I have a new favorite documentary!!! TROM II: A Message to the Aliens :)
I think @Tio deserves an oscar for this one! :) The documentary hasn’t been released yet, but I got to view it last night hehehe :D. It is 4 parts, about 5 hours long, and I watched it in one go, staying up until about 6AM and I couldn’t get my eyes off the screen.
I think Tio did an absolutely fantastic job and it’s really hard to believe that this doco was a one-man job.
I’ve seen him struggle with this documentary for the past 2-3 years. At first, he started to make a script and put a bunch of footage together, then he scrapped that idea and decided to interview 4 people (Dima, Aaron, Georgi, and me) + himself. Tio came up with all the questions, hoping to present his view of the world through our answers, combining our general knowledge of the world with our life stories.
We spent months filming these interviews (at night with bright lights and a black background- which later made it challenging to edit). After all the filming was done, Tio had dozens of hours of footage, all scattered in different interviews, between 5 different people. Imagine trying to create a story out of that. Little by little he went through the footage and created a story that pins our world and our human society to the backdrop of the universe, combined this cosmic perspective with 5 personal stories, demonstrated how we, humans, are influenced by our environment, and how so much of this environment is permeated by trade. Then he demonstrates some of the immense problems this has caused, and introduces a new idea on how to tackle those problems.
And of course, to make all of this, he used footage from many many documentaries, movies, video clips, etc. Finding the right footage was a huge challenge (he didn’t use any stock footage) + combining all of this with great music + many editing effects, and a lot more. All in all it was a massive challenge and Tio really nailed it. I am so proud of him :)
Can’t wait for TROM II to be released to the public!!!!
Laptop donation campaign for TROM ❤
Laptop Donation Campaign - https://www.tromsite.com/tromlaptop/By Tio:
This is a donation campaign to help me, Tio, buy a new laptop that will allow me to become more mobile while having all I need to work on TROM and its baby projects. Please see the donation campaign for a detailed explanation and help if you can.
Basically I need to take what is in this photo (except those galaxies):
With all of the shoeboxes full of HDDs and cables:
And put it into this:
Thank you very much if you can help out! :)
How small we are, how big our eyes are
This is the first image released by the James Webb Telescope:
If you take a grain of salt, put it on the tip of your finger, and stretch your arm...that is the area of the sky that this represents.Imagine how small we are, yet how big our eyes have become. Imagine how further we can see from one dim pebble. All of those ellipses of light and little dots, are galaxies. Billions of stars each, trillions of planets. Not enough grains of sand on Earth to match the number of planets in our Universe.
Such revelations should shake our species; our values should be reevaluated. Our priorities re-organized.
And yet, such astonishing truths, are a mere excitement for a select few; such images will become one of the trillions of images in the digital universe. On par with any other. Our society will fail to be moved in any direction; our values seem set in stone; our priorities will follow the same mindless and insignificant profits.
To say this is sad, is unjust. It is unbearable for anyone who understands all of this.We have created a society of idiots. But we should know the cause by now. It is because humans ended up with a society that is based on trade. Trade this, trade that. You cannot survive if you cannot trade. And so, all of the humans are trapped in a nightmare. We can only wake them up, if we take care of them. Feed them, treat them, give them a shelter, a life. Only then we can hope to see them being curious about themselves and the world they live in. To focus on significant endeavors; to discover the universe, to understand their connection with nature, to protect what needs to be protected, to explore what is unexplored. To become a human species that has grandiose goals, and saner wants.
This is the only path forward. We have to march on the streets, we have to scream online, to provide humans with access to their needs, as trade-free. To decouple them from this hamster wheel, this nightmare. To give them back their brains. No change in politics or policies will do anything if all humans are consumed on a daily basis, for mindless trades.
Provide humans with their needs, as trade-free. Do it!
TROM is marching for this for at least a decade now. What are you doing? Where are you? We need you! #tromlive
If you are worried that yet another billionaire is owning a social (ad) platform (twitter) then we recommend our own social network that connects with millions of people across the fediverse. This is it : https://social.trom.tfFediverse is a network, much like email. So you can register with our instance (website) then you can communicated with everyone in the fediverse.
Our platform is based on Friendica with a custom skin (dark/light and different colors) to make things more modern and simple.
