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TROMcast: To Moderate, Or Not

Today we will discuss about this notion of moderating the Internet content by looking closely at our (Peertube) instance and what happens to it. The fact that it is full of nonsense content and why is it that these alternative platforms such as Peertube, get invaded by the worst that the Internet and our society has produced.



sl1200 reshared this.

Now that Peertube allows us to create a custom homepage, we can highlight the best of Peertube. We are adding more and more to the homepage. We worked for a bit to make it look nice - see for yourself

As a bonus we will add on the homepage a very interesting documentary every week or so. So keep an eye on it! #tromimg

in reply to TROM

Looks nice, better than the original design.

TROMmaps officially added to as a fully functioning service. See it here in action and here you can learn more about it . It is an amazingly great trade-free map.


One more positive news today: we have added Whiteboards to our TROMfiles and increase the quota from 3GB to 5GB for all users. #tromimg

Rokosun reshared this.

The way problems are solved today, is ambunalces!

in reply to TROM

Another way to put it is to look for long term solutions. I think most people don't even realize/believe that these problems could be solved for long term. Like you say, If we need to implement systems in place to look for long term solutions to our problems, the first thing we should do is to change our mindset and look for real & lasting solutions instead of doing the same thing we've been doing for years. People have to change their way of thinking.

Eggs with Wigs: Elon Musk is Steve Jobs, and Tesla is Apple

Here's a long post about these "revolutionary" billionaires that are just merchants.… #tromimg

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Eggs with Wigs: Elon Musk is Steve Jobs, and Tesla is Apple

This entry was edited (3 years ago)

Rokosun reshared this.

Good guy vs Bad guy

This entry was edited (3 years ago)

Rokosun reshared this.

Self Driving Car Ad

Rokosun reshared this.

Space Exploitation

Rokosun reshared this.

Making progress with the TROM II documentary ;)

But it will take many months to finish. So far so great. #tromimg

Rokosun reshared this.

The great Notes application is now officially part of - you should read more about it here to understand how to quickly set it all up. It works online or offline, and on any operating system. It syncs between them all and is auto-backed-up in the cloud and offline. Not to mention it is fully encrypted. Plus, you can use whatever text editor you prefer. If you write books, this is great for you. If you write simple notes, it is perfect. If you want to have to-do lists or tasks, again it meets your needs. Code? Again, you can do that too. Markdown support...Vim name it :). Plus, lots of themes and other extensions.

This Notes app normally costs 10 dollars a month ( but we provide all of these features trade-free. So take advantage of that!


in reply to TROM

it seems really interesting. On first look it seems similar to standard notes. I'll have a look
in reply to Thomas

Heh yes it is a StandardNotes instance with all of the features enabled. It is a Yunohost package! ;)

As said in the post:

This Notes app normally costs 10 dollars a month ( but we provide all of these features trade-free. So take advantage of that!
This entry was edited (3 years ago)

Rokosun reshared this.

Our work on TROM II continues ;):

It is a lot of work so it will take many months to finish it. Cannot say it will be released this year...we will see. We post updates, as usual, on +


This is how much humans in USA pay for their medical bills… - it is of course insane to have a society in which humans have to pay to live. Even a broken hand in USA can bankrupt you. USA is obsessed with trading for everything, and as a result their citizens are slaves to debt. In Uk or Spain for example, if a citizen has any medical problems they will be taken care of for free. And that's how it should be! Maybe not all health problems can be accessed for free in these tribes, but most are.

In any case, we should take care of all human beings on this planet. We have enough humans who would be very happy to help (we call these "doctors"), and plenty of resources to do so.

We should not force people to trade for their basic needs when we live in a society of abundance already. #tromimg

:debian: πšœπšŽπš•πšŽπšŠ :opensuse: reshared this.

The New Church of Crypto-Economy

This entry was edited (3 years ago)

reshared this

Businesses do not care about people. Period. They care about profits. Period.

Alexio reshared this.

Rokosun reshared this.

Those who think that Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies are better than money, understand nothing about this trade-based society. Currencies only represent trades, and trade is what pushes people to create so much destruction in the world. Also, to "mine" cryptocurrencies and spend so much energy doing that, more than countries of hundreds of millions of people, is simply insane. What these "miners" do is "solving" irrelevant mathematical problems to see what computer is first to get some rewards for that. Just to create more currency and "distribute" it in a very unequal manner to those who have the most powerful computers.

TROM cuts through this shit like a hot knife through butter, because TROM focuses on "trade as the origin of most problems", and not money.


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in reply to TROM

Unknown parent

But one may argue the gov doesn't really control money at all. Big corporations do. They buy and sell, and own and employ, a lot more than any gov. Plus, companies and rich people lobby gov so much it has become a ridiculous show. So the laws you see in regards to money (and not only) + the flow of money, influence, power and the value of money, is almost entirely (if not entirely) driven by the big money players. Isn't it? And the same happens with bitcoin or pretty much any other currency, where big players control the game.

Rokosun reshared this.

Sustainable businesses. What a joke.

reshared this

Electric cars and batteries won't change the world-

This entry was edited (3 years ago)
in reply to TROM

M:E E:P P:(p)W

Where "E"=("E"conomics / "E"nergy "E"xchange) is a an emergent subset of "M"=("M"orality).
"P"=("P"olitics) is an emergent subset of "E"(conomics).
And "(p)"[otential]"W"(ar) is an emergent subset of "P"(olitics)

So long as the base "morality"/"ethics" is "destructive" (it seeks elimination of creative "dynamic"), the ultimate emergent form of "E"(conomics aka "Energy Exchange") is itself going to be one that acts in the pursuit of "death" (that is to say, seeks towards stagnation and elimination of individual dynamics).

Any "profit" motive rooted in "I" scale in volume is going to ultimately seek to both consume AND control itself unto it's own end as it's root moral ethic is one rooted in a base function of maximizing the choice (aka "freedom"/"liberty") of a specific individual (entity) through achievement of nothing but a standing reflection of only that specified individual (entity). There's no achieving "freedom" when a root function is itself "ALL OBEY MY COMMAND".

Because our trade-free social network is so cool :) , we can now add posts into categories. And thus, we created a blog category here… where you can see all of our TROM worthy, and brief, blogs. The section can be easily accessed via our main social network page :

We highly recommend that you ditch Facebook/Twitter and the like, and come use our social network (Friendica). You can connect with millions of people, follow pretty much anyone online, create long posts, add them to categories....there are no bans or restrictions, and so forth. See you there!

