Comment nos camarades de nos organisations soeur d'Europe ont-ils/elles vécu ces journées d'été 2023 de l'#UnionCommunisteLibertaire ?
Le point de vue de nos camarades de #DiePlattform venu·es en délégation cette année et qui organisaient le mois précédent leur 1er camp d'été.…
“Die Verbindungen stärken”: Bericht vom Besuch auf dem Sommercamp der UCL
Vom 13. bis 20. August hat in der südfranzösischen Region Aveyron das diesjährige Sommercamp unserer Schwesterorganisation Union communiste libertaire (UCL) stattgefunden. Mitglieder und Sympathisant:innen aus allen Teilen Frankreichs nahmen an der Veranstaltung teil. Nachdem bereits im vergangenen Jahr ein Genosse der Plattform das Camp besucht hatte, war in diesem Jahr sogar eine kleine Delegation der Plattform vor Ort, um einen Einblick in die Arbeit der Genoss:innen zu bekommen und die Verbindungen zwischen unseren Organisationen zu stärken. Es folgt der Bericht der Delegation:
“Wie in den Jahren zuvor gab es auch in diesem Jahr ein vielfältiges inhaltliches Programm. Jeden Tag gab es gleich mehrere Workshops, Vorträge oder Diskussionsrunden zu unterschiedlichen sozialen Kämpfen und Fragen der Organisation. Ein Fokus in den ersten Tagen lag dabei auf der Auseinandersetzung mit der kurdischen Freiheitsbewegung. So lauschten die Anwesenden den Ausführungen eines Genossen von der Akademie der Demokratischen Moderne über die aktuelle Lage in Rojava und den Erklärungen einer Genossin zur Theorie der Jineologie. Wie in den Vorjahren lag ein weiterer Schwerpunkt des Camps auf betrieblicher und gewerkschaftlicher Arbeit. In verschiedenen Veranstaltungen wurden zum Beispiel Einschätzungen zur Bewegung gegen die Rentenreform ausgetauscht und die Ergebnisse des letzten Kongresses der Gewerkschaft CGT erläutert. Genoss:innen, die in den Gewerkschaftsbünden CGT und Solidaires aktiv sind, diskutierten über den Zustand ihrer Organisationen.
Aber auch viele andere Themen fanden statt: So kamen Aktive aus der Umweltbewegung und der antifaschistischen Bewegung zur Sprache, Genoss:innen aus den internen Komitees der UCL hielten die von ihnen erarbeiteten föderationsweiten Fortbildungen zu Queerfeindlichkeit und Rassismus und das internationale Sekretariat widmete sich in einer Veranstaltung der aktuellen Lage des französischen Imperialismus. Wir als Delegation ergänzten diese Veranstaltung mit einem knappen Vortrag zu Geschichte und Aktualität des deutschen Imperialismus. Bei einer eigenen Veranstaltung auf dem Camp hatten wir die Möglichkeit, mit französischen Genoss:innen über die aktuelle innenpolitische Lage in Deutschland zu sprechen und konnten eine Vielzahl von Fragen dazu beantworten. Besonders gefreut haben wir uns über den herzlichen Zuspruch der Genoss:innen für unseren eigenen weiteren Organisationsaufbau.
Die Woche des Zusammenseins soll aber nicht nur der Bildung dienen. Sie ist auch ein Ort zur kollektiven Erholung, zum Kräfte sammeln für das nächste Jahr des politischen Kampfes und zum Verbindungen knüpfen mit Genoss:innen aus anderen Teilen des Landes. Deshalb gab es neben Sportangeboten am Morgen in den Abendstunden abwechslungsreiche Freizeitangebote. Von revolutionärer Karaoke, Tanz und Spieleabenden bis hin zu einem Pubquiz, das deutsche und französische Genoss:innen gemeinsam organisierten.
Das Camp der UCL zeichnet sich gegenüber vielen politischen Camps, die wir hier in Deutschland kennenlernen durften, dadurch aus, dass es ein außergewöhnlich hohes Maß an Selbstverwaltung gibt. Vom Bildungsprogramm, zu den Freizeitangeboten und reproduktiven Aufgaben, organisieren die Teilnehmenden alles selbst. Für jeden Aufgabenbereich werden Verantwortliche benannt, die wiederum als Ansprechpersonen dienen für die Genoss:innen, die sich in die Schichten einteilen. Jeden Abend findet eine Generalversammlung aller Teilnehmenden statt. So gelang es, die anfallenden Arbeiten gemeinschaftlich und solidarisch zu bewältigen.
Alles in allem war es auch in diesem Jahr wieder eine unglaublich schöne und wichtige Erfahrung, auf dem Camp zu sein. Der intensive inhaltliche Austausch, der herzliche Empfang durch unsere Genoss:innen und das solidarische Zusammenleben auf dem Camp – und das alles inmitten der Natur, weit abseits des Trubels und des Lärms unserer Städte. Zu sehen, wie sich unsere Schwesterorganisation in Frankreich immer weiter aufbaut und eine relevante Rolle in den aktuellen Klassenauseinandersetzungen spielt, gibt uns Kraft. Zu sehen, wie sich eine neue Generation an libertären Revolutionär:innen herausbildet, die den Klassenkampf im Herzen trägt, gibt uns Hoffnung. Und zu sehen, wie sich die Verbindungen zwischen unseren Organisationen, die wir vor nun bald fünf Jahren mit unserer Gründung aufgenommen haben, immer weiter verstärken, gibt uns Zuversicht. Für den Aufbau einer starken anarchistischen Organisation hier in der BRD und für die Schaffung einer neuen anarchistischen Internationale.”
