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The people are being consumed by the so called "free" entertainment.

But it is not "free". It is dumb and trade-based. TikTok, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and so forth mandate that you give them your data and attention (watch ads) in order to use their platforms. In return they give you access to a ton of dumbed down content.

Trading stupidity is much easier than trading well made content. Therefore stupidity evolves faster in a trade-based society.

To make a good researched video can take months, to make a dumbed down one can take minutes. To write a good book about real and important things, and research for it, takes months or years. To write bullshit fictional stories takes a lot less. Music, movies, articles, they are all under the influence of trade, allowing simplistic content to thrive while good one to barely breath.

It is this trade based society to be blamed for the vast majority of the destruction, suffering and idiocy we see worldwide.

#trade #TradeRuinsEverything #capitalism #money #media #journalism

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TROM II: We create a lot of useless shit -โ€ฆ

#consumerism #trade #TradeRuinsEverything #money #capitalism

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TROM II: The Ghost Town - empty homes for nobodyโ€ฆ

#homeless #homelesness #capitalism #waste #trade #TradeRuinsEverything

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TROM II: The Bullshit of Sustainable Business -โ€ฆ

#greenwashing #capitalism #money #TradeRuinsEverything #trade

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Could a ยฃ2-a-day basic income be the key to protecting rainforests?โ€ฆ

Well, of course that if you are poor you'll cut down trees to trade for some food! Everyone should be helped. A basic income without any strings attached is the most basic thing humans can provide now, for everyone!

We need to decouple people from this trade-based society!

#ubi #basicincome #universalbasicincome #TradeRuinsEverything

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Roma reshared this.

TROM II: The insane amount of e-waste -โ€ฆ

If you imagine a pile of ewaste the size of a cruise ship, how many of these do you think we throw away every single year, globally?

#waste #ewaste #pollution #capitalism #trade #TradeRuinsEverything

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in reply to TROM

Can you provide the sources of the statistics please?
in reply to Cyberman

For sure. All sources are atโ€ฆ but here is the exact one you may be looking forโ€ฆ - scroll down to sources.
in reply to Tio

@tio @whattimeislove
Then presumably

Roma reshared this.

TROM II: The ridiculous way we use gold as a resource -โ€ฆ

#gold #society #capitalism #TradeRuinsEverything #trade #money

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Roma reshared this.

This man is asking to be killed (assisted suicide) because he will be kicked out of his home and he does not want to end up being homeless and sick -

Just a news from planet Earth where the "only" intelligent species in the Universe lives. Where they, humans, have so much shit (cars and toys, electronics and houses, food and clothes) that they create mountains of waste out of them. And yet, many people suffer on a daily basis because these "intelligent" humans do not realize that they are merely a more advanced species of ants who work all day, but never wonder for what. They trade trade trade....and that's all they do. They are blinded by the fantasy of their system that they themselves created and it is now obsolete.

We can provide for everyone with a decent life, trade-free. Now. Today. Not tomorrow.

#TradeRuinsEverything #assistedsuicide #capitalism #money #trade #slavery #poverty #homelesness

in reply to TROM

The good news is that this man was saved by random people from around the world who donated money to allow him to pay for the house he was living in - but ofc this should not be the case. We need to have a system that takes care of people.

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio

There are humans out there who can recognize this injustice, the fact that people donated money to this man is proof of that. I hope we can all use our collective will to change the system for good, at least having a safety net for preventing poverty is a must.
in reply to TROM

Yes, they are blinded by the fantasy but we will keep taking veils, opening minds, lending hands and giving hugs when possible :)

Roma reshared this.

TROM II: Cost Efficiency is so Wasteful -โ€ฆ

#capitalism #trade #money #costefficient #greenwashing #TradeRuinsEverything

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IPCC says we are fucked

in reply to TROMโ€ฆ

>Outgoing special rapporteur David Boyd says โ€˜thereโ€™s something wrong with our brains that we canโ€™t understand how grave this isโ€™

Roma reshared this.

TROM II: Mountains of Wasteโ€ฆ

#waste #pollution #climatechange #ewaste #capitalism #trade #TradeRuinsEverything

TROM II: Mountains of Waste

Watch the entire documentary here -โ€ฆ

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Roma reshared this.

