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in reply to TROM

Wow, thank you for sharing that YouTube video. Documentaries about BS conspiracy theories are the worst, its hilarious seeing these people trying to come up with various "explanations" just to cover up the holes in their theory.

Schools are not for learning.

in reply to TROM

One of the most asked questions in class is "Will this be on the test?", schools were never about education or learning new things......

Rokosun reshared this.

A Child with a Fatal Disease that's "Not Profitable to Cure"…

In a trade-based society it mainly, of not entirely, matters what's the value of a trade. If you can trade it, you have the go ahead. If it is not profitable to trade it or you cannot trade it, then it does not have any value.

We should be able to design a better society where the incentive is to help others, progress, protect, discover, rather than a mindless "trade trade trade".


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in reply to TROM

Its horrifying to hear that there are 200 to 300 children suffering from this disease and still no one's trying to help find a cure for it just because its not profitable. Its so sad that our world works this way.

Behavior is Environment

This entry was edited (2 years ago)

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Carbon Offsets: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver…

Trade trade, trade trade, trade long as we are compelled and trained to trade, that's our priority. Does not matter if it is a company or an individual. #TradeRuinsEverything #tromlive

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in reply to TROM

Thanks a lot for sharing that video, its very informative. I've heard before that these so called "Carbon Offsets" were a scam, but I didn't know they were this much harmful and outright ridiculous. I should've known, because how can you use trades to solve an issue that has been created by this trade based society in the first place!?

And all of these companies showing you ads saying "Zero carbon footprint", please don't fall for that BS. You can't "undo your emissions" by throwing money at it 🤦

cc @Ernest-Frankie @Émilie Fecteau

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in reply to Rokosun

From the video: "We cannot offset our way out of climate change." 😢

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Unknown parent

That was meant for media that would be trade-free an anyone can use. However for one we didn't find a good software to host that...and second it takes a lot of time and resources to do such a website...maybe in the future we will...for now we can't.
Unknown parent

It is still a project that we think about and we have not filly abandoned...but too many things under the TROM umbrella. It is quite a challenge to maintain everything at this point. Maybe after the TROM II documentary is released we can look again into this. I'd love to see such a website.