Auch in den kommenden Monaten und Jahren werden wir die Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Genoss:innen in Frankreich und anderswo weiter intensivieren. In der aktuellen Phase erscheint es uns besonders wichtig, Informationen aus der libertären Bewegung und den Klassenkämpfen vor Ort zu verbreiten. Deshalb werden wir in den kommenden Wochen zwei Interviews auf veröffentlichen, die wir auf dem Camp mit Genoss:innen geführt haben. Seid gespannt.
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Fact Check: Everyone in 'Idiocracy' Wears Crocs Because They Were 'Horrible' and Cheap?
The movie was filmed in 2004, two years before the controversial foam based footwear product took over the world.
The wannabe activists
I am quite sure that what prevents me from going into a deep depression is my workaholism. I am always busy with things, some new, some old, some experimental. I always want to do new projects, write, create, enable. The fact that soon after I released TROM II, a 3 years work, I jumped into new adventures, says a lot. Many would fucking retire for a few years after working so much on a project, or drop dead.
I always do stuff. And that keeps me away from thinking about many truths. Some that really piss me off are these wannabe "activists" and "organizations" that bitch about this society and then have pompous motivational vomits about how we should do something, and help, and fight, and all that. Yet none, or almost none, of these motherfuckers that I know have ever helped TROM and the many projects that we have, even with a share or something.
We have so many tools that people can use, so many books, a new documentary, and more. I am always available for any podcasts, debate, presentation, wheteverthefuck. I am here screaming for more than a decade, but if I think how ignored TROM is, especially by these cunts :), then I could go into depression mode quite fast.
That's the truth.
Better to keep myself busy with my TROM work, else I may realize how hypocritical many people are. I will always share whatever is important in regards to TROM, regardless of the source. And we do daily on and such. And I've helped other projects whenever I could.
What just triggered me is this video by TVP . Ok made, but the message of: "We should change the world by getting involved. You can do something even from behind the computer!" Is so hypocritical coming from an organization that will NEVER share anything from anyone else. They will NEVER help those people who are active and fight.
TVP has some online reach so hey go ahead share TROM II, or, or other orgs from our Trade Free Directory! They won't! They never did. I worked with them for years. They just talk. Bullshitters. Many bullshitters out there.
Ok rant done.
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Fact Check: Celine Dion's Family Reveals She Is Dying of Stiff-Person Syndrome?
A YouTube channel named Culture Covered made the claim in early September 2023.
Fact Check: Video Shows Biden Whispering to Child, 'You're One Sexy Kid'?
A search for the original source of the altered video revealed it had been recorded at Fort Liberty in North Carolina on June 9, 2023.…
1943 : Le CNR, quelles leçons en tirer ?
L’année 2023 marque les 80 ans du Conseil National de la Résistance, ce rassemblement de forces politiques après la guerre qui a permis des avancées progressistes peut être source d’inspiration 80 ans plus tard.
Le 24 mai dernier, Emmanuel Macron a rendu hommage aux 80 ans du Conseil National de la Résistance (CNR) et a salué « la mémoire de ceux qui firent vivre et grandir cet esprit de résistance qui est l’âme de la France ». Pour dépasser les hommages officiels et les appels grandiloquents à « l’âme de la France », il est nécessaire de revenir sur l’histoire du CNR. Formé en mai 1943 dans l’objectif d’unifier l’ensemble des forces politiques et militaires de résistance, le CNR regroupe les organisations de résistance, six partis politiques des communistes aux gaullistes et les deux syndicats ouvriers (CGT et CFTC).
Cela traduit la prise de conscience de la nécessaire unité du combat démocratique mais aussi du rapport de force favorable aux communistes qui représentent la principale force de résistance. Ainsi, pour les gaullistes craignant que la révolution communiste succède à l’occupation nazie, il était indispensable d’intégrer le PCF dans les plans de reconstruction de l’après-guerre ; surtout dans un contexte où la quasi-totalité des grands patrons sombraient dans la collaboration avec les nazis ou le régime de Vichy.
Un programme progressiste unitaire
Au-delà de la coordination militaire de la résistance, le CNR a construit un programme politique pour l’après-guerre. La « Charte du Conseil National de la Résistance » adoptée en mars 1944, a énoncé les principes fondamentaux qui devraient guider la France libérée. Elle comprenait notamment l’instauration de la Sécurité sociale, la nationalisation des grandes entreprises et la restitution des biens spoliés aux Juifs.
Après la guerre, l’héritage du CNR s’est perpétué notamment via le programme des « jours heureux » qui a largement inspiré les politiques sociales mises en œuvre. En effet, ce programme prévoyait entre autre « la participation des travailleurs à la direction de l’économie », « un réajustement important des salaires ». Il était également proposé de garantir « la sécurité de l’emploi » et d’instituer un « plan complet de sécurité sociale ». Par cette élaboration politique, le CNR lie la lutte antifasciste armée avec un programme politique progressiste même si ce programme n’était pas exempt de limites.
Appuyé-es par leur rôle important lors de la Résistance, les communistes ont pu imposer un programme social dans le CNR.
Dans le contexte actuel que nous connaissons (88 députés RN à l’Assemblée Nationale, nombreuses attaques des groupuscules fascistes, etc.), il est nécessaire de tirer des enseignements du CNR : notre lutte antifasciste doit être unitaire et rassembler autant que possible les forces politiques de notre camp social pour construire une riposte antifasciste efficace.
