DNA testing site 23andMe files for bankruptcy protection - bbc.com/news/articles/c9q4r9xy…
Of course...a bullshit company, like most companies, providing nothing useful for the people and now even putting their personal information (and DNA) at risk. Because you know, other company may buy it and who knows what it does with the data. I have been saying that since the beginning when everyone was so excited about this useless company.
To read the DNA for useful purposes should be the job of entities that do not make a business out of it, but take care of people´s health. This nonsense of "see where you ancestors are from" "see if you are fucking irish or a goblin", is so useless even if accurate, which may not even be.
Anyway, another story of nonsense companies that make people give them their data to then fuck up this information for everyone.
#TradeRuinsEverything #capitalism #usa #profit #money
23andMe files for bankruptcy protection
The company said that it will now attempt to sell itself under the supervision of a court.Lily Jamali (BBC News)
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How sure are we that the world is not a silly dark comedy?
Maybe it is...idk
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Hollywoodgate - videoneat.com/documentaries/26…
Another one of those documentaries that you feel like they are not real. Must be a dark comedy instead. The human brain can be so brilliant and yet so primitive...
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To meet people who think Putin and what he does in Ukraine is ok, or to say that Trump is a good choice for the USA, is quite a shocking experience. Almost like seeing Bigfoot. It is one thing to hear about it, another thing to see it.
It is astonishing to me how some people can be so idiotic and brainwashed. Unbelievable.
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In my mind the west did actions they easily couldve conceived would prompt Russia to military action
This criticism I understand. But Russia's actions made any of such discussion, in my view, pointless at this time. And these discussions have the potential to give some sort of validity to Russia's actions.
Consider this: if Russia wanted to stop the war today, they could. USA, the "west", or Ukraine cannot unless they agree to give up parts of Ukraine to Russia, and agree to more such things. But Russia all they have to do is go back home. That says it all.
I can tell we wont agree so ill answer your point and give you a final response and we'll call this conversation done.
If Russia went home; they would have an emboldened NATO ally at their doorstep. This is not an acceptable solution.
That said the minimum terms Russia is likely to accept is keeping all their conquested land so far which as you say is an unacceptable solution.
Ideally Ukraine or whats left needs to be a neutral nation — like it once was
I can tell we wont agree so ill answer your point and give you a final response and we'll call this conversation done.
By the way should be fine to have discussions around these topics. We do not have to fight or "debate". But communication is crucial, else we close ourselves into our own bubbles and then fight with each other when our views become so separate.
Find by me if you do not want to engage anymore, but I am also curious to learn if I am wrong.
I think we share a philosohy there , which is why I gave you a final chance to rebut.
Exposing yourself to views you don't agree with is useful; but human connection is often key to having your opinions challenged -- and social media sucks for genuine connection.
I like to debate, but also often find with strangers I get frusrated quickly and thats not healthy for me; so if I get frustrated I try to civilly end the conversation.
Disagreeing well is important; but requires giving face. Extraordinarily hard to do when you're annoyed or impatient.
Some may find that edifying online; I do not.
For some reason this depresses me the most. More than reading about Dr. Fucking Oz becoming part of the healthcare system administration in the USA. (source)
USA's healthcare system is a joke in terms of providing healthcare for people. It is a for-profit business, that's all. So making it worse is not something that depresses me that much especially since I live in Europe and I get great free healthcare. But to see NASA being run by those who want to exploit the space....when NASA is by far the leading agency in space, is quite depressing.
The Idiocracy is here, led by no other than the United States of America.
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the LVs they are involved with developing - ie, SLS - are pretty terrible. sX is, _objectively_ (and i'm by no means a die-hard elon-fallating fanboy) revolutionary and the de-facto industry leader.
yes, their rovers and satellites and unparalled, but launch is _the_ most important part of the space economy, and the part most people mean when talking about a company's role in spaceflight.
"economics" is a very detached from reality concept. NASA just needs a taxi to do the important work. SpaceX failed to deliver on their promises and contracts with NASA from what I know, but regardless their "achievements" are hyped to the extreme. NASA space shuttle was also reusable and other rockets before that.
So the "costs" of the launches are a human made up invention of course, based on imaginary money and wrong priorities. We could easily divert a lot of human potential and resources into making these space exploration missions cost nothing, if we were a smart society.
SpaceX, Musk, and the like (billionaires) are simply making space into yet another market and brag about how much "progress" they are doing. Disgusting indeed.
Georgi likes this.
