Fact Check: Elsa Will Marry a Woman in 'Frozen 3'?
We've previously fact-checked claims that Elsa would marry a woman in the "Frozen" movies.
Antitsiganisme : Lubrizol, retour sur un cas d'école
L’antitsiganisme est l’un des angles morts de l’antiracisme. La gestion de la protection et de l’évacuation des populations des « Gens du voyage » autour de l’usine de Lubrizol en 2019 en est un exemple flagrant, et malheureusement pas isolé. Retour sur un racisme systémique en acte.
Il y a de cela quatre ans, le 26 septembre 2019, l’usine Lubrizol de la ville de Rouen a connu un incendie de grande ampleur. On estime a plus de 9 500 tonnes de produits potentiellement toxiques consumés, contaminant l’air, l’eau, la terre. Le ciel devient noir, certain·es habitant·es arrêtent de consommer l’eau du robinet et se confinent dans leur maison.
La préfecture conseille dans la foulée d’éviter dans l’agglomération de Rouen les « déplacements non indispensables », de ne pas s’exposer inutilement aux fumées et de rester à l’intérieur autant que possible.
Les écoles et les crèches ferment sur 13 communes le jour même ou le lendemain, les parents viennent chercher leurs enfants. Des enseignant·es utilisent leur droit de retrait même après la réouverture quelques jours plus tard. On est méfiant et on se demande les conséquences sur la santé que l’incendie va impliquer.
Une aire d’accueil n’est pas une « zone d’habitation »
Seulement voilà : dans ce contexte plus qu’anxiogène, les autorités publiques ne voient pas, « oublient », de prévoir l’évacuation d’une vingtaine de familles habitant sur l’aire d’accueil aux gens du voyage de Petit-Quevilly, située à 500 mètres de l’usine. Les habitant·es vont eux et elles mêmes demander des informations auprès des policiers, la zone n’est pas considérée comme une zone d’habitation, aucune information ne leur est transmise.
Pire : on leur refuse le droit d’évacuer avec leurs véhicules. Le gestionnaire de l’aire d’accueil passera leur conseiller de se confiner dans leurs caravanes, qui ne constituent pourtant pas un habitat étanche face aux fumées toxiques en leur donnant quelques masques. Il ne repassera que 4 jours plus tard, pour récupérer le loyer.
Une tribune du 1er octobre publiée dans Libération – signée notamment par des habitant·es de ces aires constitué·es en collectif – obtient un relai médiatique assez important à ce moment pour mettre en lumière leur situation et demander la mise en place immédiate de mesures de protection.
Des aires d’accueil situées dans des zones à risques
Elle dénonce l’inaction des autorités locales et fait remarquer que « le schéma départemental d’accueil des gens du voyage de Seine-Maritime inscrit dès 2012 que "certaines aires d’accueil devront cependant donner lieu à des relocalisations […] car elles se trouvent édifiées sur des zones à risques (Seveso, inondations, glissements de sols…)" ».
Aussi cette tribune permet d’inscrire la situation des habitant·es de l’aire d’accueil de Petit-Quevilly dans un contexte de discriminations plus globales et systémiques des personnes assimilées à la catégorie administrative de « Gens du Voyage ».
Même si l’affaire est spectaculaire, elle n’est pas « surprenante » pour qui connaît la situation des Voyageurs et Voyageuses en France. Ce fut une porte d’entrée pour Wiliam Acker pour faire connaître ces discriminations, dans son livre Où sont les « gens du voyage » ?. Face aux médias lui demandant des sources lorsqu’il parlait de la discrimination que vivent les Voyageurs et Voyageuses notamment au travers de l’emplacement des aires d’accueil – qui n’ont d’accueillant que le nom – William Acker a répertorié toutes les aires d’accueil de France et mis en lumière la discrimination évidente à l’encontre des Voyageurs et Voyageuses.
Les communes de plus de 5 000 habitant·es sont dans le devoir de créer des aires d’accueil (loi Besson 1 de 1990) et les Voyageurs et Voyageuses n’ont pas l’autorisation de s’installer en dehors de ces aires. C’est une première discrimination puisque beaucoup de communes en France n’en ont pas et ne sont pas tenues d’en construire. Les communes de plus de 5 000 habitant·es représentent seulement 6 % des communes françaises. C’est à dire que les foyers sont loin de pouvoir s’installer n’importe où. Problème : la loi n’est pas respectée. Les aires sont surpeuplées, les schémas départementaux ne sont respectés qu’à 70 % et les sanctions pour non-respect de la loi ne viennent quasi jamais.
Surpopulation, pollution, discrimination
51 % de ces aires sont polluées. A proximité de déchetteries, proches de stations d’épuration, de voies ferrées, de sites SEVESCO, souvent des parkings, ces aires ne sont pas adaptées pour l’habitat humain. « Si tu cherches l’aire d’accueil, regarde du côté de la déchetterie » peut-on lire comme blagues entre habitant·es de ces aires et notées dans des papiers sur la question. William Acker utilise le terme de racisme environnemental pour désigner ces discriminations.
Souvent à l’extérieur des villes, à l’écart du reste des habitations pour faire l’objet du moins de contestation possible et pour des terrains peu chers. Il existe des problèmes de surpopulation et de déplacement multiples de personnes chassées des endroits où elles s’installent, parfois des décennies à vivre là, mettant en péril l’accès à l’emploi, à la santé ou à l’éducation des enfants. Par ailleurs, les caravanes n’étant pas considérées comme des habitations, les droits sociaux rattachés au logement diffèrent, alors même qu’elles payent un loyer et des charges.
Sur la question des Voyageurs et Voyageuses, que l’on appelle tantôt Gitans, tantôt Manouches, Tsiganes, Sinti et tout un tas de termes dont on ne comprend que peu la signification et les réalités différentes qu’ils recouvrent, il existe des mythes ancrés, diffusés sur les réseaux sociaux comme la peur de vol d’enfants dernièrement sur Tiktok, qui entraînent des violences et de la stigmatisation.
Quinze ans d’espérance de vie en moins
On a principalement parlé ici de la question des aires d’accueil, mais on ne peut omettre de citer la création administrative de « Gens du voyage » qui remplace celle de « nomades » et des carnets anthropométriques de 1912 qui ont permis avec l’arrivée du régime de Vichy la déportation efficace et méthodique des Voyageurs et Voyageuses, Forain·es, Rroms... qui recoupe une dimension raciale évidente.
Le Samudaripen (génocide en romani) est aujourd’hui peu reconnu tandis que les victimes de spoliation pendant la guerre et maintenant leurs descendant·es attendent encore réparation. Enfin, on peut également noter que les Voyageurs et Voyageuses ont statistiquement une espérance de vie de 15 ans inférieure au reste de la population.
Cet article ne peut être exhaustif et survole le sujet, quatre ans après l’incendie de l’usine Lubrizol. Pour aller plus loin, des articles Streetpress sont disponibles ainsi que chez Libération autour de l’incendie, le livre de Acker Où sont les « gens du voyage » ?, Barvalo du Mucem à Marseille, la série documentaire de France Culture sur l’antitsiganisme, le travail d’associations comme l’ANGVC ou de collectifs antiracistes comme La Voix des Rroms, ce ne sont pas les ressources qui manquent.
Une manifestation a été organisée mardi 26 septembre à Rouen partant du Parlais de Justice, une occasion pour continuer d’en parler haut et fort.
Ram (UCL Lyon) de la Commission antiraciste
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Anarchists in Rojava: Revolution is a struggle in itself
Interview of Uniao Libertaria to Tekosina Anarsist 2023/10/04
União Libertária, a group of young libertarians in Portugal, came into contact with militants of the Tekosîna Anarsîst (TA, Anarchist Struggle in Kurdish), present in Rojava, in northeastern Syria. This is a militant conversation around the reflections of this voluntary anarchist group around justice, art, religion and what it is to be "revolutionary". TA, in addition to having participated in the difficult fight against the forces of the Islamic State (ISIS), currently also functions as a unit of combat medics, assists in agricultural work and plays an educational role.
1 – We have seen statements about the work of TA outside of the battlefield, from medical support to education. This second one is of great interest to us, could you please clarify a bit on how you proceed with educational campaigns, not only amongst yourselves but also with local communities? Are there any lessons you wish to share about the role (and process) of revolutionary education? How do you see pedagogy as not only a tool, but also a space within the struggles you must face?
Education is what builds the foundations of a new society. It is often our best tool to defend ourselves and our communities. The kurdish liberation movement values education a lot, and this also brought us to reflect on our approach. In rojava it is a common practice to join educations of several months, where militants from different places have no other work than learn and develop. This is not a new practice from rojava, the kurdish movement has been working on their educational methods for decades. Joining some of those educations, we also noticed how much our understanding of education is connected to school, university and other state systems. And how much we should develop our own educational programs, shaped by our own political views and values. In this, the pedagogy of the oppressed of Paulo Freire can give very important perspectives.
Revolutionary education can be everything we do, if we learn from it in an organized way. Closed educations allow us to work deeper on one topic, like learning about the philosophy and political views of Abdullah Ocalan, study the proposals of Makhno or Malatesta about organized anarchism and the different attempts to put it in practice, or learn about first aid and medical care during war situations. But this also has to come with practice, which is often the best education, like when we work in society with our kurdish, arab and other comrades, when we build our organization day to day, or when we work as combat medics in the front lines. Theory brings knowledge and helps to build understanding and confidence, but is practical work what builds our experience.
Some knowledge we carry with us, is scarce here, and is important to collectivize it. We have been running educations of first aid and tactical field care to kurdish, arab and armenian comrades. We also shared our knowledge and experiences among ourselves, sometimes in short seminar formats sometimes in longer closed educations. This helped us to build our capacities and a common frame as organization, practically as well as ideologically. With time, our methods and systems of education are getting more adapted to our needs, reflecting not only of what we want to teach and learn but also how we want to do it. For some comrades it is helpful to read or listen a seminar for several ours, for others is better to do things and learn on practice. We try to keep this in mind but also challenge ourselves, like by encouraging comrades that are more familiar with academic areas to work on the ground, and push for ideological development and theoretical works with those more oriented to field work.
2- In previous statements you have discussed the need for revolutionaries to disengage from individualistic, selfish mindsets, as well as issues of ego when dealing with comrades and organization. How have you within TA managed to deal with such mindsets? We recognize this view, where anarchism and revolutionary struggle continuously straddle a difficult line between lifestyle and commodity, not allowing us to build meaningful relations on the march to liberation. Are there any lessons or warnings from your own activities that can be parted?
That is a very difficult question, because it is one of the main challenges we face. Anarchism has always discussed the contradictions between individual militants and the need revolutionary organizations. We are working to balance those points, because we see very important arguments to be made on both sides. As many anarchists before us, we reached the conclusion that organization is a necessity, not as an aim in itself but as a means to an end. We don’t accept unnecessary hierarchies and we value the individuality of our militants, often referring to the idea that “there is no organization without militants, there is no militant without organization”. With this we also want to point out the importance of individual responsibility towards the organization, as well as collective responsibility of the organization towards the individuals.
Becoming a militant of a revolutionary organization comes with individual and collective contradictions. The main aspects of our personalities have been shaped by the societies we have grown up in. Life in capitalist modernity relies on individualization. In school, in the work place, in the media we consume, we are told that individual freedom is everything that matters. “Your freedom ends where the freedom of other starts” is often the main idea running our societies. It denies collective belonging and it promotes individualist mindset and values. Is therefore no surprise that individualist anarchism manage to thrive in those capitalist societies we come from, because it connects with those individualist values that liberalism promotes. We want to challenge that. We believe our only way out is solidarity and mutual aid, and for this we have to challenge the deeply rooted individualism that we all carry with us.
Individualism can take many forms. Some are more obvious, like selfishness, elitism, or narcissism; but more subtle forms can take more time to notice, like refusing help when needed, not sharing information or knowledge with comrades, not listening or considering others proposals and ideas. We all have traces of individualism, and they are often connected with our ego and the image we have and we project of ourselves. Overcoming this requires that we are able to evaluate ourselves and others as well as our ways of relating. Criticism and self-criticism go hand in hand, we need to be able to acknowledge our shortcomings to meaningfully engage with the shortcomings of others. Admitting to ourselves that there is a difference between how we perceive ourselves/how we want to be perceived and how other perceive us can be painful. However acknowledging that gap opens the door for us to develop. Everyone has this gap, for some it is wider, for some it is more narrow, and to challenge it can create space to grow and learn. Keeping this in mind, we can build better relations that are founded in honesty and trust.
Trust is scarce in our societies. It is much easier to learn to suspect, to be afraid of your neighbor, to step on your co-workers to get upper hand and get a better piece of the cake. Capitalism relies on competition, and lying and selling yourself, on the society of spectacle. There is no place for honesty and trust in a system that is based on performance, on appearance of what you are not, on faking it and believing that one day you will make it. To be honest and transparent with our comrades necessitates vulnerability. We had been told to hide those things, to not let others see our weak points, to present ourself as the all-capable person that can do anything that is needed. All those individualist traits play against us, specially in difficult moments when stress and hardships reveal the things we try to hide.