En liant des objectifs d’émancipation collective à la lutte armée antifasciste, le CNR nous rappelle que l’un des meilleurs moyens de contrer les mouvements fascistes est d’opposer à leurs idées réactionnaires, nos valeurs de solidarité de classe. A ce titre, il est nécessaire de renforcer les luttes sociales et de développer le caractère antifasciste des mouvements sociaux pour refouler les discours réactionnaires et fascistes.
Thibaut (UCL Lyon)
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Fact Check: Whoopi, Joy, and Sunny To Quit 'Immediately' if 'The View' Adds Candace Owens?
We found the claim had been spread online since the beginning of 2023.
Did Elon Musk Turn Off Starlink Access in Crimea To Disrupt Ukrainian Attack?
Musk's Starlink satellite internet service became crucial to Ukraine's defense after the Russian invasion.
Fact Check: Is This ‘Crab-Like’ Human Skeleton for Real?
As the rumors go, the skeleton was recovered from the “Le Lanchon experiments” on human evolution.
Fact Check: Facebook To Charge Users $7.99 Per Month, as 'Channel 13 News' Reported?
Facebook users alerted friends of the purported breaking news in copy-and-paste posts.…
Défense des retraites : l’ensauvagement de la répression macroniste
Arrestations arbitraires, mutilations, poursuites… L’appareil de répression administratif, policier et judiciaire a mobilisé des moyens d’une violence inouïe, également employés contre les mobilisations écologistes, ou à Mayotte lors de l’opération Wuambushu.
Le mouvement n’a pas échappé à la répression. Son caractère inédit réside sûrement dans les condamnations unanimes des défenseurs des droits humains face à des pratiques illibérales. Ainsi, l’arsenal répressif s’est caractérisé par l’emploi de techniques administratives autoritaires, des techniques policières brutales et des peines disproportionnées prononcées par les tribunaux.
L’autoritarisme est marqué par un contrôle administratif renforcé. Une première phase a consisté à empêcher le parcours de manifestations approchant trop les lieux de pouvoir ou les centres-villes. Une deuxième phase s’est ouverte avec les arrêtés anti-casserolades et l’emploi de techniques dédiées au contrôle du terrorisme envers les manifestations.
Le plus hallucinant a tout même été de voir le ministre de l’Intérieur, Darmanin, menacer de dissolution les Soulèvements de la terre ou une organisation aussi intouchable – dans un État de droit – que la Ligue des droits de l’homme ! Les réquisitions de grévistes dans les raffineries parachèvent ce dispositif de répression administrative du mouvement social.
80% des gardes à vue classées sans suite
Les arrestations arbitraires, sans motif, se sont multipliées. Selon un recensement du Contrôleur général des lieux de privation de liberté, au 3 mai 2023, 80% des gardes à vues ont été classées sans suite. À Paris, le 16 mars, 292 personnes ont été arrêtées sans raison.
Par ailleurs, les charges policières contre les cortèges ont rythmé des manifestations, de même qu’un contrôle par drones, comme le 1er mai. Les blessures graves et mutilations se sont multipliées, comme le 23 mars à Paris où un cheminot a été éborgné par une grenade de désencerclement.
La grande convergence écologiste de Sainte-Soline, le 25 mars, a subi une violence inédite : des policiers en quad tirant au LBD, 5 000 grenades tirées, 200 blessé·es. De plus, les actions de blocage et les piquets de grève ont parfois subi des attaques policières, par exemple lors de la grève des éboueurs à Paris. Les tirs à balles réelles de l’opération Wuambushu couronnent cet ensauvagement.
Les arrestations, comparutions immédiates et peines injustifiées se multiplient après les manifs. Les tribunaux pénaux mènent des procès politiques contre des faits de grève ou des actions de blocages, comme dans le Loiret où 44 grévistes sont poursuivis pour exercice illégal du droit de grève, ou de simples tags « Stop 64 » comme à Amiens, ou encore envers des militants qui ont chassé l’extrême droite des cortèges, comme les camarades de l’UCL Ain [1], qui remporteront leur procès.
Face à la répression, la solidarité de classe (et financière !) est un impératif, de même que la lutte antifasciste. Remporter l’amnistie de toutes et tous les condamné·es serait une victoire pour le mouvement social.
Oriane (UCL Grenoble)
Union Communiste Libertaire 37 likes this.
Yeah so Contabo will not sell me any new service:
Thanks for reaching out to Contabo customer support.
For internal reasons we had to take the decision not to provide you with any new products this time, we are awfully sorry to say. "For internal reasons" means we are not going to communicate our motivation. Our decision is not up for debate; we kindly ask for your understanding. Please do not take our decision personally. It has nothing to do with you but rather with reasons that we are not going to explain since we do not want you to misunderstand us or misinterpret our statements. Exactly because of this, we consider all information as internal company information.
Still, we are always available for you personally and will respond to all of your questions as soon as possible. Always feel free to contact us.
I am not even sure if this is legal to refuse without explanation. But it is time to move away from these terrible human beings. It is already a struggle to work on these trade-free projects and provide for everyone, last thing I need is this kind of shitty treatment and unfair.
But what can I do!?
Sad world.
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Fact Check: Selena Gomez 'Made Disgusted Faces' and Covered Her Ears During Olivia Rodrigo's VMAs Performance?
“Not Selena Gomez covering her ears during Olivia Rodrigo performance,” one popular post on X (formerly known as Twitter) said.
TROM Search (searxng), and Translate (lingva) are trade-free (TF) interfaces for trade-based services. And they may or may not work. Now we make sure people understand that:
We have removed TROM Bird (nitter - a Twitter TF interface) because for one it rarely worked since the billionaire introduced new rules, and second we do not see it relevant. We have the Fediverse where anyone can join for free.
