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in reply to Tio

You saying, "That's what we need. [...] basic and good services, >>regardless of the party or leaders<<," combined with your rejection of capitalist democracy without suggesting an alternative version of democracy makes you sound very fascistic. I don't know what the question "how do you sound" is supposed to mean. I sound fine.
in reply to ☭ 𝗖 𝗔 𝗧 ☭

Dont Worry, We are Fucked!…

This is a recording I did after we finished filming for the TROM 2 documentary. I wanted to compress all of my thoughts in one go, one recording. And this rant is more than relevant today when it seems this world is fast slipping into idiocracy. If you did not see our TROM 2 documentary I recommend you better watch that instead of this video -…

In essence I think that the human society has dug its own grave so deep, it is likely we cannot save it from a total failure. However, if you have the patience to watch the entire rant, you will see that despite this negativity I am still positively active with sane and nice projects and I will continue to do so.

If the world is fucked, it does not mean I, or you, have to be fucked and complete idiots, or to not care about the world.

#trom #tromsite #capitalism #trade #money #idiocracy #profit #cunsumerism #world #society

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The world is indeed becoming like a really bad bad dark comedy.

I suggest they take a shit from there to see how it lands on Earth. They are already shitting all over the planet anyway...

At the same time:

Yeah....not much can be said...

#nasa #space #spacex #billionairs #capitalism

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Two things scare me the most....

in reply to Tio

in reply to Rhysy

Politics, a cringe show. And USA has the most popular of the shows.

Empty words, rich people, a cult of following. Nothing changes: most people have to trade their lives to survive (work), the rich are getting richer, inequality on the rise, the destruction of nature is flourishing. More idiots, more stupidity, shittier and fake lives.

Planet Trade. Welcome. Very predictable. Enjoy the show, slurp the fantasies.

#TradeRuinsEverything #trade #capitalism #politics #dnc #inequality #justice

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in reply to LautreG

@LautreG OK, I agree with you, but disagree with original author. Yes Google isn't privacy-friendly. That has been proved in many cases, articles and videos. Yet people refuse to believe this.
in reply to Expert Plus 🍀

The original post is all about how google and the like cannot be trusted, since it is a trade-based service.

TROM II: Technology Won't Save Us -…

#technology #renewables #renewable-energy #electric-cars #capitalism #trade

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If anyone thinks that China is a "communist" society, just watch this documentary -…

They are as "capitalistic" as USA. Or, in other words, they have a trade-based society. As simple as that. Produce, trade, consume.

#trade #china #usa #communism #capitalism #money #consumption

Newly added documentary on


The absorbingly cinematic Ascension explores the pursuit of the “Chinese Dream.” This observational documentary presents a contemporary vision of China that prioritizes productivity and innovation above all.

Watch it here:…

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in reply to AKingsbury

Private companies, if big enough, will be bailed out by the gov. See SpaceX, Tesla, and more. The gov will also intervene to stop monopolies from creating, at least in theory. They split apart the largest telecommunication company in the USA not long ago. So gov is intervening, from capping the prices of drugs, providing subsidies, tweaking taxes, etc..

China, USA, Europe or the rest. The gov is always intervening.

For another, if the government owns the means of production, you have a monopoly; such a thing is barely possible under free market capitalism.

A...sorry what? Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, Google ?? We live in a world of monopolies. In another book I wrote I showcase that in detail…

in reply to Tio

Private companies, if big enough, are sometimes bailed out; I agree. They should not be. That is cronyism, not capitalism. They should be allowed to fail, and indeed sometimes are.

As to monopolies, nearly all of them are enabled by government action, not stopped by it.

Tell me; what does google have a monopoly in? Putting aside, of course, that we absolutely don't live under free market capitalism.

in reply to AKingsbury

But they are....I am talking about the real world we live in not idealistic concepts. I compare USA with China and their self imposed labels, not the official and mushy definitions of capitalism vs communism since these do not exist.

As to monopolies, nearly all of them are enabled by government action, not stopped by it.

They are enabled by a system of trade that incentivizes companies to grow and individuals to seek profit.

Tell me; what does google have a monopoly in?

Too many things. Mobile operating systems, search engine, browser, online videos, online advertising, etc.. Again see here… - I spent a year on this book.

in reply to Tio

Yes, they are..sometimes. Which still leaves plenty of small companies and some large ones that are allowed to fail; that is a good thing.

LIFE incentivizes individuals to profit from their action. That's true under all economic systems.

