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The most frustrating thing in any software: Spell checking. I don't want it, I don't need it - why do folks force it and have no way to disable it? (Electron, looking at you)

The worst are the AppImages for Linux for apps where typing is a necessity and as I use multiple languages the spell checker is definitely not wanted. When there are no way to disable it, I often need to write my own software wrapper for those apps. FML.

#Apps #Linux #Software #SpellChecking

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in reply to Roni Laukkarinen Tech Cyborg reshared this.

In #manuskript we have modular spellchecking. It can be turned off or the language can be switched easily. You can also add words to personal lists to be ignored.

Not all software needs to be annoying. Pick #FOSS to have the choice to fix it.

in reply to TROM TROM reshared this.

Just took a quick peek and TROMii looks amazing.
The history behind the rise of capitalism, colonialism, environmental destruction. Creating understanding of how we got here that we might have hope for a more sustainable way forward.
Site link:…

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like #HUD but for the Web Browser 🤔

This is Vimium Extension for Web Browser

Basically, just press 'F', to light all bottoms and links,
and Type the highlighted text after.

And that's it. You just clicked on that bottom or link with keyboard.

#HUD #Vim #Vimium #Extension #Browser

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to TFed

btw you are forcing a dark theme for friendica? we have dark themes for to your settings-display

TFed reshared this.

For the past several months no one could install flatpaks from our Trade-Free TROMjaro app Library - - and now we finally fixed it thanks to @Rokosun ! One click installs :)

We have curated around 700 trade-free apps for the library and we plan to add a lot more the following months. Check it out!

#tromjaro #linux #trade-free #opensource #foss #flatpak

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TFed reshared this. is now mobile friendly! :) An extremely important website that curates news, videos, photos, and more from hundreds and hundreds of reliable sources.

#news #trom #science #videos #reddit

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in reply to TROM

Oh wow you did it! 😃
in reply to Rokosun

i felt compelled by you

TFed reshared this.

"Gov. Gavin Newsom issued an executive order Thursday requiring state agencies to remove homeless encampments in their jurisdictions and urging cities to follow suit, a gesture that raised alarm among homeless advocates but drew a muted reaction from Los Angeles officials who say they are already doing so.

"Citing the U.S. Supreme Court’s June ruling that lessened restrictions on the enforcement of anti-camping laws, the order said there is “no longer any barrier to local governments utilizing the substantial resources provided by the State, in tandem with federal and local resources, to address encampments with both urgency and humanity, or excuse for not doing so.'"…

#California #USpol

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TFed reshared this.

We now have 6 servers dedicated to transcoding/transcribing our Peertube videos - thanks to @Alexio who is providing 4 of them! Peertube is now a complete replacement for Youtube and I will make sure to push it a lot more in terms of use and promotion! We need to get people to use it, else without content, it won't go anywhere....

Feel free to use our instance!

#peertube #youtube #video #opensource #foss

in reply to Dirk

Oh you should for sure post on our instance. The "thematic" we "impose" is to say that we pretty much accept those kind of videos, but the rest that do not fit, we are going to be more lose about and allow them. For sure your videos can be posted on our instance. So feel free to join!
in reply to Tio

Account request was just submitted 🙂

in reply to memes

i bet they still had to rebuild it. probably still got blown away by the impact
in reply to memes

Nobody gives the Park Service Astronomy Division proper credit. They called the impact in plenty of time.

TFed reshared this.

TROM II: The insane amount of e-waste -…

If you imagine a pile of ewaste the size of a cruise ship, how many of these do you think we throw away every single year, globally?

#waste #ewaste #pollution #capitalism #trade #TradeRuinsEverything

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in reply to TROM

Can you provide the sources of the statistics please?
in reply to Cyberman

For sure. All sources are at… but here is the exact one you may be looking for… - scroll down to sources.
in reply to Tio

@tio @whattimeislove
Then presumably

TFed reshared this.

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in reply to TROM

Hey I just wanted to say that this donation really came in a time of need and I'll always be grateful for this kindness 🙏

I also have plans to contribute to other TROM projects beyond just TROMjaro Linux, I'm still in the process of learning new things so let's see..... 🙂

TFed reshared this.