Bibliogram (TF for Instagram), Teddit (TF interface for Reddit), and Invidious (TF for Youtube) were also removed in the past, because they either didn't work at all, or it was nearly impossible to keep them functional.
All of these TF interfaces are either a pain to develop, deploy and maintain, or they do not work anymore. Our server IP is getting limited or blocked by these big companies, so it is not a good idea to try and host them. Simply put these companies want for people to use their platforms to see ads and collect their data, or sell shit to them. If you still use them, then you should considering ditching them!
In the end these are not alternatives to trade-based services, they are interfaces for these services. So for example we rely on Friendica instead of Facebook, because Friendica is a true alternative. A different social network! Same when we rely on Peertube instead of Youtube. Or Nextcloud instead of Google Drive, and so forth. These and more, are the true services that we provide via !
Yes, most videos are on Youtube and it will take a long time until we could match that on Peertube, so for now keep calm and use FreeTube (local TF interface for Youtube), and keep on posting on Peertube!
Yes Reddit has a lot of interesting content. So use an ad and tracker blocker! And give Lemmy a try!
In the near future we will replace the TROM Translate with a proper Translation engine that we run on our server. As for a search engine it is damn tricky....we do not know what alternative there is.
And please consider supporting us here so that we keep on providing real Trade Free alternatives to what has become a cancer of the Internet world: Google, Facebook, Twitter and the like.
It’s the idiot normies that stare at you like you’re an alien when you suggest they stop using Big Tech stuff 😒
Calling them idiots will for sure win their hearts :)
But it is for sure the content too. I can't ditch youtube (use it to watch videos) since there is no alternative to that. I use FreeTube but it is still youtube's content.
Tournel Henry likes this.
I am thinking of giving up our SearxNG instance since our IP gets a bad reputation because of so many times trying to access google or the other search engines. Is there a meta-search that uses SearxNG that basically randoms through different instances when you do a search?
EDIT: I remember ofc - but if anyone knows any other....
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GitHub - benbusby/farside: A smart redirecting gateway for various frontend services
A smart redirecting gateway for various frontend services - GitHub - benbusby/farside: A smart redirecting gateway for various frontend servicesGitHub
Tio likes this.
I've been struggling these days with the work on TROM. I worked in parrallel on TROMjaro, to find a way to make sustainable in terms of the server and specifically diskspace, and I also work on an article about the ZDay experience. Oh and I tried to improve the ZDay audio and all that...
And I did not have too much success but I am progressing. TROMjaro ISO released, 30% of the ZDay article done, but the solution for is still floating in mid-air....
The main issue is that we are running out of diskspace. So we urgently need to do something about that. Peertube eats by far the most, around 800GB and the saner solution is to move the storage to an Object Storage. I tried and tried and tried and had partial success.... So it is either that I will move our Peertube to an Object Storage or I move the entire server to a server that has more storage space. Problem is, I found such a server, and would be cheaper overall, but it is from Contabo and they seem to refuse to sell me any new service because of the conflict we had a while back.
I got kinda tired these days. My eyes hurt. I even forgot to mention that I've also tried to test stuff for the Friendica YNH package and submit issues/changes/ideas to the devs to make sure we make the YNH Friendica reliable.
Too many things man....and a lot of computer-things that is....and with computers and so many projects there is ALWAYS something to fix/improve. IDK if I like this....I LOVE the end result tho. Us having our own video platform, social network, OS, and so forth...
Well, keep calm and work. Try not to stress. Go out sometimes. Thanks for the advice :)
Removal of
Our first example of forced takedown has to do with our Nitter instance. Nitter is a front end for Twitter, a proxy service. All it does is requesting a page from Twittter on your (the visitor) behalf. It will only display the Twitter content, without trackers and using its own (more humane theme). It is not storing any data on the server.Our instance:
No page on exists unless you visit it to generate it. Remember this.
On 11/8/22, 17:35 we have received this from our hosting provider:
Dear ******,We have received complaints about your VPS XL SSD, specifically about the following IP address(es):
Please see the forwarded e-mail below for more details. Apparently, your VPS XL SSD is used for phishing which is strictly forbidden by our ToS.
Abuse is a serious threat in the Internet and can cause a huge amount of damage; thus, we ask for your understanding that once an ABUSE case is reported to us, we must handle abuse strictly and with no tolerance.
Please take immediate action to stop the ongoing server misuse. It is required that you solve the problem within the next 12 hours, and that we receive your reply within this period, too. Your reply must contain all information which enable us to understand exactly which measures you took to stop the abuse and prevent such or similar incidents in the future.
We will suspend access to your VPS XL SSD if we do not receive your reply within the given time frame, and if the problem is not solved in due time; both is essential - the solution and your response. The reactivation of a VPS XL SSD always demands a reactivation fee of at least €36.30. Please respond in due time to save these expenses.
We would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.
Original complaint from
Subject: Unauthorized Use of TrademarkThe original complaint that was sent to our hosting provider was this:
This is an official message from AppGate, on behalf of our Banco del Pacifico G.F.
We need your cooperation in the removal of the content located in the site:
The target site is the following URL(s):
We kindly ask you to shut down this content as soon as possible. We expect a prompt and affirmative response.Thanks for helping make the Internet safer.
DTP Team - Appgate
We replied:
Dear Contabo,For one is a front-end access to the twitter page It is not a content that is available on our server. We are using Nitter a Twitter front-end . Like thousands do. How can we be responsible for the Twitter content now? This is not something we can ever remove since it is not on our server. Please understand.
