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Julian Assange and the dark secrets of war | DW Documentary

In this report, the Turkish journalist John Dundar, together with his team, has managed, 17 years after the event, to locate and put in contact the boy who survived with his sister in the van that appears in the infamous video that put Julian Assange in the eye of the world and that the USA soldiers riddled the in Iraq, annihilating the rest of those present, with the soldier who saved them.

100% recommended for #videoneat

in reply to Rafa Peris

Yes I saw it. I am honestly overwhelmed by how many documentaries DW puts up...can't keep up.

Official Trailer | Neanderthal | PBS Documentary 2018

A two episode great documentary worthy for #videoneat

Follow Andy Serkis, the master of performance capture, Ella Al-Shamahi, a rising star in Neanderthal research, and a group of experts who create, for the first time ever, a scientifically accurate 3D Neanderthal.

Particles Unknown. Hunting Neutrinos | Full Documentary (2021)

You would need a VPN in order to watch it in youtube.
100% recommended for #videoneat

in reply to Rafa Peris

Cant keep up with you Rafa. You are blasting documentary after documentary! haha. That's great. I will try to get back on updating videoneat soonish!

Decoding the Universe: Cosmos | Full Documentary | NOVA | PBS (2024)

Depending on your country or vpn conection you would be able to watch it or not...

Worthy for #videoneat

in reply to Rafa Peris

Thanks! I have to add more to VN. I was quite busy lately but I will. Good recommendation I will add it these days.

Nacido en Siria (documental 2016)

Este documental narra cómo un grupo de niños refugiados sirios escapa de una vida tormentosa para adentrarse en una tierra extraña.

Documental recomendado que retirarán de Netflix a mediados de mayo

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Nacido en Gaza (documental de 2014)

Grabado poco después de la guerra de la Franja de Gaza de 2014, este documental muestra cómo tranformo la violencia las vidas de diez niños palestinos.

Documental 100% recomendado que retirarán de Netflix a mediados de este mes:

Recomendación para incluir en #videoneat

Concerning Violence (2014) Documentary trailer

The film narrates the events of African nationalist and independence movements in the 1960s and 1970s which challenged colonial and white minority rule.
A worthy documentary for #videoneat.