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You're born with wings,
You learn to talk,
You have no time to fly or walk,
This world is empty,
You're just a stock.
Shut'up and listen.
Now go to work!

Your time is running,
You're getting old,
Your wings are gone,
You barely walk.
There was no loss,
You're just a stock,
A trading value, in someone's flock.


Rokosun reshared this.

Diversity is not created by "capitalism"

This entry was edited (2 years ago)

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Climate change is not the problem. It is one of...

in reply to TROM

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres did not mince words in a news conference Monday morning, calling this latest report a “litany of broken climate promises” and a “file of shame cataloging the empty pledges” that have put the planet on a “fast track to climate disaster.” He accused some government and business leaders of “lying” as they say one thing, but do another when it comes to meeting climate goals.

Another consequence of the trade-based society - non-stop gaslighting and lies. The Profit always prevails. The same way huge arms exporters continue to sell the weaponry to other countries until they "suddenly" start a war or a terror, the most pollute-high companies will continue to trade and to destroy our environment until the situation reaches all the extreme limits and some kind of catastrophy really occurs.

Rokosun reshared this.

It is your fault!!

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The role of trade in war

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The Double Standard

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Beheading the King

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Attack the world with solutions

in reply to TROM

"Attack the world with solutions", that's a good way of putting it 🙂

Rokosun reshared this.

Words and swords

This entry was edited (2 years ago)

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in reply to TROM Rokosun reshared this.

These are the things that should be talked about, thank you for writing about it. I don't know if I can call humans intelligent anymore, because you're right, looking at all the fucked up things we do to each other and our planet, it feels like we're morally primitive, despite all the technological advancements we've made. Its really sad to see humanity move along this path, because we really don't have to be like this. I hope your writings reach more people, 'cause this shit needs to be heard.

Rokosun reshared this.

The United States of Torture and Imprisonment

Here are two videos describing very well the US, a land of the "free". First is a fictional story - about how US is a prison, of course alongside all other tribes. The fiction is inspired (if not copied) from reality.

Second video shows the USA being a monster and abuser. Torturing some, in ways that look barbarian even for the most primitive cultures out there.

USA is not an exception. It is the rule.

This society of primitive separation, of constant trade frenzy, made humans into mindless and aggressive creatures. #tromlive

Rokosun reshared this.

Brain Health.

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in reply to TROM

I agree with these points. But let's not forget we can't change people by naming and shaming. I'm Dutch, so I'm used to direct criticism, it's part of our culture. But some people tend to shy away when you address their ways as bad (such as not using open-source). I hope I'm wrong of course and we can just tell people to use something that aligns with our RBE goals without drama. But humans are emotional beings :)

How many people are involved with TROM? You're doing a lot!

in reply to TZM Community Forum

in reply to TROM

impressive that you are able to do all this with a handful of people! and are my efforts to change TZM more towards open-source. Practice what we preach. The server also runs on renewable energy.

I think activism is luxury. People need to have the time and energy to work on it. For some it's a bridge too far to switch to open-source software and decentral platforms. It's very sad. Also since some people stick to Discord. We should do better.

in reply to TZM Community Forum

Oh that's very nice! We should then keep in touch. We do a lot in that regard. We have a ton of tools and such. We can help each other ion that regards ofc. I like that you have Jitsi Meet on your server, it is something we do not have. We are on Matrix so if you wanna join our Discussion chat here… - we can give you some tips if you want, and help here and there to setup some open source services on your server.

We see the value in the open source not simply because it is open, but because many such projects are trade-free. They do not want anything in return from you, the end user. And that creates better incentives overall.

in reply to TROM

hi! Sorry for the late response. I was super busy with work.

Let's indeed keep in touch! I'll install a Matrix client this week so that we can chat. I now use Element, which uses the private server from work. Multi account is not yet supported, so I'll use a GNOME Matrix client to connect with the regular Matrix network I guess.

I agree on what you say about open-source. But let's not forget that much work is done by Intel, RedHat, IBM, etc. It's not purely trade-free :) It can be though

in reply to TZM Community Forum

For example we contacted TZM, Peter Joseph, and others to ask them to move from the ad-networks to the networks we have that are trade-free. But no response. And I think they do not see the value in this. We have to showcase to the others that there are trade-free alternatives out there and maybe we can build more of them. But if you guys and others fighting this nonsense society, feel it is difficult to merely change your online presence to a saner alternative, how can we change this society? I am glad to see you on the Fediverse. What is the TZM Community Forum?