Second, did you check to see if this bank account is phishing? - they have a verified Twitter account and all that. They seem like any other bank...
Please get back to me on this or put me in contact with the ones who filled the complain.
I thought for sure that they accuse us of mirroring a real Twitter phishing account.
But well, we were worried that they will shut down our entire server that hosts 20+ Open Source services that thousands of people use, so the same day we sent another email because no one would reply:
So this is a proxy service, mind you. If the ones contacting you are the owners of that Twitter account please make them aware that it is legal to host proxies and we do not host any materials from this proxy on our server. Here is a discussion about Nitter and DMCA…Sent one more because we were stressed by the 12 hour deadline they gave us:
Hello, hosts Nitter, a private Twitter front-end, meaning it is simply a proxy to access Twitter assets and user generated content without tracking from Twitter. Thus, all content is proxied from Twitter and is not stored on our servers and if Twitter chooses to remove an asset, it will no longer appear on our site.
Our is hosted in the European Union, so the European Union's laws apply. Under the directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 on the harmonization of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society, "temporary acts of reproduction referred to in Article 2, which are transient or incidental [and] an integral and essential part of a technological process and whose sole purpose is to enable: a transmission in a network between third parties by an intermediary" is allowed, and legal.
As such, all takedown requests must be sent to Twitter, as we don't have any control on the data that they have on their servers.
Thank you,
After several hours of no reply we sent one more:
So please be mindful and do not remove our server. The link is not phishing. You gave me 12h to fix the problem and since you have not replied for the past hours I am concerned about that short deadline. I may not be available for the next 10 hours from now on, simply because I may be asleep, so please do not remove our server as it has not breached any of your ToS.We got no reply until 22/8/22 10:46. 11 days later! We got this:
Dear ****,So, where is the final solution? We will give 12 hours to finally close this case.
If you have any questions or need help, please do not hesitate to contact us.
And we replied:
Hello, hosts Nitter, a private Twitter front-end, meaning it is simply a proxy to access Twitter assets and user generated content without tracking from Twitter. Thus, all content is proxied from Twitter and is not stored on our servers and if Twitter chooses to remove an asset, it will no longer appear on our site.
Our (Nitter) is hosted in the European Union, so the European Union's laws apply. Under the directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 on the harmonization of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society, "temporary acts of reproduction referred to in Article 2, which are transient or incidental [and] an integral and essential part of a technological process and whose sole purpose is to enable: a transmission in a network between third parties by an intermediary" is allowed, and legal.As such, all takedown requests must be sent to Twitter, as we don't have any control on the data that they have on their servers.
I am waiting for your response.Cheers!
An hour later, no reply. We emailed again:
Please reply today so we can settle this. If you want you can even call me. My phone number is in my account details. I would be illegal under the EU law to remove my server because of a legal service. A proxy one that does not store any data on your servers.I am waiting for your reply!
2 hours later, no reply, we emailed them again:
I could also seek the advice and involvement of the Electronic Frontier Foundation about this case, because if you decide to remove our server for something that is legally protected, then the precedent is dangerous and needs to be addressed.I have contacted you a few hours ago and you did not reply, yet you gave me 12h to solve this issue and/or to contact you, which I have done.
So please reply to me and please do not remove the server.
Two more hours later, no reply. Being concerned that they will remove our entire server we decided to make that Nitter link not accessible via Nginx. That's the best we could do. We were forced to do that because no one at Contabo would even engage with us over this. We had no options. It was a mafia style "non-discussion", "do as I told you" approach by the Contabo company.
We emailed:
The URL is now gone. This is an illegal request and I felt bullied into removing a link that did not host anything phishing related and no content at all. This is not ok and I will contact several organizations to help me with this abuse.You should understand that what the complaint requested was an illegal request, but since I was threatened with the closure of my entire server in less than 12h, and thus over 20 websites hosted there, I was forced to remove that URL.
Now that the URL is gone, you can close this case. I will contact you soon in regards to this decission.
And emailed again:
Tomorrow I will not be home for most of the day, and now that the link has be removed (unfairly) you have no reason to delete our server. I hope you are reasonable people and act the same. And not forget that I've been forced to remove a link that was neither phishing, nor did it store any content. It was a proxy link from a very popular proxy service called Nitter.They replied:
Dear ****,Thank you very much for your response.
The complaint seems to be solved; thus, we have closed this case and no further steps are requested from your side at the moment. If we should receive further complaints about your used services, we will contact you again.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Fuck them! "thank you for your cooperation"....motherfuckers. There was no cooperation. It was them forcing me to remove a URL that was not a phishing URL as it was claimed to be, nor did it store any content.
I replied:
Dear Contabo,This was far from "cooperation", I was forced by you to remove a link that was not phishing, nor did it contain any content. You refused to reply to any of my arguments or look into this.
I am terribly disappointed in you, and I will stop recommending Contabo to anyone.
I will do my best to forward this case to different organizations that could help me pierce through your silence, because you have been bullied by whatever company contacted you, to remove a legal link, and thus abuse people like me who are paying for your service.
Do you have any comments in regards to your decision to force me to remove that URL?
And now I will try to contact EFF or other similar organizations about this issue. If anyone can help, please let me know. If this becomes the norm, then any link from any of our website, can be subject to removal.
This is unacceptable.
The company:
Thank you for your response.There are new changes in Germany regarding copyright violations that forced us to remove all domains from our network that are providing protected contents.
Either you provide for us and every visitor the declaration of consent of the right holder to each individual product or its confirmation that you are the right holder. Otherwise, we will be forced to remove this website. This comes also in action for redirections, quotes and shared posts.
