Translating any video in Kdenlive automatically -…
This is how you can translate a video from any language into English using Kdenlive. I tested it with a video spoken in 5-6 languages and it did fantastic. You can also use TROMjaro Linux for easy setup and management of your OS in general.
#linux #kdenlive #videoeditig #whisper #translate #opensource #foss #tromjaro #trom #trade-free
Translating any video in Kdenlive automatically
This is how you can translate a video from any language into English using Kdenlive. I tested it with a video spoken in 5-6 languages and it did fantastic. You can also use TROMjaro Linux
The trade-free app of the day:HOME
A Trade-Free operating system based on Manjaro Linux Designed for your brain, but you can install it on a computer.No more ads and trackers consuming you, no ‘free’ trials, noContinue readingHOME
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Tech Cyborg, TFed and Rokosun reshared this.
This is so confusing. There are many free things where you are not "the product". We make many, see and
I wish people would stop saying this about google and the like. There is a simple and to the point way of describing these "free" services. They are TRADE-BASED. You have to trade something to them, in order to use their services.
In the same way that when you go to a supermarket you have to trade your currency for what you grab from it, you have to trade your attention (ads) or data to Google when you go on their platform. Currency, attention, data.
We live in a TRADE-BASED society where pretty much everything is trade-based. Money is just a currency we invented, but trades go without currency as well.
We spent more than a decade trying to shed some light on this confusion.
Documentary -…
Book -…
So when you create something entirely free, simply call it TRADE-FREE.
S I M P L E :)
#tutanota #free #foss #google #capitalism #trade #trade-based #trade-free #trom #tromsite #privacy #youtube
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TROM, Tech Cyborg, AlexTECPlayz, SomeAnoTooter, Andrew Adams, JonChevreau, Priceless Planet, Rafa Peris, Rokosun, TFed and Franky Remi 🐘 reshared this.
It is true that most trades translate into "money" in today's society. But increasingly cryptocurrencies are getting more popular. However the focus should be on trade else we lose sight with whats happening online where data ant attention are traded without people realizing it.
The incentive is bad overall, from small to big companies, or individuals. Yes most have to trade to survive, and that is very bad and we should change this situation; it is also true that google and the like are not trading in order to survive, but to thrive in an unequal and ass backwards society.
The entire premise of my original post is that it is not good saying "if it's free, you are the product" since for one it makes it seem like whatever is "free" is not to be trusted, and second it gives google and the like approval for using the word "free" for their trade-based services.
Google is trade-based. Facebook is trade-based.
Nextcloud is trade-free. Friendica is trade-free.
This wording makes a lot more sense.
Capitalism is a manifestation of trade, and ill defined for that matter.
As for "it's not trade if it's coerced" - we are mostly coerced to trade nowadays. Want food? Trade your time, energy, skills to someone else, get a currency, go trade it for food. Food is essential yet you have to trade for it, you have no other choice. And so it goes for pretty much anything.
Trade is an exchange, voluntarily or not.
if you didn't trade consensually, then you were coerced, and that's not trade, that's stealing.
a form of trade exists in capitalism, but trade is not the same thing as capitalism.
all employment under capitalism is coerced, if the choice is between "work or die".
You run a business selling food, you have little choice, you have to pay your rent. I need food. I work, make money, then buy food from you. We were both coerced into this game, now who is stealing from who in his situation?
We can have endless debates as to what we mean by trade, but I go with what is generally understood -
I also wrote a book about the evolution of trade -…
"all employment under capitalism is coerced" I would say most employment on this planet, currently, is coerced. From US to China.
capitalism is global. there is no part of human society than capitalism doesn't touch.
no one forced anyone to hoard food for profit. that's a choice. no one forced anyone to exploit workers by paying them wages. that is also a choice. no one forced anyone to enclose the commons and demand rent. that was also a choice.
writing a book doesn't mean it isn't full of nonsense. Hitler wrote a book too, as did Ayn Rand, but neither of these people had any ideas worth considering nor do they make any sense.
The book that I wrote is digitally available for everyone and every claim is sourced where I claim it. Click and see.
That being said, these isms are a lot of mushy ideas. Also the theory of these ideas can be widely different from their implementation.
And by "no one forced anyone to do this or that", I do not know what you are saying. Of course so many people are forced by others or circumstances. All choices are influenced by external factors: needs, efficiency, fear, etc..
@Tio Dude. Are you lazy? Are you lazy?
If not, then do yourself a favor and research. I was 100% sure that after billions of people made posts and videos, that people will believe that Google is a goddamn evil corporation. You can't trust it with your data unless you're insane and you want Google to know everything about you.
Don't take my word for it - do yourself a favor and research!
P.S. Hope that will cure from sickness a little thing in your brain, named "logic". And your brain itself too.
@Tio In your original post, you're justifying corporations violating users's privacy rights without their consent. You're acting like as if it was a rule you have to accept and is impossible to live without it.
