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Rokosun reshared this.

Thank you Wojmir for the 10 Euros donation! Let us remind you that we desperately need help to fund our backups for all of our projects. We need to raise 300 Euros in less than 2 weeks.

To keep on doing trade-free things in a trade-based world is a fight that requires a lot of struggles, almost like swimming against a tsunami. But what is the alternative? Give up and not do anything? That's by far the easiest solution since the water current will push you into the "normal" direction. But for now we are still trying with TROM. We have reached many thousands of minds and with very little funding required. Thus, if you think TROM is still relevant, consider to support it since I (Tio) cannot push it all by myself.

Big thanks to the few people who are still supporting TROM, financially or not.

#tromlive #foss #opensource #privacy #funding

stibbons reshared this.

In January 2022, Lufthansa admitted it had operated over 18,000 empty flights to keep airport slots during the pandemic.


And they are not the only ones. Read more here.

Welcome to Earth, where trade is the main practice that everyone is a follower of, willingly or not. Where humans care mostly, if not entirely, about trade and how to maximize their advantage.

How can we get ourselves out of this shit, unless we start by understanding what the shit is made of!?

First: understand the problem. TRADE. The fact that we've built a society where you cannot survive unless you trade this for that. Once we understand this, hopefully we can tackle it. Give people a way to have a decent life, access to at least their basic needs as trade-free, and then try to replace more and more trade-based services (like say transportation) with trade-free alternatives.

Volunteers plus trade-free goods/services can create more of them, replicating over time and replacing the cancerous trade-based practices.

#TradeRuinsEverything #capitalism #money #corruption #airlines

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Hey folks, it's time to break up from capitalism that's destroying everything! Buy my book, I'll tell you all about it!

The irony of this society is astonishing.

Insane world.

#TradeRuinsEverything #idiocracy #capitalism #socialism

in reply to Tio

Learn how to fight deforestation in paperback :) haha
Some time ago there was an album of singer Jack Johnson who with it was fighting the plastic pollution. He made a nice music video collecting plastic on a beach, and was promoting especially problem on the beaches of Hawaii, of course the album was in a plastic CD format :)
I pointed out that in the comments, and I believe his manager replied that if I don't want CD i can buy digital download :) But the fact that they are selling hundreds of thousands of plastic CD's haven't confused him at all :)
in reply to Dima

Yeah I am so not surprised. I wonder if these people understand the irony and choose to ignore it because they make money off of it, or simply they cannot see the connection there....

One of the things I've learned from the driving school is that newer cars that have a lot of safety features, are involved in more accidents than older cars that lack these features. They say it is because people do not know how to use these features or are more confident while driving thinking that the "safety" features are going to protect them.

Isn't it interesting!? Where is that news ha!?

Everyone talks about the new cool features in these new cars, but isn't it extraordinary to learn that they are less safe than old cars?


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in reply to Tio

it's unfortunate that you're having to learn from a bad English translation, but relevant info like this is what they should be teaching at driving school.
Unknown parent

@0xd9a there's definitely going to be (probably already is) an automotive version of "never buy a printer manufactured after the 1990s"

We need help to pay for our backups. This is a yearly funding campaign that we do, so if you can help us please see here - we only need 300 Euros for a full year of 4TB encrypted backups.

This means everything from our videos and documentaries, books, websites, including (meaning all of the files that users have uploaded to our services - from Peertube videos to Nextcloud files). Everything!

300 Euros to make sure that we have everything backed-up in a secure place.

Please help if you can and thanks a lot for doing that!

#tromlive #opensource #foss #volunteering #alternative

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This Rats Search app is amazing - it lets you search on the Bittorrent network and download from there. No website needed. Unfortunately the interface really looks like some rats on a boat did it...

Does anyone else know a similar application? I'd like to even include it into TROMjaro if the Interface does not suck like this one does....

#bittorrent #p2p #opensource #foss

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in reply to Tio

To be fair, designing good UI is hard.... It's an entirely different skill from programming.

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Sasha

ohh that's great Idea Sasha, will go to dance for a few seconds now :) finally some viral content !
Thank you, also great to hear that you enjoy my videos.

When are you book going to be out ?

in reply to Dima

haha yes can't wait to see the little dance! 😆
It will be out this month, as soon as possible 😁

Although I don't use Plasma, I use XFCE with TROMjaro, I congratulate KDE for this release and the work they've done over the years. XFCE, KDE, and the like, are not competitors, but diversity in choices. That's how we should operate as a society, do not compete, but collaborate and create diversity. So I like to use XFCE, but others prefer KDE, and some others Gnome, and so forth. Nice! We are all happy! #opensource #foss #kde #plasma #linux

Plasma 6.0 has been released. Check out the new overview, improved colour management, a cleaner theme, more effects, better overall performance, and much more.…


Unknown parent

Non taken! Was not my intention of course to insult you or anyone, rather than show an agreement with my good friend. I am actually very happy to see that women are also using #Linux / #foss ☺️
in reply to Tio


The competition to FLOSS desktop projects will always be proprietary desktop providers. The creators of Windows and macOS, who seek to abuse users, lock them inside walled gardens and pollute their environment with forced hardware upgrades and deliberately faulty and inefficient software.

Even as a long time Plasma user, I cannot but admire #XFCE and its developers who strive to pack all those features into the lightest desktop possible.

#xfce @KDE

Thank God that companies are now starting to become more environmentally conscious!

100% recycled paper. Tell me that does not give you more confidence that we are going to, finally, make this world a better place.

So what that inside of it are 2 plastic bags full of chips!? I mean, they are at least trying!

I find it so hard to take this idiocracy of a society seriously. I think it is me who is in the wrong here, trying to think that this society can become sane. But perhaps I should take it for what it is: a total joke.

#TradeRuinsEverything #money #assholedesign #idiocracy #capitalism

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

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in reply to Tio

haha, i thought the same when I have bought this chips in Spain :) I was actually angry at them, it feels like they tricked me, and not even 1 plastic bag, 2 of them :)

Rokosun reshared this.

The American way of motorhoming

Thank you Toyotis and Doug for becoming our 200 for TROM supporters ! This month we lost a few subscribers but gained others. The next weeks we may start a new video series on our Peertube - so make sure you subscribe. #tromlive

in reply to Tio


That entire discussion was great, so many important points!

I see that now the Friendica YNH package has finally added the Daemon feature I was waiting for for so long -… - thanks to OniriCorpe for the amazing work! These days I will give it a shot and see how it goes. I will have to redo our Friendica themes customizations and such, but that was a must needed work since the themes I created were a mess in terms of the CSS code, and Friendica seems to have improved their default themes a lot.

Anyway, these days is about some WebApe work, TROMjaro new ISO release today, Friendica update. Continuing my work.


Unknown parent

100% yes! I will for sure. Sorry I said I will but then I got busy with other work. And yeah our only "branding" is the replacement of the Friendica logo with ours, the rest is just about the themes. So yeah will do! I need to remember where I have to do that :)

Passed the bloody stupid written driving exam haha!! After 2 months of torture. No more! Fuck it. I still have to pass the driving practice test but that is in like 3 months from now...takes so long. But am not that concerned about that one. Anyway, I will have time these next months to perhaps start a new video series for TROM, let's see!

Now TROMnews has categories for the news to make it a lot easier to sort through them.

The homepage also got a bit of a rework for the News section:

TROMnews is now far better than it was before. If you'd like to support this work please consider helping us here

#tromlive #news #science #environment #climatechange #tech #foss

Alexio reshared this.