We have been working on these issues by putting into practice tools like tekmil and platform, which we learned from the kurdish movement. We also explored other methods, and lately we have been deepening our knowledge on conflict resolution, with restorative circles and transformative justice. Transformative justice provides a good approach, connected to our ideological values and oriented towards topics like responsibility and accountability, that should always be the base of our organizing. We learned that organization is a struggle in itself, and that contradictions, conflicts and challenges will always arise in our organizing. In absence of hierarchical structures, how we take decisions and how we solve conflicts is a very important part of our organizing.
3- Maybe related to above, how is inter-personal conflict resolved at large in NES? We have seen several abstract perspectives, but little of actual accounts on the processes of justice and equity, how are such issues dealth with? Do the several autonomous groups have the freedom to deal with them “in-house”? Are all conflict resolutions centralized?
There are currently two justice systems at play in NES. One similar to state justice and one more based on communitarian justice. The communitarian system consists of peasant consensus committees and local councils that are often composed of religious leaders and community elders. These encourage people to take responsibility and agency over their own problems. However this system is not working so well, unfortunately. Because of this many conflicts are still settled through the state-like legal justice system that is half inherited from the Al-Assad regime and half reorganized by the Autonomous Administration. It is an awkward mix that works with the tools at hand in a difficult situation. The union of lawyers played an important role, as well as the effort to write the “social contract” of AANES, some kind of constitution that is revisited every few years in discussions with different political and social organizations.
The reasons that lead the Autonomous Administration to put more efforts to reorganize the general legal system instead of promoting the communitarian justice councils is not so clear to us. We suggest you talk to justice committee of the AANES directly, they will be better able to answer that. Besides these, there are also the women’s autonomous structures such as the women’s houses (mala jin) and women’s law. These have played and are playing an important role in addressing problems around gender as well as finding solutions around family conflict concerning women (marriage, divorce, abuse, etc.).
Councils, committees, communes, and autonomous organizations have some degree of freedom to deal with conflict “in-house”. How exactly it is approached and if people involve the state-like legal system depends on the nature and size of the conflict as well as the people and groups involved. With crimes that have big social impact, like brutal murders or organized treason (giving intelligence to Turkey that is used to assassinate revolutionaries, helping ISIS to plan and carry out attacks), there have been popular trials. Those trials gather different representatives of the social community, especially those more affected by the crime judged, and function as popular jury to decide the penalty.
For our organization and for organizations in europe we think it is important we come to understand the value of transformative justice, and that we build capacity to start offering alternatives to the legal ‘justice’ system, which is a racist ableist punitive lie and deeply connected to nation-state power. The topic on transformative justice has been on the table in leftist circles in europe for a while. We see it is slowly moving into a more practical phase now. Let us start with small practical adjustments, once we start gaining some experiences from the daily life, we can and should supplement them with some reading/study/theory. Conflict resolution cannot be learned from books, its fundaments can only be learned in practice, books will be very helpful to improve us but only if we are already putting it in practice. We will have to make many mistakes, and that is fine. We have a lot to unlearn from the state imposed systems of ‘justice’. We are making an imperfect start by using tools like tekmil, restorative circles and autonomous women’s structures to build on this.
4- What is the current status of art and self-expression within rojava? Has there been the chance and space for people to be able to perform, create, or show artistic creation? How is such received? How has the changing facets of the conflict affected it?
Tevgera Çand û Hûner (Tev-çand, the organization of art and culture) is a coordination of all the art and culture centers, present in every city. Most of those centers have different groups, like dance, music, theater, cinema, paint, literature, sculpture, etc. They mainly promote art connected to kurdish culture, language and identity. Every ethnic group is encouraged to promote its own traditional art and culture while also making space for other forms of art outside folkloric tradition. Tev-çand has a political approach to art, seeing it as a vehicle to share and spread the values of the revolution. A couple of successful examples are Hunergeha Welat - with their youtube channel publishing new songs and videoclips made in rojava - or the Komina Film a Rojava - the cinema commune that produced several movies, shorts, clips. Komina Film a Rojava recently published a series about rojava called “Evina Kurd” (kurdish love).
The local groups often perform in local celebrations, festive days and other cultural events. In the last years some of those groups and artists are gaining experience and getting more professional, and we start to see their art in different theaters, expositions and events. Art is seen as popular and cultural wealth, and there is no process of commodification around it. Theater, cinema and music are performed and shared for free, and we have never seen any cultural event with entrance fee. This is part of the political approach on ethics and aesthetics that is promoted. To keep it short, we can simply point the efforts to connect aesthetics to political and ethical revolutionary values. This approach challenges the standards of beauty that capitalist modernity tries to impose, seeing art as a vehicle of expression of the people, of the society and its values. A lot of art is connected to the resistance against ISIS and turkish fascism, with special focus on women’s resistances and YPJ, but also about the historical roots and struggles of the kurdish people.
In that approach to art we can see a shift that the revolution brought, that maybe started even before rojava. Kurdish cinema from the 20th century is often tragic, about the massacres and the exile that kurdish people suffered. Dengbêj, a traditional music/poetry, is also infused with stories of destroyed villages, murdered families and orphaned children. It is in this new century that kurdish art has started to reflect a new image. One not so focused on kurds just as victims of inhumane tragedies, but also as actors of change. The songs of YPG and YPJ defeating ISIS or the guerrillas fighting in the mountains, the new movies of the resistance in Sur or in Kobane, the big celebrations of NewRoz (kurdish new year) are examples of a rebirth of the kurdish people and their will to resist. They are not just a people whose faith is suffering, they are a stateless nation whose land has been occupied and whose villages burned down. They learned from other anticolonial struggles and from revolutionary movements of national liberation and they will take their destiny in their hands. They will defend their land and their culture, building a future for next generations, with weapons but also with music, with dance, with cinema.
5- What is TA’s view on the role of religion, and how has it affected their capacity to connect and relate to local communities? Have there been challenges, or chanegs in attitude of the militants? In the west we struggle to separate anti-clericalism from base islamophobia nad eurocentrism, what lessons have you gained from your insertion in Kurdish and Arab societies?
Religion is not the problem for us when it is connected to the people and ethics, it is a problem when religion is connected to power and rule. It is this wielding of authority that we are against, as you also touching with anti-clericalism. Some anarchists came here with atheist backgrounds, and when asked about our religion is easy for us to answer we have no religion. But this answer is often understood as if we have no ethics, and also made us reflect how most of us, even if not practitioners, had been raised in a christian culture.
We agree with you that we in the west can do a bad job at separating anti-clericalism from islamophobia and eurocentrism. The society we are in is overwhelmingly muslim (with small minorities of other belief), nearly everyone has belief in the Quran, even if not everyone describes themselves as practicing muslims. This reality grounds our work with people here. We should understand the importance religion holds to the people and local comrades. Knowing a little, or a lot, about islam is very helpful when we discuss with local comrades. Arguing from religion for a revolutionary perspective is a tactic that has proven successful. It is necessary to respect peoples religious conviction, but at the same time we also critique or question comrades when this leads them to take actions that are not in line with the revolutionary values in NES. There are efforts to build a democratic islam, looking at the ethical side of islamic religion and not so much at the Sharia law. This is a necessary process to come to terms with the aftermath of islamist fundamentalism carried out as theocratic fascism by ISIS. Though from the outside it might seem like ISIS is no more, the fight against its ideology very much continues here. In some regions of NES, ISIS ideology is still widespread and it will take time and effort for everyone to move towards a democratic islam.
6- Anarchist and so-called revolutionary movements in Europe have struggled for decades find something which can overcame our own weaknesses and smallness, looking at methods old and new. What is your perspective on this? Do you also agree or feel the movements are limiting themselves, and if so why? Lack of use of insurrectionary violence, lack of structures directing the struggle, lack of resources, lack of conviction?
This is a very important point and question you bring up here. We agree that movements are limiting themselves. We see the issue at the core as a lack of organizations that can create and promote long term aims perspectives, as currently we mostly see affinity based groups with short term thinking.
The wave of insurrectionism in the 90’s, especially in italy, brought a short term struggle perspective that seemed to promote effectivity. In some ways, it worked, however it did so at the cost of undermining organizational capacity. Organization capacity is crucial. By becoming an organization, we as TA, now have the ability to accumulate experience, we do not constantly have to start anew. We can also build lasting projects and relations, we can deepen our understanding and learning of other organizations that have struggled and are struggling. Not only on an individual level, but on an organizational one. Meaning that such knowledge and experiences cease to become merely tied to one person or one cell or affinity group, but that the whole organization takes ownership of it. This greatly grows our capacity as an organization.
To develop as a revolutionary organization is not easy, we already talked about this. We have to break with the liberal individualist mindset that is so deeply ingrained with capitalist socialization. Our societies are organized around those capitalist values, and to change it we have to develop our own values and social institutions, to anticipate the society we want. The things you mention lacking in anarchist movements (structures to direct the struggle, resources, conviction, action) can often be connected to the lack of organization. If we find ourselves isolated, as individuals or in small groups, our capacity to influence and change the society around us diminish. As we can learn many things in rojava, there are also many lessons we can take from the anarchist organizations in latin america. The ideas of “especifismo” (english: specifism), a theoretical frame oriented to develop specific anarchist organizations, are the result of decades of struggle. We can track them back to platformist proposal of Peter Arshinov and Nestor Maknho, but developed in practice by the Federacion Anarquista de Uruguay (FAU). As portugese anarchists, you have easy access to the materials and texts developed by brazilian anarchist organizations.
7- There was critique recently of the focus and resources given by western leftists towards nascent anarchist movements in Ukraine, who, without true autonomous structures and being inserted in statist armies, have received generous support and funds, while non-white movements have struggled for a fraction of this support. Do you agree with this critique?
We assume you are referring to the article “Anarchist who Fought in rojava: Response to ‘No War But Class War’ Debate”, that can be found on Abolition Media. We agree with the article that the amount of resources sent to Ukraine from western leftist is very disproportional with the amount of material support comrades in NES have gotten, especially given that the revolution here is so explicitly rooted in libertarian revolutionary ideology and praxis, where this is more debatable for Ukraine as the article pointed out. “Solidarity is something you can hold in your hands”, a slogan popularized by the anti-imperialist group KAK, active in Denmark in the 70s, is a statement we can very much find ourselves in. While NES has gotten an alright amount of solidarity pictures, awareness campaigns, diplomatics campaigns, etc. on the side of material, financial or other support that we can “hold in our hands” the western left has absolutely not given it serious effort.
That being said, the war in Ukraine has been going on for a bit over a year now, the war in rojava for over 10 years. Of course these timescales also have an effect. Ukraine is on the news and we aren’t, we won’t be either, until a new invasion, and even then we will only receive a fraction of the media attention that Ukraine is getting. When we look broader than Ukraine and rojava, we ask: who has been looking at the genocidal warfare in Tigray or the recent war unfolding in Sudan? Who has been organizing material support for those conflicts? The Tigray peoples self-defense forces have a long revolutionary tradition, with a project similar to the ideas of democratic confederalism. In Sudan we have recently see a military escalation after big mobilizations and uprisings shook the country, that had a remarkable anarchist organized movement not common to find in most of African countries. But few articles are written about it, and even less anarchist book-fairs discussions about those conflicts. It is not fair either that those movements received little to no media coverage, let alone material support. This is part of the colonialism that we are trying to fight against. For us this is also a reason to stay with rojava, where values of anticolonialism are very much alive.
Coming back to Ukraine, Anarchists have been struggling since the beginning of the recent conflict, they were there at Maidan square and tried to organize form there. Probably this is not the place to discuss how much this movement is rooted in the historical anarchist movement in Ukraine, with the Black Liberation Peasants Army and the Makhnovist revolution, but nowadays the presence of anarchists is crucial to question the nationalist narrative of the far-right, that has been a dominating presence in the protest in Ukraine from the start. We have a responsibility as anarchists to take our place in such times, we cannot leave all the space to the far-right, because if we do they will take it. Now the current situation in Ukraine is not a revolution aligned with our principles, but it is our task to push our principles to the forefront and make them known. We can quote Malatesta when saying that “We are in any case one of the forces acting in the society, and history will advance, as always, in the directions resultant of all the forces”.
Historically war and revolution have an important connection. War environments see state authority stumble and authority diffuse in some places. The state isn’t always there anymore to provide people with infrastructure and resources. This means there are often windows of opportunity to assist in the self organization and management of the people, initially primarily along lines of mutual aid and solidarity. This is a situation in which bringing our ideology and applying it in practice with the people can be a useful way of strengthening our tendency, as Malatesta says.