We know that this is strict, but we are bound by the law and hope for your understanding.
Would would be kind to tell me what set of laws we are talking about? This is extremely strict. Sounds like you are not allowed to host anything but your own personal photos for example.Second, are these laws only applying for the servers hosted in Germany by Contabo? Would it be better to migrate to a different region?
Thank you for your e-mail.Yes, the German copyright law is really very strict, and affects all companies based in Germany, including in our case our data centers in other countries.
The copyright law states that content may only be uploaded if its creator or owner has explicitly confirmed this.
Hi,I felt like I was given no chance to defend myself when you contacted me. And I contacted others for legal advice and I was given some, but you had ignored it. You did not address it at all. I showed you that proxy services are legal in all of the EU "Under the directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001". So how am I going to know if what you did was legal or not if I am not provided any details about your decision?
Do you understand my frustration?
Right now, based on my experience with Contabo, you guys can any day ask me to remove any link at your will, and I cannot do a thing about it. This is truly disturbing to me.
Now can you please take your time and explain to me under what exact law does it say it is illegal in Germany to host a proxy service that uses the official API of Twitter, which allows exactly for what we are doing with (Nitter).
Please take your time and explain to me. I think it is fair towards me to have an explanation of this.
we don't have to have a legal debate, because I don't think there's a lawyer sitting on either side right now. It is also completely irrelevant: We don't want our network to be affected, by repeated complaints. We are allowed to protect our reputation, and that is what we are doing here. Besides, it's perfectly clear that you can't use someone else's copyright.It is clear by now that they just bend to whoever contacts them with an abuse report. They do not want or have the resources to do anything more than bully their "clients" into taking down whatever it is requested. Not surprised...
Roma likes this.
PublicLewdness reshared this.
Thank you so much SomeOrdinaryDude for the 50 Euros donation! Much much appreciated! While in the long run we need the 200 for TROM campaign to succeed, anyone can still send one time donations from the same page - scroll to the bottom.
We are in the process of trying to find a long term solution for our Mostly in terms of diskspace since we are running low on that. So any financial help is much much appreciated!
Thank you!
Chili/Chile communiqué international FR, ES, EN
Contre l'héritage de la dictature et le réformisme, guerre de classe et pouvoir populaire
À l’occasion du 50e anniversaire du coup d’État civil-militaire dans les territoires dominés par l’État chilien, qui a donné libre cours au terrorisme étatique-patronal et a signifié pour les opprimé.e.s des années de persécution, de torture, de viol et de disparition, nous continuons aujourd’hui à résister à l’oubli et à maintenir vivante la mémoire de notre classe.
Dans notre volonté de nous battre pour la mémoire, nous reconnaissons qu’il est essentiel de rendre visible et de ne pas oublier le processus qui se tissait en dehors des directions partisanes de l’Unidad Popular et de son projet de modernisation capitaliste ; ce processus qui défiait l’institutionnalité bourgeoise et qui était soutenu par les habitant.e.s des quartiers, les ouvrier.e.s et les à travers des expériences organisationnelles que nous caractérisons aujourd’hui comme des expressions du pouvoir populaire depuis la base, autogestionnaire et révolutionnaire.
De plus, il est essentiel de ne pas négliger la réponse du projet de la gauche parlementaire qui, face aux expériences de pouvoir autogestionnaire et de rupture révolutionnaire, a opté pour l’institutionnalisation des luttes, la cooptation et la répression, favorisant ainsi la conciliation des classes. La leçon que nous tirons de ce processus est qu’aucune force sociale ne peut se mettre au service du cadre gouvernemental, il est donc nécessaire de dépasser et de déborder les propositions politiques qui cherchent à dynamiter le rôle du peuple et à tout orienter vers les lignes directrices institutionnelles. Aujourd’hui comme hier, nous devons faire face à ces projets qui ne font que renforcer et alimenter la domination avec des agendas précarisants, extractivistes et répressifs.
Notre commémoration implique de développer une force sociale organisée capable de rompre avec le cours historique actuel, qui ne se laisse pas tenter par les raccourcis institutionnels et les prétendues solutions rapides, qui dépasse les messianismes et fait reculer les idées et pratiques promues par la bourgeoisie, que ce soit dans sa forme fasciste, libérale ou progressiste.
Enfin, depuis l’anarchisme organisé et social, nous identifions comme prioritaire de contester le présent et l’avenir à partir d’un projet révolutionnaire anti-étatique, anticapitaliste, antiraciste et antipatriarcal qui récupère les précieuses expériences de lutte et de résistance qui sont aujourd’hui accumulées dans la mémoire digne du peuple organisé. Nous avons confiance que cette voie de mémoire, de lutte et d’organisation nous rapproche davantage de notre émancipation.
¡Arriba lxs que luchan!
Signataires :
☆Federación Anarquista Santiago (FAS) – Chili
☆Coordinación Anarquista Latinoamericana (Federacion Anarquista Uruguaya [FAU], Federación Anarquista de Rosario [FAR], Coordinación Anarquista Brasileña [CAB])
☆Organisation Socialiste Libertaire (OSL) – Suisse
☆Embat, Organització Llibertària de Catalunya – Catalogne
☆Black Rose Anarchist Federation / Federación Anarquista Rosa Negra (BRRN) – United States
☆Libertäre Aktion (LA) – Suisse
☆Union Communiste Libertaire (UCL) – France
☆Grupo Libertario Vía Libre – Colombie
☆Die Plattform – Allemagne
☆Roja y Negra Organización Politíca Anarquista – Argentine
☆Anarchist Communist Group (ACG) Grande Bretagne
☆Alternativa Libertaria (AL/FdCA) – Italie
☆Organización Anarquista de Córdoba – Argentine
☆Organización Anarquista de Santa Cruz – Argentine
☆Organización Anarquista de Tucuman – Argentine
A 50 años del golpe cívico-militar en los territorios dominados por el Estado chileno, que dio rienda suelta al terrorismo estatal-patronal y significó para lxs de abajo años de persecución, tortura, violación y desaparición, hoy seguimos resistiendo al olvido y manteniendo viva la memoria de nuestra clase.