"economics isn't real" is a bold leading claim, which i want you to contemplate a little more.
yes, sX is behind schedule on HLS. so is every other artemis contractor. HLS is *not* (expected to be) the limiting factor for artemis III (rather orion's underperforming heatshield).
this is plainly untrue. shuttle was a disastrous program. the peak turnaround was 54 days, average 190. F9's is 21 days, average 60. even the, which boosters were recovered had to be essentially re-manufactured.
no, no other rocket, before or since, has been successfully re-used.
listen, if you want to argue for som pseudo-communist, gift-based society, _i won't stop you_. *but that's not the world we live in*, money isn't "imaginary", rockets can't "cost nothing".
if you don't follow spaceflight that's fine! i'm just passionate about it. but have the humility to accept you don't understand what "progress" looks like, and spare us your judgment.
Your communism-word-salad may be a sign of you being too trapped into the fantasy world humans have invented, one that is very harmful. From climate change to slavery, useless products and waste. "money" is a human invention, of course. And if we are not to see this we have no chance to detach from its bad influence on us.
When humans put prices on a banana or a rocket launch, these prices rarely reflect the reality of resources, human costs, or even more so importance. We made a whole documentary about it tromsite.com/documentaries/tro…
If you follow the "spaceflight" flavor of the human activity on Earth, and you think we are making "progress", what does progress mean to you in that context?
if i'm being honest, i don't really care about your economic views. i just want you to understand the current spaceflight dynamic.
i understand money is a human invention, but it is a human invention nigh-every human obeys buy. like it or not, it _is_ a measure for efficiency, and if you can't see that the 3,000$/kg of a falcon 9 implies greater efficiency than the 35,714$/kg for SLS, i don't know what to tell you.
re: Q
"progress" means more mass can be put into more orbits more often.
congrats on the documentary & books btw
I understand, but do you think we can still call it progress if that means we put more commercial satellites into space, more trips for rich people, or exploit other planets for materials?
Like cars are more efficient today in terms of fuel consumption but the entire "car industry" creates a terrible mess here on earth. We better make clean public transport.
there's a tendency to hand-wave commercialisation as "a big bad", but that's still just hand-waving.
regardless, i don't want to argue this back/forth so moralistically. i just want you to understand: sX, objectively, *is an industry leader*. that's all i disputed. they launch the most mass, at the lowest cost (not just price).
SpaceX being the "industry leader" means almost nothing if you disregard the fact that they may just be a taxi for the commercialization of space. And NASA is far more than just launching rockets into space. As @Michael Vogel also said.
And this is not a "moralistic" argument between you and me, it is a fact that commercialization (most of the times) equals to destruction, abuse, and exploitation. On Earth or above ;)
science is built on the shoulder's of giants. no advancements would be made without several thousand years of prior discovery and expirmentation. whether they a helped or funded by NASA is irrelevant - the point still stands: NASA has stagnated in LVs, and sX revolutionised that.
see that as positive or not, i don't mind. but it's an undeniable truth anyone with an interest in rocketry will confirm.
We "obey" this human invention and this is a terrible thing as you can see around you. It is not at all a measure of efficiency. There is no efficiency that the USA imports 95% of the clothes from abroad or you eat tomatoes from across the continent just because is "cheaper" to grow them there and ship over to you. This system is a mess.
As for spaceflight sure you can measure the fuel consumption as a more relevant efficiency progress, but it is no progress if those rockets transport rich people into space, or more commercial satellites. That's where I fee many people fail to make sense of this system. They simply look at these measurements of fuel efficiency and so forth, but not the overall picture.
And "my economic views" are not "mine" or "views" the reality is that this global system of trade is a human made up game that is detrimental to the entire species and frankly obsolete. That's the truth.
I do contemplate about "economics isn't real" - I wrote 2 books about it. tromsite.com/books/#flipbook-t… and tromsite.com/trombooks/#flipbo… - Economics is human imagination going bad. Letting the fantasy of money (trade) rule over important things. Instead of asking how much it costs to to do this or that, we should see how we can do it efficiently.
As for which space taxi is more efficient, I do not care in terms of "economics" but real importance like what is it done with that space-taxi? Put more commercial satellites into the orbit? Go exploit space? Put the rich into orbit?
Don't assume that NASA is a rocket manufacturer or launch provider, they are not. NASA does aeronautical research (they're not just into space stuff). They operate Earth observation satellites, they operate space telescopes, rovers, ...
