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Julian Assange and the dark secrets of war | DW Documentary

In this report, the Turkish journalist John Dundar, together with his team, has managed, 17 years after the event, to locate and put in contact the boy who survived with his sister in the van that appears in the infamous video that put Julian Assange in the eye of the world and that the USA soldiers riddled the in Iraq, annihilating the rest of those present, with the soldier who saved them.

100% recommended for #videoneat

in reply to Rafa Peris

Yes I saw it. I am honestly overwhelmed by how many documentaries DW puts up...can't keep up.

Gracias Alex Serra

Hacia tiempo que no escuchaba a un artista que me transmistiera tanto con su música como nuestro hermano Alex Serra.

Su música me ayuda a seguir sintiéndome vivo en esta jungla de hormigón:

A veces no se que haría sin música...Sin poder bailar, sin poder cantar, sin poder reír, sin poder llorar, sin poder amar...

"La abundancia vive en la gratitud"

Gracias vida :)

Envisioning a Sustainable World Video - Danna Meadows
Donella Meadows “Down to Earth” speech delivered in 1994 at a Sustainability Conference in Costa Rica.