We support our anarchist comrades fighting in Ukraine, we have an approach of critical solidarity to the people of Ukraine and aim to engage the contradictions that it brings up and not devolve into a binary and dogmatic approach. We would also like to draw your attention to comrade Leshiy and comrade Ciya, they have both spend time in NES and fell on the Ukrainian front lines together with other anarchist comrades in Ukrainan front lines. We grieve this loss, and aim to learn from their lives and decisions, they also show us a way of nuanced analysis and consideration that has space for the contradictions that inevitably come up when we get our hands dirty in revolution. We agreed with the comrade who wrote the article that it is very easy to be purist and judgmental about decisions made in Ukraine and rojava from a comfortable armchair. Participating in an actual revolution or armed conflict will quickly make it clear that there are often no “clean” or clear-cut solutions and being a revolutionary in action, not just in words, means gaining a deep understanding of nuanced analysis and contradictions.
8 - How can we assist you in TA; materially or otherwise?
The main points in which we can see your assistance to be help us are; a) ideological development b) engaged network c) resist repression d) militants e) resources
a) Ideological development of anarchist struggle is the basis for us to move forward. We see that we have come to a point where we realize as european anarchists that affinity based organizing alone is not sufficient. We need anarchist organization or structures that keep us together not just based on personal affinity, but in an organized way, to be able to think long term and develop a wider strategy. By further developing anarchist ideology and praxis in our current context, we strengthen each other.
b) Engaged networks are a foundation to exchange discussion, projects, resources and experiences. We see this in the form of building long term relations with solid organizations, and such exchange can take place through visits and exchange of militants as well as other forms of communication. Related to the point about ideological development, this includes reading and discussing each other statements and letters, learning from each other experience and giving feedback, proposals and critique on them.
c) Networks also leads into resisting repression. In the past years, militants who have been to rojava and the kurdish movement in general have been increasingly criminalized. Quite a few comrades are spending time in prison or are in other kinds of legal problems. We need anarchists everywhere to push back against this criminalization.
d) We need more militants to join us in rojava to fight and struggle here. There is also opportunity for comrades are already organized in europe to join us here while remaining connected to their european organization. We would like this actually. We see this as a potential way to strengthen ties between our organization and anarchist organizations in europe.
e) On the directly material side, we need money. Since exactly what materials we need changes from time to time, sending materials directly can be a little tricky, though we can talk about this if there is a desire to do something like that. With money directly we can allocate it to the most pressing needs and make adjustments when necessary in this every changing situation we are in.
Related Link: jornalmapa.pt/2023/09/23/anarq…
Anarquistas em Rojava. A revolução é uma luta em si mesma. Sábado, 23 Setembro 2023
A União Libertária, grupo de jovens libertários em Portugal, entrou em contacto com militantes da TekoşînaAnarşîst (TA, Luta Anarquista em curdo), presente em Rojava, no Nordeste da Síria, numa conversa militante à volta das reflexões desse grupo voluntário anarquista em torno da justiça, da arte, religião e do que é ser “revolucionário”.
A TA, além de ter participado na difícil luta contra as forças do Estado Islâmico (ISIS), funciona actualmente também como unidade de médicos de combate, auxilia nos trabalhos agrícolas e desempenha um papel educacional. 1
Temos visto declarações sobre o trabalho da TêkoşînaAnarşist fora do campo de batalha, desde o apoio médico à educação. Esta segunda é de grande interesse para nós. Poderiam esclarecer-nos melhor sobre a forma como procedem com campanhas educativas, não só entre vocês, mas também com as comunidades locais? Há alguma lição que queiram partilhar sobre o papel (e o processo) da educação revolucionária? Como é que veem a pedagogia, não só como uma ferramenta, mas também como um espaço dentro das lutas que têm de enfrentar?
A educação é o que constrói os alicerces de uma nova sociedade. É frequentemente a nossa melhor ferramenta para nos defendermos a nós próprios e às nossas comunidades. O movimento de libertação curdo valoriza muito a educação e isso também levou-nos a refletir sobre a nossa abordagem. Em Rojava, é prática comum participar em acções de formação de vários meses, em que militantes de diferentes locais não têm outra tarefa senão aprender e desenvolver-se. Esta prática não é nova em Rojava, pois, o movimento curdo tem vindo a trabalhar nos seus métodos educativos há décadas. Ao participar em algumas dessas formações, apercebemo-nos também do quanto o nosso entendimento de educação está ligado à escola, à universidade e a outros sistemas estatais. E até que ponto devemos desenvolver os nossos próprios programas educativos, moldados pelas nossas próprias opiniões e valores políticos. Neste aspeto, a “Pedagogia do Oprimido” de Paulo Freire pode dar perspectivas muito importantes.
A educação revolucionária pode ser tudo o que fazemos, se aprendermos com ela de forma organizada. As educações fechadas permitem-nos aprofundar um tema, como aprender sobre a filosofia e os pontos de vista políticos de AbdullahOcalan, estudar as propostas de Makhno ou Malatesta sobre o anarquismo organizado e as diferentes tentativas de o pôr em prática, ou aprender sobre primeiros socorros e cuidados médicos em situações de guerra. Mas isto também tem de vir com a prática, que é muitas vezes a melhor educação, como quando trabalhamos em sociedade com os nossos camaradas curdos, árabes e outros, quando construímos a nossa organização no dia a dia, ou quando trabalhamos como médicos de combate nas linhas da frente. A teoria traz conhecimento e ajuda a construir compreensão e confiança, mas é o trabalho prático que constrói a nossa experiência.
Alguns conhecimentos que trazemos connosco são recursos escassos aqui, e é importante colectivizá-los. Temos realizado cursos de primeiros socorros e de cuidados tácticos no terreno a camaradas curdos, árabes e arménios. Também partilhámos os nossos conhecimentos e experiências entre nós, por vezes em seminários curtos, outras vezes em formações fechadas mais longas. Isto ajudou-nos a desenvolver as nossas capacidades e uma estrutura comum enquanto organização, tanto a nível prático como ideológico. Com o tempo, os nossos métodos e sistemas de educação estão a adaptar-se melhor às nossas necessidades, reflectindo não só o que queremos ensinar e aprender, mas também como o queremos fazer. Para alguns camaradas é útil ler ou ouvir um seminário durante várias horas, para outros é melhor fazer as coisas e aprender na prática. Tentamos ter isto em mente, mas também nos desafiamos, por exemplo, encorajando os camaradas que estão mais familiarizados com as áreas académicas a trabalhar no terreno, e impulsionando o desenvolvimento ideológico e os trabalhos teóricos com aqueles que estão mais orientados para o trabalho no terreno.
Em declarações anteriores, falaram da necessidade de os revolucionários se libertarem de mentalidades individualistas e egoístas, bem como de questões de ego quando se lida com camaradas e com a organização. Como é que vocês, na TA, conseguiram lidar com essas mentalidades? Reconhecemos este ponto de vista, em que o anarquismo e a luta revolucionária se situam continuamente numa linha entre estilo de vida e comodidade, não nos permitindo construir relações significativas na marcha para a libertação. Existem algumas lições ou avisos das vossas próprias experiências que possam ser partilhados?
Essa é uma pergunta muito difícil, porque é um dos principais desafios que enfrentamos. O anarquismo sempre discutiu as contradições entre os indivíduos militantes e a necessidade de organizações revolucionárias. Estamos a trabalhar para equilibrar esses pontos, porque vemos argumentos muito importantes a serem feitos em ambos os lados. Tal como muitos anarquistas antes de nós, chegámos à conclusão de que a organização é uma necessidade, não como um objetivo em si, mas como um meio para atingir um fim. Não aceitamos hierarquias desnecessárias e valorizamos a individualidade dos nossos militantes, referindo muitas vezes a ideia de que «não há organização sem militantes, não há militante sem organização». Com isto queremos também salientar a importância da responsabilidade individual perante a organização, bem como a responsabilidade colectiva da organização perante os indivíduos.
Aprendemos que a organização é uma luta em si mesma, e que contradições, conflitos e desafios surgirão sempre na nossa organização
Tornar-se militante de uma organização revolucionária traz consigo contradições individuais e colectivas. Os principais aspectos das nossas personalidades foram moldados pelas sociedades em que crescemos. A vida na modernidade capitalista assenta na individualização. Na escola, no local de trabalho, nos meios de comunicação que consumimos, dizem-nos que a liberdade individual é tudo o que importa. «A tua liberdade termina onde começa a liberdade do outro» é frequentemente a ideia principal que rege as nossas sociedades. Esta ideia nega a pertença colectiva e promove a mentalidade e os valores individualistas. Por isso, não é de admirar que o anarquismo individualista consiga prosperar nas sociedades capitalistas de onde viemos, porque se liga aos valores individualistas que o liberalismo promove. Nós queremos desafiar isso. Acreditamos que a nossa única saída é a solidariedade e a ajuda mútua e, para isso, temos de desafiar o individualismo profundamente enraizado que todos trazemos connosco.
O individualismo pode assumir muitas formas. Algumas são mais óbvias, como o egoísmo, o elitismo ou o narcisismo; mas as formas mais subtis podem demorar mais tempo a ser detectadas, como recusar ajuda quando necessário, não partilhar informações ou conhecimentos com os camaradas, não ouvir ou considerar as propostas e ideias dos outros. Todos nós temos traços de individualismo, que estão frequentemente ligados ao nosso ego e à imagem que temos e projectamos de nós próprios. Ultrapassar isto exige que sejamos capazes de nos avaliar a nós próprios e aos outros, bem como as nossas formas de relacionamento. A crítica e a autocrítica andam de mãos dadas, precisamos de ser capazes de reconhecer as nossas falhas para nos envolvermos de forma significativa com as falhas dos outros. Admitir para nós próprios que existe uma diferença entre a forma como nos vemos/como queremos ser vistos e a forma como os outros nos veem pode ser doloroso. No entanto, reconhecer essa diferença abre-nos a porta para o desenvolvimento. Todas as pessoas têm essa diferença, para algumas é mais larga, para outras é mais estreita, e desafiá-la pode criar espaço para crescer e aprender. Tendo isto em mente, podemos construir melhores relações, baseadas na honestidade e na confiança.
A confiança é escassa nas nossas sociedades. É muito mais fácil aprender a suspeitar, a ter medo do vizinho, a pisar os colegas de trabalho para ter vantagem e conseguir uma fatia maior do bolo. O capitalismo assenta na concorrência, na mentira e na venda de si próprio, na sociedade do espetáculo. Não há lugar para a honestidade e a confiança num sistema que se baseia no desempenho, na aparência do que não se é, em fingir e acreditar que um dia se conseguirá. Para sermos honestos e transparentes com os nossos camaradas é necessário sermos vulneráveis. Foi-nos dito para escondermos essas coisas, para não deixarmos que os outros vejam os nossos pontos fracos, para nos apresentarmos como a pessoa omnipotente que pode fazer tudo o que for preciso. Todas estas características individualistas jogam contra nós, especialmente em momentos difíceis, quando o stress e as dificuldades revelam as coisas que tentamos esconder.
Temos trabalhado estas questões pondo em prática ferramentas como o “tekmîl” 2 e a plataforma, que aprendemos com o movimento curdo. Também explorámos outros métodos e, ultimamente, temos vindo a aprofundar os nossos conhecimentos sobre resolução de conflitos, com círculos restaurativos e justiça transformativa. A justiça transformativa proporciona uma boa abordagem, ligada aos nossos valores ideológicos e orientada para temas como a responsabilidade e a prestação de contas, que devem ser sempre a base da nossa organização. Aprendemos que a organização é uma luta em si mesma, e que contradições, conflitos e desafios surgirão sempre na nossa organização. Na ausência de estruturas hierárquicas, a forma como tomamos decisões e como resolvemos conflitos é uma parte muito importante da nossa organização.
Talvez relacionado com o acima exposto, como é que os conflitos interpessoais são resolvidos em geral no Nordeste da Síria? Vimos várias perspectivas abstractas, mas poucos relatos reais sobre os processos de justiça e equidade. Como são tratadas essas questões? Os vários grupos autónomos têm a liberdade de lidar com elas “internamente”? As resoluções de conflitos são centralizadas?
Existem atualmente dois sistemas de justiça em jogo no Nordeste da Síria. Um semelhante à justiça estatal e outro mais baseado na justiça comunitária. O sistema comunitário consiste em comités de consenso camponês e conselhos locais que são frequentemente compostos por líderes religiosos e anciãos da comunidade. Estes sistemas incentivam as pessoas a assumirem a responsabilidade e o controlo dos seus próprios problemas. No entanto, infelizmente, este sistema não está a funcionar muito bem. Por este motivo, muitos conflitos continuam a ser resolvidos através do sistema de justiça estatal que é metade herdado do regime de Al-Assad e metade reorganizado pela Administração Autónoma. É uma mistura estranha que funciona com as ferramentas disponíveis numa situação difícil. O sindicato dos advogados desempenhou um papel importante, assim como o esforço para redigir o “contrato social” da Administração Autónoma do Norte e Este da Síria (AANES), uma espécie de constituição que é revisitada de tempos a tempos em discussões com diferentes organizações políticas e sociais.