En nuestra apuesta por disputar la memoria, reconocemos que es imprescindible visibilizar y no olvidar el proceso que se tejía por debajo de las direcciones partidarias de la Unidad Popular y su proyecto de modernización capitalista; aquel proceso que desafiaba la institucionalidad burguesa y que fue sostenido por pobladorxs, obrerxs y campesinxs a partir de experiencias organizativas que hoy caracterizamos como expresiones del poder popular desde abajo, autogestivo y revolucionario.
Asimismo, es preciso no pasar por alto la respuesta del proyecto de la izquierda parlamentaria que ante las experiencias de poder autogestivo y de ruptura revolucionaria apostó por la institucionalización de las luchas, la cooptación y la represión, impulsando, de esta manera, la conciliación de clase. La lección que nos deja este proceso es que ninguna fuerza social puede ponerse al servicio del marco gubernamental, por tanto, es preciso rebasar y desbordar las propuestas políticas que pretenden dinamitar el protagonismo popular y volcar todo a los lineamientos institucionales. Hoy como ayer debemos hacerle frente a aquellos proyectos que solo fortalecen y alimentan la dominación con agendas precarizadoras, extractivistas y represivas.
Nuestra conmemoración pasa, entonces, por desarrollar fuerza social organizada capaz de romper con el actual tránsito histórico, que no se deje tentar por los atajos institucionales y las supuestas salidas rápidas, que supere los mesianismos y haga retroceder las ideas y prácticas promovidas por la burguesía, ya sea en su modalidad fascista, liberal o progresista.
Finalmente, desde el anarquismo organizado y social, identificamos como prioritario disputar el presente y el futuro desde un proyecto revolucionario antiestatal, antiracista, anticapitalista y antipatriarcal que recupera las experiencias invaluables de lucha y resistencia que hoy son acumulados en la memoria digna del pueblo organizado. Confiamos en que esta senda de memoria, lucha y organización nos acerca más a nuestra emancipación
¡Arriba lxs que luchan!
☆Coordinación Anarquista Latinoamericana (Federacion Anarquista Uruguaya, Federación Anarquista de Rosario, Coordinación Anarquista Brasileña)
☆Organisation Socialiste Libertaire (OSL) – Suiza
☆Embat, Organització Llibertària de Catalunya – Catalonia, Estado español
☆Federación Anarquista Santiago (FAS) – Chile
☆Black Rose Anarchist Federation / Federación Anarquista Rosa Negra (BRRN) – Estados Unidos
☆Libertäre Aktion (LA) – Suiza
☆Union Communiste Libertaire (UCL) – France
☆Grupo Libertario Vía Libre – Colombia
☆Die Plattform – Alemania
☆Roja y Negra Organización Politíca Anarquista – Argentina
☆Anarchist Communist Group (ACG) Gran Bretaña
☆Alternativa Libertaria (AL/FdCA) – Italia
☆Organización Anarquista de Córdoba (Argentina)
☆Organización Anarquista de Santa Cruz (Argentina)
☆Organización Anarquista de Tucuman (Argentina)
Against the Dictatorial Legacy and Reformism – Class War and Popular Power
Fifty years ago, the civilian-military coup in the territories dominated by the Chilean state gave free rein to state terrorism and meant for those from below years of persecution, torture, rape, and disappearances. Today, we continue resisting oblivion and maintaining the memory of our class.
In our bid to contest historical memory, we recognize that it is essential to make visible and not forget the process that was undertaken out of site of the party leadership of the Popular Unity government and their capitalist, modernizing project; that process which challenged bourgeois institutionality and was sustained by slum dwellers, workers, and peasants from organizational experiences that we call today self-managed and revolutionary popular power from below.
Likewise, it is necessary not to overlook the parliamentary left’s response which, in the face of the experiences of self-management and revolutionary rupture, opted for co-optation, repression, and the institutionalization of struggle, thus promoting class conciliation. The lesson learned is that no social force should be subordinated to the government, making it necessary to go beyond and overcome the political initiatives that undermine popular protagonism and follow institutional guidelines. Today, as in the past, we must confront projects that only strengthen and feed domination with extractivist and repressive agendas.
Our commemoration, then, depends on the development of an organized social force capable of breaking with the current historical trend, one that does not give in to institutional shortcuts or quick and easy solutions, one that transcends messianic pretensions, and pushes back the ideas and practices promoted by the bourgeoisie, whether in their fascist, liberal, or progressive forms.
Finally, as organized and social anarchists we believe that disputing the present and the future from an anti-statist, anti-capitalist, and anti-patriarchal revolutionary project is a priority. This project must reclaim the invaluable experiences of struggle and resistance that are today honorably preserved in the memory of the people. We are confident that this path of memory, struggle, and organization will bring us closer to our liberation.
Long live those who struggle!
