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We in fact have 41 people subscribed for 200 for TROM campaign and not 38. See - our system did not work 100% well and we had to fix some stuff. Still fixing some other things. But 41 people are amazing for supporting TROM. A huge thank you! Maybe, eventually, we will reach the 200 goal. We need 160 more people and then TROM will be forever ok :) and we can keep producing more content, more projects. #tromlive

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in reply to TROM

So the donation counter on the website was not working correctly? Anyway, glad to see there are 41 supporters now 🙂
in reply to Rokosun

Yes because some donations were not recorded as completed by our website....there are still some weird things going on but....little by little I hope to fix them.

Thank you Ioana for becoming the 38th TROM Supporter! :) - We need to find 200 people to donate 5 Euros a month for TROM to support us forever - see

Currently we are working on managing our backups a bit better because it has become quite expensive to backup TB of data. We work on a new release of TROMjaro too, and more such technical stuff.

However soon we will shift gears and do more TROMcasts and hopefully either start creating new books that are already in the making, or transform them into a long-term video series. If we reach the 200 for TROM goal, then it will be all of that, and more, plus no more stress. To be able to continue to fight, while not getting rich off of it.

In the long term, like we said before, we'd like to create a decentralized sharing platform where people can share from gadgets to food and everything in between.

TROM is active, and more so when we get new supporters! :) Thank you!


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Thank you to the 37th donor to our 200 for TROM - - with little steps we are getting closer to our goal. That of finding 200 people willing to donate 5 Euros a month to support all of our TROM projects forever. #tromlive

Roma reshared this.

TROM Files (Nextcloud) provides 10 GB of storage space for everyone! And we can extend up to 20 GB to whoever needs more storage. All trade-free.

TROM Files is like Google Drive + Google Photos + Trello + more into one single package, but no bullshit subscriptions, ads, data collection.

You have access to Collabora (Libreoffice cloud) - a powerful Office suite that allows you to edit any documents and collaborate on them.

You have access to a Photo Gallery app and the ability to edit your photos directly in TROM Files:

You have access to a Notes app and a Music player. Plus "Deck" to organize your teams and tasks.:

Lastly you have access to a fully featured Calendar:

Please share so that everyone takes advantage of this. There is no catch if you understand what we do at TROM. We've been creating trade-free materials and services since 2011.

And please consider becoming one of the 200 people that we need in order to support this TROM project forever --->>


This entry was edited (1 year ago)

Thank you Adam for becoming the 36st supporter of TROM! We need 200 people to donate 5 Euros a month in order to support TROM and all if its baby projects, forever. If you can, please join #tromlive

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We are all humans. Atoms that make cells, cells that make us. We are not israelies, palestinians, americans, jews, arabs, europeans....we are HUMANS. And we have more than enough resources to share and live in a paradise on a beautiful and complex planet.

What a shame that the same brains who can understand how the universe works and the complexity that we have discovered so far, can be imprisoned by nonsense ideas and beliefs, and then kill each other because of these.



Our next TROM big project will be a stuff sharing platform that uses the Activitypub protocol. So anyone can spin their own local sharing platform and connect with the rest. It is a long term plan, but we will try to do it. It is just an idea for now.... but the other TROM projects were ideas too.


in reply to Rokosun

Indeed. Sharebay is starting globally and I think that's bound to fail. I have stuff to share but there is no way I can do it via Sharbay since the closest people to me are hundreds of km away....I won't pay for transport and they may not either. It needs to be local for sure. Global in case someone is willing to pay for transport. Activitypub allows us to have both!

All of our TROM Files are again available via TROM Files - we make everything available for everyone, as trade-free. If more people would practice what we do, to create trade-free goods and services, the world would be a better place. It is tough of course, since the entire society relies on trade. But we must start something like this, despite being so difficult.


The move of to the new server is now complete! As a bonus we have raised the storage for TROM Files from 5GB to 10GB for everyone, plus added Deck - an alternative to Trello, so that you can organize tasks and collaborate with others.

We've also increased the size limit for TROM Send from 5GB to 10GB.

The new server is more powerful and has a lot more storage space. But also a little bit more expensive. So please consider a donation to support TROM.

Cheers! #tromlive

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Our TROM Videos, Peertube, now runs from our new server!

Unfortunately for TROM Send we could not properly restore it so we have lost the temporary files. Mind you these shared files via TROM Send are temporary. To make up for this we increased the 5Gb limit to 10GB per share! :)

Only one that needs to be moved is TROM Social (Friendica). Which should be moved tonight!


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We moved all of our services to the new server except:

- TROM Social - Friendica
- TROM Videos - Peertube
- TROM Send - Lufi
- TROm Tasks - Vikunja

We will continue the move. So far so good.


Tio reshared this.

Ok folks the next days we will be moving to a new server. Some services may not work for several hours. Be aware of that and keep an eye on #tromlive

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TROM Social: We are moving our instance to a new server, so for the next days (maximum a week) we have disabled the registrations there, simply because many email confirmations cannot be sent form our current server so most registrations will fail. #tromlive

We are going to move our Peertube instance to a better server so we highly recommend that you do not upload any new video for the next days. We would like to avoid data loss. #tromlive

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We have moved our TROM Search to a separate server to make it work better and isolate it from our server because our IP got blocked several times by google, yahoo, micosoft and the like. And for example people using those companies as their email accounts could not receive emails form us, like say resetting their passwords and such. Hosting such Trade Free interfaces for these big ad platforms like search, youtube and the like, is a pain in the ass. But for now we consider the search engine as important, so we will keep it isolated like that.

For the next 2 weeks or so we will work on moving our to a new and better server. You will for sure see downtimes....Always check

And support us if you can


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Roma reshared this.

The first part of the TROM II Documentary, Humans, is fully translated into Spanish… thanks to @Rafa Peris and Vicky! If you want to help with the translations please head over to our Translations chat on Matrix…


TROM II: 1. Humans

What does Romania, Russia, Latvia, Germany, and the United States have in common? A planet, and the human imagination. We imagine borders, nationalities, and differences. In truth we are all very much the same. We grow up in a culture, we watch the same TV, listen to the same music, follow similar traditions. We are "educated" and "trained" by institutions that are rarely questioned by the masses.

So how does a newborn human become someone in this culture of humans? And how does the human-invented world contrast with the vast universe we are part of?

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Thank you anonymous person for the 25 Euros donation! #tromlive

Our TROM Social (friendica) was down for the past 10+ hours because we had to remove millions of entries from our database that were "injected" by troll instances. We went from around 40 million entries in the database table to around 200 thousand. From 10GB in size to 50MB.

We aim to make our services very reliable. If they are down very often then people cannot use them. So far so great, but lately because we are forced to move to a different (and better) server we need to optimize some databases before moving our websites. So there will be downtimes. We are sorry.

From now on our TROM Social should work reliably. Always check -

We have successfully transferred all of our websites, except the ones, to a new location in Finland. Everything seems to be working really well. In less than a week we will start the transfer of, and this can take more time, be aware of that. But we will expand our storage capacity and allow even more videos on Peertube and even more storage for TROM Files.

Support us here if you can


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