As razões que levaram a Administração Autónoma a fazer mais esforços para reorganizar o sistema jurídico geral em vez de promover os conselhos de justiça comunitários não são muito claras para nós. Sugerimos que fale diretamente com a comissão de justiça da AANES, que poderá responder melhor a essa questão. Para além destas, existem também as estruturas autónomas das mulheres, como as casas das mulheres (mala jin) e o direito das mulheres. Estas estruturas desempenharam e desempenham um papel importante na resolução dos problemas relacionados com o género e na procura de soluções para os conflitos familiares que afectam as mulheres (casamento, divórcio, abusos, etc.).
Os conselhos, comités, comunas e organizações autónomas têm algum grau de liberdade para lidar com os conflitos “internamente”. A forma exacta como é abordado e se as pessoas envolvem o sistema jurídico estatal depende da natureza e da dimensão do conflito, bem como das pessoas e dos grupos envolvidos. No caso de crimes com grande impacto social, como assassinatos brutais ou traição organizada (fornecer informações à Turquia que são utilizadas para assassinar revolucionários, ajudar o ISIS a planear e realizar ataques), têm sido realizados julgamentos populares. Estes julgamentos reúnem diferentes representantes da comunidade social, especialmente os mais afectados pelo crime julgado, e funcionam como júri popular para decidir a pena.
As razões que levaram a Administração Autónoma a fazer mais esforços para reorganizar o sistema jurídico geral em vez de promover os conselhos de justiça comunitários não são muito claras para nós
Para a nossa organização e para as organizações na Europa, pensamos que é importante compreendermos o valor da justiça transformadora e que desenvolvamos capacidades para começar a oferecer alternativas ao sistema de “justiça” legal, que é uma mentira punitiva racista e capacitista que está profundamente ligada ao poder do Estado-nação. O tema da justiça transformadora tem estado em cima da mesa nos círculos de esquerda na Europa há já algum tempo. Vemos que está agora a passar lentamente para uma fase mais prática. Comecemos com pequenos ajustes práticos, assim que começarmos a ganhar algumas experiências da vida quotidiana, podemos e devemos complementá-las com alguma leitura/estudo/teoria. A resolução de conflitos não se aprende nos livros, os seus fundamentos só podem ser aprendidos na prática, os livros serão muito úteis para nos aperfeiçoar, mas só se já estivermos a pô-los em prática. Teremos de cometer muitos erros, e isso é ótimo. Temos muito que aprender com os sistemas de “justiça” impostos pelo Estado. Estamos a fazer um começo imperfeito, utilizando ferramentas como o tekmîl, os círculos restaurativos e as estruturas autónomas de mulheres para desenvolver este processo.
Qual é a situação atual da arte e da auto-expressão em Rojava? Tem havido oportunidade e espaço para as pessoas poderem atuar, criar ou mostrar criações artísticas? Como é que isso é recebido? Como é que a mudança de facetas do conflito a afectou?
TevgeraÇand û Hûner (Tev-çand, a organização da arte e da cultura) é uma coordenação de todos os centros de arte e cultura, presentes em todas as cidades. A maioria destes centros tem diferentes grupos, como dança, música, teatro, cinema, pintura, literatura, escultura, etc. Promovem sobretudo a arte ligada à cultura, à língua e à identidade curdas. Cada grupo étnico é encorajado a promover a sua própria arte e cultura tradicionais, abrindo simultaneamente espaço para outras formas de arte fora da tradição folclórica. Tev-çand tem uma abordagem política da arte, encarando-a como um veículo para partilhar e divulgar os valores da revolução. Alguns exemplos bem-sucedidos são o HunergehaWelat– com o seu canal no youtube que publica novas canções e videoclipes feitos em Rojava – ou o KominaFilm a Rojava – o comité de cinema que produziu vários filmes, curtas-metragens e clips. KominaFilm a Rojava publicou recentemente uma série sobre Rojava intitulada “EvinaKurd” (Amor Curdo).
Os grupos locais actuam frequentemente em celebrações locais, dias festivos e outros eventos culturais. Nos últimos anos, alguns desses grupos e artistas estão a ganhar experiência e a tornar-se mais profissionais, e começamos a ver a sua arte em diferentes teatros, exposições e eventos. A arte é vista como riqueza popular e cultural, e não há um processo de mercantilização em torno dela. O teatro, o cinema e a música são apresentados e partilhados gratuitamente, e nunca vimos nenhum evento cultural com entrada paga. Isto faz parte da abordagem política sobre ética e estética que é promovida. Para resumir, podemos simplesmente apontar os esforços para ligar a estética a valores políticos e éticos revolucionários. Esta abordagem desafia os padrões de beleza que a modernidade capitalista tenta impor, vendo a arte como um veículo de expressão do povo, da sociedade e dos seus valores. Muita arte está ligada à resistência contra o ISIS e o fascismo turco, com especial destaque para a resistência das mulheres e o YPJ, mas também para as raízes históricas e as lutas do povo curdo.
Nesta abordagem à arte, podemos ver uma mudança que a revolução trouxe, que talvez tenha começado mesmo antes de Rojava. O cinema curdo do século XX é muitas vezes trágico, sobre os massacres e o exílio que o povo curdo sofreu. O dengbêj, uma música/poesia tradicional, também está repleto de histórias de aldeias destruídas, famílias assassinadas e crianças órfãs. Foi neste novo século que a arte curda começou a refletir uma nova imagem. Uma imagem não tão centrada nos curdos apenas como vítimas de tragédias desumanas, mas também como actores da mudança. As canções do YPG e do YPJ a derrotar o ISIS ou os guerrilheiros que lutam nas montanhas, os novos filmes sobre a resistência em Sur ou em Kobanê, as grandes celebrações do Newroz (o Ano Novo curdo) são exemplos de um renascimento do povo curdo e da sua vontade de resistir. Não são apenas um povo cuja fé está a sofrer, são uma nação sem Estado, cujas terras foram ocupadas e cujas aldeias foram incendiadas. Aprenderam com outras lutas anticoloniais e com os movimentos revolucionários de libertação nacional e tomarão o seu destino nas suas mãos. Defenderão a sua terra e a sua cultura, construindo um futuro para as próximas gerações, com armas, mas também com música, com dança, com cinema.
Qual é a opinião do AT sobre o papel da religião, e como é que isso afectou a sua capacidade de se ligar e relacionar com as comunidades locais? Houve desafios ou mudanças de atitude por parte dos militantes? No Ocidente, temos dificuldade em separar o anticlericalismo da islamofobia e do eurocentrismo. Que lições retirou da sua inserção nas sociedades curda e árabe?
Para nós, a religião não é um problema quando está ligada ao povo e à ética, mas sim quando está ligada ao poder e ao domínio. É contra este exercício da autoridade que nos opomos, tal como também no que toca ao anti-clericalismo. Alguns anarquistas vieram para cá com antecedentes ateus e, quando nos perguntam sobre a nossa religião, é fácil responder que não temos religião. Mas esta resposta é muitas vezes entendida como se não tivéssemos ética, e também nos fez refletir sobre o facto de a maioria de nós, mesmo que não praticantes, ter sido criada numa cultura cristã.
Há esforços para construir um Islão democrático, olhando para o lado ético da religião islâmica e não tanto para a Sharia. Trata-se de um processo necessário para enfrentar as consequências do fundamentalismo islâmico levado a cabo como fascismo teocrático pelo ISIS. Embora, visto de fora, possa parecer que o ISIS já não existe, a luta contra a sua ideologia continua aqui.
Concordamos convosco que nós, no Ocidente, podemos fazer um mau trabalho ao separar o anti-clericalismo da islamofobia e do eurocentrismo. A sociedade em que estamos inseridos é esmagadoramente muçulmana (com pequenas minorias de outras crenças), quase toda a gente acredita no Corão, mesmo que nem todos se descrevam como muçulmanos praticantes. Esta realidade fundamenta o nosso trabalho com as pessoas aqui. Devemos compreender a importância que a religião tem para as pessoas e os camaradas locais. Saber um pouco, ou muito, sobre o Islão é muito útil quando discutimos com os camaradas locais. Argumentar a partir da religião a favor de uma perspetiva revolucionária é uma tática que se tem revelado bem sucedida. É necessário respeitar a convicção religiosa das pessoas, mas ao mesmo tempo também criticamos ou questionamos os camaradas quando isso os leva a tomar medidas que não estão de acordo com os valores revolucionários do Nordeste da Síria. Há esforços para construir um Islão democrático, olhando para o lado ético da religião islâmica e não tanto para a Sharia. Trata-se de um processo necessário para enfrentar as consequências do fundamentalismo islâmico levado a cabo como fascismo teocrático pelo ISIS. Embora, visto de fora, possa parecer que o ISIS já não existe, a luta contra a sua ideologia continua aqui. Em algumas regiões do Nordeste da Síria, a ideologia do ISIS ainda está muito difundida e será necessário tempo e esforço para que todos avancem para um Islão democrático.
Os movimentos anarquistas e os chamados movimentos revolucionários na Europa têm durante décadas lutado para encontrar algo que possa ultrapassar as nossas próprias fraquezas e pequenez, procurando métodos antigos e novos. Qual é a vossa perspetiva sobre isto? Também concordam ou acham que os movimentos se estão a limitar e, se sim, porquê? Falta de uso da violência insurrecional, falta de estruturas que dirijam a luta, falta de recursos, falta de convicção?
Este é um ponto e uma questão muito importantes que aqui levanta. Concordamos que os movimentos estão a limitar-se a si próprios. Para nós, a questão central é a falta de organizações que possam criar e promover perspectivas de objectivos a longo prazo, uma vez que, atualmente, vemos sobretudo grupos baseados na afinidade e com pensamento a curto prazo.
A onda de insurrecionalismo dos anos 90, especialmente em Itália, trouxe uma perspetiva de luta a curto prazo que parecia promover a eficácia. Em alguns aspectos, funcionou, mas fê-lo à custa de minar a capacidade de organização. A capacidade de organização é crucial. Ao tornarmo-nos uma organização, nós, enquanto TA, temos agora a capacidade de acumular experiência: não temos de começar constantemente de novo. Podemos também construir projectos e relações duradouros, podemos aprofundar a nossa compreensão e aprendizagem de outras organizações que lutaram e lutam. Não só a nível individual, mas também a nível organizacional. O que significa que esses conhecimentos e experiências deixam de estar apenas ligados a uma pessoa ou a uma célula ou grupo de afinidade, mas que toda a organização se apropria deles. Isto aumenta muito a nossa capacidade como organização.
Desenvolver-se como uma organização revolucionária não é fácil, já falámos sobre isso. Temos de romper com a mentalidade individualista liberal que está tão profundamente enraizada na socialização capitalista. As nossas sociedades estão organizadas em torno desses valores capitalistas e, para mudar isso, temos de desenvolver os nossos próprios valores e instituições sociais, para antecipar a sociedade que queremos. As coisas que menciona faltar nos movimentos anarquistas (estruturas para direcionar a luta, recursos, convicção, ação) podem muitas vezes estar ligadas à falta de organização. Se nos encontrarmos isolados, como indivíduos ou em pequenos grupos, a nossa capacidade de influenciar e mudar a sociedade à nossa volta diminui. Tal como podemos aprender muitas coisas em Rojava, também há muitas lições que podemos tirar das organizações anarquistas da américa latina. As ideias do “especifismo”, um quadro teórico orientado para o desenvolvimento de organizações anarquistas específicas, são o resultado de décadas de luta. Podemos rastreá-las até à proposta plataformista de Peter Arshinov e Nestor Maknho, mas desenvolvidas na prática pela Federacion Anarquista de Uruguay (FAU). Como anarquistas portugueses, terão fácil acesso aos materiais e textos desenvolvidos pelas organizações anarquistas brasileiras.
Recentemente, foram criticados o enfoque e os recursos dados pelas esquerdas ocidentais aos movimentos anarquistas nascentes na Ucrânia, que, sem verdadeiras estruturas autónomas e inseridos em exércitos estatistas, têm recebido generosos apoios e fundos, enquanto os movimentos não brancos têm lutado por uma fração desse apoio. Concorda com esta crítica?
Presumimos que se esteja a referir ao artigo “Anarchist who Fought in Rojava: Response to ‘No War But Class War’ Debate“, que pode ser encontrado no Abolition Media 3. Concordamos com o artigo de que a quantidade de recursos enviados para a Ucrânia pela esquerda ocidental é muito desproporcional com a quantidade de apoio material que os camaradas do Nordeste da Síria obtiveram, especialmente tendo em conta que a revolução aqui está tão explicitamente enraizada na ideologia e práxis revolucionária libertária, e onde isso é mais discutível para a Ucrânia, como o artigo apontou. «A solidariedade é algo que se pode segurar nas mãos», um slogan popularizado pelo grupo anti-imperialista KAK, ativo na Dinamarca nos anos 70, é uma afirmação em que nos podemos situar. Embora o Nordeste da Síria tenha recebido uma boa quantidade de imagens de solidariedade, campanhas de consciencialização, campanhas diplomáticas, etc., no que diz respeito ao apoio material, financeiro ou outro que podemos «ter nas mãos», a esquerda ocidental não lhe tem dado um esforço sério.
