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Welcome to planet Earth. A random rock in the Universe where the most "intelligent" species only cares about trade. Trade this for that. So that the members of its species spend all of their life trading. That's all it is.

It is not about creating smarter and relaxed humans, and a nice environment for everyone. Not about exploring and learning, or enjoying. It is about trading.

Primitive species.

#TradeRuinsEverything #capitalism #work #jobs #slaves

EDIT: Funny that this fits so well with the latest bit we shared from TROM II - You are a disposable tool .... weird coincidence.

TROM II: You are a disposable tool

Watch the entire documentary here -

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Tio

I think we're starting to move away from "mostly harmless" at this point.

You want to see how kids entertainment looks like in a trade-based society? Here: Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV

Kids being abused in many ways in order to make money - for themselves, for others (mostly), for advertisers, etc..

Part 5 will be released in a few days time and it will be available on VIdeoNeat.

#capitalism #TradeRuinsEverything #money #profit #tv #entertainment #Nickelodeon

Newly added documentary on

Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV

A docu-series that uncovers the toxic culture behind some of the most iconic children’s shows of the late 1990s and early 2000s.

Watch it here:

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Oh look, the Jews doing the Nazi move....

Also, how hilarious is the notion "war crimes". As if war was not a crime in the first place. Israel killed so many innocent people... to still "wonder" if what they are doing is wrong, is wrong!

Also this:

Our place in the universe, galaxies and galaxies that we can see from our little rock. How shameful to create a society where humans are divided into little groups: nationalities, beliefs, patches of land, etc.. And to kill each other and destroy this planet....

But if we are to get ourselves out of this shit, we have to first understand why this situation was created in the first place. What forces pushed humans to end up in this disastrous situation.

#capitalism #TradeRuinsEverything #war #gaza #israel #money #warcrime

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Oh look if you buy a "modern" car that has a "cool-screen" and useless features, it costs you money to update that shit.

How cool. New business opportunities for the traders. Since you can't really make these boxes on wheels more useful than they already are, now they are adding more and more useless "Features". That's the incentive in a trade-based society.

#TradeRuinsEverything #capitalism #money #cars

in reply to Tio

those look like basemaps for the navi, which are outsourced to TomTom (who at the same time have managed to enshittify the otherwise reasonable standalone satnavs by using poor quality batteries in later models)
in reply to Tio

to be entirely fair, satnav companies have been doing this since the early 2000s at least, it's just that with modern cars the manufacturers can cut out the middle man there and just run the annual update racket themselves instead.

The far more dodgy aspect is that eg. BMW lock features like remote heating (so you can turn the heating in your car on in winter from your house so the car's warm by the time you get in) behind a literal monthly subscription

in reply to why have I possessed a door?

like with maps they'll be licensing the map data from someone else and passing the cost on (and of course that in itself is a Capitalism Problem), but for things like letting you turn on the heating via an app it's just pure greed
in reply to why have I possessed a door?

Yes indeed. This is just an example, but since the navigation is perhaps the central point of such a screen, and can be useful, it is ridiculous that you have to pay to update it. Because if you do not update, then it becomes entirely useless. All of those GPS modules, the hardware, and everything else. Pointless.
in reply to Tio

Should have got a Kia, they provide the map updates for free.
in reply to Mark

I suspect that's "for now".... but I had no clue about these. This is a car my parents bought and honestly didn't consider the GPS to be that important since you can use the phone for nav anyway. But thanks for the headsup I had no clue.
in reply to Tio

@mark I would quite like to swap out my current dinosaur burner for an FEV at some point but also even this car which is almost a decade old now has an infuriating amount of extremely locked-in technology about it and :angery:

like what are the chances that EVs don't even have DIN form factor dashboard computers anymore so you just straight up *can't* switch the manufacturer's audio/satnav system with one that isn't, as they say, a physical instantiation of a business model

in reply to why have I possessed a door?

@mark like on this car I could buy an aftermarket fascia and just stick a 2-DIN Android radio thing in there to have OpenStreetMap and a Subsonic client to use with my home server and connect a reversing camera that doesn't cost hundreds because the manufacturer radio will only work with the manufacturer's cameras

and somehow I highly doubt any of that is possible on a modern FEV


In January 2022, Lufthansa admitted it had operated over 18,000 empty flights to keep airport slots during the pandemic.


And they are not the only ones. Read more here.

Welcome to Earth, where trade is the main practice that everyone is a follower of, willingly or not. Where humans care mostly, if not entirely, about trade and how to maximize their advantage.

How can we get ourselves out of this shit, unless we start by understanding what the shit is made of!?