So in essence if we bring people to these alternative networks we also make a point about how facebook and the like are "bad" and why they are "bad" (because you have to trade with them - your data, attention, currency - and this incentivizes them to do a lot of "bad"); and at the same time we showcase that we can create trade-free social networks that are decentralized. We showcase how alternatives do work. Not to mention that we can keep people a bit more sane by nit having to use those ad-networks.

The blame game

This entry was edited (2 years ago)

Gilou reshared this.

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COVID Concerns

This entry was edited (2 years ago)
in reply to Tio

I had to open that link in my browser, like how I would read an article if you just posted its link. I went back to my mastodon client to reply.

Not all of your posts are shown like this, but the articles definitely are. From what I understand, it'll detect if its an article by seeing if the post has a title, so on mastodon these ones will show the title with the link to the full article.

in reply to Rokosun

I actually did try out friendica using an account I had on because you said. Now I thought to give it a second shot since they made it work with all mastodon clients. I can have that old familiar look of mastodon while having the awesome features of friendica. So I tried it using fedilab and it was just too buggy, I couldn't even see my global timeline button. But I think this is the issue of the app itself and not friendica.
in reply to Rokosun

I tried using the @Tusky client and it was much better, 2 issues I had were these:

1. It truncates long posts under a "show more button", and there was no option to disable it.

2. If you @ mention someone on a post, it should bring me to that profile when clicking on it. But this doesn't work properly on tusky, it just says "Performing lookup" for a while and then opens up a random post. IDK if its a friendica issue or tusky issue.

in reply to TROM

Yeah, I'll give those other clients a try too when I have the time. Unfortunately, the client I use for mastodon, fedilab, just don't work properly on friendica. I just like tusky's UI out of all the others, that's why I tried that one next. I'll keep using that one if they fix the issues.

It'd be nice if there was a good friendica client with nice UI and all friendica features. These mastodon clients are made for mastodon and thus lack a lot of features provided by friendica

@tio @Tusky

in reply to Rokosun

The show more is a useful feature, else you`ll see massive posts...
in reply to Tio

Yeah maybe, but I'd still like to have an option to disable it. I see all of your long posts without that "show more" button on fedilab right now, so I'm used to it. So now it'd be hard for me click the show more button for every long post I see.
@Tusky @trom
in reply to Rokosun

Maybe it'd be best to have an option that allows you to set what "long" means to you, so you can set the number of lines to truncate and the ability to disable this truncation completely by setting the value as 0, that's how fedilab does it.
in reply to Rokosun

Fedilab is currently trying to rewrite some of their code to improve UI and stuff -…

I'll just ping @apps here so maybe they would look into fixing these issues. Fedilab is actually the only app I could find on fdroid that explicitly said it supports friendica. But the friendica support on it is pretty bad right now, and there's definitely room for improvement.

Friendica is so underrated right now, and part of the reason is that it don't have a good mobile app

in reply to Rokosun

Yes, we have an issue where fixes will be brought to the new app.…
@tio @trom

@Tio @TROM

Rokosun reshared this.

Chewing the same gum

This entry was edited (2 years ago)

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Romania and COVID, a case of mistrust perhaps.

Alexio reshared this.

Treat people like dogs!

The tech prostitutes

"How Tech Companies Manipulate the Media"…

A well made video by the "tech youtubers" explaining how big companies bully them into creating positive reviews for their products. And then they go back at doing just that. Rinse and repeat. Nothing learned. These online prostitutes are eager to trade trade trade, at infinitum. They are pursued by the same companies, and same tech prostitutes that talk positively about tech, to buy more of that tech. A way of eating your own poop.

So then they have to pay for their macbookpros and teslas and such, so then they have to make videos that reach more and more people, because that makes them more and more money, to then buy more and more stuff. Endless...

Very little of the new tech nowadays is useful and a real innovation. The rest is LED lights of different colors. Toys.

We need to make people understand the trap of this trade-based society in the hope that they may want to escape from it. First: understand the problem. #tromlive

The cult of new-tech

Do not move the trash from one place to another

Rokosun reshared this.

The way problems are solved today, is ambunalces!

in reply to TROM

Another way to put it is to look for long term solutions. I think most people don't even realize/believe that these problems could be solved for long term. Like you say, If we need to implement systems in place to look for long term solutions to our problems, the first thing we should do is to change our mindset and look for real & lasting solutions instead of doing the same thing we've been doing for years. People have to change their way of thinking.