A Ucrânia está nas notícias e nós não estamos, nem estaremos, até uma nova invasão e, mesmo assim, receberemos apenas uma fração da atenção mediática que a Ucrânia está a receber.
Dito isto, a guerra na Ucrânia está a decorrer há pouco mais de um ano, a guerra em Rojava há mais de 10 anos. É claro que estas escalas de tempo também têm um efeito. A Ucrânia está nas notícias e nós não estamos, nem estaremos, até uma nova invasão e, mesmo assim, receberemos apenas uma fração da atenção mediática que a Ucrânia está a receber. Quando olhamos para além da Ucrânia e de Rojava, perguntamos: quem tem estado a olhar para a guerra genocida em Tigray ou para a recente guerra que se desenrola no Sudão? Quem é que tem estado a organizar o apoio material a esses conflitos? As forças de autodefesa do povo de Tigray têm uma longa tradição revolucionária, com um projeto semelhante às ideias do confederalismo democrático. No Sudão, assistimos recentemente a uma escalada militar, depois de grandes mobilizações e revoltas terem abalado o país, que contou com um notável movimento anarquista organizado, pouco comum na maioria dos países africanos. Mas poucos artigos são escritos sobre isso, e ainda menos livros anarquistas discutem esses conflitos. Também não é justo que esses movimentos tenham recebido pouca ou nenhuma cobertura mediática, e muito menos apoio material. Isto faz parte do colonialismo contra o qual estamos a tentar lutar. Para nós, esta é também uma razão para permanecer em Rojava, onde os valores do anticolonialismo estão muito vivos.
Voltando à Ucrânia, os anarquistas têm lutado desde o início do recente conflito, estiveram presentes na praça Maidan e tentaram organizar-se ali. Provavelmente este não é o lugar para discutir o quanto este movimento está enraizado no movimento histórico anarquista na Ucrânia, com o Exército Negro de Libertação dos Camponeses e a revolução Makhnovista, mas hoje em dia a presença dos anarquistas é crucial para questionar a narrativa nacionalista da extrema-direita, que tem sido uma presença dominante nos protestos na Ucrânia desde o início. Temos a responsabilidade, enquanto anarquistas, de ocupar o nosso lugar nestes momentos, não podemos deixar todo o espaço à extrema-direita, porque se o fizermos eles ocupam-no. A situação atual na Ucrânia não é uma revolução alinhada com os nossos princípios, mas a nossa tarefa é dar visibilidade aos nossos princípios e torná-los conhecidos. Podemos citar Malatesta quando diz que «somos, em todo o caso, uma das forças que actuam na sociedade, e a história avançará, como sempre, nas direcções resultantes de todas as forças».
Historicamente, a guerra e a revolução têm uma ligação importante. Os ambientes de guerra fazem com que a autoridade do Estado tropece e seja difusa nalguns locais. O Estado já não está sempre presente para fornecer infra-estruturas e recursos às populações. Isto significa que existem muitas vezes janelas de oportunidade para ajudar na auto-organização e na gestão das pessoas, inicialmente em linhas de ajuda mútua e solidariedade. Esta é uma situação em que trazer a nossa ideologia e aplicá-la na prática com as pessoas pode ser uma forma útil de fortalecer a nossa tendência, como diz Malatesta.
Apoiamos os nossos camaradas anarquistas que lutam na Ucrânia, temos uma abordagem de solidariedade crítica para com o povo ucraniano e pretendemos envolver-nos nas contradições que este suscita e não cair numa abordagem binária e dogmática. Gostaríamos também de chamar a vossa atenção para o camarada Leshiy e o camarada Ciya, ambos passaram algum tempo no Nordeste da Síria e caíram nas linhas da frente ucranianas juntamente com outros camaradas anarquistas nas linhas da frente ucranianas. Lamentamos esta perda e pretendemos aprender com as suas vidas e decisões. Eles também nos mostram uma forma de análise e consideração matizada que tem espaço para as contradições que inevitavelmente surgem quando sujamos as mãos na revolução. Concordámos com o camarada que escreveu o artigo que é muito fácil ser purista e julgar as decisões tomadas na Ucrânia e em Rojava a partir de uma poltrona confortável. A participação numa revolução real ou num conflito armado tornará rapidamente claro que muitas vezes não existem soluções «limpas» ou claras e que ser um revolucionário em ação, e não apenas em palavras, significa adquirir uma compreensão profunda das análises e contradições matizadas.
Como podemos ajudar-vos, materialmente ou de outra forma?
Os principais pontos em que podemos ver a vossa ajuda para nos ajudar são: a) desenvolvimento ideológico; b) rede empenhada; c) resistência à repressão ;d) militantes; e) recursos.
O desenvolvimento ideológico da luta anarquista é a base para avançarmos. Vemos que chegámos a um ponto em que nos apercebemos, enquanto anarquistas europeus, que a organização baseada na afinidade por si só não é suficiente. Precisamos de uma organização anarquista ou de estruturas que nos mantenham juntos, não apenas com base na afinidade pessoal, mas de uma forma organizada, para podermos pensar a longo prazo e desenvolver uma estratégia mais alargada. Ao desenvolver a ideologia e a praxis anarquista no nosso contexto atual, fortalecemo-nos uns aos outros.
O Estado já não está sempre presente para fornecer infra-estruturas e recursos às populações. Isto significa que existem muitas vezes janelas de oportunidade para ajudar na auto-organização e na gestão das pessoas, inicialmente em linhas de ajuda mútua e solidariedade.
As redes empenhadas são uma base para o intercâmbio de discussões, projectos, recursos e experiências. Vemos isso na forma de construir relações de longo prazo com organizações sólidas, e esse intercâmbio pode ocorrer através de visitas e troca de militantes, bem como outras formas de comunicação. Relacionado com o ponto sobre o desenvolvimento ideológico, isto inclui ler e discutir as declarações e cartas uns dos outros, aprender com as experiências dos outros e dar feedback, propostas e críticas sobre elas.
As redes conduzem também à resistência face à repressão. Nos últimos anos, os militantes de Rojava e do movimento curdo em geral têm sido cada vez mais criminalizados. Muitos camaradas estão a passar algum tempo na prisão ou têm outros tipos de problemas legais. Precisamos de anarquistas em todo o lado para fazer frente a esta criminalização.
Precisamos de mais militantes que se juntem a nós em Rojava para lutar e combater aqui. Também há oportunidade para os camaradas já organizados na Europa se juntarem a nós aqui, mantendo-se ligados à sua organização europeia. Na verdade, gostaríamos que isso acontecesse. Vemos isto como uma forma potencial de fortalecer os laços entre a nossa organização e as organizações anarquistas na Europa.
No lado diretamente material, precisamos de dinheiro. Uma vez que os materiais de que precisamos mudam de tempos a tempos, enviar materiais diretamente pode ser um pouco complicado, embora possamos falar sobre isso se houver um desejo de fazer algo assim. Com o dinheiro diretamente, podemos afectá-lo às necessidades mais prementes e fazer ajustes quando necessário nesta situação em constante mudança em que nos encontramos.
Texto de União Libertária uniao-libertaria@riseup.net
Entrevista da UL traduzida do inglês original por Batata Pala (AGZK) [ instagram.com/agzk038/ ] para publicação no Jornal MAPA e na página da União Libertária. ↩
Tekmîl é o nome curdo dado ao processo de autocrítica e crítica usado pelo movimento curdo numa forma generalizada. É uma das ferramentas mais importantes para o movimento curdo na sua forma de organizar. Com esta, no final de reuniões, ações, etc., todos têm a oportunidade de analisar, criticar e autocriticar para que todos possam continuar a se desenvolver numa perspetiva revolucionária, a nível individual e a nível coletivo. ↩
O autor do artigo em causa, com data de 18 de abril de 2022, começa por escrever que«Deixei Rojava há cerca de 3 anos atrás e até este momento escolhi manter-me quieto, deixando a escrita para aqueles que preferem falar em vez de agir. Tenho visto como os Ucranianos tem merecido mais apoio dentro do meio anarquista ocidental,de que os Curdos, Árabes, Assírios, Yazidis e outros alguma vez pudesse imaginar.»
Fact Check: Viral Pics Capture Enormous Crowd of Israelis Demonstrating Support for Israel?
Some social media users claimed the viral image had been shared by an official Israel account.
Fact Check: 'Harbor Freight Tools' Scam Email Promises Free Tool Set, Drill or Other Products
Email messages falsely claiming to be from Harbor Freight Tools pointed users to fake surveys and costly hidden subscription scams.
Sexisme dans le sport : Footballeuses espagnoles 1 - Patriarcat 0
Cet été, la sélection féminine de l’État Espagnol remportait pour la première fois la Coupe du Monde de football. Outre le bel exploit sportif, on peut saluer une médiatisation inédite de cet événement du sport féminin. Cependant, cette victoire a été ternie par des violences sexistes et sexuelles, qui, chose notable, ont mené à des luttes féministes.
Le milieu du sport est particulièrement marqué par le sexisme. Cela se traduit de plusieurs manières, tant à l’échelle locale, qu’a l’échelle du système entier, gangrené par une approche financière et capitaliste, qui se dresse contre les femmes. D’une part, on constate une dévalorisation des compétitions féminines qui sont sous-médiatisées, moins financées, et même parfois critiquées car le niveau serait soit disant moins bon. D’autre part, des règles transphobes et islamophobes ont également exclu des femmes de la compétition, illustrant un conservatisme profond et une volonté sans relâche de contrôler les corps des femmes.
Après la violence, la grève
Les footballeuses professionnelles espagnoles se sont elles aussi heurtées à ces problématiques : elles sont confrontées à une dévalorisation de leur travail, mais aussi à des violences sexistes et sexuelles. Ainsi, durant la célébration de leur nouveau titre de championnes du monde, le président de la fédération de football espagnole a embrassé de force en direct à la télévision une des capitaines de l’équipe, Jennifer Hermoso.
Portées par leur victoire, les joueuses ont décidé de se mettre en grève pour réclamer une refonte totale des instances du football espagnol, la démission du président et du sélectionneur, ainsi qu’une augmentation de salaire. Après la coupe du monde, les joueuses obtiennent donc une deuxième victoire : la démission du président Luis Rubiales, le licenciement du sélectionneur Jorge Vilda, et une augmentation de leur salaire.
C’est un premier pas en avant dans leurs revendications. Par ailleurs, cette victoire féministe impose des débats inhabituels dans les sphères du sport de haut niveau, montrant que, même là, c’est par la construction d’un rapport de force et la grève qu’on obtient ce que l’on désire. Pour autant, la lutte des joueuses n’est pas finie : elles ont indiqué le 18 septembre qu’elles ne se présenteraient pas aux sélections, car les conditions n’étaient pas réunies pour permettre de travailler sereinement.
Des perspectives féministes pour l’avenir
Malgré une belle action de la part des joueuses espagnoles, il nous reste encore beaucoup de chemin à parcourir dans la lutte face aux oppressions dans le sport. Motivé par des dynamiques patriarcales, ce milieu ne permet pas un accès égalitaire entre les hommes et les femmes aux disciplines.
Il est très difficile pour les femmes de s’intégrer dans des contextes sociaux masculins, et encore plus dur pour ces dernières d’en vivre. Déjà que le système capitaliste des compétitions à haut niveau est critiquable sur de nombreux points, on peut rajouter à la longue liste de doléances tout un chapitre sur les discriminations sexistes : les différences de salaires, le manque de reconnaissance, le manque de financement des ligues féminines...
Pour l’avenir, nous devons rester solidaires face à toutes les oppressions que toutes les femmes subissent, y compris dans le sport. En construisant un rapport de force suffisant, nous pourrons améliorer nos conditions, et dénoncer le système capitaliste du sport qui se nourrit du sexisme pour renflouer les caisses de quelques actionnaires et redorer le blason de quelques sponsors. Tout au long de l’année, tous les jours, au travail, dans la rue, dans les cercles privés, il faut lutter et renforcer les associations féministes, les lieux d’auto-organisation, et montrer un véritable soutien aux luttes féministes, dans le monde du sport comme ailleurs.
Alice (UCL Grenoble) et Gio (UCL Sarthe)
Fact Check: Video Shows a Scared Puppy Shaking After an Israeli Airstrike in Gaza?
A video of a puppy apparently shaking with fear in front of a plate of food was liked well over 160,000 times on X.
We Do Not Know if Israeli Babies Were Beheaded by Hamas Militants in Kfar Aza
What we know about the viral rumor spread by media, the U.S president, Israeli officials and more, in October 2023.
Fact Check: Greta Thunberg Called for "Sustainable" War Tanks and Weaponry?
Among suggestions was the use of "vegan grenades," according to the in-question video.
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Rentrée politique : Médine, mauvais élève des universités d’été ?