First: understand the problem. TRADE. The fact that we've built a society where you cannot survive unless you trade this for that. Once we understand this, hopefully we can tackle it. Give people a way to have a decent life, access to at least their basic needs as trade-free, and then try to replace more and more trade-based services (like say transportation) with trade-free alternatives.

Volunteers plus trade-free goods/services can create more of them, replicating over time and replacing the cancerous trade-based practices.

#TradeRuinsEverything #capitalism #money #corruption #airlines

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Hey folks, it's time to break up from capitalism that's destroying everything! Buy my book, I'll tell you all about it!

The irony of this society is astonishing.

Insane world.

#TradeRuinsEverything #idiocracy #capitalism #socialism

in reply to Tio

Learn how to fight deforestation in paperback :) haha
Some time ago there was an album of singer Jack Johnson who with it was fighting the plastic pollution. He made a nice music video collecting plastic on a beach, and was promoting especially problem on the beaches of Hawaii, of course the album was in a plastic CD format :)
I pointed out that in the comments, and I believe his manager replied that if I don't want CD i can buy digital download :) But the fact that they are selling hundreds of thousands of plastic CD's haven't confused him at all :)
in reply to Dima

Yeah I am so not surprised. I wonder if these people understand the irony and choose to ignore it because they make money off of it, or simply they cannot see the connection there....

Thank God that companies are now starting to become more environmentally conscious!

100% recycled paper. Tell me that does not give you more confidence that we are going to, finally, make this world a better place.

So what that inside of it are 2 plastic bags full of chips!? I mean, they are at least trying!

I find it so hard to take this idiocracy of a society seriously. I think it is me who is in the wrong here, trying to think that this society can become sane. But perhaps I should take it for what it is: a total joke.

#TradeRuinsEverything #money #assholedesign #idiocracy #capitalism

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

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in reply to Tio

haha, i thought the same when I have bought this chips in Spain :) I was actually angry at them, it feels like they tricked me, and not even 1 plastic bag, 2 of them :)

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio


That entire discussion was great, so many important points!

Unknown parent


This is just inhumane..... There is no other way to describe it and I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Often times when people bring up issues regarding racism and such I've never seen many of them mention this one, maybe there needs to be more awareness about this issue 'cause it's an important one.

cc: @aral

in reply to Rokosun

@futureisfoss @gnutelephony @aral The correct other way to describe it is genocide, and yes, it needs to be talked about.

Divorcing myself from this retarded society

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

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in reply to Tio

Very good point Tio, and great artworks! Yeah, that's exactly my thoughts, like wtf, they bomb civilians in Gaza like crazy, and it's ok for EU and US, they even help doing this. And people opinions are divided, some are for Palestine others for Israel when in fact all of them committing brutal crimes and one side is no better than the other. Of course Gaza it is like an open prison for many many years already, which is also very cruel and inhumane. I was also quite sadden to see the reaction of EU... But that's politics. Good point, not to trust or even take seriously any politician, it's all corrupted and fake. They twist everything as its more beneficial for them.

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio

You just pretty much summed it up in this blog post, politics is full of lies and propaganda man..... Every now and then I see these images of the atrocities caused by wars, on the internet, newspaper, etc..... be it in Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, etc.... Does it really matter which place is getting hit? Innocent people are getting hurt, and many die because of these wars..... This is very sad and awful...... 😔

I see this posted on several websites recently:

Well....Youtube labels itself as a video platform instead of an ad platform or video-ad platform, or something similar. So yeah...people may get confused when Youtube act like an ad company. But they are.

Same way that facebook is not a social network, is an ad network.


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Google wants to end adblocking

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in reply to Tio

news for chrome users.....stop using chrome or browsers based on chrome
in reply to Rotfarm

I agree. Unfortunately there aren't many alternatives. I use Firefox for many years now, but except that, what are other options that are not Chromium dependent or dependent on Firefox who receives a lot of money from Google?
This entry was edited (9 months ago)
in reply to Tio

I just didnt want to say "use firefox" but Oprah?
in reply to Rotfarm

Opera is a multi-platform web browser developed by its namesake company Opera.[11][12][13] The browser is based on Chromium, but distinguishes itself from other Chromium-based browsers (Chrome, Edge, etc.) through its user interface and other features.
in reply to Tio

oh bummer.....yeah. "just use firefox" then
in reply to Rotfarm

@rotfarm my knowledge about this is very limited, but from what I understand Google is proposing a method for web developers to verify the integrity of users who visit their websites, so if this proposal becomes a success and people started implementing this verification on their websites then you won't be able to access those sites from firefox, unless firefox also implemented this thing in their browser.

I really hope I'm wrong here and that it won't affect firefox users.....

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Rokosun

Ah yes....that's another fuckery indeed.
in reply to Aral Balkan

@aral @rotfarm Maybe organizations like EFF would fight against this, that's my only hope now. If you actually think about it what Google is doing here is also anticompetitive in nature, other web browsers should be given the choice to not implement their design, but how can that be with a verification system like this being put on websites we visit.

