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We provide Mastodon/Peertube/Nextcloud/Friendica and more, as a service. For a cost. Just order and have your own instance, no headaches.

I always do trade-free stuff, but since I am trapped in this trade-system and I do not get enough financial support via the projects that I do, I have to also trade a bit.

WebApe is what I do to trade. Basically we create websites, install Mastodon/Friendica instances, Peertube, Nextcloud, etc.. We setup, manage, update, customize.

We try to do something decent and make some money with that, to then support our free projects.

So if you want a Mastodon instance for example, or any other website/service, please see I have lowered the prices now, so a Mastodon instance starts at 30 Euros per month.

We will take a limited amount of websites so to not overwhelm ourselves.

Please share if you think others might be interested. In a way, we can make the fediverse more known and accessible via the WebServices that we provide.

#foss #opensource #fedi #fediverse #mastodon

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

This Rats Search app is amazing - it lets you search on the Bittorrent network and download from there. No website needed. Unfortunately the interface really looks like some rats on a boat did it...

Does anyone else know a similar application? I'd like to even include it into TROMjaro if the Interface does not suck like this one does....

#bittorrent #p2p #opensource #foss

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in reply to Tio

To be fair, designing good UI is hard.... It's an entirely different skill from programming.

Although I don't use Plasma, I use XFCE with TROMjaro, I congratulate KDE for this release and the work they've done over the years. XFCE, KDE, and the like, are not competitors, but diversity in choices. That's how we should operate as a society, do not compete, but collaborate and create diversity. So I like to use XFCE, but others prefer KDE, and some others Gnome, and so forth. Nice! We are all happy! #opensource #foss #kde #plasma #linux

Plasma 6.0 has been released. Check out the new overview, improved colour management, a cleaner theme, more effects, better overall performance, and much more.


Unknown parent

Non taken! Was not my intention of course to insult you or anyone, rather than show an agreement with my good friend. I am actually very happy to see that women are also using #Linux / #foss ☺️
in reply to Tio


The competition to FLOSS desktop projects will always be proprietary desktop providers. The creators of Windows and macOS, who seek to abuse users, lock them inside walled gardens and pollute their environment with forced hardware upgrades and deliberately faulty and inefficient software.

Even as a long time Plasma user, I cannot but admire #XFCE and its developers who strive to pack all those features into the lightest desktop possible.

#xfce @KDE

TROMjaro 2024.01.07 (and a longish article) - improvements to our Layout Switcher thanks to @Rokosun and new default apps ;)

#tromstuff #linux #foss #opensource #arch

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in reply to Tio

Is there a way to force a system upgrade to the current ISO version? sudo pamac upgrade gave me the updated Layout Switcher, but nothing else covered in your article.
in reply to Nail Bender

This is a rolling release so no need to upgrade to any new version, you'll get the right updates directly to your system. The other changes are not that important I'd say and can be easily done by anyone who reads the release notes. Like in this release we replaced some default apps and I linked to the ones that we replaced so you can simply install them. But that's all.

So I replaced SMplayer with Celluloid, Gnome Usage with Resources, GUV with Cameractrls, and qTox with Jami. It is very very rare that we replace our default apps. So no, you do not have to do anything other than keeping your system updated and install whatever apps you want form the ones we replaced.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)