Le rappeur Médine, invité aux universités d’été de EELV et LFI s’est retrouvé, au cœur d’une campagne médiatique islamophobe instrumentalisant la lutte contre l’antisémitisme. Cette dernière devrait être prise davantage au sérieux par la gauche.
Le mois d’août aura été marqué par l’invitation de Médine aux universités d’été de EELV et LFI. De l’extrême droite à Renaissance on a profité de l’invitation du rappeur pour dénoncer son présumé antisémitisme. Médine est depuis longtemps une cible pour l’extrême droite qui lui reproche son supposé islamisme radical. Si Médine est bien musulman, il a plusieurs fois pris position contre l’intégrisme religieux et le fait encore dans son dernier album. Les attaques contre le rappeur se focalisaient cette fois-ci sur l’antisémitisme et la LGBTphobie.
En effet Médine a pratiqué le geste antisémite et homophobe de la « quenelle » de Dieudonné en 2014. Il s’en est expliqué récemment en le dissociant de l’antisémitisme et en lui préférant une signification « antisystème » (le « système » étant une référence antisémite). Interpellé de nouveau à ce sujet il a affirmé son rejet de la quenelle et de l’antisémitisme et a reconnu « une erreur ».
De même, pour l’homophobie, s’il a par le passé utilisé le terme de « tarlouze » lors d’une interview en 2007 il s’en est depuis excusé en affirmant « une erreur de langage qui n’est pas acceptable ». Dès 2012 il prend position en faveur du mariage pour tous, il a aussi réaffirmé en 2023 son soutien aux LGBT dans une approche intersectionnelle : « On veut la justice sociale, on veut combattre l’extrême droite, on veut en finir avec les mécanismes d’oppression qui frappent à la fois les populations LGBT, à la fois les racisés, à la fois les féministes ».
La droite et l’extrême droite se sont indéniablement emparées du sujet pour mener une énième campagne islamophobe. En effet, les mêmes médias et personnalités qui fustigeaient Médine se sont tus lorsque le gouvernement a rendu hommage à des antisémites (Macron qualifiait Pétain de « grand soldat » et célébrait Maurice Barrès). Quant à l’extrême droite, l’antisémitisme en reste un élément structurant.
Une offensive islamophobe
Cependant on ne peut pas écarter d’un revers de main le passé et les proximités antisémites de Médine comme l’ont fait Mélenchon et la plupart des élus de LFI : « Médine n’est pas raciste » s’est contenté de réagir Mélenchon dont le parti est très loin d’être exemplaire en matière d’antisémitisme…
On ne peut pas affirmer que toutes les critiques étaient orchestrées par l’extrême droite, et les interrogations, notamment des personnes juives ou LGBTI, sur les comportements et fréquentation passées de Médine sont légitimes. Même si celui-ci s’en est excusé, était-il vraiment nécessaire de choisir un représentant avec un tel passé pour porter la lutte intersectionnelle ?
L’approche électoraliste consistant à « starifier » un homme racisé comme représentant des quartiers populaires peut aussi être critiquée. Il serait sans doute plus intéressant d’offrir davantage d’espace aux collectifs de luttes.
Si l’invitation de Médine fait beaucoup parler, celles d’Alexis Poulin (journaliste confusionniste) aux universités d’été de LFI et celle d’Hubert Védrine (qui porte une responsabilité et un discours révisionniste sur le génocide des Tutsi au Rwanda) à l’université du PCF auront fait couler beaucoup moins d’encre. Il y a donc bien une différence de traitement islamophobe entre ces personnalités. Quand les premières refusent de revenir sur ce qui leur est reproché, Médine de son côté tente au moins de s’en excuser et essaie aussi désormais de porter un discours intersectionnel.
Benjamin (UCL Orléans)
à #Boston nos camarades de #BlackRoseRosaNegra organisent une série de discussions autour de leur programme politique #TurningTheTide.
Join our Boston, MA Local for a semi-open study group on our recently released political program. It starts later this month!
Sign up here: blackrosefed.org/bosprog
#BRRN #Anarchism #AnarcoCommunism #AntiAuthoritarianism #LibertarianSocialism #LeftLibertarianism #blackflag #BlackAndRedFlag #Kropotkin #Bakunin
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Restons derrière nos écrans de fumée
Que penser de Derrière nos écrans de fumée ?
I was running all of our websites - see status.tromsite.com (plus our personal ones) from 2 servers paying 68 Euros a month. On TROM.tf I was at the limit of our storage space. Now I run the same websites with some 72 Euros a month and double the storage space, via 2 hosting companies (never put all eggs into one basket) - Webdock and Hetzner.
Plus I need to pay 270 Euros a year for backing up all of our servers to BorgBase. 4TB of data.
Lastly I pay 13 Euros a month for my and my family's personal files backups (5TB - plenty of storage for years to come).
A few days ago someone was asking me over email how can I sustain TROM financially with so many services and projects. Well it is because I work a lot to manage these servers and backups, else it would be 5 times more expensive. And thanks to @YunoHost I am able to provide the many services we provide via TROM.tf. Without them there would be no TROM.tf. I wish I had more money to support them too, a little bit. But TROM is far from being financially sustainable.
But damn I love that we have our own social network, video platform, cloud for files and collaboration, chat, and more. Thanks to the open source projects like Friendica, Peertube, Matrix, Nextcloud and so forth.
Nos camarades de #LibertäreAktion ont traduit notre communiqué sur la #Palestine !
Palästina-Israel: Kein Frieden ohne das Ende der Besatzung, der Kolonisierung und der Apartheidç-*
Auf Gräueltaten folgen Gräueltaten. Die Ermordung von mehreren hundert Zivilist:innen in Israel ist eine Tragödie. Diese Tragödie hätte es nicht gegeben, wenn Tausende von Zivilist:innen nicht seit 2008 durch israelische Bombenangriffe unter Trümmern in Gaza begraben worden wären. Man kann nicht ein ganzes Volk unterdrücken, ausbeuten, aushungern und im Freiluftgefängnis Palästina einsperren, ohne Konsequenzen zu erwarten: Das ist der erste Schluss, den wir nach dem Ausbruch tödlicher Gewalt am 7. Oktober ziehen müssen. Der Staat Israel reagiert mit einem neuen Kreislauf von Zerstörung und Massakern. Stattdessen soll er endlich begreifen, dass sein koloniales System unhaltbar ist. Freiheit für Palästina!
Am Samstag, den 7. Oktober, startete die Hamas ihren bisher grössten Angriff auf das israelische Staatsgebiet und israelische Siedlungen. Mit dem koordinierten Angriff zerstörte sie die Mauer um Gaza an mehreren Stellen, nahm mehrere Dörfer entlang der Mauer ein und entführte mindestens 100 Soldat:innen und Zivilist:innen. Die israelische Armee und der israelische Geheimdienst wurden völlig überrascht. Sie begannen jedoch einen äusserst brutalen Gegenschlag im Gazastreifen sowie im Südlibanon nach dem Abschuss von Raketen durch die Hisbollah, die libanesische Verbündete der Hamas. Es gab mehrere hundert palästinensische und israelische Todesopfer.
Die Hamas hatte ihren Angriff in Gaza sorgfältig vorbereitet und einen historisch bedeutsamen Tag gewählt, den 50. Jahrestag des Beginns des Krieges 1973, in dem Ägypten und Syrien Israel gegenüberstanden. Es handelte sich um einen Gegenschlag gegen die kolonialistische Apartheidpolitik des Staates Israel und seiner faschistischen, rassistischen […] und kolonialistischen Regierung, die in den letzten Monaten die Provokationen vervielfacht (Armee auf dem Tempelberg, Vertreibung von Palästinenser:innen, Ablehnung jeder politischen und friedlichen Lösung) und den Siedlungsbau im Westjordanland verstärkt unterstützt hat. Es handelt sich auch um einen Gegenschlag gegen die laufende diplomatische Normalisierung der Beziehungen zwischen Israel und den Golfstaaten, insbesondere Saudi-Arabien, und die anhaltende Unterstützung des israelischen Regimes durch die USA […] und die Europäische Union. Es handelt sich vor allem um eine Folge der 75-jahrelangen Kolonisierung, brutalen und rassistischen Ausbeutung, Besetzung und Apartheid des Staates Israel, mit Palästinenser:innen, israelischer Araber:innen, Drus:innen, Jüd:innen aus Äthiopien… als Leidtragende. Und eine Folge der Ablehnung jeder politischen Lösung für ein friedliches Zusammenleben, der Aberkennung des Rückkehrrechts der Geflüchteten⋅(auch wenn dies von den Vereinten Nationen garantiert sei), der seit mehr als 15 Jahren andauernden Blockade des Gazastreifens und der täglichen Diskriminierung und Gewalt.
Die Stromversorgung und Lieferung von Konsumgütern in den Gazastreifen wurden von der rechtsextremen Netanjahu-Regierung ausgesetzt. Dabei sind die Bewohner:innen des Gazastreifens für die Befriedigung ihrer Grundbedürfnisse darauf angewiesen. Die Regierung Israels warnte, dass sie sich "im Krieg" befinde und dass der Vergeltungsschlag der brutalste der letzten Jahre sein werde. Was dies bedeutet, wurde klar, als sie die Bevölkerung dazu aufforderte, aus dem (nördlichen Teil) des Gazastreifens (in den südlichen Teil) zu fliehen und zeitgleich die ersten Bombenangriffen auf den Gazastreifen durchfuhr. Diese korrupte Regierung, die in den letzten Monaten an riesigen Demonstrationen von einem beachtlichen Teil der israelischen Bevölkerung kritisiert wurde, führt einen permanenten mörderischen Krieg gegen die palästinensische Bevölkerung und rechtfertigt ihren Machterhalt mit einer autoritären Sicherheitspolitik. Es ist diese israelische Regierung, die die Verantwortung für den Krieg und die Toten auf beiden Seiten trägt. Wie immer ist es die Zivilbevölkerung, die den Preis für die von den imperialistischen herrschenden Klassen beschlossenen Kriege zahlt. Die nächsten Tage werden zeigen, ob die Offensive der Hamas das Ende der Regierung Netanjahus einläutet oder im Gegenteil die Bevölkerung sich im Krieg hinter ihm vereint. Die aktuelle Situation ist jedenfalls ein Beweis für das Scheitern einer Politik, die eine imperialistische und militärische Lösung in Palästina anstrebt.
Die UCL unterstützt den Kampf des palästinensischen Volkes für Selbstbestimmung, Freiheit und das Recht auf ein würdiges Leben in einer multiethnischen, säkularen und demokratischen Föderation. Nationalistische, religiöse und kriegerische Perspektiven, auch wenn sie Ausdruck einer ausweglosen Situation sind, werden niemals eine Garantie für Frieden und Gerechtigkeit im Nahen Osten bieten. Diese Perspektiven spielen Autokrat:innen und intoleranten Rechtsextremist:innen in die Hände. Wir empfehlen die Lektüre des Antrags Pour une Palestine libre, laïque et démocratique, den die UCL im Juni 2020 während ihrer nationalen Koordination angenommen hat.
Wir bedauern die zivilen Opfer, die nicht den Preis für die politischen Strategien des Staates Israel oder der Hamas zahlen müssten. Die Hamas ist eine nationalistische und religiös-fundamentalistische Bewegung, die aus der Muslimbruderschaft hervorgegangen ist und sich historisch auf Kosten der säkularen revolutionären Kräfte aufgebaut hat. Wir lehnen es ab, dass Unterstützer:innen des palästinensischen Widerstands in Europa kriminalisiert und als "Terrorist:innen" bezeichnet werden. Wir wenden uns auch gegen jede Instrumentalisierung der Gewalt für rassistische Zwecke, sei sie antiarabisch oder antisemitisch oder zur Unterstützung autoritärer Regime wie dem Iran, dem Hauptunterstützer der Hamas, [...] die nicht mit dem palästinensischen Volk verwechselt werden darf.
Wir wiederholen unsere Forderungen nach einem Ende der Kolonisierung und Apartheid in Palästina sowie nach der Einhaltung der internationalen Resolutionen (Teilung des Staatsgebiets, Recht auf Rückkehr usw.) als Voraussetzung für eine langfristige Lösung (1). Wir unterstützen den säkularen, demokratischen und revolutionären Widerstand des palästinensischen Volkes und alle antikolonialen israelischen Oppositionellen und Aktivist:innen.
Wir fordern ein Ende der von der israelischen Armee und der Hamas begangenen Gewalttaten, die der Zivilbevölkerung auf beiden Seiten grosses Leid zufügen. Wir teilen nicht die Ideologie der Hamas, der die gerechten Bestrebungen des palästinensischen Volkes nicht am Herzen liegen. Wir unterstützen den palästinensischen Widerstands- und Befreiungskampf. Wir verstehen, dass dieser Kampf manchmal Strategien der Gewalt erfordert, die aus der politischen Blockadesituation entstehen. Wir rufen zur Entmilitarisierung des Staates Israel auf und fordern, dass tatsächlich auf eine Lösung hingewirkt wird, die sich auf den legitimen Forderungen des palästinensischen Volkes beruht. Dies sind die erforderlichen Bedingungen für jede dauerhafte Lösung des Konflikts.