The JWST, for example, is by far the most advanced space telescope - and in developing it they had to create and research a lot of new things.
And as for SLS: The Space Launch System has to be built on existing shuttle hardware. That's what the Senate told them to do. Even if they tried, they're not allowed to deviate from that because the Senators want each of their states to participate. So SLS needed those solid fuel boosters, the rocket engine from the shuttle, etc.
Tio likes this.
Welcome to Idiocracy 1.0. It has begun.
Creepy how the world is becoming increasingly idiotic to the point of not knowing what to say about it anymore.
Pretty much all political options people are "offered" are fucked up. A choice between fast and steady decline or faster and more abrupt decline. Now the second is happening.
This world is a joke.
I will continue to do my work for TROM and try to keep myself saner. What else can I do...
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Why I'm not worried about the election. youtu.be/71Ue5Qy6w1w
Very good video by Adam
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The american "motorhomes" are honestly insane...
The motorhome we are looking to buy is maybe a bit bigger than that pickup truck in the photo haha. Even if someone would give me that motorhome and it won't be an issue driving or parking it, I would sell it day one and buy a "normal" motorhome.
It is simply insane to me how in US people don't look at this and laugh or be shocked. That is a fucking train.
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If anyone thinks that China is a "communist" society, just watch this documentary - videoneat.com/documentaries/26…
They are as "capitalistic" as USA. Or, in other words, they have a trade-based society. As simple as that. Produce, trade, consume.
#trade #china #usa #communism #capitalism #money #consumption
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Private companies, if big enough, will be bailed out by the gov. See SpaceX, Tesla, and more. The gov will also intervene to stop monopolies from creating, at least in theory. They split apart the largest telecommunication company in the USA not long ago. So gov is intervening, from capping the prices of drugs, providing subsidies, tweaking taxes, etc..
China, USA, Europe or the rest. The gov is always intervening.
For another, if the government owns the means of production, you have a monopoly; such a thing is barely possible under free market capitalism.
A...sorry what? Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, Google ?? We live in a world of monopolies. In another book I wrote I showcase that in detail tromsite.com/books/#flipbook-t…
Private companies, if big enough, are sometimes bailed out; I agree. They should not be. That is cronyism, not capitalism. They should be allowed to fail, and indeed sometimes are.
As to monopolies, nearly all of them are enabled by government action, not stopped by it.
Tell me; what does google have a monopoly in? Putting aside, of course, that we absolutely don't live under free market capitalism.
But they are....I am talking about the real world we live in not idealistic concepts. I compare USA with China and their self imposed labels, not the official and mushy definitions of capitalism vs communism since these do not exist.
As to monopolies, nearly all of them are enabled by government action, not stopped by it.
They are enabled by a system of trade that incentivizes companies to grow and individuals to seek profit.
Tell me; what does google have a monopoly in?
Too many things. Mobile operating systems, search engine, browser, online videos, online advertising, etc.. Again see here tromsite.com/books/#flipbook-t… - I spent a year on this book.
Yes, they are..sometimes. Which still leaves plenty of small companies and some large ones that are allowed to fail; that is a good thing.
LIFE incentivizes individuals to profit from their action. That's true under all economic systems.
Nope; there's iOs/sailfish/Ubuntu touch, duckduckgo/yahoo/ask/dogpile/plenty more, firefox/opera/safari/chrome, peertube and odyssey, plenty of other ad companies.
So, again, what does google have a monopoly in?
Those you mention are barely "competitors". Google owns the market of mobile operating systems (over 70%), search prob over 90%, video platform, browser, etc.. They even give Firefox a ton of money to keep google as the default search engine. Basically google has no competition in many areas.
LIFE incentivizes individuals to profit from their action.
The environment pushes people to become one way or another. Currently we live in a trade-based society that incentivizes people to profit, compete, be selfish. etc..
Those I mention are competitors. They exist, plenty of people can and do use them, and therefore google does not have a monopoly.
Yes, environments shape people. Please, provide literally any example of an environment where an individual is not incentivized to profit from their action.
Yah those are as much competitors as I am for Usain Bolt. I mean I can run...but have no chance to ever win a race with Usain. Same for Firefox and the like.
Please, provide literally any example of an environment where an individual is not incentivized to profit from their action.
Sure. We have a directory of such organizations where people volunteer without making any profits directory.trade-free.org/
Poor comparison. No one imagines you can run anywhere near as fast as him,. PLENTY of people use the products and services of other companies, me included.