Here are the main advantages:
- it is trade-free (thus you do not have to trade your data, attention - ads -, currency, and so forth); it is purely free
- uncensored (your posts and thoughts are yours, so it is your responsibility for what you post)
- ability to block anyone and delete posts/comments
- it connects with different federated platforms such as peertube, mastodon, pixelfed and so forth (these are blog/video/image platforms)
- you can create big posts (no limitations) + format the text and add inline media
- it supports markdown
- you can follow any RSS source (think about your favorite website, you can simply follow that)
- it can connect with Twitter so you can auto and cross post to your Twitter account or follow Twitter accounts and interact with them
- auto discovery of contacts based on your profile
- several timelines (chronological, based on your activity, or even a global timeline of the fediverse)
- works with Mastodon's API so any Mastodon APP also works with our Friendica
- and moreHere you can find more details about it - https://trom.tf/social/
Take advantage of it #tromlive
Diversity is not created by "capitalism"
Many people believe a fat myth of today's world, that capitalism (this trade-based system) is creating diversity. Look at how many chocolates there are, cars, gadgets, software, etc.. But this is a myth. The diversity is in the package/wrapper and not the product itself. Most phones are the same, nothing new for "new releases". Cars brought almost no advantage to transportation overall for the past decades. Products in the supermarket taste quite the same between brands, and clothes are recycled fashion trends. Movies and books are remakes or copy cats of whatever sells best. And so on.Anyway, here is a search engine we made to showcase how 175 companies own pretty much everything in this world https://www.tromsite.com/tbf/
But I want to focus on 1 particular domain: software.
Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, VK, and maybe 3-4 more, are the ones that are the most used in the world. They do not communicate with each other and are very limited in terms of functionality. It means you choose one or another, or a bunch of them and manage them separately. They are trade-based platforms (you trade your data, currency, attention to them). Full of ads, full of censorship, full of crap overall.
On the other hand the Fediverse is a network of such platforms: Friendica, Mastodon, Peertube, Pixelfed, Funkwhale, and so forth. Look at the diversity here https://fediverse.party/en/miscellaneous/ - these are made by different organizations and enabled by different people. A ton of diversity in terms of options.
These are video platforms, blog platforms, photo sharing platforms, platforms for musicians, live streaming, events, you name it. And all communicate with each other. If some organization has an account with Peertube (video platform) I can follow and interact with them from my social platform Friendica. How amazing! If I have a Peertube account and a Friendica one, I can easily setup so that when I post on Peertube a video, it goes on my Friendica too, as a post. The options are very diverse.
This "fediverse" is created not to be traded but to be shared. You will not find ads on these platforms (at least not on the vast majority of them), or data collection or any of that crap.
The MacOS and Windows vs Linux is yet another example of how diversity is actually achieved when humans do not sell their stuff and themselves, when you have a community of people who share their work and ideas. Linux comes in so many flavors for so many needs and wants. Look at this:
So if you look at software overall, the "capitalism" world, which is the trade-based world in which people make software to trade it (for data, attention, currency, etc.) is like a handful of options. But when the software is created for the sake of creating it and is shared and anyone can copy these, modify, redistribute, as trade-free, then real diversity is created and a better environment emerges overall.
We should take the software example and try to provide other goods/services in the same manner. But to do that we have to decouple humans from the trade-based society. At least when it comes to their basic needs. Else no one can have the time to engage in such things. Software is easy to create and maintain from the comfort of your home and in your space time, but is difficult when it comes to food or other goods and services. In any case there is still and abundance of such trade-free goods/services out there as we showcase here directory.trade-free.org/. But this is not enough.
So. If we want to create a wonderful society, we first have to decouple humans from this trade-based society by at least providing them with their basic needs as trade-free. That creates a good soil for the emergence of lots of trade-free goods/services, in a positive feedback loop. Imagine how much good we can create in this world. Imagine how much real diversity. Imagine how wonderful this could be.
Great new video by Tio and Dima-
Life is a Monopoly Game https://link.trom.tf/Smx6Tsft"Tio from TROM explains concept of our trade-based society using Monopoly Game as an example."
Video made by @Dima
Subscribe to his Peertube here link.trom.tf/KQPVbxaL and Youtube here link.trom.tf/DkNzDW6e
Big thanks to Dima for the video! #tromlive
Life is a Monopoly Game
Tio from TROM explains concept of our trade-based society using Monopoly Game as an example. To find more about the TROM visit - https://www.tromsite.com/videos.trom.tf
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Rafa Peris, Georgi and Roma like this.