(1) In diesem Zusammenhang sei an mehrere Punkte erinnert:
1- dass die Kolonisierung Palästinas und die Vertreibung der Palästinenser:innen von ihrem Land seit über einem Jahrhundert andauert und lange vor 1948 begonnen hat,
2- dass Israel nie eine der UN-Resolutionen von 1967 erfüllt hat, die es verpflichten, die besetzten Gebiete zu verlassen und das Rückkehrrecht der Flüchtlinge umzusetzen,
3- dass die Friedensabkommen von 1993 (Osloer Abkommen) die Kolonisierung in Wirklichkeit nur noch verstärkt haben,
4- dass die Palästinenserinnen und Palästinenser täglich fast einen Toten zu beklagen haben, zusätzlich zu den Wasser- und Stromabschaltungen, dem Landraub und den täglichen Angriffen der Siedler, und
5- dass Staaten wie Frankreich mit Kriminalisierung reagieren, wenn weltweit Solidarität in Form einer friedlichen Kampagne, der BDS-Kampagne, zum Ausdruck gebracht wird.
I made a huge article about how I backup TB of files from 4 laptops for just 13 Euros a month tiotrom.com/2023/10/the-best-b… - and how I discovered an amazing app, Kopia, that makes the backup process such a breeze. :)
NEW BLOG POST:The best backup tool?
Read it on my website (recommended):
Or read it here:
Disclaimer: I only have used this for less than a week but I plan to use this for years to come. My excitement compels me to write an article about it.
Backups. So useless 99% of the time, but when you need them, that 1% of the time, they are crucial. I lost TB of files, twice, by mistake, and I had no backups, so that made me be extremely cautions about securing the survival of my digital files. And the files of my family.
The challenge: 4 laptops, around 3TB of files, and hundreds of thousands if not millions of them. From tiny files to tens of GB in size. I need them to be backed-up daily in at least 1 safe place. Sounds easy? Well…may not be.
Local backups plus file sync.
I used to backup all of my files on external HDD’s that I kept in a shoebox attached with a lot of umbilical cords to my laptop.
I was syncing them with FreeFileSync since I found it easy to use. You have a left side where you can select directories you want to back up, and a right side where you can select where to sync.
But ofc you had to go through some settings and put on some rules about what to do with the deleted files and so forth. Plus you had to create a CRON job to automate the process.
Took me some time to figure that thing out. On top of this some files were not properly copied. This was hardly a backup solution. It was sketchy.Setting this up for the other laptops was not feasible since you would need the FreeFileSync to copy files over the internet from their laptops to my HDD. Ttherefore I used Syncthing to basically sync the files from the other laptops (my family) to my external HDDs. When you need to sync hundreds of thousands of files like that, it is a pain in the ass. Slow, unreliable.
So basically it was difficult, slow, and I was entirely attached to my desk and the drives. No good!
I also tried DejaDup Backups and although super easy to use, it was never that reliable and too simplistic.
Borg, Vorta and Pika.
Before using these I tried a traditional backup method for those who wanna “pay and backup”. Simple as that. Mega. I was paying around 20 € a month for 8TB. Fuckers only provide 2TB or 8TB but nothing in between. I needed only 4TB or so…
Anyway, with Mega it is easy to backup, files were encrypted, they have a good Linux desktop client. I was doing that in parallel with the local backups. But it was not as reliable and would always backup, or sync to Mega. Not every X hours or daily, but ALWAYS. Plus I was relying on them and them only, and their website to go through my files and restore any. And took ages to decrypt my files in the browser to then access them….I felt uncomfortable to use Mega and it was a bit expensive. Plus I could not easily backup the other laptops to the same Mega account.In all, it was not that great.
Borg. A new way to do backups.
Mega is designed for filesharing, but Borg is for backups. They must be good! But the truth is, a bit complicated. Now, to backup with Borg locally you need either Vorta or Pika, since I am not aware of any other tool for the job that is easy to use.
I know there are many people passionate about computers who rsync and restic into ssh sources and daemon-kickstart their backups. I do not want that! I want an app with an interface that I can easily setup for me and my family. I do not do backups because is fun, but because I want to easily backup my files and restore them.
So with Vorta you open it and have to understand how and why they use “repositories”, else you are lost. Repository means….well…hard to explain but you have to select this:
Then choose a folder/drive on your computer where Vorta will create this repository, which is a bunch of files with rules, containing data about your backups. Once you understand this concept is easy. Select a local path then navigate the oldish Vorta interface to select what files you want to backup. Vorta also advertises their borgbase.com, their paid service:
And that does not sit well with me.They also use this “Prune” notion to delete old backups. In all Vorta is quite messy I would say hard to navigate. For me at least.
But it gets the job done. Locally, from what I remember, it took a few days to backup my 2TB files because it is also encrypting them and compressing them. So good that 2TB may transform in less than 1TB in the repository. That’s fantastic!The incremental backups are also fantastic and take only a few minutes. Therefore only the first backup is slow. To access your backups you have to go to “archives”, select one, then either “extract” it – which means you’ll be able to download all of it, or parts, somewhere – or “mount” it which asks you to select a folder on your computer where it will mount it all.
The “mount” part is what Borg introduced me to, and it is fabulous. It basically creates a folder where you can access ALL of your backed-up folders and files. These are NOT on my computer, they are “streamed” from the backups drive into a mounted directory:
Which means I can access how my computer files were 6 months ago, if I have backups for those, and navigate them and copy from it to my computer anything that I want, while being able to preview any file.Stop for a moment to think how useful this is. It is like going back in time, via your file manager, and see your files. Resurrect the dead 2.0!
This is even more amazing when you backup to an online location.
Borg plus Online = Hard.
The same concept and gymnastics apply when you backup to an online location. Remember, I need to backup 4 laptops not just mine. So I decided to rely mostly, if not only, on online backups.
Online backups.
Look…I’ve heard that people say that you have to backup in 2 different locations and one should be local. But let’s be honest, most people do not do any sort of backups and they are fine most of the time. And backing up to an online location is damn secure nowadays. What can happen? The datacenter may be destroyed? Most datacenters have backups anyway so they can restore immediately, and overall it is so rare for this to happen. Almost never.
Second potential problem: these online providers may close your account for some reasons. But super unlikely. If you do encrypted backups and no one knows what you are storing, why would they? Yes they can close your account if you use their storage locations to store “illegal” files that you publicly share….but else…
So I decided to rely on online backups and also finally detach my laptop form the umbilical cords.
Problem numero 1.
For Borg to work you need to find a hosting that provides Borg backups. The server itself NEEDS to have Borg installed on their side too. Right now I only know 2-3 such provides. So from the get-go this is already very limiting. I chose BorgBase since they seem to be the cheapest and most reliable. But for some 4TB of storage you have to pay around 23 € a month. Mega is twice as cheap.
Problem numero 2.
Fucking SSH keys…
I won’t rant again about them, but it was always a pain to create one on my machine, then add to BorgBase, then add to the repo, then connect the two. At times it won’t connect. In short, it was always uncomfortable for me with the SSH keys and 4 laptops. I am still confused about them. I hate them!
So I ended up setting repositories with BorgBase for everyone and backing up there, daily. Despite being a lot more expensive than Mega, it was a lot more reliable and I felt more comfortable using it.
But I cannot tell my girlfriend, sister, or parents to use Vorta in case they may want to restore something. Because it is too complicated. So I thought to try Pika.
Pika – great and unreliable.
This one is light years better than Vorta in terms of the interface.
Easy! Files to backup, files to exclude, Archives…
Even the schedule is sane:
I can give instructions to my mother over the phone and she can manage it no problem. I cannot say that about Vorta….However…to connect to BorgBase is not something my mother can do.
So I have to create a new repository on BorgBase.com for my mother, copy the URL for it, add to Pika. Open the terminal on her laptop and figure out what’s the command for creating an SSH key. Create! Find out the command to display it. Copy the key. Go to BorgBase and add it to the Keys section. Then go to the repository I created for my mother on BorgBase and attach the key to it.Only after that connect to the repository via Pika. I don’t like it, but I did it for everyone.
And guess what, at times this SSH key needs to be “unlocked” with a master password on your XFCE desktop and if you are not prompted for it when you reboot, then Pika is like “I cannot connect there is no SSH key I can use”. So for example on my sister’s laptop the backups with Pika failed multiple times because of this.
Am telling you the SSH keys suck balls 😀
The main issue with Pika. It is slow.
This is something that I reported to the developers. Pika was several times slower than Vorta to backup. So slow I had to use Vorta to do the first backup for everyone, before using Pika to pick it up on the incremental backups. I remember backing up a few hundreds of GB for my sister’s laptop and it was like 10% after several days.
If Pika wasn’t so slow, it would definitely be worth using it. But if you do not have to backup a lot of files, it can be ok. It is a reason why I added Pika as the default backup tool in TROMjaro. It is great overall!
Pika can also mount archives like Vorta and it can even backup to FTP/SFTP sources. And that’s the key for finding out the best backup tool!
Kopia – the best!
We have used Pika and Vorta for the past 2 or so years. Pika was unreliable at times for a few of us. And Borg overall limited in terms of hosting choices and a pain to setup. Plus expensive.A backup tool needs to have a simple interface; to allow you to easily control what to backup and what to exclude; to allow you to manually delete old backups; to make it easy to schedule and to restore. Plus to support different locations: SFTP/FTP, WebDav, S3, local…
Kopia is an app I found a few days ago while I was trying to find out how the hell to move from BorgBase to a Hetzner Box which supports Borg.
Hetzner provides some really cheap storage boxes. Look:
For 13 € a month you can get a 5TB storage, half as cheap as BorgBase. Mega was 20 € for 8TB, Hetzner is 26 € for 10 TB. So Hetzner is almost as cheap as Mega. Plus look how many protocols it supports:
I tried for several days to make Pika/Vorta borg backups work with Hetzner, but because of multiple SSH keys failures I gave up. No more Borg, that’s it! Fuck those SSH keys!So I tried Pika via SFTP to Hetzner. Connecting via SFTP is 100 times easier. You get an URL, a username, and a password from Hetzner. Add that to Pika and voila. Connected!
Problem is when I tried to backup my 2TB with Pika to Hetzner it took almost 2 days to backup 3%. Terrible. I had to try something else.
Ok, so what’s this Kopia?
Well it is open source, does encrypted backups by default and with compression, does not promote any hosting so it is independent, and it looks a bit oldish or Windows-ish. Those were my first impressions. I quickly found it in TROMjaro Add/Remove Software as KopiaUI. And it looks like this:
Not bad…And all of those are the protocols that it supports. Yes we see Google there and Azure, but well in case people wanna use these to backup….So I like that it is so straight forward from the get go. I go and select WebDav since Hetzner supports it.
3 fields. Completed them and connected in less than 30 seconds to Hetzner! See that Borg? See that SSH key nonsense? 😀And this was the first WOW, fuck I love it! moment. No more BS SSH keys. That’s it. Connected.
You see they also use repositories and now I understand why this is great. Once I connected to my Hetzner WebDav, Kopia created some config files there and from that moment on it will update those files based on the changes I make via Kopia. I will explain later why this is amazing!
Ok, next step. They call backups as “snapshots”. Click and see this:
Select the folder/directory you want to backup. I chose my entire Home folder. From here on can be a bit more complicated but it is totally worth it!Policies!
If they called these “rules” would have been better, because that’s what they are. So in Policies click edit on your snapshot that you have created.
Here you will see a lot of options but here are the important ones.Snapshot Retention (how many backups to keep):
This can be confusing but most backup apps use this approach. I want mine to be kept for 30 days, like imagine the past 30 days I have a backup a day. Then for each week to have 20. So for the past 20 weeks, that can go back some 5 months, a backup a week. 12 a month means the same, basically I could have a backup from june, one from mach, or january, and go back 12 months. Took me a bit to understand what these mean….Then Files is meant to be about ignoring certain files or directories:
I am still unsure if you should add the path with / or without, so I added both. You have to add this manually. Pika is far superior in terms of UI.Next in Compression:
I selected the one that you see there. You have lots of options. Not for casual users, but well…make sure you select a compression so that the size of your backups is reduced.Lastly: Scheduling. To schedule how often to take a snapshot.
Bellow all of those is a save button. Save it!This was the hardest part. Once you learn to navigate that part a bit, that’s it. No more headaches. Trust me this is better than setting up Borg with SSH keys :D.
Now simply go to Snapshots and click: Snapshot Now to create your snapshot.
Keep in mind this app is actually quite simple and efficient. You only have Snapshots, where your backups are. Policies to edit the rules of how your snapshots will be taken, and the rest 2 are for Tasks to see what tasks have been made or, Preferences for a few settings.
It really is not much to it. And that’s fantastic! Except setting up those policies, all is easy.Fast as hell!