One is a billionaire who is selling all of his books, the other one is a quite-broke human who has the courage and decency to provide her book online for free. Trade-Free. No ads, no data collection, no subscribe-here-to-read bullshit.

That's the world in which we live. The ones who make a fortune are trained and incentivized to not even share their "must read" books for free, despite having so much wealth.

Oh look, Bill Gates released a book about "How to Avoid a Climate Disaster"! It must be important.... so it is worth 18$ to read.

Grab @Sasha 's book from here - she also talks a lot about Climate Change, solutions, and a new kind of worldview.

#gates #climatechange #capitalism #TradeRuinsEverything #climate #billionaires

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to TROM

I would never take climate advice from Bill Gates or any billionaire for that matter.
in reply to TROM

does Bill yet again promote nuclear power which is expensive and can be controlled by the few? Or has he learned that renewables are the way.

Eugene doesn't like this.

Roma reshared this.

TROM II: Money made us crazyโ€ฆ

#capitalism #money #trade #TradeRuinsEverything #rich

TROM II: Money made us crazy

Watch the entire documentary here -โ€ฆ

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Unknown parent


I for one started to care more when my videos started to be banned on those platforms, alongside some of my posts. Videos and posts that were educational and I never made any money off of them. So I, being hurt, started to care more about using other platforms. Thus, pain. That combined with my understanding about how these platforms like ytb, twitter, fb and the like operate, that they are in fact businesses/markets and not "networks".

So I think that's one way for people to start to care about changing some of their digital habits: to be extremely pissed off at those platforms, while at the same time have some curiosity to try something different.

It is very difficult, but from my experience what works is to be an example. I moved and gave no fucks about the other platforms so if anyone wanted to follow our TROM project or me, they had no choice but to move too. I made a bunch of people switch to these other alternatives.

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The plastic industry knowingly pushed recycling myth for decades, new report findsโ€ฆ

Of must be very skeptical when the companies producing plastic are so keen about "recycling". Of course they like these programs even if they do not work (which is the case today) since it allows them to produce more plastic and make more profits.

Recycling is only relevant when there is not a huge incentive to produce waste in the first place.

#TradeRuinsEverything #capitalism #recycle #recycling #greenwashing

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The fact that humans have weapons that are meant to kill their own kind, is a sign of primitivism. It is a sign of a failed society. Regardless if they even use them or not.

If we cannot solve conflicts within our human society without killing other humans, then we are a failure. That, in a situation in which we have more than enough resources to provide everyone with whatever they need and most of what they want.

Shame on humans!

#TradeRuinsEverything #tromlive

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It seems that because Google banned our server IP (our invidious instance was a threat for them it seems) now you cannot import videos from Youtube to our Peertube. Endless issues. And for what!? For allowing people to watch Youtube videos without the crap hat Youtube adds on top of them.

Anyway, we need to seek for a solution. This is not a disaster by any means, but it is another warning sign of what these big companies are doing. All they want is to play the game of trade, because they are winning at it. So Youtube pretends to be a video platform, and thus we say: Cool, we installed this Youtube interface to allow people to watch the videos from your video platform, without all of the bloat. But Youtube is like "Whaaaat!? Nah! We NEED people to watch our ads, and we need to collect their data and make them give us their currencies!".

Because, you guessed it, Youtube is not a video platform. Videos are just a way to serve you ads. Youtube is an AD PLATFORM.

#TradeRuinsEverything #tromlive

in reply to Roma

100%. Probably our Teddit instance will also get fucked....luckily the devs behind Invidious and Teddit are working to bypass these stupidities. Problem is Youtube totally owns the video space....So in a way or another we kinda depend on it for now....

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio

Youtube and Reddit has a lot of good content on it, would be very sad if we lose access to that. The biggest problem is that most of the content on the internet is centralized on a few servers where these big tech companies hold them as hostage for controlling how people get to access that info (forcefully make us use their apps, create an account on their website, etc).
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

WHO for all.

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in reply to TROM

Thank you for writing such thoughtful pieces, the world desperately needs to hear these words.