Heads-up for the #PeerTube community, it appears Google has been blocking many tools/IP ranges that try to synchronize with YouTube. At least for the creators on #tilvids this is a massive challenge, because they can no longer sync THEIR content on multiple platforms, requiring them to manually upload to both TILvids AND #youtube We appreciate our creators going the extra mile, and please remember this is why it's so important to support alternative platforms.…


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TFed reshared this.


Podremos considerarnos "civilizados" como especie cuando gestionemos la comida de forma sostenible y sea accesible para todo el mundo. Y no veo cómo eso puede ser posible con comercio.
Hasta entonces estamos por educar.

We will be able to consider ourselves "civilized" as a species when we manage food sustainably and it is accessible to everyone. And I don't see how that can be possible with trade.
Until then we are to educate.


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TFed reshared this.

Learn the basics of thievery and protect your realm. #Linux #OpenSource…

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TFed reshared this.

RustPython: A Python Interpreter Written in Rust


#rust #python

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in reply to Gonzalo🐧 🇨🇱

And Tor Browser on Tails: She can put this mask on:
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

I made an icon for me in tldraw on

This icon is for my idea to make a tiny and self-intuitive Package Manager based on git.

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in reply to TFed

TFed tagged TFed's status with #arpm

I made an icon for me in tldraw on

This icon is for my idea to make a tiny and self-intuitive Package Manager based on git.

in reply to TFed

TFed tagged TFed's status with #packagemanagement

I made an icon for me in tldraw on

This icon is for my idea to make a tiny and self-intuitive Package Manager based on git.

TFed reshared this.

Youtube is doing its best and most aggressive lately to protect their ad platform. Third party services that allow you to watch youtube videos without ads or being tracked are suffering. Invidious, Newpipe, Freetube and the like.

Now Peertube is being affected and users cannot synchronize their youtube account with their peertube one. Basically a peertube instance has an IP, and google sees that this IP is trying to grab videos from their ad platform. So they blacklist the IP. Unfortunately we can't do much.

Nothing will change until we are brave enough to move to peertube entirely or similar platforms.

Therefore our is currently unable to import videos from youtube. And we may not be able to fix this.

#peertube #youtube #privacy

in reply to TROM

Smartube for Android TV is trying to patch everyday, but Google has 1000s of engineers full of tricks.

At some point just a rule-based filter won't be enough.

in reply to TROM

> Youtube is doing its best and most aggressive lately to protect their ad platform

Youtube is doing its best to not run a free video hosting service because video hosting is EXPENSIVE.

> Nothing will change until we are brave enough to move to peertube entirely or similar platforms.

Every time I use peertube I'm reminded why the existing solutions exist: video hosting is hard and expensive, and if you want it to work well you need a global CDN at a minimum. And your data needs to be hosted on mulitple continents so the backhaul to the origin isn't painful.

I tried to use the Peertube hosted by @jerry the other day and I took forever for a video to even start playing. I don't have a lot of confidence this is a problem we'll solve, at least not in a way that gives us an equal experience as we get when using the centralized platforms. Maybe in 10 years.

in reply to feld

@feld strange. When I moved the videos to about a year ago, it has always seemed lightning fast for me. @trom
in reply to feld

Youtube is doing its best to not run a free video hosting service because video hosting is EXPENSIVE.

That's why they make a lot of profit and the ones running youtube are rich. They do not run a "free" video platform. It is trade-based. You pay with your attention (ads), data, or for premium with currency.

Every time I use peertube I'm reminded why the existing solutions exist: video hosting is hard and expensive, and if you want it to work well you need a global CDN at a minimum. And your data needs to be hosted on mulitple continents so the backhaul to the origin isn't painful.

We run an instance. 1,381 users, 2,622 videos, 972.2 GB. We pay some 20 euros a month. With p2p the bandwidth can be shared. Peertube runners allow you to use peopleś computers for transcoding. It is doable.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

TFed reshared this.

TROM II: Waking Up -…

#reality #culture #society #capitalism #money #tradesociety

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