Nope; there's iOs/sailfish/Ubuntu touch, duckduckgo/yahoo/ask/dogpile/plenty more, firefox/opera/safari/chrome, peertube and odyssey, plenty of other ad companies.

So, again, what does google have a monopoly in?

in reply to AKingsbury

Those you mention are barely "competitors". Google owns the market of mobile operating systems (over 70%), search prob over 90%, video platform, browser, etc.. They even give Firefox a ton of money to keep google as the default search engine. Basically google has no competition in many areas.

LIFE incentivizes individuals to profit from their action.

The environment pushes people to become one way or another. Currently we live in a trade-based society that incentivizes people to profit, compete, be selfish. etc..

in reply to Tio

Those I mention are competitors. They exist, plenty of people can and do use them, and therefore google does not have a monopoly.

Yes, environments shape people. Please, provide literally any example of an environment where an individual is not incentivized to profit from their action.

in reply to AKingsbury

Yah those are as much competitors as I am for Usain Bolt. I mean I can run...but have no chance to ever win a race with Usain. Same for Firefox and the like.

Please, provide literally any example of an environment where an individual is not incentivized to profit from their action.

Sure. We have a directory of such organizations where people volunteer without making any profits

in reply to Tio

Poor comparison. No one imagines you can run anywhere near as fast as him,. PLENTY of people use the products and services of other companies, me included.

Oh, I see the issue here. You're restricting yourself to MONETARY profit. Here you go:…

in reply to AKingsbury

No one imagines Firefox will overthrown Chrome or Linux Microsoft...these are clear examples of monopolies.

By not making a profit I mean they do not ask anything in return. They just do/help. Good people.

in reply to Tio

It's irrelevant whether anyone imagines that anyone else will "overthrow" chrome or anyone else. Here:…

As to "not making a profit', do you imagine that do not see a valuable return for what they do?

in reply to AKingsbury

If no one can compete with google in some domains, then google is a monopoly. And that is the case. Read the NPR article don't waste my time here please.…
in reply to Tio

"If no one can compete with google in some domains"

Such is not the case. I challenge you to name me a single domain in which no one, NO ONE, offers a plausible and functional alternative to google.

in reply to AKingsbury

If you do not want to read my book where I go into detail about these things, maybe read this…
in reply to Tio

I don't much care to read any of your material if you're going to make such basic mistakes as you've been making thus far.
in reply to AKingsbury

I source all of my claims and so far I did not seem to have made any false claims.
in reply to Tio

Please. You linked to…, which in the SECOND SENTENCE says "Such markets, as modeled, operate without the intervention of government", and then went on to nonsense like…

By the way "free market capitalism" sounds like a horror show.… And partially it is present since big companies control governments in many cases giving them a "free" hand at doing business.

in reply to Tio


"Such markets, as modeled, operate without the intervention of government"

"And partially it is present since big companies control governments"

Do you actually not see the contradiction here?

in reply to AKingsbury

To the contrary. If police is enforcing the law, but some people with power can buy the police officers, their guardian status is dissolved. Same with the gov. Big companies can buy off the gov rendering its guardian status as null. Thus creating a sort of free market for them. Such markets, as modeled, operate without the intervention of government ;).
in reply to Tio

You claim that people pay the government to operate in their favor, thereby creating a free market, as define by...the government not intervening. Pure contradiction.
in reply to AKingsbury

"And partially it is present since big companies control governments" - relax.
in reply to Tio

I'm perfectly relaxed. If people lying online got me worked up, I'd have had a heart attack more than a decade ago.
in reply to AKingsbury

Never too late my friend. You are lucky I am not lying :)
in reply to Tio

Please, drop me a line when you can reconcile the government getting involved and the government not getting involved. Until then...well, I can see why no one would pay for your "books". Have a nice day,
in reply to AKingsbury

Sorry to be rude but I'll never drop you anything. I hope you can find other things on the fediverse.

And no one can pay for my books since they are free. And they are books not "books", I think you may not understand the use of quotes.

I hope we can say goodby now and you go on your way :)

in reply to AKingsbury

By the way "free market capitalism" sounds like a horror show.… And partially it is present since big companies control governments in many cases giving them a "free" hand at doing business.
in reply to Tio

"And partially it is present since big companies control governments in many cases giving them a "free" hand at doing business."

Then you fail entirely to understand what a free market even is.

in reply to AKingsbury

There is no such thing as "free market". And it does not even matter it is still a system of trade that suffers from the same symptoms: greed, consumption, profit, corruption, etc..
in reply to Tio

There absolutely is such a thing as a free market. For example; who regulates who is and is not allowed to make, buy, or sell backpacks in the US?

