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Treat people like dogs!

COVID 19 killed some 4.6 million people for the past 2 years. Air Pollution kills 7 million people each year. Both are important, but you do not see much attention given to the air pollution as a "killer".

Here's a map of the air pollution:


This entry was edited (3 years ago)

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Tio reshared this.

We have removed over 100 accounts from our like we have said. These accounts did not fit to our thematic: science/technology/activism. All of the users were notified beforehand about the removal. We freed-up some 150GB of disk space and got rid of a ton of crazy videos. #tromlive

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Psychedelics – the new psychiatric craze! -… - Very good article by Joanna Moncrieff, who was one of our TROMcast guests. It is important to understand the human behavior, but we need to be as scientific as possible about it. #tromlive

See what new documentary is featured on our Peertube instance :) . We do this every week. Enjoy! #tromlive.

The tech prostitutes

"How Tech Companies Manipulate the Media"…

A well made video by the "tech youtubers" explaining how big companies bully them into creating positive reviews for their products. And then they go back at doing just that. Rinse and repeat. Nothing learned. These online prostitutes are eager to trade trade trade, at infinitum. They are pursued by the same companies, and same tech prostitutes that talk positively about tech, to buy more of that tech. A way of eating your own poop.

So then they have to pay for their macbookpros and teslas and such, so then they have to make videos that reach more and more people, because that makes them more and more money, to then buy more and more stuff. Endless...

Very little of the new tech nowadays is useful and a real innovation. The rest is LED lights of different colors. Toys.

We need to make people understand the trap of this trade-based society in the hope that they may want to escape from it. First: understand the problem. #tromlive

kaalki reshared this.

Thank you so much for still supporting our TROM project via Patreon or Liberapay, monthly. This keeps us still going and we are able to create a lot of content/projects while keeping the entire project up to date and relevant. #tromlive

TROMcast 68: Dealing with

Tomorrow at 23:30 Madrid time. Here…