The Media War
These days I kept an eye on the current war, from 4-5 sources. DW (germany), Aljazeera (qatar), BBC (uk), Rt.com (Russia Today), and TASS (tass.com - russian news agency). So 2 are from Europe, 1 from Asia, 2 from Russia.I was curious to see how they report it and how the information is presented.
What I've seen:
Aljazeera, DW, and BBC (ADB) kinda present the same things, the same story line. BBC seems to be more jumpy with the facts, as in presenting more information that even they say could not be verified. More politicized I felt. Also they add a lot of opinions from their editors. You kinda sense it is "Let's beat Russia now! Fuck them.". But seem to try to also be balanced in regards to "he said that, she said that" sort of thing.
So ADB showcases a lot of the horror in Ukraine and how Russia is doing a lot of bad things. They show footage and photos from the conflict, with the victims, with the refugees, with the people sheltering.
The Russian Media (RM) doesn't even call it a war, and their main pages are quite voided of any photos or videos of the horror of the war. Almost as if those dead people, sheltered, the refugees are not even existent. You can clearly see a bias in this regards. Their websites are full of "diplomatic" photos with the politicians that discuss these events.
Here are the ADB front-pages, in order:
And RM:
Clearly ADB is like "WTF people are dying, Russia is at war, Europe is at war". While RM is like "Russia is doing a special intervention to free up Ukraine. Calm down." Although ADB may exaggerate things and make them too bloody explosive, and they are for sure biased too, RM is clearly biased and being a jerk for not highlighting the human suffering.
As for what they are saying, ADB tells us that Putin is a lunatic and has no reason to invade Ukraine or fear NATO. Putin may start a WW3. They do not tell me why he fears NATO or how we came to this point very much. They tell me that what Ukrainians say is probably true and that Ukrainians are heroes defending their land. It feels like a clear fight between the good (ukraine and the world) and the evil (putin and russia).
ADB tells me that Russia is full of lies and Putin is a dictator basically. They say RM is full of propaganda.
RM tells me that this is not a war, but a "special intervention" and that Russia only attacks the Ukrainian military and not civilians. RM tells me that there are Nazis in Ukraine, but ADB seem to not talk much about it. Is it true and to what extent? Who knows for sure, but RM sounds like some 1930s Germany Nazi propaganda in my head - the irony...
So overall RM tells me that Russia had no choice, it got scared of NATO and NATO broke its promises + NATO is a bad bad guy. Tells me the USA is a monster and a snake. Does not seem to at all criticize Putin and Russia's actions. They do however present criticism (as quotes) coming from some politicians and such. But not criticism from their editors. They say that the other media is full of propaganda and lies.
So that's what it is...a bunch of things.
ADB: NATO good, USA good, EU good, sanctions good. Russia and Putin bad. Putin crazy, a criminal. Russia needs to be destroyed via sanctions.
RM: NATO bad, USA bad, EU a puppet of those, sanctions don't matter much. Putin has reasonable motives to do the "special operation" and all is going to plan.
My thoughts?
Very likely RM is full of shit. They may post some truths about NATO and the USA, but to not report much on the war itself and not even call it a war? The dead? The refugees? The crisis? Unacceptable. Where are the horror photos of the injured and destruction? So fuck off RM. You are a prostitute.
ADB should also be a lot more balanced and less emotional. Aljazeera seems to be doing better. But they seem to not address much the reasons why the invasion has happened and make it seem like Ukraine and the people there are saints and heroes and woke up one day with Putin and his army in their country.
Overall it can become a confusing mess if you want to stay up to date with the current situation.
What I am sure of is that:
- Currently millions of people are suffering because of Russia's invasion. Some dead, some scared, some have no home, or food, and so forth. That's awful
- Media is biased but the level of it makes the big difference; picking your sides should be a variety of a few from different parts of the world. I still think RM is a lot more biased to the point of fully propaganda. But they do point towards some things that the others do not talk much about and are true: how USA invaded other countries under a false pretext and killed and destroyed a lot without being sanctioned and such; but I feel they use these as distractions from whatever Russia is doing.
- Speaking of that, Russia is doing awful things, but is nothing that unique; USA and EU tribes, and others, have done atrocities too in the past and all are snakes and charlatans.
- Ukraine is not a saint.
- Ukraine does not deserve to be destroyed.
- It is all politicized and tribes + politicians take advantage of this. USA is like "OMG Russia is doing war crimes!". Fuck off USA, you are still doing these and more. And Russia pointing to that....Fuck off Russia, don't divert the attention from the crimes you are doing!