As to your complaints about things like greed; tell me, are YOU greedy?

in reply to AKingsbury

No one "markets" "freely". There are regulations in place. Even for backpacks.

And mostly no I am not greedy but it depends on what situations I face. Look at what I've been doing for the past 15 years - all free. Never made a profit. So likely I am not greedy most of the time.

in reply to Tio

Please, show me the regulations on who can buy, sell, and/or make backpacks in the US.

Really? You're not greedy? It's rare to meet someone willing to make such a claim. What a saint you must be.

in reply to AKingsbury

Of course you need to have a license for producing such a thing, patents, pay taxes, and a license to sell and where to. If you start to make backpacks now and sell them on the street you may be fined. You are also forced to pay taxes for your business and more.

Really? You're not greedy? It's rare to meet someone willing to make such a claim. What a saint you must be.

I said probably most of the time I am not. I released 2 huge documentaries, published over 30 books, made videos, articles, run (free services for everyone), linux distro, and more. All trade-free. Not a saint, but prob not greedy either.

in reply to Tio

No, no, no claims. Please link me to actual regulations that say you need, for example, a license to produce backpacks.

No, no, don't sell yourself short. If you're not greedy, don;' engage in false modesty. Just admit you're not greedy.

in reply to AKingsbury

Ok let's move on since you are slipping into nonsense. Please move on. You are starting to troll a little bit and I have a broken finger I barely can type.
in reply to Tio

Okay, so you can't or won't provide any such regulations. I thought so.
in reply to AKingsbury

Better go out more and maybe try to sell some backpacks in the street while at it. Maybe you'll relax more and learn some life lessons.
in reply to Tio

Hey, if you cannot provide any proof of any kind in support of your assertions...well, that speaks volumes.
in reply to AKingsbury

You refuse to read the books and links I sent you. You are a waste of time. Better do other things.
in reply to Tio

I refuse to read books written by someone who makes incredibly simple logical mistakes. They're liable to be worse than nonsense.

Honest Government Ad | AI…

This is too funny and truthful. Straight to the point.

#ai #artificialintelligence #billionaires #chatgpt #openai #trade #capitalism

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Big Brands’ Green Claims Uncovered -…

If you want to see how much of greenwashing is out if that's surprising...

#greenwashing #corruption #climatechange #trade #capitalism

Newly added documentary on

Big Brands’ Green Claims Uncovered

Panorama investigates the green projects that say they can help brands cancel out their carbon emissions. But do the claims stack up?

Watch it here:…

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Only accusing the "big companies" for doing all sort of "unethical" things, is like only accusing mass murderers for the killings that they do. Every crime is a crime. Big or small. Small companies do similar shady practices and abuse people or destroy the environment.

But best is to look at the system that creates these entities instead of accusing companies or people.

As long as the underlying practice on this planet is to TRADE or else you are fucked, then this is what we are going to do and prioritize. Thus the evolution of companies and billionaires, waste, pollution, you name it.

#trade #TradeRuinsEverything #capitalism #money #bigtech

Rokosun reshared this.

Total Trust: Surveillance State -…

Crazy documentary. It looks like a dystopian SF movie. I have no idea why people still watch movies when reality is many times more than any movie. More scary, funny, complex, interesting, mindblowing.

China is perhaps how the future will look like for people on this planet. Total control.

#capitalism #surveillance #china #privacy

Newly added documentary on

Total Trust: Surveillance State

A Storyville documentary that explores, in intimate detail, state surveillance and digital social control in China by following the experiences of two families and a journalist.

Watch it here:…

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in reply to DwarvenAllFather

China is as much of a capitalist state as any. Billionaires, workers, slaves and owners, the capital of mass producing of stuff. Their social credits system is just another type of currency to extract more power for the very few.
in reply to Tio

No, they are socialists! They do not permit the private ownership of the means of production and distribution. They are not capitalists, learn what that word means!
in reply to DwarvenAllFather

Yeah I wrote a book about that… - the USA or other tribes also do not allow anyone to own stuff and have a private business. You have to do it under their rules. There are so many Chinese companies, same as US companies. In both cases they operate under the rules of the tribe. Their goal? Trade. Make more stuff, sell, make more money/credits/whatever, become rich, influence the politics, and so forth.
in reply to Tio

governments around the world are already, + have been, implementing surveillance measures similar to China's. Sometimes through the back door, other times more obvious - for those who see + listen. Orwell knew what he was writing about back then.

Rokosun reshared this.

I finished reading Sasha's book

This entry was edited (9 months ago)

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