Big thanks to the 200 Euro anonymous donation! Much much appreciated!
We still have an ongoing fundraiser for our backups -… - we need 40 more Euros. While we can, and we will use some of the money from the latest donation for it in case we do not raise it all, it would be much appreciated if the people who use our services can help us pay for the backups.
Our instances of Friendica, Peertube, Nextcloud, Matrix and more, are used by hundreds if not thousands of people. We are backing up all of their data in the cloud. So please help if you can.
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In a wold where everyone is tired, the easiest is to fall asleep.
Stay sharp and alert people! It is hard, but it may be even harder to wake up from a deep sleep.
That's what I'm trying with all of the projects I do - - keep myself sane and awake.
Sure, not many people get to read the books I wrote, or use the tools I made, or watch the videos I created. But I do these for me first, and the rest second. That's how I keep myself from not sleeping. Is not easy, but what's the alternative!?
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TROM II: A Message to the Aliens (documentary)
We live in a world where everyone is busy, everyone is consumed, everyone seems confused. Money, social credits, ads, data collection, prices and billionaires. Climate change? Who cares! A
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I agree that Peertube loses something good about centralization: a way to search the entire Peertube network. I think… does that well tho. And every instance can enable global searches like we do with - tho this is a general issue with decentralization and even these global searches will not search through all of the content.
One server needs to discover another and its contents in order to be aware of them. But this technology I think is still in its early stages and looking at how much Peertube evolved over the past 2-3 years it gives me hope that there will be better solutions for this.
I like the idea of where you are following "creators" and not channels. Can be Youtube, Peertube, or whatever. The fediverse needs to be integrated with the other platforms like this through some sort of app maybe....
PeerTube's own Sepia Search is trying to cover having a single search system in one place. It uses a blocklist system to screen out bad content when it's reported.
I'm trying to do my own single place to discover content at but using an allowlist system instead, so I only allow accounts to appear on the site if I manually approve them.
These are the two ways of providing a unified search for discovery, I think there's a place for both?
I think if I'd live 678 years I would never get bored and I would have new projects to do all the time. I feel like I want to do a lot. And I do a lot every day, but the days are too short for my motivation and drive. The weeks, the months, are flying by so fast. The years, still more ahead than behind, but soon they will balance, and then you'll ride the ones ahead. But it's all about making the best of this ride, even tho too short.
This year we have a motorhome, very little money, and a lot of plans.
Make sure you follow us on Peertube… - we will go chase the darkest skies in Spain, meet with some wonderful friends from the project, volunteer, and do a lot.
#trom #tromsite #motorhome #spain #vanlife #exploring #nature #tromhome
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We now have a Wishlist for our TROMhome project because we are broke and if anyone wants to help they can directly do so. Here
For example we need to put a satellite dish (a Starlink Mini) so that I can keep our servers updated, do backups, upload our TROMjaro ISOs from the middle of nowhere, and in general be available online to help with the TROM projects. We need it specifically for my work on TROM.
So if anyone can help we have a GoFundMe for it… (450 Euros). I hate that they are putting satellites into the orbit, but we have no better option in Europe. The monthly fee of 72 Euros is also gigantic for us, but again I need an unlimited Internet access...
If anyone can help that'd be fantastic. If not is ok we will buy it eventually.
Thank you in advance! :)
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Dont Worry, We are Fucked!…
This is a recording I did after we finished filming for the TROM 2 documentary. I wanted to compress all of my thoughts in one go, one recording. And this rant is more than relevant today when it seems this world is fast slipping into idiocracy. If you did not see our TROM 2 documentary I recommend you better watch that instead of this video -…
In essence I think that the human society has dug its own grave so deep, it is likely we cannot save it from a total failure. However, if you have the patience to watch the entire rant, you will see that despite this negativity I am still positively active with sane and nice projects and I will continue to do so.
If the world is fucked, it does not mean I, or you, have to be fucked and complete idiots, or to not care about the world.
#trom #tromsite #capitalism #trade #money #idiocracy #profit #cunsumerism #world #society
Dont Worry, We are Fucked!
This is a recording I did after we finished filming for the TROM 2 documentary. I wanted to compress all of my thoughts in one go, one recording. And this rant is more than relevant today when it
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I am trying to do some work from the motorhome for TROM and WebApe...I eat GB like a blue whale eats plankton. :D - I've put 100GB on my phone, using it as a hotspot. I have 50GB left now. After a few days...
This is why when we come back in January and start to live full time in the motorhome we will probably put a satellite internet with an unlimited plan. Mobile plans suck - only available per tribe....and in Europe, living in a motorhome, makes 0 sense.
