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99% percent of Russians have nothing to do with the "Regime", curious choice of word ... just like 99% of Americans don't have connections to the war machine

I guess that it depends on what their source of income was ?

Indeed it nor they had nothing to do with the russian regime then it's clearly not fair...

Manufacturing Consent

For all those that are blindly following the current narrative of the Russia-Ukraine conflict… #peertube #russia #ukraine #media #propoganda

As a citizen of a country which has done some really terrible things in the past, I want to remind everyone that de-platforming citizens because their government is out of control is not brave or powerful. It's like banning Muslims from your shop after a terror attack, don't do it.

In other news, I'll be looking for a new dns registrar, recommendations welcome.

:tor: Tor was blocked in Russia leading up to #Ukraine.

Attacks on #privacy are pushes towards #Authoritarianism /#Totalitarianism (no matter where you are, or where you stand).


#Tutorial: How to bypass #Tor censorship in #Russia:

#HumanRights #Surveillance #Censorship…

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In our cashless society, we need to take digital jail seriously:… #digital #cashless #jail #society

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The non-US world really should be looking at Google, Amazon and Microsoft as analogous to Nord Stream 2.

A big one-way money and autonomy pipeline, out of your country, into another one that you don't control, that has an authoritarian political culture with strong Fascist elements, with which you are not *currently* at actual war, but.... if things went sideways, it would be able to hold your entire economy and government hostage.

Yes, US cloud services are cheap. So is Nord Stream 2 gas.

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Bringing the Framework Laptop to more of the world:… #linux #hardware #framework #laptop #rollout

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Late to the Mastodon party, but excited to explore this open social space.

Justin Trudeau Crosses The Rubicon And Reveals The End Stage Of Fake "Liberal Democracy" - Revolver…

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Earlier today: Claymation Add-on for Blender in Development… #b3d

Original tweet :…


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