrophotography

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Total Trust: Surveillance State -…

Crazy documentary. It looks like a dystopian SF movie. I have no idea why people still watch movies when reality is many times more than any movie. More scary, funny, complex, interesting, mindblowing.

China is perhaps how the future will look like for people on this planet. Total control.

#capitalism #surveillance #china #privacy

Newly added documentary on

Total Trust: Surveillance State

A Storyville documentary that explores, in intimate detail, state surveillance and digital social control in China by following the experiences of two families and a journalist.

Watch it here:…

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in reply to DwarvenAllFather

China is as much of a capitalist state as any. Billionaires, workers, slaves and owners, the capital of mass producing of stuff. Their social credits system is just another type of currency to extract more power for the very few.
in reply to Tio

No, they are socialists! They do not permit the private ownership of the means of production and distribution. They are not capitalists, learn what that word means!
in reply to DwarvenAllFather

Yeah I wrote a book about that… - the USA or other tribes also do not allow anyone to own stuff and have a private business. You have to do it under their rules. There are so many Chinese companies, same as US companies. In both cases they operate under the rules of the tribe. Their goal? Trade. Make more stuff, sell, make more money/credits/whatever, become rich, influence the politics, and so forth.
in reply to Tio

governments around the world are already, + have been, implementing surveillance measures similar to China's. Sometimes through the back door, other times more obvious - for those who see + listen. Orwell knew what he was writing about back then.

Rokosun reshared this.

Ok so this photo is insane and represents the advancement in the medical field. It is one of those photos that you could show to people from the past and they will be shocked...

Face transplant....

#medicine #surgery #future

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