We've also ordered 260W more of solar panels. We already have 260W on the roof that we put ourselves. Plus a new 1280W lifepo4 lithium battery. We decided to have enough power and be fully broke. It is what it is.
But feels great to get back online bit by bit. Doing my "normal" work. And doing it from here:
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We may have found the perfect motorhome. Plus was GoFundMe a mistake? -…
We are searching for a good motorhome in Europe to buy. Second hand of course, and around 20-24 years old. It is what we can afford. Luckily we may have found one! 😃
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I think we found THE motorhome :D - maybe the perfect one for us :)
I'll give you more info but we need to deal with the buying of it these days. We negotiated it for 18.000 which is really great for us. We still dont have all the money so we have to borrow some. After we buy it we will be so broke it will be funny. .)) But yah, we will do it. TROMhome -
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TROMhome and some recent thoughts…
A lot more details about our TROMhome project. If anyone is curious.
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Likewise. And I can really appreciate what you mean with the different dog/wolf impulses. I have both 😅
Wishing you both the best of luck with it! 🤗
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This is our new, and kinda personal, project
Although it is also about TROM.
This will be our home and it will take us to many new places, meeting many new people and projects. We will talk to people about TROM, try to organize talks and meetings, volunteer for all sorts of trade-free projects, and make videos about all of our adventures.
That’s the plan at least 😀 !
We have released a fundraiser to help us a bit if possible. See…
#motorhome #vanlife #fundraiser #trom #tromsite #volunteer #volunteering
Donate to Help us buy the TROMhome, organized by Tio TROM
In short: This is Tio and Sasha. And we will soon have a TROMhome F… Tio TROM needs your support for Help us buy the
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We are already seeing some motorhomes :D - they are very expensive for our budget, but we will buy one, one way or another. Move there, call it TROMhome, travel, make videos, continue the work on TROM, meet more people, go to events, spread the word.
I will also do a donation campaign for the motorhome in case anyone wants to help out :D. Mind you we do a lot of free stuff so any help to buy a motorhome, is a help to allow us to maintain these projects and do more of them.
Campaign: end of the next month.
Motorhome: maybe end of this year or sooner. I hope.
TROMhome Peertube Exclusive video series :D : maybe starting next month. I would like to take you on our adventure even before we buy the motorhome. Could be interesting.
New TROM stuff? I hope in parallel to start to publish some new books/articles starting next month- I hope!
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When I post a photo on my Pixelfed account it automatically goes to my Friendica account, and then also to our TROMnews Photos :) - the power of activitipub and RSS. That's how the internet should be!
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Translating any video in Kdenlive automatically -…
This is how you can translate a video from any language into English using Kdenlive. I tested it with a video spoken in 5-6 languages and it did fantastic. You can also use TROMjaro Linux for easy setup and management of your OS in general.
#linux #kdenlive #videoeditig #whisper #translate #opensource #foss #tromjaro #trom #trade-free
Translating any video in Kdenlive automatically
This is how you can translate a video from any language into English using Kdenlive. I tested it with a video spoken in 5-6 languages and it did fantastic. You can also use TROMjaro Linux
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— (Earth)I like this video, TBH, A Long time ago, I even tried to understand what they are saying, but…
Video: Me speaks Multiple Languages 👍
Me, that trying to detect, which one is in German, which one is not, which one Spanish and which one is not: 😶🌫️
Now that I got my driving license, after 8 months of torture, I can plan ahead.
Ideally for the next 2 or so months I will work a few days a week in cleaning to make some money for the motorhome, then try to finish the 2 articles/videos/books I am working on right now, Culture Cancer and one about Tests in general, this idea that you can test people to see if they can drive, be doctors, or whatever. This livestock-mentality that in many cases may be full of bullshit. Oh and the one about The Internet.
I am so happy and relieved to get over this bullshit driving license thing. Now I can focus on something else. I will push on TROMing :) for sure. May be very slow for these next months since we are busy with the "making money for a motorhome" project, but TROM is not just here to stay, it is here to become more than it is today. We have lots to talk about and lots to do with the project. I wrote quite a bit for the Culture Cancer and gathered quite a bit of info about the other books/articles/videos, whatever they end up in the end.
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TFed 🍉🌻
in reply to Tio • • •Tio likes this.
TFed 🍉🌻
in reply to Tio • • •things like #FOSS and #Wikipedia are great examples: that you can give smth for free and not demanding something in return.
#free #oss #sharing #SharingEconomy
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