Oh, I see the issue here. You're restricting yourself to MONETARY profit. Here you go: merriam-webster.com/dictionary…
No one imagines Firefox will overthrown Chrome or Linux Microsoft...these are clear examples of monopolies.
By not making a profit I mean they do not ask anything in return. They just do/help. Good people.
It's irrelevant whether anyone imagines that anyone else will "overthrow" chrome or anyone else. Here:
As to "not making a profit', do you imagine that do not see a valuable return for what they do?
"If no one can compete with google in some domains"
Such is not the case. I challenge you to name me a single domain in which no one, NO ONE, offers a plausible and functional alternative to google.
Please. You linked to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_mar…, which in the SECOND SENTENCE says "Such markets, as modeled, operate without the intervention of government", and then went on to nonsense like social.trom.tf/display/dbc8dc4…
"Such markets, as modeled, operate without the intervention of government"
"And partially it is present since big companies control governments"
Do you actually not see the contradiction here?
Sorry to be rude but I'll never drop you anything. I hope you can find other things on the fediverse.
And no one can pay for my books since they are free. And they are books not "books", I think you may not understand the use of quotes.
I hope we can say goodby now and you go on your way :)
"And partially it is present since big companies control governments in many cases giving them a "free" hand at doing business."
Then you fail entirely to understand what a free market even is.
There absolutely is such a thing as a free market. For example; who regulates who is and is not allowed to make, buy, or sell backpacks in the US?
As to your complaints about things like greed; tell me, are YOU greedy?
No one "markets" "freely". There are regulations in place. Even for backpacks.
And mostly no I am not greedy but it depends on what situations I face. Look at what I've been doing for the past 15 years tiotrom.com/projects/ - all free. Never made a profit. So likely I am not greedy most of the time.
Please, show me the regulations on who can buy, sell, and/or make backpacks in the US.
Really? You're not greedy? It's rare to meet someone willing to make such a claim. What a saint you must be.
Of course you need to have a license for producing such a thing, patents, pay taxes, and a license to sell and where to. If you start to make backpacks now and sell them on the street you may be fined. You are also forced to pay taxes for your business and more.
Really? You're not greedy? It's rare to meet someone willing to make such a claim. What a saint you must be.
I said probably most of the time I am not. I released 2 huge documentaries, published over 30 books, made videos, articles, run trom.tf (free services for everyone), tromjaro.com linux distro, and more. All trade-free. Not a saint, but prob not greedy either.
No, no, no claims. Please link me to actual regulations that say you need, for example, a license to produce backpacks.
No, no, don't sell yourself short. If you're not greedy, don;' engage in false modesty. Just admit you're not greedy.
The idiots on planet Earth, busy with their dramas, hate, divisions, borders, competition. While they have global problems and common needs.
Their most popular news and activities should be about the wonderful rock they are lucky to be on. The creatures, the places, themselves. There are entire universes inside all of us. Inside even a single cell. There are endless stars and planets out there.
Intelligent species you say!?
Show must go on! The Caesar Roman general was nearly assassinated so now we can gossip, talk, debate, and be busy with this story for months or years. Some empire attacked another killing hundreds of thousands. Have you heard about the wife of the emperor cheating on him?
2024 is the same as 2024 BC. Same shit. Wars, conflicts, gossip, decimation of other creatures and destruction of the environment.
Same idiots, only that now we have internet, electricity and airplanes.
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Underlying rights
beneath ideas like
equality under the law
rule of law
we find community
and all our masks
and stories.
Wise elders of yore
devised ritual
stomping into Earth,
in communion
with planet, land
of ancestors, sacred lore.
I see your face,
study the lines and lessons
life has given.
Do you see the scarlet
streams of suffering
so unnecessary
missed cues,
fear itself,
unexpected consequences,
collateral damage?
If life were simple
childish agonies
dispelled with dawn’s
bright kiss,
we would laugh
so happy to know
cross-purposes, cross-talk
easily sorted out in counsel.
Cast into sorted cells
with little thought to empowering;
we could harness the Sun, Moon,
birth of the planets,
allowing our minds to grow.
oleastre likes this.
Unfortunately things are looking really grim right now for the world.... Man I hope we get through this without blowing each other up.... 😅
A lot of the things happening around us prove that people are seriously lacking good education and a sense of nuance.
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This is just inhumane..... There is no other way to describe it and I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Often times when people bring up issues regarding racism and such I've never seen many of them mention this one, maybe there needs to be more awareness about this issue 'cause it's an important one.
cc: @aral
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