2TB of data backed-up in less than 20 hours, and compressed to 1.4TB. Remember, same files, same server, took Pika 2 days to backup 3%. Would take Vorta a few days to backup to BorgBase.
But I was shocked at how fast it is. And it never crashed.
Easy to restore.
Click the Snapshots, then the “path” – basically your snapshot, and you’ll see them all:
Very easy! I also like the retention tags, the colorful ones.Now say I wanna restore from the 17th of October. Click it and you’ll see a list of your directories and files:
What I suggest now is to click the top Mount as Local Filesystem button. And then browse:
And this does what Vorta and Pika do, mounting the backup on your system. Again, this is NOT on my computer:
This is from Hetzner but I can browse it as if it is on my computer. How fucking cool! And Kopia is much faster when it mounts them than Vorta for example. Actually Kopia is instant for me.Icon tray that’s sane!
So simple. Choose to start it on boot, or connect to another repository.Move it anywhere!
So after I backed-up 2TB of data to Hetzner via WebDav with Kopia, I removed all of the Kopia settings files from my laptop, almost like starting Kopia as brand new. Then I moved ALL of the repository files and backups (1.4TB) from Hetzner to another location on the same Hetzner box. So almost like being on another server. Opened Kopia and it was as if I opened it for the first time. No more backups or anything.
Added the WebDav credentials that would point to the new Hetzner location where the repository was, and in less than a minute Kopia brought back all of my backups and settings.
From this:
To this:
In seconds.How cool!
This means that I can move the entire Kopia repository anywhere, including locally on a drive, and simply point Kopia to it and we are back on track in minutes! Tell me this isn’t amazing!
Imagine if I find a better alternative to Hetzner. I can move the repository from Hetzner to the new location and then point Kopia to it, and voila. All back!
I cannot do this with Borg. At least not easy at all.
Kopia + Hetzner
I will give you more info about how I set it all up. Remember, 4 laptops need to be backed-up.In the Hetzner Storage Box panel you can create sub-accounts. These accounts have access to only the folder you give them access too. Like in the example bellow, Sasha only has access to the folder Backups/Sasha and cannot access the other folders:
When you create such a user Hetzner gives you a username and password. Save them. For example when I created the user for Sasha I saved the username (different from Sasha, unique to this storage box), and password. She needs those plus an URL like:https://her-username.your-storagebox.de
.That’s all. She can connect to it via Kopia WebDav in seconds.
Side-note: you also have a MAIN admin user for the entire Hetzner box that you can find in the panel. That user has access to all of the folders for all of the users. I used that admin user to connect in the same way to my Nextcloud account via TROM Files. Simply go to Personal Settings and then External Storage and add a WebDav connection:
Now I have extended my Nextcloud storage to 5TB :D. And I can access the entire box. That’s how I created the folders for the other users. So yeah, you can use the Hetzner Storage Boxes to expand your TROM Files storage to massive amounts.So yeah, basically you can easily create new sub-accounts on Hetzner and give WebDav access to whoever you want. That’s how I now do the backups.
Hetzner also allows for automated snapshots of the entire storage box:
And these snapshots take very little storage space:
Imagine if by mistake you delete your backups from Kopia or who knows how. You can restore them via the Hetzner snapshots. Neat! Double the safety!Conclusions.
13 € a month for 5TB, 4 different users with access to WebDav, plus Kopia on individual laptops.5TB should be enough for many years to come, so it is totally worth it.
Kopia is not as nice looking as Pika, and their “Policies” can be a bit confusing, but else it is so to-the-point, fast, flexible, and reliable. And it is way more than what I presented. See here.
I feel much better now when I know that I can move my backups anywhere and still have them work with Kopia in less than a minute.
Plus doing all of my backups online makes me more free to use my laptop as a laptop. Fuck those cables, I got sick of using them for so many years. I need to keep a balance between security/safety and comfort/mobility.
Download FreeFileSync 13.7. FreeFileSync is a free open source data backup software that helps you synchronize files and folders on Windows, Linux and macOS.FreeFileSync.org
⚠️ rassemblement #Palestine ce vendredi à #Tours interdit cet AM par arrêté préfectoral, l'état de la mobilisation ne permet pas d'autres formes immédiates de mob', réunion interorgas la semaine pro
Appel de l'intersyndicale #palestinienne drive.google.com/drive/folders…
Communiqué de presse
Réponse à l'interdiction de la préfecture d'Indre et Loire
Suivant à la lettre les instructions du ministre de l’intérieur, le Préfet d'Indre-et-Loire a pris ce jeudi 19 octobre, dans l'après-midi, un arrêté d’interdiction du rassemblement auquel nous appelions pour le vendredi 20 octobre à 18h. L’appel était :« Pour le respect du droit humanitaire et international, Halte au massacre de la population civile à Gaza. »
Nous prenons acte de cette décision.
Il s’agit d’une atteinte grave à la liberté d’expression qui vise à museler le mouvement de solidarité avec la Palestine. Nous la dénonçons avec force.
De plus, les termes-mêmes de l’arrêté sont graves : "... la tenue d'une manifestation de soutien au peuple palestinien constitue en elle-même, une atteinte à la dignité humaine et un trouble à l'ordre public " .
En France, contrairement à d’autres pays européens, Espagne Grèce, Suisse, Angleterre, les manifestations de soutien au peuple palestinien sont interdites, même quand elles sont appelées par des organisations humanitaires comme la Ligue des Droit de l’Homme, Amnesty International… Ces interdictions ne nous feront pas taire! Nous continuerons à rappeler, que « la cause première de l’attaque du 7 octobre est le blocus illégal et inhumain auquel est soumise la population de Gaza depuis plus de 16 ans. La responsabilité des gouvernements israéliens successifs est totale dans cette violation constante et délibérée du droit international. Aujourd’hui ce sont des crimes de guerre massifs, voire des crimes contre l’humanité, que commet l’armée israélienne à Gaza par ses bombardements sur les populations civiles, la coupure de l’eau, de l’électricité, du ravitaillement, l’attaque contre les structures sanitaires. Nous dénonçons le soutien total accordé par le gouvernement français au gouvernement israélien ; les interdictions de rassemblements de protestation contre le bombardement de Gaza en sont une preuve manifeste. Nous sommes plus que jamais aux côtés du peuple palestinien menacé dans son existence.
Nous renonçons à appeler à ce rassemblement et nous appelons à une réunion toutes les organisations démocratiques.
Rassemblement #pourGaza non déclaré à #Tours vendredi 18h Pl. J. Jaurès : texte unitaire relativement loin des positions #UnionCommunisteLibertaire mais sans céder à la panique il était difficile de ne pas appuyer cette démarche après l'adoption de notre motion fédérale sur le renforcement de la #CampagneBDS.Pour le respect du droit humanitaire et international en Palestine.
Les organisations listées ci-dessous appellent à un rassemblement vendredi 20 octobre à 18h. place Jean-Jaurès Tours.
Union Juive Française pour la Paix UJFP 37, Parti Communiste des Ouvriers de France PCOF 37, Mouvement Boycott Désinvestissement Sanctions BDS 37, le Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste leNPA 37, Union Communiste Libertaire UCL 37, Solidaires Etudiant-e-s.
Des bombardements intensifs de l’armée israélienne ravagent la bande de Gaza nuit et jour depuis le 7 octobre,
- 700 000 Palestiniens du Nord de la bande de Gaza se sont réfugiés dans la partie Sud du territoire
- Les morts (plus de 3000 aujourd’hui) et les blessés, dont une majorité de femmes et d’enfants, se comptent par milliers, et leur nombre ne cesse d’augmenter chaque jour. Les hôpitaux sont débordés et manquent cruellement de fournitures médicales et de médicaments.
- Israël poursuit le blocus du territoire, alors que les besoins élémentaires de la population regroupée au Sud ne peuvent être satisfaits (eau, électricité, carburant, nourriture, …).
L’asphyxie est totale.- Les destructions de bâtiments résidentiels, écoles, universités, lieu de culte et d’infrastructures sont massives, des quartiers entiers sont dévastés.
L'offensive terrestre que l'armée israélienne prépare contre la bande de Gaza "pourrait mener à un génocide aux proportions sans équivalent". Les vies de nombreux enfants sont menacées par l’action vengeresse d’Israël.
Le nettoyage ethnique à petit feu s’est transformé en génocide assumé.
Alors qu'Israël se prépare à une invasion terrestre dévastatrice et génocidaire de Gaza, nous demandons :
1) Un cessez-le-feu immédiat
2) Une aide humanitaire sur place
3) La protection de l'ONU pour les Palestiniens de Gaza maintenant !
4) Libération sans condition de tous les otages civils aux mains du Hamas et des prisonniers palestiniens civils détenus sans jugement dans les prisons israéliennes.HALTE A L’OCCUPATION, LA COLONISATION ET L’APARTHEID
Le processus de colonisation se poursuivre en Cisjordanie et à Jérusalem. 60 morts depuis le 7 octobre, du fait même des colons armés.
Tout peuple colonisé a le droit et le devoir de se défendre : fin de l’occupation militaire, de la colonisation et de l’apartheid.
Divorcing myself from this retarded society
I need to divorce myself more from the society/politics/conflicts part of our world. It is insane what it has become. When Russia put hundreds of thousands of troops on Ukraine's border and were accused of preparing an invasion, they said that's entirely false. Then they invaded, then they called the war against Ukraine as a "special military operation".They bombed hospitals and schools and residential or public spaces, killing so many innocent people...
UK, USA, and EU were "horrified" at these atrocities, while China was "on the fence" and Iran and the like were kinda cheering up for Russia and helping them.
Day by day, people dying, politicians lying. People were crying...
And now Israel drops thousands of bombs on Gaza, killing again so many innocent people. Creating a total disaster.
So much suffering, just like in Ukraine. And yet USA, UK and EU are cheering up for Israel.
Even helping them...
Suddenly there is no more genocide....Israel says they only kill the bad people, despite the videos and photos showing the contrary. They say they are saints and are fighting against evil, because you see Hamas killed over a thousand innocent Israeli people and that's EVIL, so they must go and kill thousands more innocent people....because that's GOOD!
Not to mention what Israel has done to palestinians over the past decades....trapping them in an open prison basically...Then Russia is like: Oh my god, this is genocide! Unbelievable! To drop bombs on hospitals and kill entire families. This is terrible!
And China speaking up against what Israel is doing, more than what Russia is doing. And Iran talking about "human rights"....
And Ukraine not putting any blame on Israel for doing what Russia is doing to them....
Add to the mix the Hamas and other groups that create a lot of misery and terror, and the values of the so called "Arab countries" that are full of shit, and the primitivism of religion overall.
Ukraine is also not an angel, or any other tribe for that matter. Politicians are lying, propaganda is a daily news, and people continue to suffer while at the same time we have problems like cancer killing so many people, tuberculosis that is treatable killing the poor by the millions; diseases, climate change, pollution....
But the thing is, many of these situations are still a result of our trade-based society. The destruction of our environment, enslaving people, making humans into consumers, and so on, are a result of this society.
But even when it comes to wars they are a result of boiling trade-interests on a high flame. Where politicians say all sorts of stupid things, create propaganda through social (ad) networks that also rely on trades, promoting nationalism and patriotism to get more votes, to then have these politicians rule over others, and have luxurious cars, do all sort of businesses, and gain more power.
In other words do you think the "head of states" really care about their tribe when they are almost always caught avoiding taxes, doing shady businesses, and stealing form their tribe?
They care about them and their families, but then they start to promote "patriotism" and "us the tribe" stupidity, to gain votes to be elected as "heads of states". And they use these platforms that care mostly about you paying them to promote your posts. The cycle of vomit.
The thirst for power comes mainly from humans being trained to trade to acquire, because the more you have the more power you have, and vice versa.
And then starting wars is part of the power thirst and the need to get more "support" from the "nationals".
A mix of rich people who lie and have power over others, and the others who are confused patriots, busy workers, and idiotic consumers. Going at war is easy.
And these things are not new at all. For thousands of years these things have existed. From the Roman empire to the Iraq war....
This is a totally insane society, full of lies and idiots. A horror carnival. And I think the sanest way for me is to force myself to ignore this side of our society. Ignore everything that any politician says (I already do this anyway), ignore these conflicts that I cannot do a thing about and are wrapped in propaganda and misery; ignore this society and focus more on the natural world.
I want to try and do astrophotography to reveal what my eyes can't see. To go more in nature, to grow TROM and its many positive projects, to live a less stressed life, because the society is too retarded and chaotic to even make sense of it, let alone do anything about it.
#Israel #Palestine #ukraine #TradeRuinsEverything #astrophography #war
Anmol Sharma
in reply to Tio • • •Tio
in reply to Anmol Sharma • •Well first of all I am using a daemon and not cron jobs via this tutorial nequalsonelifestyle.com/2022/0…
Then In /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf and add Under [mariadb]:
You can also add to the same file under mariadb and mysql:
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Anmol Sharma
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