- Lots of money are made by arms dealers nowadays.
- Ordinary people who did not start this or fuel this, are going to suffer more than the ones who started and fuel this conflict.
What else? I don't know...but these are my thoughts for now.
We are thinking to do a TROMcast and invite some people from Russia and Ukraine to discuss the situation. Will see....
Words and swords
Never forget this image:We are tiny and fragile. And we are all on the same spaceship. Fighting with each other, polluting, destroying ourselves and the spaceship with its ecosystems, is a sign of a primitive species.
Technologically we are advanced. Morally, primitive still. We look for signs of intelligent life out there, but there seem to be none in here.
We have created a system of "politics" that is a mere fashion show. We do not know what is true anymore, nor that we ever knew. Science is here to help, but the incentive to trade made us merchants and consumers, so the value is in how much we acquire. Science is thus, mainly a tool to help us sell more. Build taller buildings for richer humans, make thinner smart-phones for stupid-consumers; better tanks and rockets to destroy the others: more plastic, more livestock, more of the same products wrapped in different wrappers, all on the backs of our capable technology.
Science tells us that we are all one, connected through evolution, entangled with the universe. Atoms, cells, planets. But who has the time to embrace this reality when we are all rats in a trade-race!?
Conquerors, emperors, politicians, are self delusional. Even their victories are momentary. We should, by now, go at war with cancer, pollution, biodiversity loss, homelessness, other diseases, asteroids....not with each other.
Your tanks and missiles won't bring peace.
Your lies and fake news don't exist.
Your words are swords, that only cut
A world of wars, online or not.And even those who use no sword,
Their words are empty, their actions fold.
Brain Health.
This may be overwhelming but take it easy. Step by step. Get used to it. You'll see the benefits for sure!You see, people think that we should dream about a Resource Based Economy, follow TVP or the like. Let's build a new society, a city, a community...
Ok, go about doing those, although they seem quite unachievable. Society doesn't change like that, it evolves, and emerges. We have to focus on what the problem is, not what the solution is, because solutions follow problems. And they are multiple.
In any case, if we do not take care of people's brains then we go nowhere. If most people spend their time on facebook, twitter, youtube, netflix, and the like, consuming like consumers, trading their attention and overall brain for nonsense content, then we cannot build anything. We cannot even start a discussion about creating a different society.
So here's where TROM comes in and helps. Since the human brains are mostly exposed to the online world, we are building a different online world for these brains.
Listen! Here's how you can take care of your brain and your friends' brain.
1. Start with your device. If you use a mobile phone then we can't help you for now, but maybe in the near future. For now you can replace your computer operating system with TROMjaro. https://www.tromjaro.com/ . This operating system is fast, easy to use, customizable, stable, and removes all of the bullshit. No more ads, trackers, no more trades. It comes with a plethora of useful tools and features out of the box. It is the basis of your digital world, the foundation.
Use our library of trade-free apps if you are searching for a particular app tromjaro.com/apps/. Click install. That's all!2. Read our books. They are well sourced and a direct attack to and a dissection of this society. tromsite.com/books/ . Click and read. You can also download them in PDF.
3. Watch our videos. We put a ton of effort into these and are on the same par with our books. tromsite.com/videos/ . Click any and play.
4. Stay informed with sane news. tromnews.com/ - we put a lot of effort into this one to bring you nonstop news from all around the world. No political bullshit. There are several sections there so you can also watch a ton of curated educational videos, amazing photos of our world, and more. Use TROMnews as your daily brain food.
5. Give up movies and switch to documentaries. If you think this is irrelevant, stupid, or boring, then you do not understand how important it is to fill your brain with real and awesome information. Documentaries are not boring if you watch the right ones. Reality is unbelievable. And important. Via videoneat.com/ we make thousands of such materials available as trade-free. We have documentaries and courses. Give them a try. We hand curate them.
We even have a Smart TV that takes these materials and streams them nonstop. See videoneat.com/tv/6. Give up these ad-platforms that call themselves as "social networks" like facebook, twitter, youtube, and the like. If you want to create posts and share with friends, keep in touch with them and all that, use our social platform social.trom.tf/ . No ads no bullshit. You are in control. Learn more about it here trom.tf/social/. And if you want to upload your science/technology/activism videos use our video platform videos.trom.tf/ . Again, no ads no bullshit. No trades. The more you spend your time on those ad-networks, the more mush your brain becomes, thirsty for consumerism, lacking awareness, not understanding what is happening in the world, and wanting more nonsense content. Don't let that happen! This move can seem hard, but do it! Else you'll become like the rest.
