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Go towards the light! A bunch of snails climbing up a street light, probably going to heaven :) #nature #snails #animals

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Tio reshared this.

I just took this photo of the Moon. Celestron 130 SLT + Pixel 4a. #moon #telescope #astrophotpgraphy #nightsky

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Tio reshared this.

A sea urchin. Took this photo a few years ago. Very interesting and slow moving creatures. #sea #marinecreature #urchin #beach
This entry was edited (4 weeks ago)

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in reply to Tio

where is it taken?

(and SO good to eat! I'm drooling 🤣 )

in reply to Vee

Spain Coastline. Never tried them...maybe I should haha

Tio reshared this.

My dear telescope looking at the night sky :) #astrophotography #nightsky #telescope #astro #stars

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I have to keep my broken finger in that cast for 12 or so more days....can't really write much. I have a bunch of articles I want to finish but so difficult to write... I'll focus on TROMjaro these days, some work and such. I am testing a Pixelfed instance for our :) if anyone is interested to join let me know ;) - I want to start to post my photos there since I love taking photos of nature/night sky. And they are auto-reposted on my Friendica too, so that's fabulistic!

Also these days I will update our Friendica.

Work as usual :).

If you enjoy what we do please support TROM here - we need 200 people to donate 5 Euros a month to support all that we do, kinda forever.

in reply to Tio

Have you thought about using some speech to text software?
in reply to MorsMortium

No way I can do that to write articles. My brain needs my fingers as a filter, else a vomit tsunami will spill over :D. I need to craft my writings, write, rewrite, take notes, etc. :P

Hello Moon -…

This is the wonderful Moon! Filmed with a Pixel 4a and Celestron SLT 130.

#moon #fullmoon #moonrise

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Tio reshared this.

And here it is. #moon #astrophotography
This entry was edited (4 weeks ago)

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Tio reshared this.

Moon waiting

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TROM II: Humans are like water -…

#humanbehavior #humans #behavior #bfskinner #society #culture

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in reply to Tio

Don't think and/and, think or.
480 or 640 px takes LESS disc space
in reply to Otis_Scops

The quality is too bad for 480p. I do not see much sense in your reasoning. HD and FllHD are ok for the vast majority of people.

Tio reshared this.

Maybe we will release a TROM Pix - Pixelfed instance . For now we are testing it.

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Tio reshared this.

We will soon update our TROMjaro theme switcher to support some 160 unique theme styles with a very simple interface :)

A complete theme switcher application :).

#tromjaro #trom #linux #foss #opensource #xfce #theming

The trade-free app of the day:


A Trade-Free operating system based on Manjaro Linux Designed for your brain, but you can install it on a computer.No more ads and trackers consuming you, no ‘free’ trials, noContinue readingHOME

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Tio reshared this.

Friendica 2024.08 released

in reply to Friendica News

Danke an alle Beteiligten.
Die "Zwenkauer Flaschenpost" ist auch wieder aktuell.
Morgen werden @Malte und ich noch mal das Kontaktproblem angehen.

Wo kann ich mehr über die neue Zabbix-Integration erfahren ? Das hört sich sehr interessant an.
@Zabbix Forum

in reply to Andreas vom Zwenkauer See

Ich habe meine klemmenden Kandidaten einfach entfolgt und wieder gefolgt. Problem gelöst.
in reply to Friendica News

dont forget to install php-intl (if you have not yet) before updating...

Tio reshared this.

From now on we are publicly displaying the wonderful people who support our 200 FOR TROM campaign

These are the people who keep TROM alive and they deserve a huge thank you!

Mind you, we will not display their full name for privacy issues.

#trom #tromsite

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Tio reshared this.

Customized our TROM RSS theme and fixed our TROM Social login-theme for mobile ;)

One day we will make a short video presentation for each of our services. Until then, feel free to use them all - trade-free!

#trade-free #tromtf #tromsite

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TROM II: You can trade without currencies, of course -…

#trade #capitalism #money #currencies #influencers #instagram #datatrade #privacy

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Tio reshared this.

For the past few days we managed to trigger the auto-transcription for thousands of our peertube videos - All of our TROMcasts, our TROM documentary snippets, all of our videos indeed and all of the VideoNeat trailers now have an English caption. While it is not perfect, it is impressively accurate considering that it is automated. @PeerTube is a real alternative to Youtube, in all regards.

Every new video that is going to be uploaded to our Peertube will have a caption from now on.

Join us!

#peertube #youtube #trom

in reply to TROM

How do you make money with content posted on peertube? Not that that functionality is any good on YouTube, but it's functionality it has. It is ad-based on YouTube, so not trustworthy as far as I'm concerned. Does Peertube support that? If so, how?
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to William B Peckham

There are plugins for Peertube as far as I know that enable such features. They are made by 3rd party devs. I would hate to see ads on Peertube and we will never enable that. In that sense peertube is not an alternative to youtube and I hope it stays this way.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Tio reshared this.

Thank you Jarrod for becoming our new 200 for TROM supporter! #200fortrom

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Sorry to shock everyone but no, you do not get a cold from the do not get it from cold air, air current, drinking cold water, snow, or any of these "cold" things. It is unfortunate that it is called "cold". People are confused by that I guess.

I keep on hearing more and more people complaining that they got a cold from the AC and I want to rip my head off :D. The "cold" is a virus infection. Period.…

Here a short and scientific video about it

So no, there is no evidence that cold temperatures decrease your immune system's ability to cop with a viral infection, unless you may have hypothermia and then you have more problems than the virus.

I thought this is a myth only found in Romania, where I am from originally, but I've met people from Belgium to South America who believe this.

#science #cold #viruses #myths

in reply to Tio

But, hear me out... What about draft? (not the military one, the "air streaming between open windows" kind)

In Serbia, it's common knowledge that draft is the deadliest thing on God's green Earth.

Sensing a bit of draft on your skin is looking Death in the eye.

in reply to Luka Rubinjoni

Yah I've heard of this eastern european is deadly. agree!
in reply to Tio

Being in cold weather can make my nose clogged sometimes, but yeah that's different from an actual viral cold 🤔

in reply to Tio

Amazing if you remember how much trouble it has cost to get this kind of foto's in the fisrt place.