Back in 1830s,everyone lived without big tech and guess what? They survived. Surprising, right???
Well now, has anything changed? Nope, it didn't.
In your original post, you were complaining about that it's confusing to see people ranting about Google whenever you're product or not, which caused you to write this big post.
My previous reply was expected for you to reduce that confusion a bit. Does it all makes sense now?
The way big tech (like Google, Meta) do their business today, like making money, is unlawful and consentless. Your post is written as if it was okay to play that way business while in real life its not okay.
Do yourself a favor and research, like I said previously.
You certainly misunderstood. I did not justify what they are doing, I said what they do is not free to begin with, it is trade-based. This cuts the confusion when people think google and the like are free, and when some say "you are the product". Better say google is trade-based.
I dedicated the past 10+ years showcasing how this is fucked up. How trade is the origin of most problems.
Documentary -…
Book -…
We showcase how we can create trade-free alternatives. And we create/enable a bunch. Just look at and
You got it 180 degrees wrong my friend.
@Tio Dude. You've read my post partially, and while you did provided some good response, which I appreciate, hmm, I still gonna say that you did justified what big tech are doing.
This is so confusing. There are many free things where you are not "the product".*"
If it doesn't has ads and trackers, then yes. Unless it doesn't violates user's privacy.
"I wish people would stop saying this about google and the like. There is a simple and to the point way of describing these "free" services. They are TRADE-BASED. You have to trade something to them, in order to use their services."
Yes but it's consentless. Google and other big tech conpanies do not inform you about this.
"*In the same way that when you go to a supermarket you have to trade your currency for what you grab from it, you have to trade your attention (ads) or data to Google when you go on their platform. Currency, attention, data.
We live in a TRADE-BASED society where pretty much everything is trade-based. Money is just a currency we invented, but trades go without currency as well.*"
Like I said, it's consentless and informless.
See now? I quoted specific arguments of yours where you justified what big tech companies do.
This is so confusing. There are many free things where you are not "the product".*"If it doesn't has ads and trackers, then yes. Unless it doesn't violates user's privacy.
Thats exactly what I argue there are many trade-free things out there, google aint one. Nor is any that forces you to trade your attention (ads) or data. They are trade-based. BAD
btw learn how to use quotes in friendica.....else it is very confusing....
When there is no ads and no tracking, you arn't the product.
Why not install #Yunohost at home or in a VPS?
It's easy to install.
And there is many apps available by one click.
And, you can look at #Chatons where there a lot of services, sometimes free of charge.
Tio likes this.
I finished reading Sasha's book
I finished reading @Sasha 's book after reading a rough draft some 2-3 years ago. I wrote a review when she released the book but now that I finished it and it all is fresh in my mind I want to briefly say some condensed atom-sized thoughts about it, without spoiling it for those who have not read it.
This book can be deceiving. You may think it is about a small cute girl traveling around the world with very little money. And that is part of it, but the unique aspect of this book is the overall mental growth for Sasha. This is what I LOVED about it. To see how a human grows to understand how the world works and how that makes her react. All of the crazy and wonderful (at times scary) adventures are not just that, are part of the ingredients that create the cake.
And she is a wonderful cake.
The places that Sasha saw and got to experience make me feel like I lived in a cave my entire life. I bet many people will think that Sasha invented some of these stories because it is insane in a few years time to jump from tribe to tribe, meet locals, go live with them, have extraordinary experiences with them, have no money, then work a few months make a shit load of money, buy a car, live in the car; hitchhike the entire Europe, sleep in the middle of Australia, go and snowboard for free or little money on so many tall peaks from all around the world, become a divemaster, surf awesome waves in Hawaii, drive your car across the entire USA and swim with dolphins, sharks and manta rays.
Fucking shit! This human lived 55 lives in 15 years. You either get depressed at that, thinking like me that you have not experienced even 1% of what she experienced, or make you motivated to go see the world and free yourself from this trade based society (which also makes me want to do).
Sasha did a WONDERFUL job describing all of these places and experiences. No photos needed! And many of these adventures and places will forever live inside of my brain as if I was a close observer.
Best of all, in my view, is that now she signed a "contract" with me with this book, to join me in my battle! :) A battle of TROM vs Society! Her book is her contribution and there is more to follow!
With that she sandwiched her book perfectly - the beginning bun (prologue) that will give you a taste of what is about to come; in the middle are the many flavors of ingredients stacked neatly and chronologically on top of each other - some 300 pages of life; and lastly the top bun that perfectly brings it all together in a perfect taste, connecting the dots and making all of the ingredients and the bottom bun part of one big thing.
Big World.....Small Sasha...
Congratulations for this huge amount of work!
