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Astonishing the level of idiocracy this society is becoming - a podcast with millions of listeners, listening to the most retarded ideas and not even laughing at their stupidity. This is scary. Two rich people talking so much gibberish it is hard to even poke fun at it, since "it" is so outlandish.

#joerogan #rogan #podcast #science #debunking

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in reply to Tio

Just finished watching that video, and wow.... Unbelievable!

Tio reshared this.

TROM II: Insane how much food we waste -…

It is absolutely insane how much food we waste while millions of people die from starvation every year...

Watch the entire documentary here -…

#food #waste #poverty #starvation #capitalism #money #trade

Tio reshared this.

Huge thanks to Raffael for the 120 Euros donation to TROM! Much much appreciated! We still accept one time donations despite our 200 for TROM campaign where we basically only accept 5 Euros a month donations. The one time donations are still available at the bottom of the campaign page and will always be made public.

#support #help #trom #tromsite #foss

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Tio reshared this.

Have removed all of the popups asking to support our 200 for TROM campaign and replaced it with a small bottom banner for all of our websites. Less intrusive. Once you close that it will stay closed for 30 days.

Removed our "updates" page that was pulling some feeds from our Friendica page. No point in having that. Anyone can follow us on Friendica - easiest and sanest way.

Did some work on some of our websites: updates, fixes, etc..

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IPCC says we are fucked

in reply to TROM…

>Outgoing special rapporteur David Boyd says ‘there’s something wrong with our brains that we can’t understand how grave this is’

Tio reshared this.

TROM II: We learn from mistakes…

#humanbehavior #behavior #enviroment

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Tio reshared this.

Thank you Nate for becoming the 85 supporter for our 200 for TROM campaign - - we are almost half way through. We need 15 more people to donate 5 Euros a month to reach half of our goal!


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Only accusing the "big companies" for doing all sort of "unethical" things, is like only accusing mass murderers for the killings that they do. Every crime is a crime. Big or small. Small companies do similar shady practices and abuse people or destroy the environment.

But best is to look at the system that creates these entities instead of accusing companies or people.

As long as the underlying practice on this planet is to TRADE or else you are fucked, then this is what we are going to do and prioritize. Thus the evolution of companies and billionaires, waste, pollution, you name it.

#trade #TradeRuinsEverything #capitalism #money #bigtech

Rokosun reshared this.

I found this hairy insect in the amber. It is around 40 million years old and I wonder what it is....hairy mosquito?

Bloody interesting...

#amber #nature #photography #microscope

Tio reshared this.

TROM II: The History of Trade…

This is the entire history of trade in 17 minutes.
Watch the entire documentary here -…

#trade #capitalism #history #money

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Tio reshared this.

TROM II: The Climate Report…

#climatechange #climate #capitalism #trade #pollution #co2 #un

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Euronews Joins Me for a Cleanup Mission… by @Dima

#cleanup #eco #green #activism #conservation

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Crazy sunspots....took this picture 10 minutes ago:

Tweaked a bit the colors and sharpness. Taken with Pixel 4a and my telescope.

The sun is nuts!

#sun #sunspot #nature #astrophotography

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

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in reply to Tio


This reminded me of the photo named "Sun Spot Hill" by Jordi Coy.

Looks very similar to yours and it's the same star but there's a hill partially obstructing the view :)

in reply to 0xd9a 🏴‍☠️️

OH WOW this photo is so amazing I can't believe it's real. Prob needed multiple exposures.... More info here I see…

Total Trust: Surveillance State -…

Crazy documentary. It looks like a dystopian SF movie. I have no idea why people still watch movies when reality is many times more than any movie. More scary, funny, complex, interesting, mindblowing.

China is perhaps how the future will look like for people on this planet. Total control.

#capitalism #surveillance #china #privacy

Newly added documentary on

Total Trust: Surveillance State

A Storyville documentary that explores, in intimate detail, state surveillance and digital social control in China by following the experiences of two families and a journalist.

Watch it here:…

in reply to DwarvenAllFather

China is as much of a capitalist state as any. Billionaires, workers, slaves and owners, the capital of mass producing of stuff. Their social credits system is just another type of currency to extract more power for the very few.
in reply to Tio

No, they are socialists! They do not permit the private ownership of the means of production and distribution. They are not capitalists, learn what that word means!
in reply to DwarvenAllFather

Yeah I wrote a book about that… - the USA or other tribes also do not allow anyone to own stuff and have a private business. You have to do it under their rules. There are so many Chinese companies, same as US companies. In both cases they operate under the rules of the tribe. Their goal? Trade. Make more stuff, sell, make more money/credits/whatever, become rich, influence the politics, and so forth.
in reply to Tio Rokosun reshared this.

governments around the world are already, + have been, implementing surveillance measures similar to China's. Sometimes through the back door, other times more obvious - for those who see + listen. Orwell knew what he was writing about back then.

Ok so this photo is insane and represents the advancement in the medical field. It is one of those photos that you could show to people from the past and they will be shocked...

Face transplant....

#medicine #surgery #future

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in reply to Tio

They won't come back after they go to Romania this year?

Tio reshared this.

TROM II: How do we put value on stuff?…

#capitalism #trade #art #consumerism

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I got trapped into the microscope world....

Look, this 20-some million years dot trapped in the amber:

It's this fucking insect:

With this fucking digital microscope:

Ain't that insane!?

I spent all day today looking at 1kg of amber with millions of years old insects. I honestly could not stop. This is too fascinating. I want to make a video about it and I will! Whenever I have some time.

And this is my own blood (I can do better but I became a pussy while trying to cut my veins and pour some under the microscope - I'll do better next time!):

#nature #microscope #amber #insects

Rokosun reshared this.

Tio reshared this.

If you’re tired of hearing about the genocide in Gaza, just imagine how tired the Palestinians are of dying from it.

#israel #palestine #gaza #apartheid #ethnicCleansing #genocide #eurovision #boycottEurovision

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in reply to Aral Balkan

Reminds me of this article from The Onion -…
in reply to Rokosun

Turns out DeepL is very racist, because I used it to translate it quickly to Polish and it translated "recend bombing which seen hundreds of Palestinians killed" as "recent suicide bombing", probably because of the Arab nature of the translated text.

I love the AI.

in reply to temporarily a fish (angy)

WTF man.... 😐 If even a translation software can be this biased imagine how dangerous it is to ask generative AI for factual information.
in reply to Rokosun

Yeah. Quite scary, but not surprising. The narrative regarding all kinds of Arabs in the internet is... Well, biased, to say the least.
in reply to Rokosun

@futureisfoss @rato You mean like asking it which Palestinians you should kill like the Israeli army is doing?
in reply to Aral Balkan


They could've handed over that decision making to a magic 8 ball and still got the same result. Also fuck Google, Amazon and every other big tech profiting off of this genocide.

in reply to Rokosun

yeah...funny and terrible at the same time

Tio reshared this.

TROM II: Laws are Useless -…

#laws #capitalism #criminals #society #humanbehavior

TROM II: Laws are Useless

Watch the entire documentary here -…

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