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“According to a recent poll, more than 70 percent of Britons under the age of 50 are indifferent to the coronation. Even so, a staggering 250 million pounds ($315m) of magicked-up taxpayer money will be spent on this single day even as thousands of nurses, doctors, teachers and other key public workers have been told for months there is no money in the coffers to offer them a meaningful pay rise.”…

#monarchy #uk #inequality #letThemEatCake

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Today I got introduced to the phenomenon ”YT videos which are basically some guy reading some other guy’s blog posts out loud and having takes on them” and I’m sorry but we have officially finished this internet now. We should burn it down and build a new one

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Human Rights Watch said the arrests were "something you would expect to see in Moscow not London". #NotMyKing

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I’m really enjoying my new electric car. I have a pay-per-use arrangement and it comes with unlimited free parking.

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Making #Krita brushes – 5th video just released! Here's the playlist for the whole series.…

#DigitalBrushes #DigitalArt #KritaArtist #DigitalArtist

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"The Luddites did what every science fiction writer does: they took a technology and imagined all the different ways it could be used – who it could be used for and whom it could be used against. They demanded the creation of a parallel universe in which the left fork was taken, rather than the right." - @pluralistic…

"Democratizing access to the means of production isn’t intrinsically anti-labor – it’s only bad for workers when the bounty of automation is disproportionally al­located to a small number of capital owners, and not workers."

#scifi #venturecommunism #coop #cooperative

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in reply to nilesh

Shame to @mozilla for not providing a Gecko-equivalent of CEF (Chromium Embedded Framework).

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Kaidan 0.9 has been released! It adds support for OMEMO 2, Automatic Trust Management (ATM), XMPP Providers, Message Reactions and much more:…

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India bans Element – the flagship client for the Matrix network:…
#linux #foss #matrix #element #india #ban

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in reply to Boiling Steam

per the article...

''banning Element because it gives access to the Matrix network is the equivalent to blocking Google Chrome because it gives people access to the web...''

Yep. Just goes to show those in power are out of touch and have a hard time wrapping their heads around newer technologies.

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NI-powered solar collectors...

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In ONE HOUR I'll be joined on the picket line by one Hasan Piker for an irl stream as the #WritersStrike continues. Come cheer us on at and learn a thing or two about this historic action!

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Please donate to @dansup!

He's developing three important Fediverse projects:

1. @pixelfed

All these tools are critical to the future of the Fediverse.

In particular, #Pixelfed will be released on iOS and Android by the end of the month -- which will give people who use #Instagram an easy way to migrate to the Fediverse.

Dan does a lot! Let's show him appreciation and love!



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Chris Trottier
@o2n2 Or don't donate 🤷‍♂️

Fediverse News reshared this.

in reply to Chris Trottier

I think it's fair to say that anyone who believes in Democracy and free speech really needs to be supporting #Fediverse projects right now.

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Shopify to cut 20% of its workforce, beats quarterly revenue estimates:…
#market #shopify #layoff

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LPS reshared this.

Hey everyone — If you are getting crypto spam messages from off server today please remember to REPORT them to our/your Mod team - then BLOCK the account(s). 🚫

This is a fluid situation and I’ll post again if further action is taken here at #MstdnGames.


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in reply to LPS

Nobody tricked anybody- it were a solution—we just need to make A WORK and find another solution! Are you working on it?

Top-notch observation disguised as a meme. It's not new, but it's great.

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My personal Fediverse rules 2.0
- Say thank you
- Use the LIKE button liberally
- Boost good stuff
- Most of the time a reply ISN'T needed
- But if I do reply and agree with the post, explicitly say so
- Don't assume, ask questions first
- Apologize if you misunderstand
- Most people aren't jerks
- Question the idea, not the person
- if the reply is very odd, just ignore it... really. It's not your job to decode it
- if the reply is very bad, block liberally, you owe them nothing
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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in reply to Scott Jenson Tim Chambers reshared this.

My original post a few days ago was called my EVOLVING list of fediverse rules. Given the lovely feedback to that first post, the list, well evolved. This is the result. I doubt I'll be posting a 3.0 any time soon.

Calckey on Yunohost does not allow importing follows/followers etc.

I just recently installed #calckey on my #yunohost, but unfortunately I am not able to import my follows.

After a conversation with @Bernard Marx it seems that he's experiencing the same, with the only difference being that he's running an arm server and mine is an old PC.

Is anyone else experiencing this issue?