7. Give up the basic internet tools you are using that are consuming yourself. Slack, Google services, search engines, etc. See our trom.tf/ where we have a ton of such alternatives that work great. Also see our Trade-Free Directory directory.trade-free.org/ where you can search for more such tools. From messengers to search engines, you name it!
You TZM, TVP, and the like people, use the TROM decentralized chat chat.trom.tf/ instead of the BS Discord, use our Files files.trom.tf/ for your documents and collaborations, use our Send to send files send.trom.tf/, and so forth. We built these tools for you and everyone else.
We do a massive amount of work to create a different world for the brain. One that's realistic, honest, smart, sharp, alert, and one that can see the world for its amazingness, and the society for its awfulness.
If you do not get why this is important, then you don't get it. We run this entire alternative digital universe with some 200 Euros a month...so if you can help us keep it, please also consider a donation - tromsite.com/donate/
We work on a new big documentary and more tools.
Help yourself! #tromlive
Big thanks to @Future is FOSS @Xantulon and @Alexio who helped with the release of TROMjaro XFCE! They test it, help us create custom scripts, and more. All about the release here tromjaro.com/tromjaro-xfce-bet…TROMjaro XFCE Beta!
That's it! TROMjaro is getting faster, more stable, better, and saner. Plus, new features. … Continue readingTROMjaro XFCE Beta!TROM-Jaro
Our latest TROM-Cast about Nudity is up https://link.trom.tf/fE2wFUnfortunately we got a lot of issues. First that of sound. I forgot that I messed around with OBS these past days and I removed the input sound module for my computer from OBS. So I had to fix it live....then the connection to @Cleo of Topless Topics was not that great via Jitsi. I suspect is because the Jitsi instance we have used was hosted closer to us than to her, so her video quality was not that great + she interrupted a bunch of times. We did lots of tromcasts with people from all around the world but the connection was never as bad.
Lastly our live interrupted 2 times....and I have to investigate why. I have no clue at the moment. Maybe Peertube is too buggy when it comes to lives. I will test the live before our next TROMcast. Luckily I have recorded everything locally so all is saved.
Give it a bit of time to convert so you can stream it properTHank you to @Cleo of Topless Topics for participating! Very interesting discussion!
69. Nudity
In this episode we will talk about the notion of nudity. Why are the clothesless human bodies seen as being obscene in today's society? Why is youtube, facebook and the like banning content simply because of naked bodies being shown?, We have written…videos.trom.tf
@Tio has been working his ass off on an awesome new project that we will release tomorrow- trom.tf/ It will be a part of tromsite.com/tools/ which is a very useful section of TROMsite- full of great trade-free tools such as curated news, videos, illustrations, full-length documentaries, our trade-free Operating System, and a lot more. I really love all these tools and I don't think that anyone else knows exactly how much time and effort Tio puts into all of this. I've never met anyone who works more than him (especially on something that is given away for free). He's been working on this new project perhaps 15 hours per day, every day, for weeks, with almost no breaks. And it is awesome :) You'll see tomorrow, as soon as we release trom.tf ;)
And of course, much of this wouldn't have been possible without the other great people that have put a ton of time and effort into these awesome open source projects- so thank you to you all! :)
Tomorrow we'll have a TROM-Cast about all of this and we will stream through PeerTube for the first time videos.trom.tf/videos/watch/08… And you can even watch it straight on tromsite.com/live/
See you then! ;)
in reply to Sasha • •Damn that was beautifully written and I can't thank you enough, publicly too haha, for being part of this. Without your contribution there will either be no TROM II or would be a lesser version of TROM II for sure.
That was beautifully written thank you :)
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in reply to Tio • •like this
Alexio and Roma like this.
in reply to Sasha • •like this
Tio and Alexio like this.
in reply to Sasha • •Totally agree with everything what you said Sasha. It's incredible work!
Also liked a lot of your contribution and especially ending and your final phrase. That's a killer!
Tio for sure deserved an Oscar.
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in reply to Dima • •like this
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Tio, Sasha, Roma and Alexio like this.
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in reply to Georgi • •like this
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in reply to Dima • •like this
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in reply to Dima • •like this
Roma and Alexio like this.