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio

@rotfarm Where “a lot of” = ~half a billion dollars every year = if Google stopped paying them tomorrow, they’d be bankrupt the next day = totally dependent on Google for their existence.
in reply to Aral Balkan

@aral so an important question here that needs to be asked......if there is an absance of alternatives, why aren't people making them? Is it defeatism? No profit? This doesn't seem to stop most FOSS projects from being made, so why not make a web browser?
in reply to Rotfarm

@rotfarm A web browser is a huge undertaking. No reason why the EU couldn’t fund an independent organisation to make one, though. (Apart from lack of political will and a myopic insistence on framing everything through the lens of “The Single Market.”)
in reply to Tio

Webkit browsers. Epiphany, Midori, Safari...

Edit: apparently Midori is no longer among them, switched to Electron.
This entry was edited (9 months ago)

Our Teddit instance, like all others, is starting to feel the effect of the Reddit API limitation. It mostly does not work. Our Nitter now works, which is really cool. And Invidious was removed but I may bring it back on another server separate from to not impact the IP. I'll wait to see if they find a fix for it, then I'll try it out.

Reddit, Twitter, Youtube....these ad-platforms that do not like when the content created by their users, not themselves, is accessed for free.

#TradeRuinsEverything #tromstuff

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Carbon credits, yet another bullshit scheme. #TradeRuinsEverything

In the race to curb catastrophic climate change, prominent Australian businesses have been enthusiastic customers of carbon credits.

This entry was edited (10 months ago)

Didn't I say for like 2 years now that even the fediverse can be "monetized" and go downhill fast? Look - Facebook and Zucky are on a mission to prove me just right.

How do we use this information? We use the information we collect for Threads for the purposes described in the Meta Privacy Policy, including to provide, personalize, and improve Threads and other Meta Products (including seamless personalization of your experience across Threads and Instagram), to provide measurement, analytics and other business services (including ads), to promote safety, integrity and security, to communicate with you, and to research and innovate for social good.

Fun! When I scream and scream and scream that eventually trade ruins everything, and nothing escapes...some people think I exaggerate. 'alright...

Watch our documentary where we talk about these


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This entry was edited (10 months ago)

This entry was edited (11 months ago)

Rokosun reshared this.

Unknown parent

Jizas christ, that's fucked up! 😱
This entry was edited (10 months ago)
in reply to Rokosun

This is very sad... ☹️

@tio also shared this documentary which talks about similar issues -

Newly added documentary on

Please Don’t Take My Child



Watch it here:


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47% of all internet traffic came from bots in 2022

That's kinda shocking....

I wonder what's the motivation behind these bots? I bet it's not the incentive for humans to trade, and thus consume, and thus want more, and thus aquire more, and thus steal, and thus deceive, and thus create these bots...

#TradeRuinsEverything #tromstuff

This entry was edited (11 months ago)

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in reply to Tio

Mindblowing. It will only continue to increase, I assume. The internet becomes more and more about advertisment, promotion and selling shit now. Bots can be very effective in that regard and other scams of course.
in reply to Roma

Same way trade pushed humans to consume forests, and mountains of resources, and other creatures to deplete populations, and in the process create a lot of waste, the internet is now the new territory of exploitation. Very predictable when you understand how the force of trade operates and incentivizes humans. Terrible.
in reply to Tio

Abso-fuckin-lutely. Just to imagine amount of the resources and energy are spent to support them bots, just scamming and advertising. Insane! What a fucking waste..
in reply to Tio

@esh How do you define trade again? For me it about energy/matter, socioeconomic status, power, resources, ... inequality. And trade is just a means for that.
in reply to Yuu Yin

Trade is one the method to distribute scarce resources between people, I would say. It has played a defining role in human societies evolution. But unfortunately, at current moment it became a global foundation and most influencing force affecting people lives and behavior. Even if at this level of development we can provide more and more resources in abundance for all people, it still has to be profitable, to be traded to keep the system work. And I would argue that status, power and inequality, all are actually by-products of trade. Artifitial limits, exagerrated marketing, false values are also helping in creation inequality or such concepts like "status", which is used mainly to trade even more "deluxe" stuff to obtain those "statuses". An entire TROM project, which is led by @Tio is about that actually, how trade might be the origin of the most problems humanity faces nowadays and what are the alternative methods of distribution (like trade-free) that may be applied to societies to make them saner and more sustainable.

This is a very long but very good video about why these recent AI hype is a craze "The AI Mind Virus"

The fear we should fear is not some super-intelligent AI, but what this trade-based society pushes people to do with these tools: more scams, more fake shit, more nonsense content, more hype, selling more shit and so forth.