Grab her book from here
#trade #capitalism #travel #trade-free #adventure #hike #book #bookrelease
NEW BLOG POST:A book years in the making
Read it on my website (recommended):…
Or read it here:
This is @[url=]Alexander[/url] and her most valuable project to date:
A book. But a book is not simply a lot of words or a pile of paper. It is memories, emotions, worldviews, and a lot of work to put them all together. Her book is a story that spans over 15 years. But these years are hardly what most people experience on this planet.
She was born in Russia but at age 8 had to move to the United States and deal with a new world. New language, new culture, new people; her mom, her bother, and some pets. Her father went back to Russia, and that affected her a lot.
A mountain of changes to absorb as a kid which led her to a world of drugs and anger.
She details these struggles which at times feel like hard to believe stories – a 17 year old girl selling drugs in New York, crazy mushroom trips and adventurous thefts.
But she managed to pull herself together and change her life for the better. She was not impressed by the imaginary borders humans create and call countries, so she went on flying like a free bird :). From Canada to Mexico, Australia to Europe, Russia to Thailand. 15 years of adventures with almost no money. Because money won’t stop Small Sasha :).
A way to discover the world and yourself.
When you get to experience so many cultures and places, you can understand much better what humans are, and what makes them who the are.
The places she saw and the people she met are extraordinarily described in the book, in a way that you feel like you are there. No photos needed. You’ll laugh, wonder, or feel uncomfortable reading some of her uncensored experiences.
It is a galaxy of stories that she had to put together using notes from the past, photos, and her own memories stored in the mushy pile of cells we call the brain.
She managed to compile this massive story in a way that it is super fun to follow, but also to get a feeling of how she grew a mind in all of these years.
That mental growth and her experiences, made her realize how fucked up this society is and how much we are destroying this environment and the creatures in it.
She started to volunteer for some organizations over the years, eventually getting closer to the project I made, TROM. And so here we are, a book later, spending our lives together.
I cannot describe how wonderful this book is, how emotional and funny. So much fun, but also a lot of reality check for many people who are going to have their values challenged.
She crafted this book so much, that at times you feel like Carl Sagan, David Attenborough and George Carlin contributed to the book :).
A wonderful read! A massive CONGRATULATIONS to Sasha for the immense work she put into this. I know too well how for the past 4 years she worked so much on this book that it almost put our relationship under a big question mark. I never saw anyone putting so much effort into anything. It was too intense!
But now it is OVER. Finally! I thought I will never see this happen. Wow!
After so many years of work, and almost no money, she is putting the book for free on her website in digital format, despite us not having much money to make a life for ourselves on this planet. But of course, if you want to support her (us) you can buy the physical copy too. Or donate if you can.
I helped design the entire cover and I am quite proud of it :).
Go read it! I know I will read it again. This time the physical copy, in a hammock somewhere in nature.
Sasha you fucking did ti!
PS: The book was made with trade-free software. LibreOffice, Krita, Inkscape.
#nature #traveling #society #capitalism #trade #book #bookrelease #foss
Big World | Small Sasha
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022-2024 2007 Freed from slavery (finished high school). Drove across North America 3 times. Lived in Whistler, Canada. 2008 Lived in Canada and California.Big World | Small Sasha
Thank you so much Tio, that was such a nice review that I don't even know what to say 😊 I'm so happy that you enjoyed my book and that you found something important in it. I'm so happy that you could feel my growth as a human- that was something I hoped to achieve in this book, but was difficult because there are so many stories, people, and so many things happening. Thank you for all your kind words and for the huge amount of support you've given to me and this book over many many years.
Sorry if I made you feel like you lived in a cave 😬 But you were actually doing much more important things than me in that "cave". You were growing your brain and making the important and inspiring content that brought me to you 😊 And this in turn grew my brain and the brains of many others 🙂
Thank you for your contribution to this book- the design, the emotional support, and even the content. Without you, this book would not have been the same (and neither would I 😉) 🙂
I already feel like living in a cave, lol 😄 Maybe reading your book will inspire me to go out more often 😁
> But you were actually doing much more important things than me in that "cave". You were growing your brain and making the important and inspiring content that brought me to you 😊 And this in turn grew my brain and the brains of many others 🙂
This is so true, Tio might be physically in a cave but he travels around the whole damn universe with his mind, haha 😂
This is so true, Tio might be physically in a cave but he travels around the whole damn universe with his mind, haha 😂
hhahahaha thank you that made me feel a little bit better :)
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Roma likes this.

BTW, noticed a few typos in your post, just letting you know:
> because it is inane in a few years time
I think you meant to say "insane" here.
> the begging bun (prologue) that
Did you meant to say "beginning bun" here?
in reply to Tio • — (Earth) •I like this video, TBH, A Long time ago, I even tried to understand what they are saying, but…
Video: Me speaks Multiple Languages 👍
Me, that trying to detect, which one is in German, which one is not, which one Spanish and which one is not: 😶🌫️
in reply to Tio • • •like this
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