☆Federación Anarquista Santiago (FAS) – Chile
☆Coordinación Anarquista Latinoamericana (Federacion Anarquista Uruguaya [FAU], Federación Anarquista de Rosario [FAR], Coordinación Anarquista Brasileña [CAB])
☆Organisation Socialiste Libertaire (OSL) – Switzerland
☆Embat, Organització Llibertària de Catalunya – Catalonia
☆Black Rose Anarchist Federation / Federación Anarquista Rosa Negra (BRRN) – United States
☆Libertäre Aktion (LA) – Switzerland
☆Union Communiste Libertaire (UCL) – France
☆Grupo Libertario Vía Libre – Colombia
☆Die Plattform – Germany
☆Roja y Negra Organización Politíca Anarquista – Argentina
☆Anarchist Communist Group (ACG) Great Britain
☆Alternativa Libertaria (AL/FdCA) – Italy
☆Organización Anarquista de Córdoba – Argentina
☆Organización Anarquista de Santa Cruz – Argentina
☆Organización Anarquista de Tucuman – Argentina
Union Communiste Libertaire 37 likes this.…
Journées d’été rouge et noir 2023
L’Union communiste libertaire a de nouveau tenu ses journées d’été au Hameau de Bécours des Éclaireuses et Éclaireurs de France, dans l’Aveyron. Cette édition 2023 a réuni entre le 13 et le 20 août entre 100 et 140 personnes chaque jour.
Syndicalisme révolutionnaire, antipatriarcat, antiracisme, antifascisme, internationalisme — avec la présence remarquée de représentant·es du mouvement kurde et de l’organisation allemande Die Platform —, écologisme, librisme : le programme était dense et y figuraient les principaux secteurs d’intervention de l’UCL. Des bilans de la mobilisation retraites et de la révolte suite à l’assassinat de Nahel étaient particulièrement attendus. Pour préparer une actualité sociale de la rentrée, un débat peut-être plus inattendu sur l’euthanasie et le suicide assisté a également été organisé. Comme chaque année, des temps informels sportifs, culturels, festifs entouraient ces ateliers. Pour la première fois cette année, le Réseau de Ravitaillement de Rennes s’est chargé de la préparation des repas et a régalé les participant·es de sa cuisine végan.
Les participant·es étaient pour beaucoup des sympathisant·es abonné·es au journal et des militant·es membres de l’organisation depuis moins de deux ans. Si la faible part de camarades plus expérimentés a pu être regrettée, ce renouvellement témoigne aussi d’une organisation vivante, en mesure de former les révolutionnaires de demain. Malgré une vraie vigilance collective, ces journées n’ont pas su esquiver la résurgence du covid-19 de cet été. Nous espérons que les camarades touchés se sont bien rétablis et que nous en tirerons des leçons pour l’avenir.
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in reply to Tio • • •Anmol Sharma likes this.
in reply to gme • •Hetzner seems to be the only viable option but I've heard horror stories from people using it too. And the sad thing is that I do not have a business, I do not make any money, I provide free services for people, and materials. So I have these servers for other people basically, and yet I am treated like that.
Contabo has shockingly low prices, and shockingly terrible "customer support" and overall relation with the "customers".
in reply to Tio • • •Take this for what it's worth but I moved all my servers off of Linode when they were bought out by Akamai over to Hetzner. Most of my servers are in Falkenstein Germany, and a few are in Seattle. When possible I'm using ARM64 servers (only available in one data center last I checked). Hetzner has been very good both service wise and customer service wise. But I use auto-pay and have all charges going to my credit card. In all I spend about 100€ with them a month. I also have one Contabo server (my mail server) and I've been loathe to move it over to Hetzner because ... knock wood ... anybody that runs a mail server knows this ... my subnet is not blocked anywhere. It's $15 a month for the server. I could probably pay less at Hetzner but honestly I'm afraid to "fix something" that's not "broken" there.
But you're the 2nd person in about as many months where I've read horror stories from Contabo or about the way Contabo has treated a customer. You're the first I've heard where Contabo flat out refused to sell any servers to, too.
I had been looking to diversifying
... show moreTake this for what it's worth but I moved all my servers off of Linode when they were bought out by Akamai over to Hetzner. Most of my servers are in Falkenstein Germany, and a few are in Seattle. When possible I'm using ARM64 servers (only available in one data center last I checked). Hetzner has been very good both service wise and customer service wise. But I use auto-pay and have all charges going to my credit card. In all I spend about 100€ with them a month. I also have one Contabo server (my mail server) and I've been loathe to move it over to Hetzner because ... knock wood ... anybody that runs a mail server knows this ... my subnet is not blocked anywhere. It's $15 a month for the server. I could probably pay less at Hetzner but honestly I'm afraid to "fix something" that's not "broken" there.
But you're the 2nd person in about as many months where I've read horror stories from Contabo or about the way Contabo has treated a customer. You're the first I've heard where Contabo flat out refused to sell any servers to, too.
I had been looking to diversifying my server deployments and using Contabo more because I really want to deploy some servers to Canada and Hetzner doesn't have a Canadian presence and OVH flat out won't sell me any VPSes in Canada since I'm a US citizen.....
in reply to gme • •Joseph Hanson
in reply to Tio • • •Hetzner Online GmbH
in reply to Joseph Hanson • •gme
in reply to Tio • • •Tio likes this.
Joseph Hanson
in reply to Tio • • •Tio likes this.
in reply to Joseph Hanson • • •gme
in reply to Tio • • •Roma
in reply to Tio • •Tio likes this.
in reply to Roma • • •With banks in many countries no reason is code for money laundering, since laws often make it illegal to tell someone that they're under investigation.
For example under UK law it's a crime carrying a maximum 2 year prison sentence.
Roma likes this.
in reply to Mark • •Tio
in reply to Mark • •