#TradeRuinsEverything #tromstuff

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Let me tell you that working on TROM II and having to find specific videos about say some tech, some places, etc. on youtube to grab some footage, was a complete misery. Not only that Youtube is full of crap, like entirely full of garbage videos created for views, many times by automated software, but Youtube also pushes these short videos they originally call "shorts".

Overall it was easier and saner 10 years ago when I made the first TROM to find footage. Today, with all of the "smartphones" and "4k 8k" kkk, you can barely find real and good quality footage.

Insane. Idiotic society humans have created


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in reply to Tio

Search engines not giving us relevant results anymore 😕
Unknown parent

From my tests these "AI"s are terrible. Very wrong, fed from the same BS advertising and SEO nonsense....

It is true search engines are ad-driven search engines. Everyone is competing to have their own shit rank high to get more clicks, more views, more currency.

Youtube channels like MrBeast and his "philanthropy" are a sign of a failed society from all perspectives. Sure, he at times helps some people, but the way it is done is a sort of a freak show. Get those views, be shocking, extreme, wasteful, clickbaity. Inject ads, promote bullshit, and mix it all up with mostly retarded videos.

Let's give money to people by making them do retarded and dangerous and uncomfortable things, and film them. Let's help others by making videos about their suffering and getting tons of money from ads. Perverse.

Anyway, I wanted to briefly rant about this utter disgrace.

A freak show. Welcome to Earth.


This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Tio

Yeah, i got mixed feeling about him. Of course his videos are made in are quite retarded and dumb manner. On the other hand he at least helps someone. Compare to 99% of others in similar to him position. But the way his business model based on poor people is really perverse 🙁 Yet he is hero to many, bcs he helps others. But would he helped others if it wouldn't be possible to earn a lot of money from that ? That the question. In any case the whole situation is fucked up.
in reply to Dima

Musk, Bezos, Gates and others help poor people too at times. But this doesn't feel right to me, to profit so much on one hand and promote complete BS, and destroy and all that, while you help a little here and there. And it gives people the wrong impression about these acts - like "Wow look these youtubers and billionaires are solving many problems quicker and better than governments or other nonprofits". Just because these celebrities are very loud.

So I'd say it is great that the guy helps some people, and despicable that it has to be transformed into a "show", littered with ads and other retarded content. Not entirely his fault, since that's how this society "works".

in reply to Tio

American's have been lied to about so much. And everybody lies to us. Now we find that we never could trust the pharmaceutical companies. Thank God for computers. Had it not been for them we never would have recognized that the USA is as good an example of a third world country as any other.

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If you come a day later to work, your "boss" will be really angry and may fire you. If your "boss" pays you a day later, is all fine. #TradeRuinsEverything #tromlive
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio

And stuff like this is why I'm so thankful for working in a team and having a union.
My team covers in case of emergency leave and my union makes sure they paycheck isn't late
in reply to Wu Wei :xfce: :rss: :terminal:

That's good. I wonder tho how wide-spread and overall efficient these "unions" are. On top of that, it is quite concerning that we need them in the first place, it says a lot about the abuse of power in a trade society.

Yeah watch this documentary....what we are talking about for years now, how trade fucks things up. It is not just about money, money is just a form of trade. Likes, shares, comments, can be traded for products. #TradeRuinsEverything

Kids nowadays are growing up in an even more fucked up society. We are FoCkEd. #tromlive

Newly added documentary on

Fake Famous

Fake Famous is a 2021 documentary film directed by Nick Bilton. It is a social experiment involving three non-famous people who attempt to become social media influencers by “faking” fame.

Watch it here:

Rokosun reshared this.

I cannot trust any company. Period. It is like trusting Coca-Cola to do research on the effects of sugar on health. Any company is entangled with whatever they are selling. This entanglement is too strong. Even if there are any companies that seem to be more fair, in the long term they will fuck things up. I've seen this countless of times. Also, overall looking at the entire world-wide society, even if you may get a few more "fair" companies, overall most are corrupted and fucked up.

So yeah, companies should not even exist in a saner society. We should have organizations that do things. Plant trees, make computers, software, whatever. Like we showcase here. But no trade involved.

As long as you trade this for that, you will become biased and corrupted. #TradeRuinsEverything #tromlive

Rokosun reshared this.

From Fireworks to Drones

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio

On a positive note, I'm happy they're getting rid of fireworks, I hated the loud noise, the smoke and everything. I've never seen a drone show before, so it'd be nice to see that one day.

But yeah I knew trade would get in the way, #TradeRuinsEverything - this is why we can't have nice things. So does this mean I have to watch ads in the f**king sky now ?! Why is no one talking about this ?